Rabu, 22 Februari 2023

Politics latest news: Rishi Sunak will not 'sell anyone out' on Brexit deal - The Telegraph

Rishi Sunak is "not going to sell anyone out" on Brexit as he tries to secure a deal with the European Union to improve the Northern Ireland Protocol, a minister has said. 

Johnny Mercer, the minister for veterans' affairs, said Mr Sunak should be given the chance to finalise a deal with Brussels and then Tory MPs should "get behind him". 

He told Sky News: "Let’s give the Prime Minister a chance to come out with something. He’s attacking this, he is throwing everything he can into it. He voted for and campaigned hard for Brexit, right?

"So he is not going to sell anyone out or come up with a solution that is unfair or doesn’t deliver on what he thinks is Brexit.

"I think, let’s give him a chance, let’s give him the opportunity to bring some sort of resolution to the protocol and then let’s get behind him and get on with all the other challenges that we face across this country at the moment."

Asked whether there could be a deal this week, Mr Mercer replied: "I don’t know, I hope so. But let's see what happens."

His comments came as Mr Sunak faces a growing Tory rebellion over Brexit amid fears among Conservative Brexiteers that the PM's plans will not go far enough in ending EU involvement in Northern Ireland's affairs. 

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2023-02-22 08:13:03Z

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