Selasa, 25 April 2023

Friends saved woman from drunk who tried to drag her in front of King's Cross Tube train - The Telegraph

A man who tried to throw a complete stranger in front of a Tube train as she travelled to the Notting Hill Carnival has been jailed for 10 years.

‌Arthur Hawrylewicz, 42, who is originally from Poland, was drunk when he grabbed 22-year-old Maria Osifeso in a bear hug as she was standing on the platform at King’s Cross Underground station on August 20 last year.

‌He then attempted to jump in front of an oncoming train while holding her and was only stopped when her friends intervened and managed to wrestle him to the ground.

‌Sentencing him at Inner London Crown Court, Judge Benedict Kelleher said: "You had approached your victim while she was standing with friends on the platform at King's Cross Underground station.

‌"She was a complete stranger to you. You tried briefly to speak to her but she ignored you.

‌"It is clear from the available evidence you intended to kill yourself that day but there is nothing to explain why you chose to try to kill an innocent bystander."

‌In a victim impact statement Ms Osifeso, a pharmacist, described how she had been left suffering from “overwhelming anxiety”.

‌She said: "What if my friends hadn't been there? What if my male friend hadn't jumped in to grab him? What if I had been standing closer to the tracks?

‌"It is incredibly traumatic to think how close I came to dying."

King's Cross Underground station Credit: iStock Editorial

‌Father-of-two Hawrylewicz, from Cardiff, had lived in the UK for 15 years, but the court heard his family had left him and returned to Poland in August 202.

‌As a result he had been suffering from depression, the court heard.

‌Hawrylewicz told police he had drunk up to four beers and a third of a litre of vodka before the attack, and had thought about killing himself.

‌Alexia Nicol, defending, said he had been in a "confused and desperate state" and wanted to "apologise to her".

‌He admitted attempted murder and was jailed for 10 years.

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2023-04-25 06:00:00Z

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