Senin, 13 Juni 2022

Boris Johnson downplays 'trivial' changes to Northern Ireland protocol - The Times

Boris Johnson has downplayed a law that would override swathes of the Northern Ireland Brexit deal as a “trivial adjustment” but Dublin warned it marked a new low in relations with the EU.

Liz Truss, the foreign secretary, will publish legislation this afternoon that would allow the government to disregard key elements of the Northern Ireland protocol — a move that critics claim would breach international law.

This morning the prime minister denied this, saying Britain had a “higher and prior legal commitment” under the Good Friday agreement to ensure peace in Northern Ireland.

Liz Truss, the foreign secretary, will deny that the UK government is breaching international law

Liz Truss, the foreign secretary, will deny that the UK government is breaching international law


“What we have to respect — and this is the crucial thing — the balance and the symmetry of the Belfast Good Friday agreement. And we have to understand there are

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2022-06-13 09:20:00Z

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