Selasa, 23 Juli 2019

Tory leadership: UK waits for prime minister announcement - BBC News

After being named the new prime minister, Boris Johnson said he wasn't daunted by the challenge of delivering Brexit.

“Today at this pivotal moment in our history we again have to reconcile two sets of instincts, two noble sets of instincts, between the deep desire of friendship and free trade and mutual support in security and defence between Britain and our European partners, and the simultaneous desire – equally deep and heartfelt – for democratic self-government in this country.

“And of course there are some people who say that they are irreconcilable and it just can’t be done. And indeed I read in my Financial Times this morning… that no incoming leader has ever faced such a daunting set of circumstances.

“Well I look at you this morning and ask: Do you look daunted?’

“I don’t think you look remotely daunted. I think we can do it and I think the people of this country are trusting in us to do it and we know that we will do it.

"And we know the mantra of the campaign that just went by - it is deliver Brexit, unite the country, and defeat Jeremy Corbyn. And that’s what we’re going to do."

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2019-07-23 04:57:43Z

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