Kamis, 22 Juni 2023

Titanic sub live updates: Search for missing submersible enters decisive phase - BBC

Copyright: BBC

Many of those who work at the French oceanic research institute, Ifremer, which is helping in the search for the Titan, know Paul-Henri Nargeolet.

The missing French explorer worked here at the institute, based in the south of France, before he started a second career dedicated to the Titanic.

Xavier Placaud who has made 20 trips to the Titanic, and who can pilot the remotely operated vehicle the Victor 6000 which is being used in the search, has remained at base.

He said Paul-Henri used to be their director on one of submarines the institute operates and that: “I dived with him on the Titanic once or twice so we know him well.”

Paul-Henri is, he said, “A character, an adventurer, he's the Titanic encyclopaedia for us, he's a great man because he's done a lot of submarine diving. He is passionate, an adventurer who has shared his passion with us.”

He added, “ We all hope we'll find him quickly. We're sure we'll find them, that’s what we are hoping.”

Copyright: AFP

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2023-06-22 12:33:45Z

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