Jumat, 01 Januari 2021

Brexit LIVE: Macron claims 'Brexit is a LIE' and attacks UK for creating unease in EU - Daily Express

Brexit: Daily Express projects Union Jack onto Cliffs of Dover

Britain fully left the EU at 11pm on Thursday evening after a trade deal was agreed between the two sides on Christmas Eve. The 11-month Brexit transition period came to an end, freeing the UK from the EU's rules on the Single Market and Customs Union. But French President Mr Macron, a vocal critic of Brexit and of the UK's negotiating stance with the EU during talks, took one final swipe before Britain fully left the bloc.

He said in his New Year's address to France: “The United Kingdom remains our neighbour, but also our friend and ally.

“This choice to leave Europe, this Brexit, was the child of the European malaise and of many lies and false promises."

During his ninth televised address of the year, Mr Macron said the Brexit trade deal agreed with the UK was “defending our interests, our industries, our fishermen and our European unity".

The French President then stressed the necessity of building “a stronger, more autonomous, more united Europe, before adding: “Our destiny is first and foremost in Europe."

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Brexit latest: Emmanuel Maccron has taken one last bitter swipe at the UK (Image: GETTY)

In his own New Year's Message to the UK, Boris Johnson said: "This is an amazing moment for this country.

"We have our freedom in our hands and it is up to us to make the most of it."

The Prime Minister insisted there would be no bonfire of regulations to build a "bargain basement Dickensian Britain", adding the country would remain the "quintessential European civilization".


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Brexit latest: The timeline of events that have led to the UK's departure from the EU (Image: EXPRESS)

9.47am update: Boris Johnson 'proud' UK taking over presidency of G7

The Prime Minister has tweeted that hosting both the G7 summit and UN Climate Change Conference makes it a "hugely important year for Global Britain".

Mr Johnson wrote: "Proud that the UK is taking over the 2021 Presidency of the G7 today.

"Hosting both the G7 Summit and @COP26 will make this a hugely important year for Global Britain and I look forward to welcoming our friends and allies as we beat COVID and build back better from the pandemic."

9.41am update: Twitter row ERUPTS as remoaners blast David Frost for celebrating victory

Brexit remoaners have taken to social media to blast Lord David Frost for celebrating the UK's formal separation from the EU on Thursday evening.

Britain’s chief negotiator for Brexit took to Twitter to praise the country’s exit from the EU. Lord Frost wrote: “Britain has just become a fully independent country again - deciding our own affairs for ourselves.

“Thank you to everyone who worked with me & @BorisJohnson to get us here in the last 18 months.

“We have a great future before us. Now we can build a better country for us all.”

But Remainers erupted at the celebration on Thursday evening.

One social media user wrote: “We will watch and record your successes and failures and you will be left wanting.

“You have destroyed a great Union.

“I hope you really believe it's worth it.”

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Brexit latest: Lord Frost came under attack from Remainers after posting this tweet (Image: @DavidGHFrost / Twitter)

9.15am update: Brexit is 'not something to celebrate', says Coveney

Ireland's Foreign Minister Simon Coveney told BBC Radio 4's Today: "For 48 years, the United Kingdom really has been a central part of the European Union.

"That is now firmly ending with the end of the transition period, post-Brexit.

"For all of us in Ireland, that is not something to celebrate."

9am update: Ireland warns change in trade arrangement with UK will cause severe disruption

Ireland's Foreign Minister Simon Coveney told BBC Radio 4's Today: "We're now going to see the 80 billion euro (£71.2 billion) worth of trade across the Irish Sea between Britain and Ireland disrupted by an awful lot more checks and declarations, and bureaucracy and paperwork, and cost and delay

"That is the inevitable consequence, unfortunately, even with a trade agreement which everybody, I think, is very relieved was signed on Christmas Eve."

8.31am update: First ferry arrives at Dublin Port under new trade rules

Irish Ferries' ship Ulysses docked at 5.55am with about a dozen trucks on board after travelling from Holyhead in Wales.

It was a straightforward journey for the ferry as the freight trailers cleared customs checks for the first time under the new rules following the end of the Brexit transition period.

New documentation and red tape will now be required between EU member states and Britain, with many warning this will cause severe delays at ports.

8.26am update: Nicola Sturgeon tells Europe to 'keep a light on' as Scotland will be 'back soon'

Scotland's First Minister posted the tweet shortly after the Brexit transition period formally ended at 11pm on December 31.

She tweeted a picture of the words Europe and Scotland attached by a loveheart, and wrote: "Scotland will be back soon, Europe. Keep the light on."

The image had previously been projected on to the side of the EU Commission building in Brussels.

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Brexit latest: Nicola Sturgeon tweeted a picture saying Europe loves Scotland and vowed to return to the EU (Image: @NicolaSturgeon / Twitter)

8.17am update: Galloway tears into 'hypocritical' Sturgeon who 'joined SNP when it fought for Brexit'

George Galloway has accused SNP leader Nicole Sturgeon of "hypocritical opportunism" after she marked Britain's departure from the EU with a vow to return to the bloc with an independent Scotland.

The former Labour MP said Ms Sturgeon had once backed an EU referendum and claimed she would have dragged Scotland out of Europe with no deal had the country won its independence ballot in 2014.

He said: "Sturgeons faux Europeanism is hypocritical opportunism.

"She joined SNP when it fought for Brexit! She backed a referendum on the EU because they were robbing our fish!

"If she’d won in 2014 she would’ve dragged us out with No Deal! She’s a wee parish-pump nationalist, that’s all."

Mr Galloway's outburst came after Ms Sturgeon said Europe should "keep a light on" as Scotland will be "back soon".

The First Minister tweeted her message to Brussels just after the Brexit transition period formally ended at 11pm last night.

Ms Sturgeon reiterated the SNP's call for an independent Scotland to join the EU.

Tweeting a picture of the words Europe and Scotland attached by a love heart, she said: "Scotland will be back soon, Europe. Keep the light on."

8.03am update: First lorry passes through controls at Eurotunnel as UK leaves EU wingle market

The firs tlorry has passed through controls at the Eurotunnel as it headed for Europe.

Driver Slavi Ivanov Shumeykov smiled and waved at caermas as his HGV was processed by officials late on Thursday.

His Eddie Stobart vehicle passed through Eurotunnel controls in Folkestone, Kent just after 11pm.

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Brexit latest: The first truck to arrive from Wales in the UK under new Irish Sea trading arrangements (Image: NIALL CARSON / PA)

7.47am update: Irish hauliers warn of 'mayhem' as UK formally leaves EU

The UK has left the EU, and becomes a third country for trade purposes and customs declarations.

New documentation and red tape will now be required between EU member states and Britain, with many warning this will cause severe delays at ports.

Eugene Drennan, President of the Irish Road Haulage Association (IRHA), warned there would be "trouble and chaos" in the coming weeks as systems had not been tested.

He said: "The systems have not been tested, they have not been tried.

"There will be delays, for sure. The mayhem that's coming in Dublin Port is unbelievable.

"They've done nothing to alleviate it. They have a plan that is absolutely nonsensical, and the nature of it and how it is laid out and the structure of it, it is going to cause a lot of grief.

"There will be trouble and chaos."

7.40am update: 'We are finally out of the anti democratic supranational institution that is the EU'

Brexiteer and former Brexit Party MEP Ben Habib has tweeted: "This morning is much like any other new year’s dawn. Cold and overcast.

"Oh there is one difference. We are finally out of the anti democratic supranational institution that is the EU.

"Happy NEU Year!"

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2021-01-01 07:59:00Z

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