Minggu, 05 Januari 2020

World War 3: What is the military draft age? Can people be drafted for war in the UK? - Express.co.uk

is currently trending on Twitter, as millions of people fear the worst after a US drone strike killed Iran’s top general. The prospect of all-out war in the 21st century comes with some terrifying implications, among them the military draft.

What is the military draft?

The military draft, otherwise known as conscription, is an age-old practice of compulsory enlistment into a country’s military.

The draft originates in antiquity and sees people bound to serve in the military unless they have extenuating circumstances.

Draft age varies, but traditionally starts at 18, and few countries still make use of the practice.

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While there is no forced conscription currently active in the UK, Parliament could pass a law reestablishing it during a time of national crisis.

The same goes for the US, which abandoned the draft in 1973.

However, while the US abolished the draft after the Vietnam War, its remnants became the Selective Service System.

The system requires all men to register within 30 days of their 18th birthday and lists all those who would be potentially subject to the draft.

If the US Congress one day approved a bill which reestablishes forced conscription, the Selective Service System lists who is available.

Selective Service is expected to deliver the first draftees within 193 days of a national crisis.

Other countries never disposed of the military draft, among them the US’ feared opponents Iran and their strategic ally Russia.

Austria, Greece and a selection of other European countries also make use of the practice.

Concerns about the draft hit the Selective Service System particularly hard, as the organisation noted its website crashed this weekend. 

Speaking via Twitter, the service revealed it was experiencing "unusually high traffic volumes" due to the spread of "misinformation". 

The service said: "Due to the spread of misinformation, our website is experiencing high traffic volumes at this time.

"If you are attempting to register or verify registration, please check back later today as we are working to resolve this issue. We appreciate your patience."

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2020-01-05 08:42:00Z

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