Rabu, 25 Agustus 2021

Circuit break lockdown in Scotland 'being considered' to tackle surging Covid cases - Daily Record

A circuit breaker lockdown is among the options being considered to slow the recent spike of coronavirus infections in Scotland, it has been reported.

Public health experts are reportedly lining up a series of options for Nicola Sturgeon after Scotland recorded its highest number of new daily cases today.

Other measures being considered include new rules on social distancing and so-called vaccine certificates.

It is believed that the most recent lifting of restrictions will be the first to be considered for reversal by Scottish Government ministers.

A number of options are reportedly being tabled to Nicola Sturgeon by public health experts - including a new lockdown

A source, who has knowledge of government planning, told The Times : “There are two options: You could either put in a circuit breaker, you could shut down completely for a short period.

“Or you could move back through the stages and say we are going to limit indoor gatherings, we are going to re-introduce distancing.”

Scotland moved beyond the coronavirus levels system earlier this month - which paved the way for the reopening of nightclubs while legal social distancing measures were scrapped.

Since then, there has been a sharp increase in the number of new Covid infections.

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The latest daily statistics released by the Scottish Government revealed that 5,021 new daily cases were recorded in the last 24 hours.

But the number of hospitalisations and deaths from the virus remains much lower than those seen during the recent winter peak.

Almost two thousands Scots were being treated for Covid when the country entered into its third week of strict lockdown measures towards the end of January.

Today’s public health data reveals that there are currently 391 people in hospital with the virus.

Nicola Sturgeon is keen to avoid a new lockdown - but has not ruled out the possibility of new measures

Nicola Sturgeon said that she does not want to go back into lockdown despite the recent surge in cases.

But the First Minister stopped short of ruling out new restrictions in an address to Scots yesterday.

Sturgeon told PA new agency today: “I don’t want to go back to anything like a full lockdown.

“I don’t want to pre-empt any decision that might or might not - and I hope will not - have to be taken about the imposition of the restrictions.

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“But if we, all of us, take the basic precautions right now that we know can slow the virus, then I hope no re-imposition of restrictions will be necessary.

“But I also know that no sensible First Minister, in the face of an infectious virus, would rule anything out, because protecting the population has to be the priority.”

The Scottish Government has been approached for comment.

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2021-08-25 20:07:03Z

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