Rabu, 30 September 2020

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson's dad 'extremely sorry' after being caught with no face mask - Sky News

Boris Johnson's father has said he is "extremely sorry" after being photographed shopping without wearing a face covering.

Stanley Johnson was pictured in the Daily Mirror newspaper at a newsagents in west London on Tuesday, appearing to be breaking the rules by not covering his mouth and nose.

It comes after fines increased to £200 last week for first time offenders who fail to wear a face covering in accordance with government guidance.

Speaking to the newspaper, Mr Johnson said he may not be "100% up to speed" with current rules as he had just returned to England after three weeks abroad.

"I'm extremely sorry for the slip up and I would urge absolutely everybody to do everything they can to make sure they do follow the rules about masks and social distancing.

"The fact this was my first day back in the UK after three weeks abroad is, I am sure, no excuse for not knowing the rules."

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Prime minister's appeal to the nation

During the Downing Street news conference on Wednesday, the prime minister urged the public to follow coronavirus guidelines.

More from Boris Johnson

"Bear in mind that the fines are now very considerable and they will be imposed," he said.

Face coverings have been compulsory in shops and public transport since 24 July, and last week the government guidance was extended to hospitality venues, theatres, restaurants, bars and pubs unless people need to remove them to eat or drink.

It is not the first time the Stanley Johnson has made headlines.

In July he defended his decision to travel to Greece in an apparent breach of Foreign Office guidance to avoid non-essential travel.

And he admitted breaking lockdown rules when he went out to buy a newspaper after his grandchild was born in April, stating he was "not sure it's an essential journey", and also indicated in March that he would ignore the Government's advice and go to the pub.

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2020-10-01 00:26:50Z

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