Minggu, 24 Oktober 2021

Sajid Javid will force NHS staff to have two Covid jabs - The Times

Ministers are planning to enact laws to make Covid vaccines mandatory for all NHS workers as the government battles to contain a fresh wave of infections.

Sajid Javid, the health secretary, wants to introduce legislation that would make jabs a condition of employment in the health service “as soon as possible”.

He believes the move would protect vulnerable patients from catching the virus in hospital, but health groups have warned that it could force trusts to fire staff or remove them from frontline duties. In England, 106,351 NHS staff have still not been vaccinated, about 7 per cent of the total.

Javid is also preparing to roll out booster jabs to the under-50s after Christmas, although they have yet to be approved by experts on

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2021-10-23 23:01:00Z

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