Rabu, 07 Februari 2024

UK weather: Met Office issues two amber warnings for snow covering Wales and Peak District - Sky News

Two amber weather warnings for snow have been issued by the Met Office.

Both come into effect on Thursday, with the first covering north Wales and northwest Shropshire, and the other the Peak District and south Pennines.

The warning in Wales lasts from 8am until 3pm, while the one for the Peak District starts at 12pm on Thursday and continues until 6pm.

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The amber warning for Wales and northwest Shropshire says snow and ice is "expected to cause disruption".

The Met Office says there is a "good chance that some rural communities could be temporarily cut off".

People are also warned that travel delays are likely on roads, with the possibility of some vehicles and passengers becoming stranded.

Disruption to rail services is also possible, with the potential for power cuts and mobile phone coverage dropping out.

The amber warning for the Peak District and the south Pennines also states that travel disruption can be expected.

Rural communities could be cut off, delays to rail services are likely and power cuts are possible.

An amber warning is the second most serious alert issued by the Met Office - with yellow being the least serious and red being the most.

Snow fell on Lenham in Kent in January. Pic: PA
Image: Drivers in the North West are being warned to plan ahead (Lenham in Kent last week)

A yellow warning is in place for a large part of England and northern Wales on Thursday.

The warning, which covers the Midlands and parts of northern England including Leeds, York and Carlisle, is in place between 6am and 6pm.

It warns that a period of snowfall could bring disruption and that some rural communities might be cut off.

Travel delays and power cuts are also possible.

The alerts for Thursday comes as yellow warnings are in place for northern Scotland today.

Snow and ice is expected to bring difficult driving conditions and potential disruption to rail networks.

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2024-02-07 09:59:41Z

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