Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2020

Coronavirus: Confirmed COVID-19 cases in the UK surpass one million mark - Sky News

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the UK has now surpassed the one million mark, according to the latest government figures.

On Saturday, the UK recorded 21,915 positive coronavirus cases, slightly fewer than the 24,405 recorded the day before.

The country also recorded 326 COVID-19 related deaths on Saturday, up slightly from the 274 recorded on Friday.

The latest numbers brings the total number of cases recorded in the UK to 1,011,660, and the total number of deaths recorded within 28 days of a positive test to 46,555.

It follows the government's scientific advisers saying England breached its "reasonable worst-case" scenario for COVID-19 infections and hospital admissions.

Modelling suggests there is an average of 43,000 to 74,000 new infections per day in England, significantly above the reasonable worst-case scenario of between 12,000 to 13,000 throughout October.

The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) also warned the number of daily deaths in England is in line with that scenario, but "is almost certain to exceed this within the next two weeks".

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Later today, Boris Johnson is set to announce a month-long lockdown of England, Sky News understands.

The measures, which will run through November until 2 December, will see the closure of pubs, restaurants and non-essential shops.

The prime minister is expected to move the whole of England into tougher COVID-19 measures when he holds a Downing Street news conference later today.

This will also see a nationwide ban on different households mixing inside homes, although schools, universities and colleges will remain open.

Construction work will be encouraged to continue, while courts and parliament will also remain open.

Until now, the government has been pursuing a localised approach to COVID-19 restrictions, with the country having been divided into three levels of measures, depending on local infection rates.

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2020-10-31 17:06:42Z

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