Jumat, 12 Mei 2023

Politics latest news: Top Brexiteer criticises Kemi Badenoch in row over axing EU laws - The Telegraph

A senior Tory Brexiteer claimed Kemi Badenoch does not want to scrap anything "material" as part of the Government’s "bonfire" of EU-era laws as a row between the minister and backbench Conservative MPs escalated. 

Sir John Redwood, a former Cabinet minister, criticised the Business and Trade Secretary after the Government ditched its promise to complete the axing of thousands of regulations by the end of the year. 

Some 600 laws will now be revoked rather than the 4,000 which had been originally pledged in a U-turn which has sparked a furious backlash among Tory Eurosceptics. 

Sir John told TalkTV: "I don’t think she [Ms Badenoch] wants to get rid of anything material. I have looked at her list in the proposed amendment and they are practically all things that don’t apply to Britain or are time expired or were specific for a particular purpose and it no longer applies. 

"We want some decent things that will make life better because it will take out cost or needless regulation or needless tax imposition."

His comments came after Ms Badenoch branded her Tory critics on the issue "people who talk but can’t do".

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2023-05-12 07:18:10Z

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