Kamis, 04 Juli 2019

Oil supertanker bound for Syria held in Gibraltar by UK Marines - Al Jazeera English

British Royal Marines, police, and customs agents in Gibraltar stopped a supertanker suspected of carrying Iranian crude oil to Syria in breach of European Union sanctions.

The Grace 1 vessel was boarded early Thursday when it slowed down in a designated area used by shipping agencies to ferry goods to ships in the UK territory along Spain's southern coast.

Iran summoned the British ambassador in Tehran over the "illegal seizure" of the oil tanker in Gibraltar, Iranian state TV quoted foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi as saying.

The dramatic move could escalate the confrontation between the West and Iran.

The Gibraltar government said it had reasonable grounds to believe the vessel was carrying its shipment of crude oil to the Banyas Refinery in Syria.

"That refinery is the property of an entity that is subject to European Union sanctions against Syria," Gibraltar's Chief Minister Fabian Picardo said.

EU sanctions against the government of war-torn Syria took effect in May 2011.

"With my consent, our port and law enforcement agencies sought the assistance of the Royal Marines in carrying out this operation. We have detained the vessel and its cargo," said Picardo.

The US, Iran and global oil markets

Iran-US stand-off

Acting Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell said Gibraltar detained the supertanker after a request by the United States.

The ship detention comes at a sensitive time as the European Union mulls how to respond to Iran announcing it will breach the maximum uranium enrichment level it agreed to in a landmark 2015 nuclear deal.

Iran did it in response to the United States abandoning the nuclear deal last year and hitting Iran's crucial oil exports and financial transactions with biting sanctions.

In a statement, Britain's foreign office said "we welcome this firm action by the Gibraltarian authorities, acting to enforce the EU Syria Sanctions regime".

Spain was looking into the seizure of the ship and how it may affect Spanish sovereignty, as it appears to have happened in Spanish waters, Borrell said. Spain does not recognise the waters around Gibraltar as British.

Refinitiv Eikon mapping indicates the ship sailed from Iran, and if the cargo. The attempted Iranian crude delivery to Syria could also be a violation of US sanctions on Iranian oil exports.

The mapping data shows the ship has sailed a longer route around the southern tip of Africa instead of via Egypt's Suez Canal.

Confiscated oil


The Grace 1 was documented as loading oil in Iraq in December, although the Iraqi port did not list it as being in port and its tracking system was switched off. The tanker reappeared near Iran's port of Bandar Assaluyeh fully loaded.

Shipping data shows the ship is a 300,000-tonne Panamanian-flagged tanker managed by Singapore-based IShips Management Pte Ltd.

According to Lloyds List, which analysed vessel-tracking data, the 1997-built ship is the first tanker laden with Iranian oil to head for Europe since late 2018.

Iran has accused the Trump administration of waging "economic war" against it with a campaign to reduce Iranian oil exports to zero, following the U.S. pullout from a global nuclear deal.

Iranian crude exports were around 300,000 barrels per day or less in late June, industry sources said, a fraction of the more than 2.5 million bpd Iran shipped in April 2018, the month before US President Donald Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal.

The EU has imposed sanctions on 277 Syrian officials including government ministers over their role in the "violent repression" of civilians as the war broke out in March 2011.

It has frozen the assets of some 72 entities and introduced an embargo on Syrian oil, investment restrictions and a freeze on Syrian central bank assets within the EU.

SOURCE: Al Jazeera and news agencies

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2019-07-04 15:14:00Z

Oil supertanker bound for Syria held in Gibraltar by UK Marines - Al Jazeera English

British Royal Marines, police, and customs agents in Gibraltar stopped a supertanker suspected of carrying Iranian crude oil to Syria in breach of European Union sanctions.

The Grace 1 vessel was boarded early Thursday when it slowed down in a designated area used by shipping agencies to ferry goods to ships in the UK territory along Spain's southern coast.

Iran summoned the British ambassador in Tehran over the "illegal seizure" of the oil tanker in Gibraltar, Iranian state TV quoted foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi as saying.

The dramatic move could escalate the confrontation between the West and Iran.

The Gibraltar government said it had reasonable grounds to believe the vessel was carrying its shipment of crude oil to the Banyas Refinery in Syria.

"That refinery is the property of an entity that is subject to European Union sanctions against Syria," Gibraltar's Chief Minister Fabian Picardo said.

EU sanctions against the government of war-torn Syria took effect in May 2011.

"With my consent, our port and law enforcement agencies sought the assistance of the Royal Marines in carrying out this operation. We have detained the vessel and its cargo," said Picardo.

The US, Iran and global oil markets

Iran-US stand-off

Acting Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell said Gibraltar detained the supertanker after a request by the United States.

The ship detention comes at a sensitive time as the European Union mulls how to respond to Iran announcing it will breach the maximum uranium enrichment level it agreed to in a landmark 2015 nuclear deal.

Iran did it in response to the United States abandoning the nuclear deal last year and hitting Iran's crucial oil exports and financial transactions with biting sanctions.

In a statement, Britain's foreign office said "we welcome this firm action by the Gibraltarian authorities, acting to enforce the EU Syria Sanctions regime".

Spain was looking into the seizure of the ship and how it may affect Spanish sovereignty, as it appears to have happened in Spanish waters, Borrell said. Spain does not recognise the waters around Gibraltar as British.

Refinitiv Eikon mapping indicates the ship sailed from Iran, and if the cargo. The attempted Iranian crude delivery to Syria could also be a violation of US sanctions on Iranian oil exports.

The mapping data shows the ship has sailed a longer route around the southern tip of Africa instead of via Egypt's Suez Canal.

Confiscated oil


The Grace 1 was documented as loading oil in Iraq in December, although the Iraqi port did not list it as being in port and its tracking system was switched off. The tanker reappeared near Iran's port of Bandar Assaluyeh fully loaded.

Shipping data shows the ship is a 300,000-tonne Panamanian-flagged tanker managed by Singapore-based IShips Management Pte Ltd.

According to Lloyds List, which analysed vessel-tracking data, the 1997-built ship is the first tanker laden with Iranian oil to head for Europe since late 2018.

Iran has accused the Trump administration of waging "economic war" against it with a campaign to reduce Iranian oil exports to zero, following the U.S. pullout from a global nuclear deal.

Iranian crude exports were around 300,000 barrels per day or less in late June, industry sources said, a fraction of the more than 2.5 million bpd Iran shipped in April 2018, the month before US President Donald Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal.

The EU has imposed sanctions on 277 Syrian officials including government ministers over their role in the "violent repression" of civilians as the war broke out in March 2011.

It has frozen the assets of some 72 entities and introduced an embargo on Syrian oil, investment restrictions and a freeze on Syrian central bank assets within the EU.

SOURCE: Al Jazeera and news agencies

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2019-07-04 14:53:00Z

Oil supertanker bound for Syria held in Gibraltar by UK Marines - Al Jazeera English

British Royal Marines and officials in Gibraltar have stopped a supertanker suspected of carrying crude oil to Syria, in breach of European Union sanctions, the government of Gibraltar said.

The Grace 1 vessel was halted early on Thursday by Gibraltar police and customs agencies, aided by a detachment of British Royal Marines.

In a statement, the Gibraltar government said it had reasonable grounds to believe that the vessel was carrying its shipment of crude oil to the Banyas Refinery in Syria.

"That refinery is the property of an entity that is subject to European Union sanctions against Syria," Gibraltar's Chief Minister Fabian Picardo said. EU sanctions against the government of Syria took effect in May 2011.

"With my consent, our port and law enforcement agencies sought the assistance of the Royal Marines in carrying out this operation."

The government published regulations on Wednesday to enforce the sanctions against the tanker and its cargo.

Acting Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell said Gibraltar detained the supertanker after a request by the United States to Britain.

Spain was looking into the seizure of the ship, and how it may affect Spanish sovereignty as it appears to have happened in Spanish waters, Borrell said. Spain does not recognise the waters around Gibraltar as British.

Refinitiv Eikon mapping indicates the ship sailed from Iran, and if the cargo is confirmed to be Iranian crude, its attempted delivery to Syria could also be a violation of US sanctions on Iranian oil exports.

The mapping data shows the ship has sailed a longer route around the southern tip of Africa instead of via Egypt's Suez Canal.


The Grace 1 was documented as loading fuel oil in Iraq in December, although the Iraqi port did not list it as being in port and its tracking system was switched off. The tanker reappeared near Iran's port of Bandar Assaluyeh fully loaded.

Shipping data shows the ship is a 300,000-tonne Panamanian-flagged tanker managed by Singapore-based IShips Management Pte Ltd.

The EU has imposed sanctions on 277 Syrian officials including government ministers over their role in the "violent repression" of civilians.

It has frozen the assets of some 72 entities and introduced an embargo on Syrian oil, investment restrictions and a freeze on Syrian central bank assets within the EU.

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2019-07-04 11:25:00Z

'He's A Flawed Character And They Do Not Care': The Rise Of U.K.'s Boris Johnson - NPR

Conservative Party leadership candidate Boris Johnson speaks at a hustings event at Carlisle Racecourse on June 29, in Carlisle, England. The winner of the party's leadership vote, to be announced on July 23, will also take up the post of prime minister. Ian Forsyth/Getty Images hide caption

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Ian Forsyth/Getty Images

Boris Johnson is a larger-than-life British politician who likes to project the image of a bumbling, fun-loving man of the people.

His many supporters in Britain's Conservative Party find him charismatic, entertaining and — to their minds — refreshingly politically incorrect.

Many critics, however, see him as unprincipled, offensive and driven wholly by ambition.

This increasingly divisive figure in politics is now the favorite to become the United Kingdom's next prime minister. If he wins the Conservative Party leadership race — results are expected July 23 — he will inherit Brexit, a political Pandora's box that ended the career of the previous two prime ministers.

There are seemingly many sides to Boris Johnson. There is Johnson the public booster who slyly plays the buffoon, as he did at times during his two terms as mayor of London, from 2008 to 2016. One of the most enduring images of his tenure was Johnson riding on a zip line, waving a pair of Union Jacks to promote the 2012 London Olympics, only to be stranded 15 feet off the ground, the harness chafing against his groin.

"Get me a ladder!" he pleaded to the crowd below as he laughed at his own predicament.

There is Johnson the philanderer, who has gone through two marriages and had a daughter with an art consultant who had worked for him unpaid. Now 55, the U.K.'s former foreign secretary recently had an altercation with his 31-year-old girlfriend that resulted in a visit from police. No charges were filed.

Some of Johnson's critics have called him "racist." In 2016, after President Obama moved the bust of Winston Churchill out of the Oval Office, Johnson attributed the decision to Obama's supposed "ancestral dislike of the British Empire." Obama's father was from Kenya, a former British colony. In columns in The Daily Telegraph, Johnson used offensive language to describe Africans and Muslim women wearing burqas. Johnson has said the remarks were "satirical."

But there is also Johnson, the feel-good politician and superb orator — he was president of the Oxford Union, the famed university debating society — who can inspire, as he did at the Conservative Party's convention last year with a call to arms. He urged party members "to feel a realistic and justified confidence in what we can do."

This weekend, ballots begin going out to the party's approximately 160,000 members, who will vote for a new leader to replace Prime Minister Theresa May, who is stepping down. Johnson faces current Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, the acknowledged underdog.

Nicholas Allen, who teaches politics at Royal Holloway, University of London, says that — like President Trump — Johnson has a way of connecting with grassroots party members, which helps make him the clear favorite in the race.

"Lots of people are just awed by his charisma," Allen says. "They know that he is problematic. They know that he's a flawed character and they do not care. If anything, they love him more for it."

Johnson has promised to take the U.K. out of the European Union "do or die" — meaning the country could walk away from the massive free trade bloc and political union without a withdrawal deal. That pledge resonates with many disillusioned Brexit voters, who are angry that the U.K. still hasn't left the EU more than three years after a majority of voters cast ballots to do so in a referendum.

"I think he's the only person who's going to get us out of Europe," says John Mays, who drives a taxi in London. "He's committed to it."

But Mays, 65, added that if Johnson fails to keep his promise to pull the U.K. out by the Oct. 31 deadline, "he's doomed."

Many who have dealt with Johnson find him charming, including Richard Ratcliffe, an accountant who met the politician several times when Johnson served as foreign secretary. Ratcliffe was seeking Johnson's help to free his wife, Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a British-Iranian dual national jailed in Iran since 2016 on spying charges, which she denies. But Johnson, who is not known for attention to detail, made the situation worse in 2017 when he told a U.K. parliamentary committee she had been teaching journalism in Iran, which her husband says is false. Iranian state TV seized on the foreign secretary's statement as evidence Zaghari-Ratcliffe was indeed a spy and Johnson later apologized.

"Do I mind him winging things?" says Richard Ratcliffe. "I think there are consequences for it. One of the things they often say with foreign secretaries is they're either dull or they're dangerous, and he wasn't dull."

Ratcliffe is reluctant to be too critical of Johnson, whose office did not respond to a request to speak with NPR, but others who know Johnson well are less reticent.

"Actually I'm quite frightened about him becoming prime minister," says Sonia Purnell, author of Just Boris: A Tale of Blond Ambition. "He has a very, very long track record of lying."

Purnell worked with Johnson in Brussels when both were journalists with London's Daily Telegraph in the 1990s. That was after The Times of London had fired Johnson for making up a quote he attributed to his own godfather.

That wasn't his only firing: In 2004, the Conservative Party sacked him from its leadership for lying about an affair.

Purnell doubts that Johnson — despite all that he says — ever really believed in Brexit.

"When I worked with him in the 1990s, he was writing excoriating copy about the European Union," Purnell recalls in an interview. "But in private, over a coffee or something, he would talk about the EU affectionately, sympathetically. And I think deep down he's a 'Remainer.' "

Days before going public in favor of Brexit in 2016, Johnson wrote an opinion piece supporting staying in the EU that was never published.

Purnell suspects Johnson made a political calculation, that favoring an exit would eventually better position him to replace Prime Minister David Cameron, who supported staying in the EU and resigned after the surprise Brexit victory. Johnson's plan to succeed Cameron was torpedoed by his running mate.

Now, after surviving multiple controversies, Johnson is back and could win the top political job he has been gunning for.

If he does, Purnell says, he could face the hugely difficult task of executing a policy that he may not have really believed in in the first place.

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2019-07-04 11:05:00Z

4th of July 2019: Where to celebrate Independence Day in the UK? Why do the US celebrate? - Express.co.uk

Independence Day, which is colloquially known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the . People across the country spending today celebrating one of the largest historical events for the country with parades, barbecues, picnics, family reunions and fireworks. Patriotism grips the nation for the day marking the anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence. But for those in the UK, where is best to celebrate Independence Day, and why does the US actually celebrate the Fourth of July?

Where can you celebrate Independence Day in the UK?

While Independence Day is America’s way of remembering how its people were liberated from the rule of the British Empire, many Britons enjoy participating in the festivities.

For those that do, here is a list of some of the activities that you can do to celebrate the day.

4th of July 2019: Independence Day fireworks

4th of July 2019: Where can you celebrate Independence Day in the UK? (Image: GETTY)

The American Museum and Gardens in Bath

The American Museum is hosting an Independence Day celebration on Saturday, July 6. The event will include a barbecue, live music and a workshop from American bluegrass band Man without a Horse.

It will run from 11am to 4pm and normal admission fees apply on the day.

Standard admission for the museum, exhibition and gardens costs £13 for an adult and £7 for a child, while standard admission for access to the gardens costs £7.50 for an adult and £5 for a child.

4th of July 2019: Independence Day sign

4th of July 2019: Brits across the country will celebrate Independence Day on Thursday (Image: GETTY)

Independence Day pub crawl

A Fourth of July-themed bar crawl is being held in London on Thursday, July 4.

It is the eighth annual Independence Day pub crawl with London Party Pub Crawl which attracts hundreds visiting venues across the capital.

The bar crawl provides free access to bars, free shots and the chance to compete in beer pong matches.

Tickets cost between £12.50 and £25 and the event begins at Tiger Tiger in Haymarket, London.

4th of July 2019: US flags

4th of July 2019: Independence Day is the celebration of becoming independent from Britain (Image: GETTY)

Fourth of July party with French’s and Frank’s Redhot

On Thursday July 4, American sauce companies French’s and Frank’s RedHot are taking over street food market Dinerama, based in Shoreditch Market in east London.

Buffalo chicken strips, vegan burritos and chicken wings will be available to eat.

While conventional American games including beer pong and foosball will be paid.

Tickets for standard entry, which include a free Goose Island American Pale Ale upon entry, cost £12.

4th of July 2019: Benjamin Franklin House

4th of July 2019: The Benjamin Franklin House is located in Trafalgar Square (Image: SSPL/GETTY)

Benjamin Franklin House

The Benjamin Franklin House near Trafalgar Square in London is listed as a Grade I building on the National Heritage List for England.

It is the only surviving former residence of American founding father Benjamin Franklin.

On July 4, visitors can enjoy a 30-minute tour of the residence with cake and a glass of bubbly.

Tickets cost £10 per person to attend the event, and the time slots available on the day are 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3.15pm and 4.15pm.

4th of July 2019: American food

4th of July 2019: Independence Day is known for featuring lots of barbecues (Image: GETTY)

Balthazar restaurant in Covent Garden, London

Balthazar restaurant is hosting a week-long celebration which began on June 29 and ends on July 6.

During the week, the restaurant is serving up meals and drinks from their famous American menu and cocktails.

4th of July 2019: George Washington

4th of July 2019: Engraving of the first US president George Washington (Image: CORBIS/GETTY)

Washington Old Hall

Every year on the Fourth of July, the Washington Old Hall in Tyne and Wear hosts a traditional flag-raising ceremony.

The National Trust oversees the manor house which is one of the British ancestral homes of George Washington.

The house was first built in the 12th Century and was renovated in the 17th Century.

It was the home of the Washington family before they moved to Sulgrave Manor in 1613.

This year’s flag-raising ceremony is due to take place at 11am, with a day of celebrations being hosted at the house from 10.30am-3pm.

Standard admission to Washington Old Hall costs £6.70 for an adult and £3.35 for a child.

4th of July 2019: Film Festival

4th of July 2019: You can celebrate by watching the Will Smith film Independence Day (Image: STOCK PHOTO/GETTY)

Film Festival

To celebrate Independence Day, Everyday Cinema in Granary Square in King’s Cross, London, is screening the 1996 classic of the same name.

As part of its second annual Summer Love Festival, the film starring Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum, is being screened at Granary Square’s outdoor cinema on the fourth of July.

The film will start at 5pm and end at around 6.30pm and is free to attend.

Tickets are no longer available online, but if you head to the screening early enough, you should still be able to grab a bean bag and enjoy the film.

4th of July 2019: Eating ribs

4th of July 2019: A competition to eat the most ribs is being held in London on Independence Day (Image: GETTY)

Rib-eating competition

Big Easy Bar.B.Q and Crabshack is hosting its 28th annual rib-eating competition on the Fourth of July.

Those who believe they have what it takes to eat a mountain of ribs can take up the challenge at the Big Easy restaurants in Chelsea, Covent Garden and Canary Wharf in London.

The first prize winners will be awarded two VIP tickets to Jack Daniel’s Presents Secret Gig on Thursday October 17.

4th of July 2019: Independence Day

4th of July 2019: Independence Day is a national holiday in the US (Image: GETTY)

What is Independence Day?

Independence Day held each year on July 4 celebrates the American colonies severing ties with the British in 1776.

It all began in December 1773, when American patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians threw 342 chests of tea belonging to the British East India Company from ships into the Boston Harbour.

In retaliation, the British Parliament instituted the Intolerable Acts in 1774, which closed down Boston’s port, rendered the Massachusetts government useless, and gave protections to British troops while in the American colonies.

This bred deep resentment and led to the formation of the First Continental Congress, who met in Philadelphia in September 1774 and wanted to end the British rule to establish themselves as an independent group of colonies.

4th of July 2019: Fireworks

4th of July 2019: Fireworks are often lit to celebrate American Independence Day (Image: GETTY)

In October 1774, the Congress petitioned the British Crown for a redress of grievances accumulated since 1763, and to force compliance, calling for a general boycott of British goods and eventual non-exportation of American products, except rice, to Britain or the British West Indies.

This led to the start of the US War for Independence, which did not conclude until October 1781.

On July 2, 1776, the Second Continental Congress made its decree for freedom and two days later they formally adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4.

This declaration was used throughout the American Revolution to inspire troops to continue fighting.

Nowadays, the Fourth of July has come to be known as the country’s birthday.

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2019-07-04 06:32:02Z

Rabu, 03 Juli 2019

Estate agent Purplebricks to exit US market - BBC News

Copyright: Getty Images

It looks as though Britain's economy shrank in the second quarter with news that the services economy barely grew in June against a backdrop of worries over Brexit.

Carefully watched data from IHS Markit/CIPS, who survey purchasing managers, say their index fell to 50.2 in June, below the 51 that had been expected, which would have seen growth remain flat.

Equivalent surveys for manufacturing and construction published earlier this week showed that those sectors contracted in June, meaning Britain's economy overall probably shrank by 0.1% in the second quarter, according to IHS/CIPS.

"The latest downturn has followed a gradual deterioration in demand over the past year as Brexit-related uncertainty has increasingly exacerbated the impact of a broader global economic slowdown," Chris Williamson, chief business economist at IHS Markit, said.

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2019-07-03 11:15:20Z

Estate agent Purplebricks to exit US market - BBC News

Copyright: AFP

The average time spent participating in and consuming sport has grown by 22% over the last 10 years - almost double the rate of overall leisure time growth (12%), according to data from sports agency Two Circles.

In the same period, global leisure time increased at an average growth rate of 1.1% year-on-year or 12% across the decade, it said.

"Data shows that as technology and growing disposable income increases the amount of free time the average person has to pursue recreational activities , the global population is turning to sport over other pastimes," they added.

This is due to a greater emphasis being placed on health and fitness, a greater supply of sports media, and sport’s growing cultural relevance.

"The successes of the major US leagues’ international expansion strategies; the Premier League’s continued global viewership growth; and the exponential growth of women’s sport - seen with the ongoing FIFA Women's World Cup - are just three prominent examples of sport’s continued penetration into everyday global life."

Last night England’s Women’s World Cup semi-final match against the US delivered a record broadcast audience for a women’s football game in the UK.

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2019-07-03 09:22:30Z