Rabu, 02 Juni 2021

Wetherspoons boss denies facing shortage of EU workers - BBC News

Tim Martin, boss of Wetherspoons
Getty Images

The boss of Wetherspoons has denied claims his pubs are facing a staff shortage caused by Brexit.

It comes after Tim Martin was quoted by the Daily Telegraph as saying he favoured a more "liberal" visa scheme for EU workers to tackle shortfalls.

Mr Martin, a vocal Brexit supporter, told the BBC he had always favoured an Australian style system which treated near neighbours preferentially.

There was "no recruitment issue" other than in small coastal towns, he added.

Many hospitality businesses have struggled during the pandemic despite extensive government support, and firms are reportedly now struggling to recruit as they reopen.

According to trade group UK Hospitality, Brexit has added to the problem, as more EU workers return to their home countries.

According to the Telegraph, Mr Martin said a more flexible visa system for EU workers could help ease the pressure on firms.

"The UK has a low birth rate. A reasonably liberal immigration system controlled by those we have elected, as distinct from the EU system, would be a plus for the economy and the country," he told the paper.

"America, Australia and Singapore have benefited for many decades from this approach. Immigration combined with democracy works."

However, Mr Martin later told the BBC the comment has been taken out of context.

He added that Wetherspoons was not struggling to recruit, and in some towns, such as Northallerton, jobs at its pubs were oversubscribed.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics in April suggest that more than one in 10 UK hospitality workers left the industry in the last year.

UK Hospitality has urged the government to encourage UK-based workers to join the sector.

It is also asking the government to renew its list of shortage occupations and consider a visa scheme for workers who would not qualify under the points-based system.

Over the past 12 months Wetherspoons, which has 871 pubs, has reduced the number of staff by about 6,000 to almost 38,000.

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2021-06-02 10:32:20Z

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