Sabtu, 09 September 2023

Escaped terror suspect was tackled off bike by police on canal towpath - The Independent

Escaped terror suspect Daniel Khalife arrested in Chiswick

Escaped terror suspect Daniel Abed Khalife was tackled off his bike by a police officer on a canal towpath and then arrested, ending a 75-hour nationwide manhunt.

The Metropolitan Police confirmed the former soldier was arrested by a plainclothes counter-terrorism officer on Rowdell Road in west London just before 11am on Saturday morning and is currently in their custody.

At a press conference on Saturday afternoon, Commander Dominic Murphy, the Met’s counter-terrorism chief, said Khalife was spotted, “pulled off a bike” and handcuffed by the officer, who was working as part of their investigation, in the Northolt area near Chiswick.

This came after the manhunt had "really gathered momentum" on Friday afternoon, he said, with multiple reports of confirmed sightings, which led to an overnight search of a home in the borough of Richmond.

Commander Murphy confirmed there have been no further arrests yet but threatened: “Anyone who supported Khalife before, during or after – I can tell you we will be looking for those individuals”

Khalife’s arrest follows a national four-day search after the 21-year-old was believed to have escaped from HMP Wandsworth on Wednesday morning by strapping himself to the bottom of a delivery lorry after leaving the prison kitchen in a cook’s uniform.


Khalife tackled off bike by police on canal towpath

In a press conference this afternoon the Metropolitan Police said that Daniel Khalife was tackled off his bike by police on canal towpath and then arrested.

Commander Dominic Murphy, the Metropolitan Police’s counter-terrorism chief, said at an online press conference: “At 10.41am he was arrested in Rowdell Road in UB5 in London on the canal towpath.

“He was actually arrested by a plain clothes officer... and he was riding a pedal cycle so a pushbike at the time, was pulled off that pushbike by that officer and arrested at that location.

“Upon being detained by the officer he was fully co-operative and handcuffed and arrested.”

Joe Middleton9 September 2023 15:48

Escaped terror suspect Daniel Khalife found and arrested in Chiswick

Escaped terror suspect Daniel Abed Khalife has been found and arrested in the Chiswick area of west London following a four-day nationwide manhunt.

The Metropolitan Police confirmed the former soldier was arrested by officers just before 11am on Saturday morning and is currently in their custody.

The 21-year-old is believed to have escaped from HMP Wandsworth on Wednesday morning by strapping himself to the bottom of a delivery lorry after leaving the prison kitchen in a cook’s uniform.

In their statement, the Met said: “We would like to thank the public and media for their support throughout our investigation to locate Khalife and we will provide a further update on his arrest in due course.”

Tara Cobham9 September 2023 11:42

Terror suspect ‘laughed and winked’ during arrest

Terror suspect Daniel Khalife “laughed and winked” at onlooker after being detained by police on Saturday morning.

Student Ethan Andrews, 20, witnessed the arrest, he told The Sun: “The guy looked up at me, winked and started laughing. I thought, how arrogant is that?

“I can’t believe he was just sitting there, looked at me and just winked.”

Joe Middleton9 September 2023 22:46

Escaped terror suspect Daniel Abed Khalife arrested as police tackle him off bike

A terror suspect who escaped from prison by strapping himself to the underside of a delivery lorry has been caught after being tackled off his bike on a towpath by a police officer.

Daniel Abed Khalife, 21, a former soldier who fled HMP Wandsworth on Wednesday, was arrested on suspicion of being unlawfully at large and being an escaped prisoner.

He was spotted by the plainclothes counterterrorism officer just before 11am on Saturday in northwest London, about 12 miles from where he fled, and is now in police custody, the Metropolitan Police said. Khalife was found with the bike, a sleeping bag and a cool bag full of food.

Joe Middleton9 September 2023 21:23

Met Police ‘pivoting’ investigation to Khalife’s escape and if other persons were involved

The Metropolitan Police said it will now be “pivoting” its investigation to Khalife’s escape and if other people were involved after the terror suspect was captured on Saturday morning.

In a press release on Saturday evening Commander Dominic Murphy said: “Our priority following Khalife’s escape was to find him and bring him back to custody, which, thanks to the help of the public, and the excellent work by our officers, we have achieved.

“We are now pivoting our investigation towards the circumstances of his escape and whether there may have been any other persons involved and that investigation continues.”

Joe Middleton9 September 2023 20:45

Plain-clothed officer pulled Daniel Khalife off bicycle during arrest, police say

Plain-clothed officer pulled Daniel Khalife off bicycle during arrest, police say
Joe Middleton9 September 2023 20:07

Pictured: This is the moment Daniel Khalife was arrested by officers

Footage obtained by The Sun shows the moment that Daniel Khalife was detained by officers in Northolt, west London, on Saturday morning.

The video sees the suspect sat on the floor on the canal towpath in a white t-shirt close to a Waitrose bag, bottle of water bike and sleeping bag.

In a briefing to journalists on Saturday afternoon the Met Police said that the terror suspect was pulled from the bike by a lone officer, ending the four day manhunt.

When he was detained Khalife said “It’s not me! I haven’t done anything”, accoding to an eyewitness who spoke to the MailOnline.

It is unclear now if Khalife will be taken back to the category B prison or to a higher-security location.

Khalife was awaiting trial after allegedly planting a fake bomb at an RAF base and gathering information that might be useful to terrorists or enemies of the UK.

Joe Middleton9 September 2023 19:29

Timeline of terror suspect Daniel Khalife’s escape from Wadsworth Prison and eventual arrest

Terror suspect Daniel Khalife has been arrested on the fourth day of a manhunt after he escaped from HMP Wandsworth underneath a lorry.

The 21-year-old was arrested just before 11am on Saturday in Chiswick, west London, and is now in police custody, the force said.Officers descended on Chiswick with police dogs in tow after “intelligence-led activity” and confirmed sightings from members of the public in the area overnight.

Here is a timeline of the events leading to the capture of Khalife:

Joe Middleton9 September 2023 18:42

Mapped: The 75-hour hunt for escaped prisoner Daniel Khalife - arrested 45 minutes down the road

Escaped terror suspect Daniel Abed Khalife has been found and arrested in west London following a 75-hour nationwide manhunt.

The Metropolitan Police confirmed the former soldier was arrested by officers in Chiswick just before 11am on Saturday, a mere 45 minutes drive away from the prison he escaped from on Wednesday morning.

After prison staff alerted the force to the missing 21-year-old at 7.50am, a national search ensued over the next four days, which The Independent has shown on a map.

Joe Middleton9 September 2023 17:40

Plain-clothed officer pushed Daniel Khalife off bicycle during arrest, police say

Plain-clothed officer pushed Daniel Khalife off bicycle during arrest, police say
Joe Middleton9 September 2023 17:10

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2023-09-09 21:46:56Z

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