Minggu, 31 Desember 2023

‘We need Batman’, terrified locals living in UK’s most dangerous area cry – as they’re too scared to leave... - The Sun

TERRIFIED residents living in the UK's most dangerous area have begged for a "Batman" to save them from the area's spiralling crime rates.

Crime-ridden Cleveland tops the list for where in Britain people are most likely to fall victim to violent crimes.

Crime stats show Cleveland is the most dangerous place to live in Britain
Crime stats show Cleveland is the most dangerous place to live in BritainCredit: NNP

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show the region, which has a population of around just 500,000, as having 147.2 crimes recorded per 1,000 people - up from 139.2 from earlier this year.

This includes violent crimes, shoplifting, sexual crimes, burglary and arson.

And locals in Middlesbrough, the capital of the region, have now spoken out over what it's like living in the dangerous neighbourhood.

Local James Kerry, 46, has called for drastic action to keep the neighbourhood safe.


He said: "The problem is bad around Cleveland. The issue is the criminals are let go too easily and given lenient punishments and they then go do it all gain.

"I wish there was someone like Batman who could come and police it.

"I live in Grangetown and you see people on motorbikes doing wheelies.

"They could easily kill someone or so serious harm.

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"I tend to sit in the house now and keep away from it all."

And mum Sabrina Hazell revealed she desperately tries to keep herself safe - taking her dog out with her.

The 35-year-old full-time student said: "There is a big issue with drugs in Cleveland and that contributes a lot to the crime.

"The figures do make you feel unsafe but they don't come as a huge surprise.”

Meanwhile, retired steel worker Mick Norris told how he witnessed a gang attack on his nextdoor neighbour.

The 70-year-old, who lives ten minutes away in Marton, said: "I've lived down here for a long time and I've seen the crime with my own eyes.

"One night in around 2000 I looked out my window and I saw a group of around 30 people ransacking my neighbour.

"That was a long time ago but crime was still bad then.

"I don't comfortable in the area anymore and a lot of people I know say that.

"I think it all stems from people who drink loads. If you watch the intercept progammes on TV a lot of the crimes are caused by alcohol and drugs and that's a problem in Cleveland."


Cleveland is the current "crime capital of England" where the highest level of crimes per 1,000 population was reported.

The numbers are calculated to show the level of crime proportionate to the number of people who live there.

Cleveland saw 147.2 crimes occur per 1,000 people according to the latest ONS figures.

Of these, 33.1 were violent crimes.

The north-east county suffers a crime rate more than double that of neighbouring North Yorkshire.

Devon and Cornwall are the safest places to live in England and Wales, with the lowest rates of both crime and violent offences.

Per 1,000 they have just 57.7 crimes a year - 18.8 of which are violent.

Wiltshire, Surrey and Hertfordshire were also among the safest areas in the country.

Surprisingly, per capita, crime-ridden London does not even place in the top 10 most dangerous places.

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It ranks in 15th place - with the Metropolitan Police dealing with 101.6 victim-based crimes per 1,000 people.

However, unsurprisingly, it is the number one worst place for robbery and theft.

Locals have called for Batman to help
Locals have called for Batman to helpCredit: Alamy
Sabrina Hazell says things in Cleveland are only getting worse
Sabrina Hazell says things in Cleveland are only getting worseCredit: NNP
James Kerry stays home because of high crime rates
James Kerry stays home because of high crime ratesCredit: NNP

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2023-12-31 09:15:37Z

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