Sabtu, 22 Mei 2021

Diana interview: Lord Hall resigns from National Gallery - BBC News

Lord Tony Hall
Getty Images

Ex-BBC director general Lord Hall has resigned as National Gallery chairman amid the outcry after an inquiry into Panorama's Princess Diana interview.

The report found Martin Bashir used deception to get the 1995 scoop.

Lord Hall was director of news at the time of the interview, and led an internal probe in 1996 into what happened.

He was then director general when Bashir was rehired by the BBC in 2016.

In a statement, Lord Hall said his continued presence at the National Gallery "would be a distraction".

"I am very sorry for the events of 25 years ago and I believe leadership means taking responsibility," he said.

The independent inquiry by former senior judge Lord Dyson found Bashir was unreliable and dishonest, and that the corporation fell short of its high standards when answering questions about the 1995 interview.

Lord Hall had been a trustee of the National Gallery since November 2019, and became chairman of the board in July 2020.

Dr Gabriele Finaldi, director of the National Gallery, thanked Lord Hall for his work at the institution, while Sir John Kingman, deputy chairman of the National Gallery board of trustees, said the gallery was "extremely sorry to lose him".

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2021-05-22 12:37:33Z

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