Rabu, 28 Oktober 2020

'Man wh**e' police officer, 41, is jailed for 10 years after admitting he killed his mistress - Daily Mail

'You KNEW she wasn't breathing': Judge slams ‘lying’ police officer who killed his mistress in violent struggle after she revealed their decade-long affair – as he jails him for 10-and-a-half years

  • Timothy Brehmer was alleged to have 'angrily' throttled nurse Claire Parry in car in West Parley, Dorset
  • Attack on May 9 this year came moments after she texted his wife 'I'm cheating on you' from his phone 
  • Jurors found police constable not guilty of murder today after he had already admitted manslaughter
  • Mr Justice Jacobs jailed him for 10 years and six months and told him he had 'lost his self-control'
Dorset Police issued this mugshot of Timothy Brehmer after he was acquitted of murdering his long-term lover

Dorset Police issued this mugshot of Timothy Brehmer after he was acquitted of murdering his long-term lover

A married police officer who choked his lover of ten years to death after she revealed their affair to his wife has been jailed for 10 years and six months by a judge who told him 'you knew she wasn't breathing'.

Timothy Brehmer, 41, described as a 'man wh**e' and 'womaniser' in court, was alleged to have 'angrily' throttled nurse Claire Parry in his car in West Parley, Dorset, in May - moments after she texted his detective wife 'I'm cheating on you' from his phone.

But although the police constable used enough force to fracture her neck in three places, jurors in Salisbury decided he had not intended to kill Mrs Parry.

Today, after a 12-day trial, the police officer of 17 years was sentenced at Salisbury Crown Court after he admitted killing mother-of-two Mrs Parry by manslaughter. 

Mr Justice Jacobs said Bremner would serve two-thirds of his sentence in prison before he could apply for parole.

In an pointed remark at the killer police officer he said he did not believe evidence he gave that he had not realised she was dying. 

He added: 'This is a case where I should sentence you on the basis you lost your self-control following the sending of the text message to your wife where the affair was revealed, rather than on the basis that you had no intention to kill or cause really serious harm.

'I am sure that you did deliberately take Claire Parry by the neck applying significant force with your forearm or the crook of your elbow for a period of time while she struggled against you, thereby causing the severe neck injuries which the pathologist described.

'The evidence from the pathologist was that those injuries which she described as "severe" on a scale of mild, moderate or severe resulted from the application of significant force to the neck for a period of a minimum 10 to 30 seconds and possibly longer.

'She said it was difficult to envisage a situation where a struggle in the car imparted the necessary degree of force or could explain the extent and severity of the neck injuries.

'You were a trained and experienced police officer and your character witnesses described how you would help others.

'Yet you did nothing to try to help Claire Parry. You did not ask her how she was. That was because you knew how she was.

'You could not possibly thought, as you said in your police interview, that she was simply taking a breath.

'You must have known that her body had gone limp after your assault on her. Before you walked to the car park entrance you must have seen how she was - hanging half out of the car.

'It must have been obvious to you as a trained police officer with extensive experience of casualties in traffic accidents that she was not breathing.

'In evidence you said you did not realise she was poorly. I consider that you appreciated that she was much worse than that.

'There was a significant mental and physical suffering caused to the deceased who must have appreciated that her life was being taken from her and who, on the evidence of the bruising to her body, must have fought hard against you, if only for a short while.

'You sought at the scene to blame her for stabbing you and thereby lied to the police and others who are asking you what has happened.

'These lies were in my view particularly serious, bearing in mind that you were a service police officer and the public is entitled to expect a person in your position to tell other police officers the truth.'

It was revealed yesterday that Brehmer was known by his colleagues in the force as a 'sexual predator' who preyed on 'vulnerable' emergency workers.

A source within Dorset Police told MailOnline how well-spoken Brehmer had a reputation at work as a ladies' man who managed to charm a number of lovers from within his own unit.

They said the smooth-talking officer, who is married to a detective in the same force, told each woman 'you are the only one for me' and sent song lyrics and sexualised messages to 'suck them in'.

Timothy Brehmer, described as a 'man wh**e' and 'womaniser' in court, with his wife Martha Parry at the family home

Timothy Brehmer, described as a 'man wh**e' and 'womaniser' in court, with his wife Martha Parry at the family home

Brehmer had been accused of the murder of nurse Claire Parry (pictured) in a Dorset car park

Brehmer had been accused of the murder of nurse Claire Parry (pictured) in a Dorset car park

Salisbury Crown Court heard Brehmer had at least three affairs outside of his 14-year marriage. Detective Constable Kate Rhodes (pictured earlier in the trial), who 'quickly fell in love' with Brehmer, branded him a 'man w***e'
Kate Rhodes

The court heard Brehmer had at least three affairs outside of his 14-year marriage. Detective Constable Kate Rhodes (left, earlier in the trial' and, right, on her wedding day), who 'quickly fell in love' with Brehmer, branded him a 'man w***e'

Brehmer's mother, Rosalyn Chivers, and his sister Kirsten cried and hugged each other moments after the verdict was delivered.

In his trial, Brehmer said he was trying to push Mrs Parry out of his car in a struggle after she confronted him because she was 'angry' at discovering his previous affairs.

He described the incident as a 'kerfuffle', claiming he 'fell on top of her by accident more than anything' and his arms must have 'slipped up' around her neck while he was behind her in a 'piggy-back position'.

He sobbed as he told jurors: 'I'm responsible for her death. I must have [used too much force]. I absolutely did not want to kill her or cause serious bodily harm. I didn't intend to kill her.' 

Brehmer sobbing as he is arrested by police in the back of an ambulance in Dorset on May 9

Brehmer sobbing as he is arrested by police in the back of an ambulance in Dorset on May 9

Brehmer (pictured) worked for Dorset Police and had been a police officer for 17 years

Brehmer (pictured) worked for Dorset Police and had been a police officer for 17 years 

Brehmer claimed Mrs Parry (pictured) accidentally suffered the fatal injury in a 'kerfuffle' in his car
Claire Parry

Brehmer said Mrs Parry (above) accidentally suffered the fatal injury in a 'kerfuffle' in his car 

Brehmer's sister Kirsten (left) and his mother Rosalyn Chivers (right) at Salisbury Crown Court on October 22

Brehmer's sister Kirsten (left) and his mother Rosalyn Chivers (right) at Salisbury Crown Court on October 22

Mrs Parry was left with 'unsurvivable brain injuries' after she was strangled in the car park of the Horns Inn pub at about 3pm on May 9 and died in hospital the next day.

Her marriage to Dorset Police officer Andrew Parry was falling apart as he discovered her relationship with Brehmer, also of Dorset Police, however Brehmer's detective wife, also from the same force, had no idea about his flings.

Brehmer said: 'Never for one second did I ever intend to hurt her, we'd been seeing each other on and off for 11 years, I can't say that I loved her but I definitely cared for her.

'Things had changed recently, it had all gone so wrong. It was always the unwritten rule of the affair that you don't ask about the other people but all of a sudden she wanted to know all about my life.' 

A sketch of Timothy Brehmer giving evidence in his trial at Salisbury Crown Court last week
Brehmer gives evidence in court last week

Two sketches of Brehmer giving evidence in his trial at Salisbury Crown Court last week

Police bodycam footage of Brehmer being attended to by paramedics in West Parley in May 

Recalling the struggle, he added: 'She was on her front in a press-up position. I didn't mean to hurt her, I fell on top of her by accident more than anything.

'I was trying to grab hold of her, my arm was around her.. it was just a kerfuffle. If you imagine a piggy-back.. to hold on you have to have your arms around them.

'I was directly on top of her like a piggy-back, I was trying to bump her out of the car. I was trying so hard to get her out and she was actively doing all she could to stay in.

'My left arm was around the top of her chest, by the collarbone, but it must have slipped up in all the melee. 

Police body cam footage showing the arrest of Brehmer outside the pub in West Parley in May

Police body cam footage showing the arrest of Brehmer outside the pub in West Parley in May

'I was slowly getting her out of the car but I don't know how long it went on for.

'I've tried to think about this every day since I've been in prison, maybe she was trapped in the car I don't know. There's so many 'what if's' that go through my brain.'

Salisbury Crown Court heard Brehmer had at least three affairs outside of his 14-year marriage.

Detective Constable Kate Rhodes, who 'quickly fell in love' with Brehmer, branded him a 'man w***e' and the police officer even described himself as a 'devious b*****d' who kept his wedding ring on during affairs.

Brehmer and Mrs Parry used 'secret chats' to communicate, had sex as often as twice a week and just days before the incident the pair had an 'intimate quickie'. 

A police photograph of Brehmer's grey Citroen car in which Claire Parry died at the Horns Inn

A police photograph of Brehmer's grey Citroen car in which Claire Parry died at the Horns Inn

Brehmer is seen on CCTV at the Horns Inn in West Parley after meeting Parry on May 9

Brehmer is seen on CCTV at the Horns Inn in West Parley after meeting Parry on May 9

Brehmer's wife has not seen her husband since he killed Mrs Parry. Brehmer's family and friends have insisted he is a 'true gent'.

It can also be revealed today that, so distressing was the trial, one juror had to be discharged because of the impact it was having on her mental health.

Brehmer, who admitted manslaughter but denied murder, is a former traffic officer who was seconded to the National Police Air Service and lived with his wife and their nine-year-old son in the village of Hordle in Hampshire's New Forest National Park.

Mrs Parry, who had an eight-year-old girl and a six-year-old boy with her husband Andrew, a Dorset Police officer, was a nurse practitioner at a medical centre in Bournemouth, Dorset. 

The judge said on Tuesday afternoon that he wished to have a 'little time' to consider the 'appropriateness of the sentence'.

Last month Brehmer was dismissed without notice from Dorset Police following a disciplinary hearing.

Chief Constable James Vaughan said today: 'As police officers our duty, first and foremost, is to protect the public and for a serving officer to take a life of another in this way is incomprehensible.

'His conduct fell dramatically below that which I, his colleagues and the public expect from a police officer and he clearly has no place holding the office of constable.

'Our thoughts very much remain with Claire Parry's family, friends and loved ones. Our commitment to supporting her family and all those good officers in the Dorset Police family who have been affected by this incident will continue.

'I would like to thank the investigation team for the fair, dispassionate and professional manner in which they approached this extremely difficult case.'

Revealed: Mistress strangled by married lothario PC Timothy Brehmer in a pub car park colluded with ANOTHER of his lovers to 'embark on his long and slow downfall'

By Jake Wallis Simons and James Fielding For MailOnline 

The police officer who killed his mistress after she revealed their ten-year affair to his wife was known by his colleagues in the force as a 'sexual predator' who preyed on 'vulnerable' emergency workers.

PC Timothy Brehmer strangled nurse Claire Parry in his car after she used his phone to text his detective wife of 14 years, telling her: 'I'm cheating on you'.

During his trial the court was told that Brehmer had charmed a series of women and was dubbed Mr Smooth by one because he was a 'professional at grooming them'.

Claire Parry, who had a ten year affair with Tim Brehmer, plotted his downfall with another of his lovers
Detective Constable Kate Rhodes

Claire Parry (left), who had a ten year affair with Tim Brehmer, contacted another of his mistresses Detective Constable Kate Rhodes (right) on Facebook to plot his downfall 

DC Kate Rhodes, a former lover of Brehmer, told the jury she 'quickly fell in love with him' after they met at work but that she finished the relationship once she discovered he was married.

And a source within Dorset Police told MailOnline how well-spoken Brehmer had a reputation at work as a ladies' man who managed to charm a number of lovers from within his own unit.

They said the smooth-talking officer, who is married to a detective in the same force, told each woman 'you are the only one for me' and sent song lyrics and sexualised messages to 'suck them in'.

Yet despite his 'streak of arrogance' the father-of-two, who was born in Zimbabwe and raised by his mother and stepfather in Hampshire, was well-liked and good at his job, which helped him to 'hide a multitude of sins' and meant bosses often turned a blind eye to his womanising.

'Dorset is a small force, everyone knows everyone, and Tim had this reputation as a serial womaniser,' said the source.

'He was said to be a proper sexual predator who targeted mainly vulnerable women who he worked with both in the police and in other emergency services.

'I personally know at least one officer he had a drunken kiss and fumble with. She had just split from someone at the time and he wormed his way into her affections but it was all just a lie and he was a married man.

Brehmer, pictured with his wife Martha, he was acquitted of murder at Salisbury Crown Court

Brehmer, pictured with his wife Martha, he was acquitted of murder at Salisbury Crown Court

'There are others, although exactly how many I can't tell you. He had a streak of arrogance which helped him lie and cover his tracks over his affairs.

'Tim was well-spoken and was often mocked by his colleagues because of it but he used it to his advantage when it came to chatting up women.

'He could lay on the charm and was pretty well-liked by his colleagues and that, coupled with the fact that he was good at his job, helped to hide a multitude of sins.'

Bosses turned a blind eye to his fling with DC Rhodes in 2011. She tearfully described him to jurors as a 'groomer who has a tool kit he uses on every woman he encounters.'

She said that in 2016, years after they had last seen each other, Brehmer made her 'feel like a piece of meat' by texting while she was on holiday with her husband, calling her a 'dirty b***h' and suggesting they meet for sex.

News of his affair with DC Rhodes had got back to his long-term on off lover Mrs Parry.

She had become angry that she wasn't Brehmer's 'only other woman' and plotted his downfall.

She set up a fake Facebook account using the name 'Louisa Morgan' and contacted his only other known lover, DC Rhodes.

The pair established that Brehmer was likely to have had more lovers in the emergency services, including another police officer.

Mrs Parry said she intended to ruin his life by confessing to his wife, Martha, referring him to the police watchdog and reporting him to the taxman for failing to declare a second income he made from gardening and odd jobs.

In messages to DC Rhodes, Mrs Parry, a fitness fanatic, wrote 'hell hath no fury' and said she was 'embarking on a long and slow downfall of Mr 'man-whore' Brehmer.

Her fling with Brehmer had begun in 2006 when she worked at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital and although their relationship was no more than 'sexually flirtatious' to begin with they eventually began sleeping with each other.

Mrs Parry's husband Andrew, also a police officer has been left to bring up the couple's two children alone
Mrs Parry, a fitness fanatic, had threatened to tell Brehmer's wife as her own marriage collapsed over it

Mrs Parry's husband Andrew (left), also a police officer has been left to bring up the couple's two children alone. He had confronted his wife (right) about the affair before her death

Brehmer told the court his affair was 'its own little bubble of niceness.'

But he said things had 'gone bonkers' between them in Mrs Parry's final as he marriage collapsed and she had broken their 'golden rule' by asking him about his home life.

Mrs Parry's husband Andrew told the court that by that time he had started tracking his wife when he became suspicious about the affair by hiding their daughter's mobile in her car and tracing her whereabouts using an app.

He had found an email she had sent to Brehmer in which she said she would never love someone as much as him, as well as Travelodge bookings on their joint bank account and a man's rugby shirt under the couple's marital bed.

Mr Parry confronted his wife in February and she confessed that she had slept with Brehmer once.

The couple had counselling sessions but Mr Parry said he had accepted the marriage was over.

In the weeks leading up to her death, Brehmer told the court that he and Mrs Parry had met six times on dog walks before work, and that she had threatened to tell his wife. 

Married cop Brehmer sobbed 'What’s my mum going to say?' in the ambulance after strangling his lover Mrs Parry to death

Married cop Brehmer sobbed 'What's my mum going to say?' in the ambulance after strangling his lover Mrs Parry to death 

He was desperate to cover up their affair and on May 9 told Mrs Brehmer he was going to pick up some steaks for a family barbecue they were having later that day.

Instead, he drove to the car park of The Horns Inn in West Parley, Dorset, where he met mother-of-two Mrs Parry, to dissuade her from revealing their affair.

Just after 3pm that Saturday afternoon, she got into Brehmer's Citroen C1 car and the pair began arguing, with Mrs Parry asking for his phone so she could look through his social media apps and see who else he had been in contact with.

After sending the message to his wife, he said she had refused to leave his vehicle so he tried to robustly force her out.

The court heard that Brehmer had strangled Mrs Parry so forcefully that a bone in her neck had broken and that a passer-by had found her body hanging half in and half out of his car.

One leg was wrapped around the gearstick and the other was on the passenger seat

At some point, Brehmer, who said he was severely depressed as his life started to unravel and had planned to kill himself after meeting with Mrs Parry, stabbed himself three times in the arm with a penknife.

He was seen on CCTV walking shoeless across the car park to the entrance where he sat down covered in his own blood, sobbing, before asking passers-by for help.

He initially told colleagues who arrested him that Mrs Parry had stabbed him only to later change his story.

He admitted her manslaughter but denied any intent to cause harm, claiming that he had ended up on top of her, with his left arm around the top of her chest, and that she had died accidentally as a result of that struggle.

The jury at Salisbury Crown Court believed him and he was cleared of her murder. 

Brehmer joined the police in 2003, first working in Bournemouth as a beat officer before joining the road traffic policing unit in 2010.

In 2015, he suffered a serious thumb injury after being assaulted by a 56-year-old motorist he had pulled over, which prevented him from driving.

After some time off work, he was seconded to the National Police Air Service (NPAS) and became part of the police helicopter crew, operating the camera and assisting with navigation.

He had met Martha in 2003 and the couple married three years later. They have a nine-year-old son together who she lives with at the former marital home in Lymington, Hampshire.Publicly Mrs Brehmer has declined requests to comment on her husband's case. However, the court was told that the last time she spoke to her husband was on May 9 when he told her he was going to buy steaks for the barbecue. 

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2020-10-28 10:07:00Z

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