Jumat, 01 Oktober 2021

Sarah Everard murder: I would have got into Couzens' car, says MP Jess Phillips - BBC News

Labour's Jess Phillips says the onus can't be on women to change their behaviour, after the murder of Sarah Everard by an off-duty police officer.

She said she would have got into Wayne Couzens' car - "almost anybody would" - and more action was needed to restore trust in the police.

Couzens showed a warrant card as he kidnapped Ms Everard.

The Met Police has advised anyone stopped by a lone plain clothes officer to check their credentials.

The force says people detained in this way should ask "where are your colleagues" and "where have you come from?"

It suggested other "very searching questions", including "why are you here" and "exactly why are you stopping or talking to me?"

'Tone deaf'

And the force said that, to verify the answers, people should ask to speak to an operator on a police radio.

Jess Phillips, Labour's shadow minister for domestic violence and safeguarding, said she could "sympathise with the Met - what else could they say?".

But she described their advice as "tone deaf".

"I could scream about the amount of things women are told to do," she told the BBC, adding that Ms Everard was "keeping herself completely safe, doing exactly what any woman would do".

Ms Phillips - who ran domestic abuse refuges before becoming an MP - said she knows her rights "better than most people" but even she "would have got in the car and almost anybody would have got in the car".

"The onus is on the Metropolitan Police to do better," she added.

Sarah Everard
PA Media

The only way confidence will be restored is "if we see the government and police forces starting to actually take violence against women and girls, and the complaints that women make day in, day out, seriously," she said.

"This is a conversation where women have been saying for some time, even before the death of Sarah Everard, that they don't feel that they are trusted by the police when they speak up or that violence and crime against them is prioritised."

Asked if Met Police Commissioner should resign, she said: "Getting rid of Cressida Dick is not going to help the fundamental and systemic problem that we simply don't care as much about the safety and security of women in this country as we do about other things.

"I want to hear more from Cressida Dick than 'we will work together, we will learn lessons' - honestly a five-year-old could come up with it."

Labour MP and chair of the Home Affairs Committee Yvette Cooper has called for an independent inquiry into why allegations into Couzens weren't fully investigated and also the wider culture within the police.

Policing minister, Kit Malthouse, has acknowledged police forces will have to work "much harder" to win back public trust.

'Widespread sexism'

He told Radio 4's Today that Wayne Couzens' crimes have dealt a "devastating blow" to public confidence in the police and it would take months and years to rebuild it.

Handout CCTV dated 03/03/21 taken at 9.34pm issued by the Metropolitan Police of Wayne Couzens (right) and Sarah Everard beside a vehicle outside Poynders Court
PA Media

"It's hard to underestimate the impact of this tragic, awful case," he said.

Mr Malthouse said "sadly" the Met had had to issue advice to women approached by police - and that it was "perfectly reasonable" they make enquiries and seek verification.

And he insisted there was a "suite of things" being done by ministers to tackle the issue of violence against women.

Liberal Democrat peer Lord Paddick - who served as deputy assistant commissioner in the Met Police - told the BBC there was "widespread sexism" within the force.

Officers are "concerned that things may be going backwards rather than forwards", he said.

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2021-10-01 11:23:21Z

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