Senin, 31 Agustus 2020

Labour calls for 2021 A-level and GCSE exams delay because pupils face 'mountain to climb' - Sky News

Labour is calling for next year's A-levels and GCSEs in England to be delayed in order to help pupils cope with the impact of the coronavirus crisis.

Shadow education secretary Kate Green said exams should be pushed back to allow extra teaching time as pupils now face a "mountain to climb" after losing out on up to six months of teaching.

She said exams due next May should be delayed until June or July.

Govt urges parents to send children to school

Ms Green said: "Pupils across the country who have missed out on vital teaching time will have a mountain to climb to prepare for May exams unless the government steps in.

"Ministers had warning after warning about problems with this year's exam results, but allowed it to descend into a fiasco.

"This is too important for Boris Johnson to leave until the last minute.

"Pupils heading back to school need clarity and certainty about the year ahead."

More from Covid-19

The shadow education secretary told Sky News there are "no ideal solutions in the crisis that we're in".

Speaking to Sky News @ Breakfast, Ms Green said: "We really need to put young people first when we're thinking about this and make sure that they're given every possible opportunity to perform to their best and to be able to show their potential when it comes to the year-end assessment.

"That's why we've suggested delaying the exam date, so there's more time for teaching and learning, obviously commensurate with there being enough time for the exams to be marked and the results to be agreed and then for colleges and universities to run their admissions process."

She acknowledged the change could prove to be "challenging", but added: "I think it is really important that the government does the work to do that detailed planning now and to have a contingency plan in place for if exams can't take place next summer."

For the most persistently disadvantaged students the gap has actually widened
Education gap between rich and poor static

Labour is also urging ministers to review the existing support arrangements for post-16 students so that pupils preparing to sit their A-levels are not left without help.

Paul Whiteman, general secretary of school leaders' union NAHT, said the proposal was "worthy of serious consideration".

"What is most important is that we don't see a repeat of this year's chaos," he said.

"Poor planning and last-minute changes by the government caused misery for many students. It would be indefensible if that happened again.

"Labour's suggestion of a delay to help with 'catch-up' is worthy of serious consideration.

A delay is not without its problems, a consequential delay to the publication of results will put pressure on higher education providers such as universities and colleges as well as employers. All this will need to be dealt with."

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A Department for Education spokesperson said: "We recognise that students due to take exams next summer will have experienced disruption to their education, which is why we prioritised bringing Year 10 and Year 12 pupils back to school last term.

"Exams will go ahead next year, and we have been working closely with the sector, Ofqual and exam boards to consider our approach."

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2020-08-31 08:15:00Z

Coronavirus: 'Covidiots' criticised on Tui quarantine flight - BBC News

A flight from Zante where nearly 200 people were told to self-isolate was a "debacle" with many travellers not wearing masks, a passenger has said.

Stephanie Whitfield told the BBC the Tui flight was full of "covidiots" and "inept crew who couldn't care less".

Seven people from three different parties are believed to have been potentially infectious on flight 6215 from the Greek island to Cardiff.

Tui said all the passengers had complied with Covid-19 protocols.

Public Health Wales (PHW) is telling the 193 passengers and crew who were on board the flight on 25 August to self-isolate for a fortnight.

The number of confirmed cases among passengers has now risen to 16, all of whom are believed to have been infected in Zante, PHW said.

Ms Whitfield told the BBC she and her husband had decided to self-isolate before they had even learned about the positive cases.

"This flight was a debacle. The chap next to me had his mask around his neck. Not only did the airline not pull him up on it, they gave him a free drink when he said he knew a member of the crew," Ms Whitfield said.

"Loads of people were taking their masks off and wandering up and down the aisles to talk to others.

"As soon as the flight landed, a load of people took their masks off immediately. The flight was full of selfish 'covidiots' and an inept crew who couldn't care less."

Ms Whitfield said she and her husband had sent off for a test and would return it as soon as possible.

"We've got a few symptoms, but we hope it's a cold. We've had a bit of a cough, a sore throat, a headache.

"I'm angry more than anything."

Tui said all passengers complied with Covid protocols "for the duration of their flight", including wearing face masks.

The travel operator added their aircraft had a "state-of-the-art, hospital standard air filtering system", were deep-cleaned after every flight and "fully disinfected at least once every 24 hours" in accordance with European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) guidelines.

"The safety and well-being of passengers and crew is our highest priority and we operate in line with EASA guidelines," said a Tui spokesperson.

Dr Giri Shankar, PHW's Covid-19 incident director, told BBC Breakfast that public health officials initially identified seven people who had tested positive and were potentially infectious on the flight.

He said since they began alerting passengers, the number of confirmed cases has risen to 16, all of whom are believed to have become infected in Zante.

He said that any of the 187 passengers and six crew on board the three-and-a-half hour flight from Zakynthos to Cardiff Airport on Tuesday that had symptoms "should book a test without delay".

It comes as a group of people from Plymouth tested positive for the virus after returning from Zante last Monday.

There were 1,715 new coronavirus cases - and one death - reported in the UK on Sunday - the highest number of daily infections recorded since 4 June.

Cardiff Airport, which is owned by the Welsh Government, said it was working closely with airlines to "facilitate passenger travel throughout this challenging time for the industry".

"Tui is taking every necessary measure following today's report", said Spencer Birns, Cardiff Airport's interim chief executive.

"Cardiff Airport is closely following guidelines set out by Public Health Wales, FCO and UK Government and has already taken a number of measures to ensure the safety and security of our team and customers, which is our number one priority."

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2020-08-31 06:19:51Z

Minggu, 30 Agustus 2020

Corbyn shame: Ex-Labour leader's brother fined £10k for organising illegal ‘hoax’ march - Daily Express

Mr Corbyn, who’s brother Jeremy Corbyn is the former Labour leader, attended the "Unite for Freedom" protest on Saturday in Central London’s Trafalgar Square. The fine was presented on grounds of newly-introduced coronavirus laws.

Mr Corbyn said on Twitter he had been handed the fixed penalty fine as "organiser".

In the post shared with his more than 31,000 followers, he labelled the protest as an "epic success".

The new laws consider organised gatherings of more than 30 people a criminal offence.

A flier for the event said that there would be "top doctors and nurses speaking out truth against government pushing fear and ignoring science".

Activist Sonia Poulton, who attended the demonstration, said: "People are coming today to make their voices heard against mandatory vaccinations, mandatory masks, mandatory anything really.

“No more lockdowns, no more second wave business".

Notorious conspiracy theorist David Icke was also spotted addressing the crowds at Trafalgar Square.

Before conducting arrests, the Metropolitan Police published an open letter advising that anyone taking part in a gathering of more than 30 people may be at risk of committing a criminal offence.

READ MORE: Queen forced to flee 'in nightie' after Buckingham Palace intruder

He added: “Our interaction and intervention saw the majority of people gathered disperse.

"Five people have been spoken to in relation to the new legislation.”

Mr Corbyn is an astrophysicist and the Managing Director and founder of WeatherAction LongRange forecasters.

WeatherAction’s website describes the project as: “World Leaders in Long-Range forecasting and backers of #StopNewNormal-SaveLives Campaign.

“We are a business that goes beyond business.

“The world is in very dangerous times; please support the fight for rights, jobs and freedom.

“We now see important dramatic new developments in the first months of Solar-Cycle 25 (start July) as the world goes further into New Little-Ice-Age circulation patterns.”

A comment section by Mr Corbin reads: "#Covid19-Alarm has replaced #ClimateChange-Alarm as the main propaganda tool of the megaRich and Mega Corporations for their declared NewNormal / NewWorldOrder world plunder and control scheming to end democracy and destroy Rights.

"These are strange times indeed when a LongRange Weather forecasting company actively discusses such political things; but make no mistake the totalitarian nature of this NewNormal / NewWorldOrder project is THE end of Science and THE end of democracy.

“Both ClimateChange propaganda and CV19 contagion propaganda rely on falsification of data and negation of evidence-based science.”

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2020-08-31 04:11:00Z

Labour calls for A-level and GCSE exams delay because pupils face 'mountain to climb' - Sky News

Labour is calling for next year's A-levels and GCSEs in England to be delayed in order to help pupils cope with the impact of the coronavirus crisis.

Shadow education secretary Kate Green said exams should be pushed back to allow extra teaching time as pupils now face a "mountain to climb" after losing out on up to six months of teaching.

She said exams due next May should be delayed until June or July.

Govt urges parents to send children to school

Ms Green said: "Pupils across the country who have missed out on vital teaching time will have a mountain to climb to prepare for May exams unless the government steps in.

"Ministers had warning after warning about problems with this year's exam results, but allowed it to descend into a fiasco.

"This is too important for Boris Johnson to leave until the last minute. Pupils heading back to school need clarity and certainty about the year ahead."

For the most persistently disadvantaged students the gap has actually widened
Education gap between rich and poor static

Labour is also urging ministers to review the existing support arrangements for post-16 students so that pupils preparing to sit their A-levels are not left without help.

More from Covid-19

Paul Whiteman, general secretary of school leaders' union NAHT, said the proposal was "worthy of serious consideration".

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"What is most important is that we don't see a repeat of this year's chaos," he said.

"Poor planning and last-minute changes by the government caused misery for many students. It would be indefensible if that happened again.

"Labour's suggestion of a delay to help with 'catch-up' is worthy of serious consideration.

Public Health England study supports children returning to schools
Public Health study supports schools return

"A delay is not without its problems, a consequential delay to the publication of results will put pressure on higher education providers such as universities and colleges as well as employers. All this will need to be dealt with."

A Department for Education spokesperson said: "We recognise that students due to take exams next summer will have experienced disruption to their education, which is why we prioritised bringing Year 10 and Year 12 pupils back to school last term.

"Exams will go ahead next year, and we have been working closely with the sector, Ofqual and exam boards to consider our approach."

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2020-08-31 03:22:45Z

Coronavirus: Push back GCSE and A-level exams, says Labour - BBC News

Next year's A-level and GCSE exams in England should be pushed back to mid-summer to help cope with the impact of coronavirus, Labour has said.

Shadow education secretary Kate Green said students starting Year 11 and 13 in September had "a mountain to climb", having missed months of schooling.

Exams scheduled for May should happen as late as July to allow more catch-up teaching time, she added.

The government said it would "consider" its approach but exams would go ahead.

Chaos dogged the exams system this year, leaving teachers, parents and pupils calling for a major re-think of next summer's exams.

Nearly 40% of A-level grades awarded to students were below teachers' predictions, with disadvantaged students particularly badly affected.

Days after results were announced, and following widespread criticism, the government performed a U-turn and decided to base grades on teachers' estimates instead.

But many pupils were left in limbo, having already missed out on university places for this year's intake.

GCSEs and A-level exams are expected to take place as normal next year, but Ms Green said: "Pupils across the country who have missed out on vital teaching time will have a mountain to climb to prepare for May exams unless the government steps in.

"Ministers had warning after warning about problems with this year's exam results but allowed it to descend into a fiasco."

She added: "Pupils heading back to school need clarity and certainty about the year ahead."

'Publication delay'

Paul Whiteman, general secretary of school leaders' union NAHT, said Labour's plan was "worthy of serious consideration".

But he added: "A delay is not without its problems. A consequential delay to the publication of results will put pressure on higher education providers such as universities and colleges, as well as employers."

Meanwhile, Conservative MP Robert Halfon, who chairs the Commons Education Select Committee, said there was only a "50:50" chance of A-level and GCSE exams taking place at all next summer, despite the government's promise.

He told the Sunday Times that exams regulator Ofqual should set an October deadline for deciding whether to cancel them and instead base grades once again on teacher assessments.

Calls for a delay to exams come as millions of children are due to return to the classroom in England and Wales this week. Schools in Scotland and Northern Ireland have already reopened.

A Department for Education spokesperson said: "Getting all children back into their classrooms full-time in September is a national priority, as they are the best place for their education, development and wellbeing.

"We recognise that students due to take exams next summer will have experienced disruption to their education, which is why we prioritised bringing Year 10 and Year 12 pupils back to school last term.

"Exams will go ahead next year, and we have been working closely with the sector, Ofqual and exam boards to consider our approach."

Head teachers have said they are ready to welcome pupils back to school full-time, with a range of measures being put in place, such as staggered breaks and increased cleaning.

But school leaders have warned that their budgets have been stretched by the pandemic to such an extent that they are having to weigh up pupil safety against their finances, the Guardian reports.

Additional cleaning, personal protective equipment, the installation of hand washing stations and signs, plus the purchasing of laptops for remote working are among the Covid-related expenses incurred by schools, head teachers and unions told the paper.

Meanwhile, a poll of nearly 6,000 school staff in England has found that 86% believe maintaining a social distance from both pupils and staff will not be possible.

The survey by Tes found that 66% feared guidance to avoid busy corridors, entrances and exits was unrealistic.

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2020-08-31 02:04:21Z

Two men held under Terrorism Act after Typhoon jets intercept passenger plane - Sky News

Two men have been arrested under the Terrorism Act at Stansted Airport after Typhoon jets were scrambled to intercept a passenger plane.

The pair - a 34-year-old man from Kuwait and a 48-year-old man from Italy - were detained shortly after 7pm on Sunday after arriving from Vienna, police said.

Essex Police said in a statement: "Counter Terrorism Policing officers from the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit have this evening (Sunday) detained two men under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act (2000).

"Enquiries are ongoing."

An RAF spokesperson said: "Typhoon fighter aircraft from RAF Coningsby were launched this evening (Sunday) to intercept a civilian aircraft. The aircraft was escorted safely to Stansted."

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2020-08-31 01:18:45Z

Coronavirus: Jeremy Corbyn's brother Piers fined £10,000 over anti-lockdown protest - Sky News

Jeremy Corbyn's brother Piers has been fined £10,000 under new coronavirus laws for his role in an anti-lockdown protest.

The older sibling of the former Labour leader told Sky News he plans to take legal action after being one of the first people to receive the heavy fine for allegedly organising the gathering.

Hundreds of protesters, some of whom displayed anti-mask and anti-vaccination placards, had gathered in Trafalgar Square in London on Saturday afternoon.

Anti-lockdown protesters, who believe that the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax, gather at the 'Unite For Freedom' rally in Trafalgar Square, London.
Image: Hundreds of protesters gathered in Trafalgar Square on Saturday

"I'm not going to pay, my solicitor has written a statement rebutting the claims", Mr Corbyn told Sky's political correspondent Rob Powell.

"The arrest of me is completely unjustified.

"The demonstration had gone smoothly and the police were guiding us down Whitehall when another group of officers turned up and frogmarched me off."

Mr Corbyn, a 73-year-old climate change denier, claimed organisers had been in contact with police for two weeks about the anti-lockdown protest.

More from Coronavirus

Anti-lockdown protesters, who believe that the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax, gather at the 'Unite For Freedom' rally in Trafalgar Square, London.
Image: Some of those at the protest displayed anti-mask and anti-vaccination placards

The Metropolitan Police said a 73-year-old man was arrested in Trafalgar Square on Saturday on suspicion of breaking the new Health Protection Regulations 2020.

He was informed on Sunday that a fixed penalty notice would be issued for £10,000 for the offence of holding a gathering of more than 30 people in an outdoor place, according to the force.

Mr Corbyn was one of at least 11 people fined £10,000 this weekend for allegedly organising illegal gatherings.

The fines are the first to be handed out since new rules came into force in England on Friday ahead of the bank holiday weekend.

Two organisers of an illegal rave attended by around 3,000 people in the village of Banwen were given fixed penalty notices for £10,000, South Wales Police said.

Police turned away people trying to attend the rave in Banwen
Image: Police turned away people trying to attend a rave in Banwen, South Wales

West Yorkshire Police said it had issued the penalties to eight people after officers attended several parties on Saturday evening and into the early hours of Sunday morning.

Four people were each fined £10,000 for their roles in organising a party in Headingley, while a man was fined £10,000 over another house party in the Leeds suburb.

Officers also broke up a party in Burley, with two DJs at the event each fined £10,000 and their equipment seized.

A music event at Beaver Works in Leeds was also closed down on Sunday following reports it was in breach of coronavirus restrictions.

This music event in Leeds was shut down after police found it did not comply with restrictions
Image: This music event in Leeds was shut down after police found it did not comply with restrictions

The Metropolitan Police said it is considering issuing £10,000 fines for four people over an unlicensed music event in Hackney Wick, east London.

The force said it was seeking to identify other illegal rave organisers after 58 unlicensed music events were reported on Saturday, with officers shutting down 21 of those.

South Wales Police branded the illegal rave in Banwen "totally unacceptable" and said 1,000 people remained at the site on Sunday evening.

Sheryl Lee Powell describes an illegal rave that happened near to her house this weekend in Wales.
Neighbour furious after illegal rave in South Wales

Pictures on social media showed dozens of people dancing at the outdoor event in Neath Port Talbot, which had a stage and large sound system, with people dressed in hi-viz jackets appearing to act as marshals.

One resident told Wales Online he felt like a "prisoner" in his own home and people could be seen sleeping on benches in the village early on Sunday morning.

South Wales Police called the event in Banwen 'totally unacceptable'
Image: South Wales Police called the event in Banwen 'totally unacceptable'

Meanwhile, Sheryl Lee Powell said she called police after seeing at least 50 cars arriving at the scene.

"They were going up and down the street," she said.

South Wales Police called the event in Banwen 'totally unacceptable'
Image: People dressed in hi-viz jackets were appearing to act as marshals

Police in Norfolk were also forced to shut down an unlicensed music event attended by more than 500 people.

Several arrests were made and sound equipment was seized following the illegal rave in Thetford Forest near to the English Heritage site Grimes Grave.

The event started late on Saturday and ended on Sunday evening, with Norfolk Police saying bottles and cans were thrown at officers as they entered the site.

Assistant Chief Constable Nick Davison said: "It's extremely disappointing to see these types of events taking place when coronavirus continues to be a real threat to our communities.

"We're working to identify the organisers and will do everything within our power, where evidence is available, to prosecute and bring them to justice."

West Yorkshire Police said one man was charged with causing a public nuisance after officers broke up a street party in Harehills on Saturday, while five people at the party were fined.

Around £20,000 of music equipment was seized at a property in Leeds. Pic: West Yorkshire Police
Image: Around £20,000 of music equipment was seized at a property in Leeds. Pic: West Yorkshire Police

The force also seized about £20,000 of music equipment from a property in the Chapeltown area of Leeds ahead of a suspected unlicensed music event.

Essex Police said they had seized thousands of pounds of equipment before an unlicensed music event due to have taken place in Harlow on Saturday afternoon and are looking to take the organisers to court.

Essex Police seized equipment worth thousands of pounds from an event. Pic: Essex Police
Image: Essex Police seized equipment worth thousands of pounds from an event. Pic: Essex Police

The illegal gatherings took place despite the new rules coming into force on Friday for England, prompted by more than 1,000 unlicensed events since the end of June.

Anyone in England in breach of the rules could be fined £10,000, while at least £100 fines will be handed out to people not wearing masks or attending unlawful gatherings, with repeat offenders having fines doubled to a maximum of £3,200.

The Welsh government's restrictions allow for up to 30 people to meet outdoors.

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2020-08-30 21:56:15Z