Selasa, 28 September 2021

Labour conference: 'You can't lose four elections and not change', insists Sir Keir Starmer - but refuses to say if he's moving party to centre - Sky News

Sir Keir Starmer has repeatedly refused to say if he is moving Labour away from the left to the centre of British politics, but insisted: "You can't lose four elections and not change".

On the eve of his first in-person Labour conference speech as party leader, Sir Keir said he was focussed on turning Labour "from a party that looks inward to a party that looks outward" and "from a party that looks backwards to a party that looks forward".

The Labour leader told Sky News' political editor Beth Rigby that the change to the party during this week's conference in Brighton had been "profound", following his efforts to alter Labour's internal rulebook.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer pictured with his deputy Angela Rayner at the Labour conference on Sunday
Image: Sir Keir admitted he and deputy leader Angela Rayner have 'disagreements'

And he admitted that he and Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner - who was criticised this week for calling Conservative ministers "scum" - have "disagreements" amid their "different approaches and different styles".

The first few days of Labour's gathering in Brighton were dominated by a row over Sir Keir's efforts to change the party's rules on leadership elections, with him accused of attempting to freeze out the party's left-wing from future contests.

And Sir Keir was also rocked by the resignation of shadow minister Andy McDonald over a row about whether the party should back a minimum wage of £15 per hour.

Sir Keir denied he was pleased to see Mr McDonald - who had been among the last remaining supporters of his predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn, in the shadow cabinet - announce he was leaving Labour's top team.

More on Labour

But he said: "I don't want to have a discussion about Andy McDonald, I want our party to be focussed on the country.

"The change this week has been profound for our party."

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And on his battle to change Labour's rulebook, Sir Keir added: "A lot of people said to me 'why are you doing this Keir? Are you going to get it over the line?'.

"I took a lot of criticism, but we stuck with it because it was a tough decision that had to be taken.

"You can't lose four elections and not change, and we've changed."

However, pressed on whether the Brighton gathering had shown how he was moving Labour away from Mr Corbyn's leftist agenda, Sir Keir repeatedly refused to engage with the suggestion he was positioning his party closer to the centre of British politics.

"I want to move the party to a position where it focuses on what matters to working families," he said.

"Let me tell you what that is, that is a decent education for every child, it is secure work, well-paid work near where people live, it is a health service that works for people where they need it and security."

He added: "I'm moving it from a party that looks inward to a party that looks outward, I'm moving it from a party that looks backwards to a party that looks forward."

As well as Mr McDonald's resignation, Sir Keir and his allies have also been forced to field questions about Ms Rayner's description of Conservatives as "scum" to Labour activists during a conference rally.

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Party conferences: What's the point?

Asked if this hindered his efforts to win back former Labour voters who backed the Tories in recent elections, Sir Keir said: "I wouldn't use language.

"Angela Rayner and I have different approaches and different styles.

"It's not language I would have used. Angela and I talk everyday - of course we have huge agreements and disagreements."

But he added both he and his deputy had "one central aim" to "get the Labour Party in a position to win an election, and then to win an election".

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2021-09-28 16:11:23Z

Petrol supply: Crisis starting to ease, Boris Johnson says - BBC News

The fuel situation in the UK is starting to improve, PM Boris Johnson has said - as he urged motorists to fill up their cars in the "normal way".

He said the situation on the forecourts was "stabilising" and people should be "confident" to go about their business.

The Petrol Retailers Association also said there were "early signs" the pressure was starting to ease after days of queues and pump closures.

Labour said the government had let the country "crash from crisis to crisis".

There have been calls for key workers, such as health and social care staff, to receive priority at the pumps after some reported not being able to get to work due to the supply issues.

Meanwhile, dozens of Army tankers are on stand-by to help with the high demand.

Making his first public comments on the fuel problems, the prime minster said he sympathised with people who had been unable to get fuel over recent days, calling it "frustrating and infuriating".

"What we're hearing from the industry is the situation at forecourts is stabilising," he said.

"I would just urge everyone to go about their business in the normal way and fill up when you need it."

Asked if key workers such as NHS staff should be prioritised he said "with things stabilising - the best thing is - we stabilise in the normal way".

A government source confirmed reports that 16% of all petrol stations were now fully supplied with fuel, compared to 10% at the weekend during some of the worst of the fuel rush.

The source said that 40% of petrol stations being fully supplied was a more normal figure before the rush on fuel.

The Petrol Retailers Association (PRA), which represents nearly 5,500 of the UK's 8,000 stations, said around 37% of its sites had run out of fuel - compared with two-thirds being without on Sunday.

PRA executive director Gordon Balmer said: "With regular restocks taking place, this percentage [of petrol stations with fuel] is likely to improve further over the next 24 hours.

"There are early signs that the crisis at pumps is ending, with more of our members reporting that they are now taking further deliveries of fuel.

"Fuel stocks remain normal at refineries and terminals, although deliveries have been reduced due to the shortage of HGV drivers."

The government has said people needlessly buying fuel has led to queues at many forecourts, with fuel running out in some places.

The UK is estimated to be short of more than 100,000 lorry drivers - causing problems for a range of industries, including food suppliers and supermarkets, in recent months.

The prime minister said panic buying of petrol followed a "slightly misleading" account of the shortages of lorry drivers which caused an "understandable surge in public demand".

He said: "The actual number of lorry drivers that we're short in that particular sector isn't very big. But generally there is a shortage in that profession around the world."

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said he had talked to hauliers earlier in the day and was told that the government was in denial over the problems.

"These were their words, they said, 'it's a government that is denying there's a problem, then blaming somebody else, and then coming up with a half-baked plan'."

He said the government should "give priority to key workers" to get petrol, and "issue enough visas" to deal with the shortage of lorry drivers.

"The government has reduced the country to chaos as we crash from crisis to crisis. And the government is not gripping this," he said.


More on the lorry driver shortage


Doctors, nurses, and unions for teachers, prison and care staff are among those who have called for essential workers to be given priority for fuel.

Some patients relying on vital services delivered in their homes have complained of missed appointments because of the fuel crisis.

Sarah Jane Barnes, from Berkshire, told the BBC that her elderly mother had missed two out of three dialysis appointments because health workers were unable to get enough fuel to reach her.

Rosemary Botting, who runs Karosel Care and Domestic Services in West Sussex, said one of her carers was half an hour late to her first call because of traffic caused by queues at petrol stations.

She said that meant her carer's first patient was unable to get out of bed until she arrived, while it also had a knock-on effect on her other patients.

Dr Jane Townson, chief executive of UK Homecare Association, warned that some people who depend on carers for tasks like taking pain medication could die if they are left without help.

Unison urged ministers to "designate fuel stations for the sole use of key workers" while the NASUWT union called for teachers to be prioritised to safeguard children's education.

Roger Grosvenor, of the East of England Co-op petrol stations, told the BBC the group would create a daily priority hour for emergency workers if fuel supply problems had not eased by Thursday.

Up to 150 military tanker drivers will prepare to deliver to forecourts which have run dry because of panic buying.

Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said the government's move to place the Army on stand-by was a "sensible, precautionary step".

The government has also authorised an extension to special driver licences that allow drivers to transport goods such as fuel.

ADR licences due to expire between 27 September and 31 December will have their validity extended until 31 January 2022, without refresher training or exams.

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2021-09-28 16:40:46Z

'First signs of stabilisation' in fuel supply, Shapps says - as he rejects criticism PM too slow to act - Sky News

The first "very tentative signs of stabilisation" are being seen on petrol forecourts, the transport secretary has said, following days of long queues and closed pumps at some filling stations across the country.

Grant Shapps said the sooner people returned to their normal habits and stopped panic buying petrol and diesel, the sooner the fuel supply crisis would start to ease.

He said queues are likely to continue in the coming days, but fuel levels on forecourts are beginning to increase.

"A lot of petrol is now being transferred into people's cars and there are now the first very tentative signs of stabilisation in the forecourt storage which won't be reflected in the queues as yet, but it's the first time we've seen more petrol in the petrol stations itself," said the cabinet minister.

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Woman fills water bottles with petrol

"The sooner we can all return to our normal buying habits, the sooner the situation will return to normal.

"We all need to play our part and certainly don't do things like bring water bottles to petrol stations, it is dangerous and extremely unhelpful."

Responding to criticism that government action - such as putting the army on standby to deliver fuel where it is needed the most - has been slow, the cabinet minister said, "numerous different measures" had been put in place since April to remedy the supply crisis which has been caused by a shortage of fuel tanker drivers.

More on Supply Crisis

Denying the government had ignored warnings for months about a looming driver shortage, Mr Shapps said: "We have already put 18 different steps in place, which I should say stretch right the way back to the spring."

He said as a result of the measures put in place, the system was just about coping until last weekend, and would have continued to, but for the "stampede" in panic buying.

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Motorist fills up drum with petrol

"Unfortunately, as we have seen with toilet rolls and other things, once people start to pursue a particular item it can quickly escalate...there is almost nothing you can do to the supply system to prevent it," he said.

"But there is only so much petrol you can transfer into tanks. That is starting to work its way through."

Mr Shapps said the primary cause of the shortages had been the cancellation of HGV driver testing last year due to the coronavirus pandemic, which he said had delayed 30,000 drivers from taking their tests.

However, he also acknowledged the role of Brexit in the crisis.

"Brexit I hear mentioned a lot and it no doubt will have been a factor," he said.

"On the other hand, it has actually helped us to change rules to be able to test more drivers more quickly. So, it has actually worked in both ways."

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Army tanker drivers have been put on a state of readiness should they be needed to ease the chaos on fuel supply chains.

Motorists are still facing long queues at filling stations, with fights reportedly breaking out on some forecourts as petrol pumps run dry and limits on sales are imposed.

Under the government's emergency 10-point plan for dealing with fuel crises, fuel sales could be rationed and forecourt opening hours limited to try and tackle panic buying.

There have been calls for key workers including healthcare staff and teachers to be given priority access to petrol pumps, as desperate drivers are held up in mile-long queues at some stations.

The British Medical Association has warned essential services could be hit and the NASUWT teachers' union has said there is a risk of further disruption to education - if staff are unable to get to work.

Despite government appeals for motorists to fill up as normal, the Petrol Retailers Association (PRA) said on Tuesday there is little sign of that happening - with social media driving the dash to the pumps.

"As soon as the tanker arrives at a filling station people on social media are advising that a tanker has arrived and it is like bees to a honeypot," its chairman Brian Madderson told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.

"Everyone flocks there and within a few hours it is out again."

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2021-09-28 12:11:15Z

Labour conference: I don't slag London off, insists Andy Burnham - BBC News

Andy Burnham
PA Media

Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham has denied "slagging off" London when calling for better treatment for his own region from the government.

The Labour politician has frequently demanded increased central funding for northern England, arguing that the capital gets better treatment.

But he told his party's conference: "It's not about pulling London down but saying, 'What about us?'"

Mr Burnham also called for more spending on transport in his region.

His comments came after Labour's London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, told a fringe meeting at the conference in Brighton: "One of the things we have got to do is remind our friends from the North, in our own party, why London-bashing, talking London down, is not a sensible way to have a national recovery.

"The message to those in our party who think it plays well slagging off London is you will not get a national recovery without a London recovery."

But, asked about Mr Khan's remarks, Mr Burnham said: "I in many ways praise London... It has a public transport system that's brilliant."

He added that Greater Manchester had been particularly badly affected by the pandemic, with the region spending much of the past 18 months under lockdown and other restrictions.

It and other northern city regions, including Sheffield and Liverpool, needed more investment to boost employment and education, Mr Burnham said.

"People are hurting," he added. "They need help and something to lift them."

A report published earlier this month by the Northern Health Science Alliance found that people in northern England had been 17% more likely to die with Covid than those in the rest of the country.

It said they had also spent almost six weeks longer in lockdowns, while unemployment levels were higher.

The government says its "levelling up" project, including more investment in housing, jobs and training, will improve equality across the UK.

It is expected to give more details of its programme in the next few months.

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2021-09-28 10:52:36Z

'First signs of stabilisation' in fuel supply crisis, says Shapps, urging people to return to 'normal buying habits' - Sky News

The first "very tentative signs of stabilisation" are being seen on petrol forecourts, the transport secretary has said, following days of long queues and closed pumps at some filling stations across the country.

Grant Shapps said the sooner people returned to their normal habits and stopped panic buying petrol and diesel, the sooner the fuel supply crisis would start to ease.

He said queues are likely to continue in the coming days, but fuel levels on forecourts were beginning to increase.

"A lot of petrol is now being transferred into people's cars and there are now the first very tentative signs of stabilisation in the forecourt storage which won't be reflected in the queues as yet, but it's the first time we've seen more petrol in the petrol stations itself," said the cabinet minister.

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Woman fills water bottles with petrol

"I think as the industry said yesterday the sooner we can all return to our normal buying habits, the sooner the situation will return to normal.

"We all need to play our part and certainly don't do things like bring water bottles to petrol stations, it is dangerous and extremely unhelpful."

Responding to criticism that government action - such as putting the Army on standby to deliver fuel where it is needed the most - has been slow, the cabinet minister said "numerous different measures" had been put in place since April to remedy the supply crisis which has been caused by a shortage of fuel tanker drivers.

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Denying the government had ignored warnings for months about a looming driver shortage, Mr Shapps said: "We have already put 18 different steps in place, which I should say stretch right the way back to the spring."

He said as a result of the measures put in place the system was just about coping until last weekend, and would have continued to, but for the "stampede" in panic buying.

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Motorist fills up drum with petrol

"Unfortunately, as we have seen with toilet rolls and other things, once people start to pursue a particular item it can quickly escalate... There is almost nothing you can do to the supply system to prevent it," he said.

"But there is only so much petrol you can transfer into tanks. That is starting to work its way through."

Mr Shapps said the primary cause of the shortages had been the cancellation of HGV driver testing last year due to the coronavirus pandemic, which he said had delayed 30,000 drivers from taking their tests.

However, he also acknowledged the role of Brexit in the crisis for the first time.

"Brexit I hear mentioned a lot and it no doubt will have been a factor," he said.

"On the other hand, it has actually helped us to change rules to be able to test more drivers more quickly. So, it has actually worked in both ways."

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Army tanker drivers have been put on a state of readiness should they need to be deployed to ease the chaos on fuel supply chains.

Motorists are still facing long queues at filling stations, with fights breaking out on some forecourts as petrol pumps run dry and limits on sales are imposed.

There have been calls for key workers including healthcare staff and teachers to be given priority access to petrol pumps, as desperate drivers are held-up in mile-long queues at stations.

The British Medical Association has warned essential services could be hit and the NASUWT teachers' union has said there is a risk of further disruption to children's education - if staff are unable to get to work.

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2021-09-28 10:35:44Z

Ex-Domino's delivery driver, 36, arrives at court charged with murdering Sabina Nessa - Daily Mail

Delivery driver appears in court charged with murdering Sabina Nessa: Man, 36, stays silent and follows proceedings through Albanian interpreter as lawyer says he will deny murder of primary school teacher

  • Sabina Nessa was killed as she walked through Cator Park in Kidbrooke, south-east London, on September 17 
  • Former Domino's delivery driver Koci Selamaj, from Eastbourne, East Sussex, was arrested on Sunday 
  • Lisa Ramsarran, from the Crown Prosecution Service, said they authorised a charge of one count of murder 

A 36-year-old ex-Domino's delivery driver will deny murdering primary school teacher Sabina Nessa, a court was told this morning.  

Koci Selamaj, from Eastbourne, East Sussex, was arrested in the seaside town in the early hours of Sunday, and a light-coloured Nissan Micra was seized in a residential street around half a mile away. He appeared before Willesden Magistrates' Court this morning.

He was driven in by prison van and was kept in the cells before his appearance, where he was assisted by a translator.

Selamaj looked straight ahead during a brief hearing on Tuesday and after being asked for an indication of plea by District Judge Dennis Brennan, Selamaj's solicitor Aidan Harvey said he intended to plead not guilty.

He is due to appear at the Old Bailey on Thursday and will be asked to enter a plea at the same court on October 26. 

Ms Nessa was killed as she walked through Cator Park in Kidbrooke, south-east London, on her way to meet a friend on September 17.

Her body was found nearly 24 hours later covered with leaves near a community centre in the park.

Neighbour Jas French said: ‘On Sunday morning police arrived around 3am. It wasn’t until I left at 8am that I saw that they were still here and they’ve been here ever since.

‘From what we’ve seen he was really nice. I’ve got a little girl and he’s offered to take the buggy down for me. He’s helped me open bin lids and he seemed to be a really nice person.’

Until recently Selamaj had been living with his Romanian girlfriend in the flat behind a burger takeaway in the centre of Eastbourne, but the couple recently split up.

A worker in a newsagents near the flat where Selamaj was living said he would come in to the shop to top up his phone or energy key, but would not make conversation. 

Koci Selamaj, from Eastbourne, East Sussex, was arrested in the seaside town in the early hours of Sunday, and a light-coloured Nissan Micra was seized in a residential street around half a mile away
Police were quizzing the man they believe to be the prime suspect in the murder of primary school teacher Sabina Nessa

Koci Selamaj (left), from Eastbourne, East Sussex, was arrested in the seaside town in the early hours of Sunday. Sabina Nessa (right) was killed as she walked through Cator Park in Kidbrooke, south-east London, on her way to meet a friend on September 17

Sabina Nessa, 28, originally from Bedfordshire. Ms Nessa was killed as she walked through Cator Park in Kidbrooke, south-east London, on her way to meet a friend on September 17

Sabina Nessa, 28, originally from Bedfordshire. Ms Nessa was killed as she walked through Cator Park in Kidbrooke, south-east London, on her way to meet a friend on September 17

A police van being driven through the gates of Willesden Magistrates Court ahead of the hearing this morning

A police van being driven through the gates of Willesden Magistrates Court ahead of the hearing this morning

The suspect is understood to have been working as a Domino's delivery driver in Eastbourne and is thought to be originally from eastern Europe

The suspect is understood to have been working as a Domino's delivery driver in Eastbourne and is thought to be originally from eastern Europe

Koci Selamaj, from Eastbourne, East Sussex, was arrested in the seaside town in the early hours of Sunday (pictured: Police in Eastbourne on Sunday)

Koci Selamaj, from Eastbourne, East Sussex, was arrested in the seaside town in the early hours of Sunday (pictured: Police in Eastbourne on Sunday) 

A light-coloured Nissan Micra was seized in a residential street

A light-coloured Nissan Micra was seized in a residential street

'He was so quiet, he didn't say anything, just came to top up and left,' the member of shop staff said. 

Ms Nessa taught a year one class at Rushey Green Primary School in Catford, also south-east London.

On Friday, hundreds of people - including her sister - gathered for a candlelit vigil organised in Pegler Square, Kidbrooke, in her memory.

Jebina Yasmin Islam, Ms Nessa's sister, broke down as she addressed crowds.

She said: 'Words cannot describe how we are feeling, this feels like we are stuck in a bad dream and can't get out of it - our world is shattered, we are simply lost for words.

'No family should go through what we are going through.'

Lisa Ramsarran, from the Crown Prosecution Service, said: 'The Crown Prosecution Service has authorised the Metropolitan Police Service to charge Koci Selamaj, 36, with one count of murder.

'The charge relates to the murder of 28-year-old primary school teacher Sabina Nessa in Kidbrooke, south-east London, on Friday, September 17 2021.

'The CPS London Homicide Unit authorised the charge following a review of a file of evidence received from the Metropolitan Police Service.

'The defendant's first court appearance will take place on September 28 2021.

Pictured: Police and forensics believed to be investigating the death of Sabina Nessa are pictured at a flat in Eastbourne

Pictured: Police and forensics believed to be investigating the death of Sabina Nessa are pictured at a flat in Eastbourne

The sister of primary school teacher Sabina Nessa, Jebina Yasmin Islam, is embraced by well-wishers in Cator Park, Kidbrooke

The sister of primary school teacher Sabina Nessa, Jebina Yasmin Islam, is embraced by well-wishers in Cator Park, Kidbrooke

More than 500 well-wishers, including Ms Nessa's sister Jebina, gathered in Pegler Square for a vigil on Friday

More than 500 well-wishers, including Ms Nessa's sister Jebina, gathered in Pegler Square for a vigil on Friday

'The Crown Prosecution Service reminds all concerned that criminal proceedings against the defendant are active and that he has a right to a fair trial.

'It is extremely important that there should be no reporting, commentary or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.'

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2021-09-28 10:31:40Z

Sabina Nessa: Man charged with teacher's murder @BBC News live BBC - BBC

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2021-09-28 05:29:32Z