Rabu, 01 Maret 2023

Matt Hancock disputes claim he rejected care home Covid advice - BBC

FILE PHOTO: British Secretary of State for Health, Matt Hancock speaks at a memorial tree planting ceremony at Oxford Botanic Gardens, following a G7 health ministers meeting, ahead of the G7 leaders' summit, at Mansfield College, Oxford University in Oxford, Britain June 4, 2021Reuters

Former Health Secretary Matt Hancock has disputed claims he rejected expert advice on Covid tests for people going into care homes in England at the start of the pandemic.

WhatsApp messages leaked to the Daily Telegraph newspaper suggest Mr Hancock was told in April 2020 there should be "testing of all going into care homes".

Government guidance later mandated tests only for those leaving hospital.

A spokesman for Mr Hancock said the messages had been "doctored".

"These stolen messages have been doctored to create a false story that Matt rejected clinical advice on care home testing. This is flat wrong," he said in a statement.

The BBC has not seen or independently verified the WhatsApp messages nor the context in which they were sent.

The Telegraph has obtained more than 100,000 messages sent between Mr Hancock and other ministers and officials at the height of the pandemic.

The texts were passed to the newspaper by journalist Isabel Oakeshott, who has been critical of lockdowns. Ms Oakeshott was given copies of the texts while helping Mr Hancock write his book, Pandemic Diaries.

What do the WhatsApp messages say?

In one message, dated 14 April, Mr Hancock reportedly told aides that Prof Sir Chris Whitty, the chief medial officer for England, had conducted an "evidence review" and recommended "testing of all going into care homes, and segregation whilst awaiting result".

The message came a day before the publication of Covid-19: Our Action Plan for Adult Social Care, a government document setting out plans to keep the care system functioning during the pandemic.

Mr Hancock said the advice represented a "good positive step" and that "we must put into the doc", to which an aide responded that he had sent the request "to action".

But later the same day, Mr Hancock messaged again saying he would rather "leave out" a commitment to test everyone entering care homes from the community and "just commit to test & isolate ALL going into care from hospital".

"I do not think the community commitment adds anything and it muddies the waters," he said.

A spokesman for Mr Hancock said this followed an operational meeting, where he was advised it was not possible to test everyone entering care homes.

When the care plan was published on 15 April, it said the government would "institute a policy of testing all residents prior to admission to care homes", but that that would "begin with all those being discharged from hospital".

It said only that it would "move to" a policy of testing everyone entering care homes from the community.

From March 2020 to January 2022, there were 43,256 deaths involving Covid-19 in care homes in England, according to the Office for National Statistics.

Social Care Minister Helen Whately, who held the same role in 2020, said "the importance of testing was never in doubt" but "tough decisions" on prioritising the tests available had to be made.

Responding to an urgent question from Labour in the Commons, she said "selective snippets of WhatsApp conversations give a limited and at times misleading insight".

She pointed to an email at the time which said the government should "press ahead straight away" with hospitals testing patients being moved to care homes and that the government should "aspire to, as soon as capacity allows" for testing of everyone going into care homes.

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But Labour's shadow social care minister Liz Kendall questioned why care home residents were not prioritised and accused Mr Hancock of "attempting to rewrite history".

A spokesman for Mr Hancock said the then-health secretary "enthusiastically accepted" advice from the chief medical officer on 14 April that testing was needed for people going into care homes.

"Later that day he convened an operational meeting on delivering testing for care homes where he was advised it was not currently possible to test everyone entering care homes, which he also accepted," he said.

"Matt concluded that the testing of people leaving hospital for care homes should be prioritised because of the higher risks of transmission, as it wasn't possible to mandate everyone going into care homes got tested."

Analysis box by Nick Triggle, health correspondent

There is always the temptation to see things as black or white when it comes to Covid. This story is a classic example of a seemingly simple claim that does not have a straightforward answer. As Prof Sir Chris Whitty made clear in his December report on the pandemic, the problem the UK faced was that there was not enough tests available.

By mid-April only around 20,000 tests a day were being done. It meant testing had to be strictly rationed - it was being used to test people with symptoms and only then if they were in vulnerable settings such as hospitals or care homes or they were key workers. A member of the public in the community who had symptoms could not access tests.

The decision to test care home residents whether they had symptoms or not (so including asymptomatic testing) was a break from that.

The judgement was taken that at first the asymptomatic testing would only be done for those admitted directly from hospital as those people were deemed at highest risk. Eventually people admitted to a care home from the community were tested as testing capacity expanded rapidly in May.

But for it to be done any earlier it would have, it seems, meant tests not being made available for another key group.

This does not mean there are no lessons to be learned or questions to answer on this issue.

But what it does show is that when it comes to Covid there are very few issues that are as simple as they seem.


Mr Hancock's spokesman accused the Telegraph of doctoring the messages by excluding a line from a text from one of his aides which "demonstrates there was a meeting at which advice on deliverability was given".

The statement added: "By omitting this, the messages imply Matt simply overruled clinical advice. That is categorically untrue. He went as far as was possible, as fast as possible, to expand testing and save lives."

It said that the right place to analyse what happened during the pandemic was the public inquiry, which is now under way and is due to begin hearing evidence in June.

Ms Oakeshott has defended her decision to release the messages, arguing it will be many years before the inquiry reaches any conclusions and we "cannot wait any longer for answers".

During Prime Minister's Questions, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer called for the inquiry to report by the end of the year with "no more delays".

In response, Rishi Sunak said the inquiry was "the right way for these things to be looked at" and that he would not comment on "piecemeal bits of information".

"There is a proper process to these things. It is an independent inquiry. It has the resources it needs. It has the powers it needs and what we should all do in this House is let them get on and do their job," he said.

The Liberal Democrats said the messages "lay bare the chaos at the heart of the government during the pandemic, and the mistakes that led to countless lives being needlessly lost".

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2023-03-01 13:49:10Z

Frogmore Cottage: Harry and Meghan 'requested to vacate' property - BBC

A general view of the exterior of Frogmore CottageGetty Images

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been asked to vacate their British base of Frogmore Cottage, the couple's spokesperson has confirmed.

It was earlier reported that the home, in the grounds of Windsor Castle, had been offered to the Duke of York.

A spokesperson for Prince Harry and Meghan confirmed the news. Buckingham Palace has not commented.

The duke and duchess now live in California with their two children, Archie and Lilibet.

They quit life as working royals in 2020 and left the UK shortly afterwards.

Frogmore Cottage, a Grade-II listed 10-bedroom property in the grounds of Windsor Castle in Berkshire, was a gift to the royal couple from the late Queen.

Prince Harry and Meghan refurbished the property, owned by the Crown Estate, at an estimated cost of £2.4m in 2018-19. The cost was initially covered by taxpayers through the Sovereign Grant before being repaid in full by the duke.

They were reportedly told to leave the property by Buckingham Palace in January, days after Harry published his explosive memoir, Spare.

The book - which was released in January and became the fastest-selling non-fiction book in the UK since records began in 1998 - included claims Prince Harry was physically attacked by his brother, the Prince of Wales. He also wrote that he and his brother, the Prince of Wales, had begged their father not to marry Camilla, now Queen Consort.

Prince Andrew, the late Queen's second son, lives in the nearby 31-bedroom Royal Lodge, in Windsor Great Park, Berkshire.

He stepped down as a working royal in 2019 after a controversial Newsnight interview about allegations that he had sexually assaulted Virginia Giuffre. He has repeatedly denied the allegations.

In February 2022, he paid an undisclosed sum to settle the civil sexual assault case Ms Giuffre brought against him in the US.

Reports in recent weeks, not confirmed by the BBC, suggested the King is to cut Andrew's annual grant which could leave him unable to afford his home's running costs.

Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan, Duke and Duchess of Sussex in New York in September

The cottage has a rich and varied history. Queen Charlotte, wife of King George III, had it built in 1792 as a place for her and her daughters to escape the court.

At the time it was fashionable for the wealthy to build large homes disguised as idyllic rural cottages.

Surviving relatives of Tsar Nicholas II also lived there after fleeing to the UK, following the murder of other family members by Bolsheviks in 1918.

Since World War Two, the cottage is believed to have been used as a home for members of royal household staff, before Prince Harry and Meghan moved in.

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2023-03-01 21:02:17Z

Mark Gordon and Constance Marten: remains found in missing baby search - The Guardian

Police officers searching for a missing baby have discovered the remains of an infant near to where the child’s parents were arrested after weeks of evading authorities.

Constance Marten and Mark Gordon were arrested on suspicion of child neglect and later gross negligence manslaughter after refusing to reveal the location of their missing child, who had not received any medical attention since its birth in early January.

Marten, 35, and Gordon, 48, were detained without their child near Stanmer Villas in Brighton on Monday night after a tipoff from a member of the public.

The arrests brought to an end a 53-day nationwide search for the couple and triggered a “painstaking” search for their baby, with hundreds of officers trawling open land across an area of 90 sq miles in Sussex.

Mark Gordon and Constance Marten

On Wednesday evening police officers said the search had reached a “heartbreaking” conclusion and remains had been found near to where the child’s parents had been arrested.

Speaking at Sussex police headquarters, Det Supt Lewis Basford, the senior investigating officer with the Met, said: “It is my very sad duty to update this afternoon, police officers searching a wooded area close to where Constance and Mark Gordon were arrested discovered the remains of a baby. A postmortem examination will be held in due course. A crime scene is in place and work at the location is expected to continue for some time.

“This is an outcome that myself and that many officers who have been part of this search had hoped would not happen. I recognise the impact this news will have on many people who have been following this story closely and can assure them that we will do everything we possibly can to establish what has happened.”

Ch Supt James Collis, of Sussex police, said: “I understand that the conclusion of this search will be heartbreaking for the local community and the wider public who have been impacted by and so supportive of this search and the investigation from the outset.”

Marten and Gordon remain in custody after police officers applied to Brighton magistrates court to extend their detention.

Marten is from a wealthy aristocratic family with connections to the royal family and was a promising drama student before meeting Gordon in 2016. The couple have led an isolated life, cut off from family and friends. From about September last year, they began living on short lets in Airbnbs around the UK and had amassed a significant amount of cash to enable them to live off grid and avoid the attention of the authorities.

They had been travelling around the UK by taxi since their car was found burning on the M61 outside Bolton, Greater Manchester, on 5 January. Evidence was found to suggest Marten had given birth in the car. Taxi drivers used by the couple in the first few days after they went missing said they heard noises coming from a baby. It is not known whether the baby was born full-term or had any health problems.

Authorities previously believed the couple had been sleeping rough in a blue tent and had avoided being traced by the police by moving around frequently and keeping their faces covered from CCTV. They travelled from Bolton to Liverpool, then to Harwich in Essex, to east London and to Newhaven in Sussex, where they were reportedly seen near the ferry port on 8 January.

Just over a week ago, Shereen Nimmo, the director of midwifery at Barts Health NHS trust, had urged the couple to bring their baby in for checks. “You’re putting your baby at risk by not accessing medical care, so it’s really important that you come and see a midwife, doctor or another healthcare professional as soon as possible,” she said. “Babies need a safe, warm environment and all new mums are given information about safe sleeping for their baby to prevent sudden infant death syndrome.”

After the arrests, Marten’s estranged father, the film and music producer Napier Marten, told the Independent: “It is an immense relief to know my beloved daughter Constance has been found, tempered by the very alarming news her baby has yet to be found.”

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2023-03-01 19:04:00Z

Brexit: Lord Frost says government 'overclaiming' NI deal - BBC

Lord FrostGetty Images/Dan Kitwood

The UK's former top Brexit negotiator has said the new deal with the EU will make the Northern Ireland Protocol easier to operate but does not change its fundamentals.

The Windsor Framework was agreed on Monday.

Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Lord Frost said the government had been "overclaiming" some parts of the deal.

As an example he cited the extent to which it removes trade friction between Northern Ireland and Great Britain.

However, Lord Frost concludes that does not mean the deal should not go ahead even if it is "a bitter pill to swallow".

In 2019 Lord Frost negotiated the Withdrawal Agreement which included the original protocol.

Central to the trade aspects of the new deal is the concept of green lanes and red lanes.

British goods which are staying in Northern Ireland will use the green lane at Northern Ireland ports, meaning they will not have to be checked and would require minimal paperwork.

Goods which are due to travel into the Republic of Ireland will use the red lane, meaning they would face customs processes and other checks at Northern Ireland ports.

The Stormont official who originally developed that concept said the new deal is is better in "practical, constitutional and presentational terms" than either the backstop or the original protocol.

Andrew McCormick was the official in charge of Brexit issues at Stormont.

Much earlier in the Brexit process, in 2018, he floated the idea of red and green 'channels' but at that time the UK government was not keen on the idea.

Writing for the think tank the UK in a Changing Europe Mr McCormick said the new framework is "a very significant achievement - well beyond expectations on what might have been negotiable in the context set by the previous stances of the UK government and the EU".

Meanwhile the UK's former peace process negotiator, Jonathan Powell, has said the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) is right to take its time to assess the deal but "should not get lost in the weeds".

Mr Powell suggests the DUP would be "wise" to ultimately accept the deal even if it does not deliver everything they want.

Writing in the Financial Times Mr Powell said the alternative would be "a dead end with no assembly at Stormont and permanent political instability in Northern Ireland".

Mr Powell was chief British negotiator in Northern Ireland between 1997 and 2007.

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More on new NI Brexit deal

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2023-03-01 09:02:06Z

Selasa, 28 Februari 2023

Constance Marten and Mark Gordon arrested as baby still missing - The Times

A couple who went missing with their baby have been arrested on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter as police continue to search for their child.

Sussex police said that Constance Marten and Mark Gordon were spotted in Brighton by a member of the public just before 9.30pm yesterday.

The couple, who had not been seen since their car broke down near Bolton in January, are now in custody while police search an area of 91 square miles across Newhaven and Brighton for the baby.

Police search an allotment for the missing baby

Marten’s father has told of his “immense relief” that his daughter is safe but said that his emotions were “tempered by the very alarming news her baby has yet to be found”.

Napier Marten told The Independent he loved his daughter

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2023-02-28 17:00:00Z

Rishi Sunak heads to Belfast to sell Northern Ireland trade deal - Financial Times

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2023-02-28 08:44:03Z

Missing couple Constance Marten and Mark Gordon arrested, search for baby continues - The Guardian

A couple who disappeared with their baby have been found but the infant is still missing, police have said.

Constance Marten and her partner, the convicted sex offender Mark Gordon, were located by Sussex police in Stanmer Villas in Brighton on Monday night after a member of the public reported seeing them shortly before 9.30pm.

The Metropolitan police said an urgent search operation was under way to find their baby, who has not received any medical attention since birth in early January.

Marten, 35, and Gordon, 48, have been travelling around the UK by taxi since their car was found burning on the M61 in Bolton, Greater Manchester, on 5 January.

Authorities previously believed the couple had been sleeping rough in a blue tent, and had avoided being traced by the police by moving around frequently and keeping their faces covered from CCTV.

The couple travelled from Bolton to Liverpool, then to Harwich in Essex, to east London and then to Newhaven in Sussex, where they were seen near the ferry port on 8 January.

Marten is from a wealthy aristocratic family with connections to the royal family and was a promising drama student before meeting Gordon in 2016. Gordon served 20 years in a US jail for rape and battery for an attack on a woman when he was 14, and was deported to Britain from the US in 2010.

Since 2016, the couple have led an isolated life cut off from family and friends. From about September last year, they began living in a series of Airbnbs around the country on short lets and amassed a significant amount of cash to enable them to live off-grid and avoid the attention of the authorities.

Taxi drivers used by the couple in the first few days after they went missing said they had heard noises coming from a baby. It is unknown if their baby was full-term or has any health issues.

In late January, police offered a £10,000 award for information leading to the couple’s whereabouts. At the time, officers said they were extremely concerned about the health and wellbeing of the newborn baby, adding they may have been “exposed to sub-zero temperatures, for almost a month now”.

In mid-January, Marten’s estranged father, Napier Marten, a film and music producer, appealed to her to hand herself in to the police. He said: “Darling Constance, even though we remain estranged at the moment, I stand by, as I have always done and as the family has always done, to do whatever is necessary for your safe return to us.”

Constance Marten grew up in the Dorset estate of Crichel House. Her grandmother was a playmate to Princess Margaret and her father was once a page to Queen Elizabeth II.

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2023-02-28 07:59:00Z