Minggu, 20 Maret 2022

How and when eligible adults can get their Spring booster Covid vaccine - iNews

Hundreds of thousands of people will be invited to book a Spring Covid booster this week.

The NHS booster programme, which began in December 2020, is continuing and entering a new phase.

Here’s everything you need to know.

Who will get another booster?

Eligible groups include care home residents, people who are 75 and over and those who are immunosuppressed aged 12 and over.

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Adults will be offered either the Pfizer or Moderna versions, with those aged between 12 and 18 getting the Pfizer vaccine.

The NHS also continues to offer the vaccine for those who are yet to come forward for one, even if it is your first dose.

How do you get a booster?

The NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme will contact people when they are due to be vaccinated.

Once invited, they will be able to book their vaccination appointment through the National Booking System either online or by calling NHS 119.

Around 600,000 people will be invited this week and local NHS teams will also offer vaccinations for people living in care homes with hundreds of visits planned in the near future.

Around five million people will be able to get a Spring booster dose in total.

NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard said: “The NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme has not stopped in its efforts to protect people from coronavirus – around five million of the most vulnerable people will be eligible for a Spring dose and from tomorrow, we will start giving eligible groups their additional top up in protection.

“We have protected millions of people at speed thanks to the efforts of our staff, aided by volunteers. They will once again rise to the next challenge.

“There is no need to contact the NHS – when you are eligible for your ‘spring boost’ of protection, we will be in touch so you can book your appointment at one of hundreds of vaccination sites across the country”.

How many people have been vaccinated?

NHS staff and volunteers have given out over 118 million vaccinations in total, including 32 million top-up jabs since the booster rollout began in September.

It is thought that around 157,000 hospitalisations have been prevented by booster doses since mid-December, according to research by UKHSA.

File photo dated 31/07/21 of a person receiving a Covid-19 jab. Coronavirus booster vaccine jabs for millions of people in England will begin to be offered this week, the NHS has announced. The vaccine will be available to care home residents, people who are 75 and over, and the immunosuppressed aged 12 and over. Issue date: Sunday March 20, 2022. PA Photo. See PA story HEALTH Coronavirus. Photo credit should read: Kirsty O'Connor/PA Wire
Coronavirus booster vaccine jabs for millions of people in England will begin to be offered this week (Photo: Kirsty O’Connor/PA Wire)

Experts in Government and the NHS have encouraged those who are entitled to another dose to come forward.

Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid said: “Our phenomenal vaccination programme has saved countless lives and built a wall of defence which has allowed us to learn to live with Covid.

“Following the massive success of the rollout so far, we are now offering over-75s and the most vulnerable a spring booster dose to top up their protection against this virus.

“Please come forward as soon as you are contacted by the NHS”.

What are the Covid rates?

As of 18 March, hospital admissions across the UK are up 24.8 per cent week-on-week, although the number of patients in intensive care remains low.

The number of people testing positive has gone up by 38.1 per cent in seven days.

In total, 163,511 have died within 28 days of testing positive for coronavirus.

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2022-03-20 14:42:00Z

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