Minggu, 08 Januari 2023

Man charged with murder after remains of Phillip Lewis found in Harlow pond - Sky News

A man has been charged with murdering a man whose remains were found in a pond in Essex on New Year's Eve.

Phillip Lewis's remains were discovered in Oakwood Pond in Harlow and police said they were likely to have been there for "weeks".

Lee Clark, 52, of Wedhey, Harlow, has been charged with murder and will appear at Colchester Magistrates' Court on Monday.

A second man, aged 23, who was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder, has been released on bail until March while inquiries continue.

Detective Superintendent Rob Kirby, head of Essex major crime, said police were continuing to drain the pond to allow them to investigate the scene.

"Over the last eight days, we have had a team of dedicated detectives and forensic experts who have pieced together what we believe to be the circumstances around Phillip's death," he said.

"Of course, that work does not stop at the point of charge and in many ways, this is still the beginning of complex investigation into the death of a 59-year-old man who was a son and a friend."

Police still want to hear from anyone who came into contact with Mr Lewis after 1 November, as well as people who saw anything suspicious at the pond in the past two months, and those living nearby who have doorbell cams or CCTV.

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2023-01-08 10:07:30Z

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