Selasa, 30 Mei 2023

Primary school teacher sacked after Facebook appeal to parents of yobs who attacked his home - Daily Mail

Primary teacher, 52, sacked after Facebook appeal to parents of yobs who attacked his home and threatened to murder and rape wife and disabled step-daughter

  • Michael Flynn claims he was sacked from Twydall Primary School over the post
  • The school says it parted ways with Mr Flynn because of safeguarding worries

A primary school teacher has been sacked over a Facebook post he made after yobs threatened to murder and rape his family, he has claimed.

Michael Flynn, 52, allegedly broke his school's social media policy by posting online following two different incidents involving a group of youngsters at his assisted-living home, where his wife cares full time for her disabled daughter.

On May 23 the group allegedly tried to take a bicycle from the front garden of his home in Gillingham, Kent. His wife Angela, a former American police officer, says she asked them to leave before one of them threatened to stab her and bring people who would rape her and murder the family.

Mr Flynn, who missed the confrontation because he was sleeping through a diabetic episode, claims he posted to encourage the boys' parents to get in touch.

He now alleges he was dismissed over his online post, but his former employer, Twydall Primary School in Gillingham, says they parted ways because of safeguarding worries.

His former employer, Twydall Primary School in Gillingham (pictured), says they parted ways with Mr Flynn because of safeguarding worries

Mr Flynn took to Facebook after the first alleged incident on May 23. 

His post read: 'Four kids tried to steal a pushbike from my front garden. When challenged they were verbally abusive and threatening to my wife.

'A chase ensued, one kid lost his shoes in the conflict. If this is your son, you may want to contact me before I contact the police.

'Twydall is a small place and I will find him sooner or later.

'So, if you want to sort this out calmly, I suggest the parents PM me or I will sort this out my way.'

However, the next day the same group allegedly returned to the property with a large rock and looked ready to launch it at a window before Mr Flynn looked out and they ran off. He says he was dismissed the following day. 

Mr Flynn's 22-year teaching career is now at risk and he has been forced to look for temporary driving work to support his disabled step-daughter.

He said: 'I have stolen nothing and I've threatened no one. I am the victim of a crime, yet I am being punished.'

Mr Flynn has taught around the world, once tutoring the Mexican president's children. He is now concerned that he may never return to the profession.

He said: 'I loved teaching and this is certainly not the way I wanted to end my career.'

The yobs allegedly tried to take a bicycle from the front garden of his home in Gillingham, Kent. Mrs Flynn (left, with Mr Flynn on right) says she asked them to leave before one of them threatened to stab her and bring people who would rape her and murder the family
Mr Flynn took to Facebook after the first alleged incident on May 23

A school spokesman said: 'The wellbeing of our pupils is our priority and we take our responsibilities to safeguard children extremely seriously.

'We cannot discuss individual cases, but incidents brought to our attention are fully investigated and acted upon in line with our policies and procedures, which align with Department for Education guidance.'

Asked whether he thought he'd gone too far with his Facebook post, Mr Flynn said: 'Adrenalin was running a little high. I had just been woken by my wife telling me someone had threatened to rape her.

'I wish I had worded it a bit differently but I don't regret looking out for my community.'

Former Louisiana police officer Mrs Flynn stays at home to care for her 20-year-old daughter Alexis, who needs 24-hour care after she was paralysed from the neck down in a diving accident four years ago.

She said: 'I have to be here 24/7 to help my daughter and I'm petrified. Those kids said they were going to come back with people who were going to kill my family and rape me.'

She added: 'If they had thrown that rock through the window, Alexis would not have even been able to raise her hands to stop it hitting her.'

The couple say vulnerable neighbours in the assisted-living community are also worried about anti-social behaviour in the area.

The couple say vulnerable neighbours in the assisted-living community are also worried about anti-social behaviour in the area. Michael and Angela Flynn are pictured together

Mrs Flynn added: 'People are frightened to go out in their garden and lay down at night in their beds not knowing that everything they have worked for is safe.

'They are being held hostage by these delinquents.'

Police have confirmed officers are investigating abuse aimed at Mrs Flynn.

She added: 'The children need to know there are repercussions for their actions. If they don't get a handle on it now, while these kids are young, it is just going to get worse.

'We have a responsibility as a community to ensure they do have repercussions so they can grow into functional adults.

'Every jail cell in America is filled with murderers who started out stealing a piece of gum.'

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2023-05-30 11:07:26Z

Politics latest news: Boris Johnson says he has 'no objection' to Covid inquiry having WhatsApp messages - The Telegraph

Boris Johnson has insisted he does not object to disclosing evidence to the official Covid-19 inquiry amid a legal standoff between the Government and the inquiry. 

A spokesman for the former prime minister said: "Mr Johnson has no objection to disclosing material to the inquiry. He has done so and will continue to do so. The decision to challenge the inquiry’s position on redactions is for the Cabinet Office."

The statement came after the inquiry announced it had pushed back a deadline for the Government to hand over the former premier’s pandemic-related WhatsApp messages and diaries.

The inquiry had set a deadline of 4pm today for the Cabinet Office to provide the material but that has now been extended to 4pm on June 1, following a request from the Government. 

The inquiry said in an update published this morning that it was "informed that the Cabinet Office does not have in its possession either Mr Johnson's WhatsApp messages or Mr Johnson's notebooks". 

The Cabinet Office rejected the original request for the unredacted material, arguing it had no duty to disclose "unambiguously irrelevant" material. But the inquiry remains insistent that the material must be handed over. 

Rishi Sunak told broadcasters during a visit to Kent this morning that "the Government is carefully considering its position but it is confident in the approach that it’s taking".

You can follow the latest updates below. 

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2023-05-30 13:02:05Z

Vaping: Government plans underage crackdown - BBC

A young woman seen smoking a vapeGetty Images

A loophole allowing retailers to give free vape samples to children is set to be closed under government plans to curb their use among young people.

A new crackdown on vape marketing would prevent the "unacceptable" targeting of children and teens, Rishi Sunak said.

There will also be a review into the rules around the sale of "nicotine-free" products to under-18s.

Labour called the announcement a "baby step" and said urgent action is needed.

A recent BBC investigation found that illegal vapes confiscated from school pupils contained far higher levels of lead, nickel and chromium than deemed safe. The Prime Minister said he was shocked by this finding.

There is now a fast-moving debate on how to tackle vaping by children.

The government plans include a review of rules on fines for shops selling illicit vapes.

By tightening the law, it said it would be easier for local trading standards officials to issue on-the-spot fines and fixed penalty notices to shops who sell vapes to underage people.

While selling vapes to under 18s is illegal, nicotine-free products can be sold.

The plans have been welcomed by the UK Vaping Industry Association, which said it had been calling for a clampdown for over a year.

Its director general John Dunne said: "Unless unscrupulous traders know that selling vapes to children is an endeavour which would be financially ruinous to them, then they will continue to do so."

There has been a rise in experimental vaping among 11- to 17-year-olds - from 7.7% in 2021 to 11.6% in 2022, according to a YouGov survey in March and April for Action on Smoking and Health.

Brightly-coloured disposable vapes, which are available in a variety of flavours, are the most popular product among teens and most are bought from corner shops.

Teachers and parents have expressed concerns about the increased availability of the products and the fact that some pupils say they have become addicted to nicotine through vaping.

Under the law, only the sale of nicotine products to people under 18 is banned.

While tobacco products cannot be given out to under-18s for free, this is not currently the case with nicotine products like vapes.

The government said that while most businesses are not carrying out this practice, some rogue traders are taking advantage of the loophole.

In the last year, around 20,000 children in the UK were given a free vape, according to data from Action on Smoking and Health (ASH).

Teenagers hold some of the vapes confiscated at a secondary school

Last week, the PM spoke about his concern about the rise in vape use among younger people, telling ITV's This Morning he did not want his daughters "seduced by these things".

He said it was "ridiculous" that vapes are promoted to children, and pledged to look at ways of strengthening marketing rules.

Announcing the new set of measures aimed at limiting underage vaping, he said he was "deeply concerned" about an increase in children vaping and was "shocked by reports of illicit vapes containing lead getting into the hands of schoolchildren".

"The marketing and the illegal sales of vapes to children is completely unacceptable and I will do everything in my power to end this practice for good," he said.

Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Chris Whitty called the decision to close the loophole a "very welcome step".

He said vaping was a good alternative for adult smokers, but raised concerns about companies "clearly marketing these products at children".

Linda Bauld, professor of public health at Edinburgh University, said vaping was far less harmful than smoking for children but the longer terms risks were not full understood.

She told BBC Breakfast: "We do know there are toxins and carcinogens in vape products, albeit at lower or trace levels, and if those are exposed to young developing lungs, particularly chronically over a long period, there may well be real risk associated with that."

The latest announcement comes just weeks after ministers unveiled a new enforcement drive and called for evidence on what further steps to take. Mr Sunak's intervention suggests he feels the need to go further.

Pupils will also be taught about the health risks of vaping in Relationships, Sex and Health Education lessons, as part of the ongoing government review of the curriculum.

And a resource pack for schools on vaping is being developed, which will be rolled out online in July.

Intended for children aged 11-13, the educational resource will inform young people about the addictiveness of nicotine and the evidence that their developing brains may be more sensitive to its effects.

The move follows the government establishing a vape enforcement squad last month to increased education around the dangers of vaping in schools, as well as school police liaison officers to remove e-cigarettes.

Health Minister Neil O'Brien called any marketing of vaping products to children "shameful", and said the government would further review the rules to prevent them becoming a "gateway" to cigarettes.

Labour's shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said the government had not backed the party's plan to tackle the problem, and pledged the "next Labour government will come down like a tonne of bricks on those pushing vapes to kids".

The Chartered Trading Institute, which oversees trading standards in the UK, said it welcomes the government's announcement, and that the measures "were necessary".

Campaigners are already arguing that it needs a bolder approach with taxation to make vapes less affordable, while continuing to promote them as an option for adult smokers wanting to quit the habit.

Deborah Arnott, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) chief executive, welcomed the government's actions but said the prime minister's proposals were just "baby steps", and called for a minimum price of £5 to be imposed in order to price out young buyers.

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2023-05-30 07:10:36Z

Malaysia detains Chinese ship suspected of looting British WW2 wrecks - BBC

The China-registered bulk carrier detained for anchoring illegally in Malaysia's watersMalaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency

Malaysia has detained a Chinese-registered vessel suspected of looting two British World War Two shipwrecks.

The bulk carrier was seized on Sunday for anchoring illegally at the site in the South China Sea.

Ammunition believed to be from the HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse, which were sunk by Japanese forces more than 80 years ago, was then found on board.

The UK Ministry of Defence had earlier condemned the alleged raid as a "desecration" of maritime war graves.

Old shipwrecks are targeted by scavengers for their rare low-background steel, also known as "pre-war steel". The low radiation in the steel makes it a rare and valuable resource for use in medical and scientific equipment.

The British vessels, on the bed of the ocean some 100km (60 miles) off the east coast of Malaysia, had been targeted for decades.

The Royal Navy battleships were dispatched to Singapore during the war to shore up the defence of Malaya. They were sunk by Japanese torpedoes on 10 December 1941.

The strike - which occurred just three days after the attack on the US fleet in Pearl Harbour - killed some 842 sailors and is considered one of the worst disasters in British naval history.

The HMS Repulse
BBC News

Fishermen and divers first reported the presence of the foreign vessel to Malaysia authorities last month.

Local maritime police detained the Chinese ship on Sunday. The ship, registered in Fuzhou, had 32 crew on board, the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) said in a statement.

Cannon shells "suspected to be from World War Two" were uncovered during a search of the vessel. Malaysian agencies are also investigating the provenance of the ammunition.

The MMEA added that it is linked to a cache of unexploded artillery, said to be from the two sunken vessels, that police seized from a private scrap yard in the southern state of Johor earlier this month.

In 2017, during a tour of Malaysia, a local diver showed the then Prince Charles images that documented damage to the HMS Prince of Wales inflicted by scavengers.

The Defence Secretary at the time responded by saying the UK would work with Malaysian and Indonesian governments to investigate claims that up to six British warships had been plundered in their waters.

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2023-05-30 06:04:53Z

Senin, 29 Mei 2023

Brit dies after being struck by lightning on holiday as girlfriend filmed from beach - The Mirror

A young British tourist has died after he was struck by lightning while paddleboarding on a beach in Greece.

The tragedy happened this afternoon when the man was in the Agia Agathi area of Rhodes while his girlfriend was filming him from the beach.

Emergency services dashed to the scene and the man was taken to the shore, where rescuers frantically tried to save his life.

One witness, who tried to save the Brit, told a local paper: “As soon as I got close to him, I saw that he was face down in the water and his face was bruised.

"I immediately knew that every second was crucial and started pulling him to the shore."

The Agia Agathi area of Rhodes is popular with tourists ( Getty Images)

Rodiaki reports other tourists had urged the man to get out of the water but he got into difficulty at around 1.30pm local time (11.30am BST).

The witness added: "I was worried that the same thing would happen to me as it was still raining but I didn't stop.

"The rescuers arrived shortly afterwards and performed all the resuscitation procedures to keep him alive. Unfortunately, I found out a little later that he didn't make it."

The man was taken to the Archangelos Health Center, where medics desperately tried to resuscitate him.

An investigation by the Central Port Authority of Rhodes has been launched.

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2023-05-29 15:27:33Z

Named: Seven remanded in custody charged over DCI John Caldwell murder bid - Belfast Telegraph

Mr Caldwell was shot several times in front of his young son at a sports complex in Omagh on February 22 after he led a football training session for children.

The seven appeared via videolink at Dungannon Magistrates' Court on Monday morning.

They were Jonathan McGinty, 28, of St Julians Downs, Omagh; Brian Carron, 38, of Claremount Drive, Coalisland; Gavin Coyle, 45, of Killybrack Mews, Omagh; Matthew McLean, 33, Glenpark Road, Omagh; Robert McLean, 29, Deverney Park, Omagh; James Ivor McLean, 72, of Deverney Park, Omagh; and Alan McFarland, 47, of Deverney Park, Omagh.

Brian Carron

Carron and Coyle stand further accused of belonging to a proscribed organisation, namely the IRA.

Gavin Coyle

McGinty, McFarland and Matthew McLean are also charged with preparation of terrorist acts.

DCI Neil McGuinness said he could connect all seven to the charges.

He told the court it was a well-planned, resourced and wide-ranging operation.

The court heard Mr Caldwell was involved in a number of criminal investigations linked to the suspects and Mr McGuinness described that as a “golden thread” amongst the defendants.

Mr McGuinness, the investigating officer, said Mr Caldwell had been "very gravely injured".

Mr Caldwell, he said, was aware of a "number of threats against him" over the years.

He believes the lengths they went to shows there is an "ongoing threat" against Mr Caldwell now that he has been released from hospital and recovering at home.

Three of the seven accused made bail applications on Monday - Coyle, James Ivor McLean and McGinty.

District judge Steven Keown refused bail for all three on the grounds of risk of further offending and potential interference with the police investigation.

The judge said it was “clearly a meticulously planned attack” and those responsible have indicated they are prepared to engage in similar actions when they get the opportunity.

All seven were remanded in custody to appear before Omagh Magistrates Court, via videolink, on June 27.

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2023-05-29 10:15:00Z

Two motorcyclists dead in crash on Mendips - Somerset Live

Two motorcyclists have died in a crash on The Mendips. Police were called to reports of an accident involving two motorbikes on the B3155 Plummers Lane in Priddy, near Wells, at around 11.50am yesterday (May 28)

Unfortunately, the two riders both died at the scene, and a pillion passenger was air lifted to hospital where they remain in critical condition. The next of kin have been informed.

Police are now appealing for anyone who witnessed the collision to contact them. An Avon and Somerset Police spokesperson said: “Officers would like to speak to anyone who witnessed the collision involving two motorcycles on the B3135 Plummers Lane, Priddy, near Wells, at around 11.50am.

Read more: Driver dies in A37 crash overnight after car found by passing ambulance

“The next of kin have been notified and our thoughts are with them during this difficult time. They are being supported by a specially-trained family liaison officer.

“If you were in the Priddy area and witnessed the collision, or have dashcam footage of the motorcycles at or prior to the collision, please call police.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5223124562."


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2023-05-29 08:15:40Z