Minggu, 05 Desember 2021

Storm Barra set to batter UK as thousands of homes still without power nine days after Storm Arwen - Sky News

The second major storm of the winter - named Barra by the Irish Met Office - is set to batter the UK on Tuesday.

Weather warnings have been issued for wind and snow as thousands of homes are still without power nine days after Storm Arwen.

Forecasters say the further bad weather may hinder efforts to reconnect properties.

Jim Muir and his wife Belinda, who live at Honeyneuk Farm, Maud, Aberdeenshire, were left without power for over a week following Storm Arwen
Image: Jim Muir and his wife Belinda were left without power for over a week in Aberdeenshire

Speaking during a visit to Durham, Energy Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said it was "totally unacceptable" that thousands of homes remain without power.

"It's wrong and bad for people to be off power for such a long time," he told the BBC.

"As I've said, for 99.5% of people they're back on, but for the ones that are still having to put up with this - this is unacceptable."

Mr Kwarteng added that a review will be carried out and if energy firms are found to have failed to invest in infrastructure then "there could be enforcement action".

More on Storm Arwen

But shadow environment secretary Jim McMahon said it "beggars belief" that the loss of power to so many homes has been not been considered a "national priority".

He told Sky News' Trevor Phillips on Sunday programme: "I firmly believe had this been the case where 20,000 properties were without power in Surrey or in London, the government would absolutely have treated it with more seriousness.

"For people in County Durham who I spoke to, they felt isolated, they felt angry and they felt forgotten."

Fresh warnings for high winds across the UK come into force from 9am on Tuesday and could mean more power supply problems and disruption to transport, the Met Office said.

A warning for snow on the same day covers the North of England and Scotland. Again the Met Office says there is a chance of power outages and a "slight chance" rural communities could be cut off.

Heavy rainfall on Saturday meant hundreds of properties that had power restored were again without supply in Northumberland, a local councillor told Sky News.

Latest national data showed 4,025 homes were without power across northern England and Scotland on Sunday, down from 4,700 homes on Saturday, according to industry body the Energy Networks Association.

Thousands of homes remained without power nine days after Storm Arwen struck. Pic: Northern Powergrid
Image: Thousands of homes remained without power on Sunday morning. Pic: Northern Powergrid

Ed Miliband, the shadow climate change secretary, said it was "completely outrageous" that thousands of people have been without power for more than a week, after the storm hit on 26 November.

"People are being left in the most appalling circumstances and there has been an absence of government leadership," Mr Miliband said.

"We need an urgent investigation to understand what went wrong, and to ensure that our power systems are never again this vulnerable to extreme weather events."

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Boris Johnson said he was "concerned" at the number of homes still without power as he held calls with local leaders and Lt Col Mark Steed, who is coordinating the military involvement in the response.

The prime minister tweeted: "I am grateful for the tireless efforts of the emergency teams and volunteers on the ground but remain concerned that... households are still without power.

"I reiterated to those I spoke to that the government is ready to further support their work in any way we can."

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'We feel a bit forgotten up here' - Tim Farron

Steven Bridgett, a councillor in Rothbury in Northumberland, said about 150 properties in the area were without power on Saturday but the number had soared again after "significant rainfall and wind" overnight.

"That pretty much wiped out all of the good work that had been achieved over the last three or four days," he told Sky News.

"We're now back up to about 600 properties that are still without power.

"We've got significant surface water flooding happening in this area as well. Some of the roads are starting to flood.

"We've pretty much had constant rainfall now for 12 to 14 hours.

"It started off as snow then it progressed into heavy rainfall with wind."

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What it's like to live without electricity

Mr Bridgett praised the response from the local council and emergency services but believes a "major incident" should have been declared earlier.

He said essentials including water, batteries and logs were available for affected residents at collection points in Rothbury and Whittingham.

"We've had significant flooding, we've had significant winter storms, we've had a week with no gas - we are a pretty tough and resilient community in this area," Mr Bridgett added.

A man makes safe fallen masonry from a property, which has damaged a nearby car, on Gloucester Avenue in Roker, Sunderland, after gusts of almost 100 miles per hour battered some areas of the UK during Storm Arwen. Picture date: Saturday November 27, 2021.
Image: Storm Arwen hit on 27 November, with strong winds causing this damage in Sunderland

The Met Office issued yellow weather warnings for rain in parts of the north east of England and a yellow warning for snow for parts of the south east of Scotland overnight from Saturday into Sunday.

With work still ongoing to restore power, forecasters predict low temperatures of between 4C (39F) and 6C (43F) accompanied by some gale-force winds for the region over the coming days.

A band of rain and snow is expected on Monday, along with more wind.

Monday lunchtime

From Tuesday, the UK is set to see continued wind, rain, and snow, with a likelihood of more strong gusts, although not as strong as Arwen, into Wednesday.

Simon Partridge, a meteorologist at the Met Office, said the expected weather conditions were "not helpful" for the work to reconnect power supplies and get to remote areas.

"It's certainly not ideal, and the higher locations certainly will be seeing some more snow in the coming days," he added.

Royal Marines Pic: MoD
Image: Royal Marines visit storm-hit areas in Aberdeenshire. Pic: MoD

Energy regulator Ofgem has warned it will take enforcement action against network companies which failed to restore power to customers quickly enough following the storm.

It has also agreed with firms to lift the £700 cap on compensation which could be given to customers.

The change will allow those affected to claim £70 for each 12-hour period they are left without power, after an initial £70 for the first 48 hours.

Nearly 300 military personnel from the British Army and Royal Marines were deployed to offer support and were conducting door-to-door checks on vulnerable people in their homes.

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2021-12-05 12:11:15Z

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