Kamis, 01 Juni 2023

Politics latest news: Grant Shapps piles pressure on No10 to hand Boris Johnson's WhatsApps to Covid inquiry - The Telegraph

Grant Shapps has piled the pressure on the Government to hand over Boris Johnson’s unredacted WhatsApp messages and diaries to the Covid inquiry. 

The Energy Secretary said that if he was asked to provide evidence to the inquiry they could have “whatever they want”. 

He said he believed it was “really straight forward, we have to let the inquiry get on with its job” and that there was “nothing to be shy or embarrassed about”. 

His comments to TalkTV appear to clash with the Government’s position of not wanting to hand everything over to the inquiry. 

The Government faces a deadline of 4pm today to either release Mr Johnson’s unredacted pandemic-related messages and notebooks to the inquiry or face a legal dispute. 

Mr Johnson said yesterday that all of the material had been handed over to the Government, and he urged the Cabinet Office to pass the contents on to Baroness Hallett’s official inquiry.

The Cabinet Office confirmed it had received the information from Mr Johnson but has continued its objection to releasing “unambiguously irrelevant” material.

If the Government digs in and refuses to release the information it has been asked for the matter will almost certainly end up in the courts. 

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2023-06-01 11:44:58Z

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