Jumat, 03 Mei 2024

What do final London Mayoral election polls predict for Sadiq Khan and Susan Hall? - The Independent

With the voting booths now closed and the count furiously being verified the race is on to be the next Mayor of London.

Sadiq Khan, who is seeking his third term, is currently the favourite to win against his Conservative challenger Susan Hall.

But the Tories have been buoyed by what they see as a low voter turnout with just two million Londoners out of a possible six million registered placing an X on their ballot on Thursday.

Sadiq Khan is hoping for a third term (EPA)

The Home Secretary accused Mr Khan of “falling asleep at the wheel” such was his initial lead but the race was “electrified” by a poll in the Standard which showed the gap between the pair narrowing to its smallest point just hours before the booths opened.

A Savanta survey for the Centre for London this week put the Labour mayor on 42 per cent and the Tory candidate breathing down his neck with 32 per cent and then Liberal Democrat candidate Rob Blackie in third with 10 per cent.

The results are a striking contrast with a separate YouGov poll earlier in the week which gives Mr Khan a huge 22-point lead.

Mr Khan told the EveningStandard he would happily take the narrowest of victories.

“I’m quite clear, as someone who used to captain our cricket team: a win is a win.”

Tory Susan Hall has narrowed the gap according to one poll (Getty Images)

Mr Khan said his campaign and Labour activists “sent out a message of fairness, of equality and of hope. Whatever the results this weekend might bring, I am so proud of that.”

Ms Hall said on polling day: “Thank you to everyone who voted and all who came out and helped, I’m forever grateful. No matter the result, I’ll never stop listening to you and fighting for a better London for all of us.”

The Spectator reports that Ms Khan can afford to have a bad night and significantly underperform Labour but still claim a historic third term by 7 or 8 points.

If Ms Hall defeats Mr Khan, she will become the first woman to lead London as mayor and has a five-point plan for the capital. She vows to reduce crime, scrap Ulez, build “family homes”, and make London a “cleaner and greener city”.

But former Conservative party chair and peer Sayeeda Warsi criticised the Tory candidate, who has been accused of divisive politics and Islamophobia.

Ms Hall would be the first female mayor of London if she wins (Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire)

Baroness Warsi - who served as Tory chair between 2010 and 2012 - said on X/Twitter: “Why is it that with every London Mayoral election we manage to find a candidate worse than the last and manage to sink that little bit more into gutter politics.”

The Mayoral race comes in a backdrop of terrible polling results for Rishi Sunak with the sharks circling and backbench Tories expected to challenge the prime minister’s leadership if a bad local election result veers into disaster.

Current polling ahead of a possible General Election puts the Conservatives lower than they were even under Mr Sunak’s predecessor Liz Truss.

A recent YouGov/Times voting intention poll put the Tories on 18%, down two points in the last month which is the lowest Conservative vote share of this Parliament – lower than under Ms Truss when it sank to 19 per cent. In stark contrast, Labour is riding high on 44 per cent amid rumours of potential leadership challenges for Mr Sunak from Kemi Badenoch and Penny Mordaunt.

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2024-05-03 09:18:08Z

Bad night for Rishi Sunak as Tories lose Blackpool South and local councils - BBC

New Labour Party MP for Blackpool South, Chris Webb, and beaten Conservative candidate David Jones looks on at the count centre in Blackpool, north-west England on 3 May 2024, after the declaration for the Blackpool South by-electionAFP

Rishi Sunak has been hit by a string of defeats in the last big test of public opinion before a general election.

Labour is gaining seats across England in local elections and took Blackpool South in a Westminster by-election.

Mr Sunak had been braced for a bad night but the loss of key councils and a big swing to Labour in Blackpool will put fresh pressure on his leadership.

Many more results are still to come - with only about a third of 107 councils declared so far.

The Conservatives are hoping Tees Valley mayor Lord Ben Houchen will retain his position, with the result expected after mid-day. Most other mayoral results - including London, where Labour's Sadiq Khan is aiming to win a third term - will come on Saturday.

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Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the Blackpool result - a massive 26% swing to Labour - sent "a direct message" to Rishi Sunak from voters that "we want change".

He said: "That wasn't just a little message, that wasn't just a murmur, that was a shout from Blackpool - we want change.

"And Blackpool speaks for the whole country - it's saying that we've had enough now."

Conservative MP Paul Scully told LBC the results so far were "pretty horrendous" and the party needed to "suck that up, take it on the chin, be humble" and "admit the fact we need to create a vision over the next few months ahead of a general election".

MP Dame Andrea Jenkyns, a longstanding critic of Mr Sunak, urged him to listen to the electorate and change course, saying the party needed to "wake up, be conservative, or we lose".

Conservative Party chairman Richard Holden described the local election results so far as "disappointing" and said his party needed to start talking about their successes and "vision for the future".

Despite a general election expected to be called in the next six months or so, he told BBC Breakfast: "Overall a disappointing night for us but that's what you'd expect from parties in midterm of government."

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Labour will be pleased to have regained control of key council targets Hartlepool, Thurrock, Rushmoor and Redditch - areas where they are aiming to win at the general election later this year.

But, there is evidence in areas with a significant Muslim population that Labour's stance on Gaza is hurting the party.

In Oldham, where two Labour councillors quit the party over Gaza earlier this year, Labour lost control of the council.

Labour MP Pat McFadden, the party's national campaign coordinator, admitted "strong feelings" around the Middle East were "a factor" in the losses, adding: "I don't think there's any point denying that - it does get raised".

Reform UK is doing well in the areas where it has fielded candidates - and nearly beat the Tories into second place in Blackpool South.

Reform leader Richard Tice said the results showed his party "is rapidly becoming the real opposition to Labour".

Blackpool South by-election result

The Green Party is also performing well and heading for a record number of councillors. The Liberal Democrats have made modest gains so far.

The by-election in Blackpool South was triggered by the resignation of former Conservative MP Scott Benton, who was suspended from the party after being caught in a lobbying sting.

Labour candidate Chris Webb overturned a majority of 3,690 to defeat Conservative David Jones in the constituency, which was previously held by Labour from 1997 to 2019.

The swing of 26% from the Tories to Labour was the third biggest in a by-election since 1945.

Overall, it was a bad night for the Conservatives, who lost more than 120 council seats and control of three councils, while Labour gained 52 council seats.

Elections expert Prof Sir John Curtice said the Tories could be on course to lose 500 councillors in "one of the worst, if not the worst" performances by the party in 40 years.

Chris Webb and his wife Portia hold their son Cillian Douglas Webb during the Blackpool South Parliamentary by-election

The last time these seats were fought was in 2021, when the Tories benefited from the success of the UK's vaccine rollout.

The party is still hoping to hold on in mayoral elections in Tees Valley and the West Midlands, where results are expected on Friday and Saturday.

There are nine other mayoral contests taking place - including in London, Greater Manchester and Liverpool City Region.

The East Midlands, the North East, and York and North Yorkshire are also electing mayors for the first time.

Elsewhere, 37 police and crime commissioners are being elected in England and Wales.

Votes are still being counted in the majority of councils, with the final declarations not expected until Sunday.

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2024-05-03 10:06:30Z

University College London: Students set up pro-Palestine camp - The Telegraph

Students at University College London have set up an encampment on campus in support of Palestine.

Around a dozen orange tents are pitched outside the main building in Bloomsbury, London.

Protestors have called for the university to divest from “Israeli war crimes” along with a pledge to rebuild universities in Gaza.

Security is stationed at all entrances of the university campus, and those trying to enter are being asked to show their student identity cards.

Guards are not allowing any non-students onto the premises. Students said that this is not normal and that usually people are allowed to come and go freely.

One told the Telegraph the amped-up restrictions are in place because of the protest.

Students have three ‘demands’

Protestors called University College London a “disgrace” for its stance on the war in Gaza. One masked student said their demonstration was inspired by the action being taken at US universities.

Hundreds of students have been arrested at universities in America following protests over the Israel-Gaza war.

At UCL, two students holding up their fists and posing for a photo chanted, “In our hundreds, in our millions we are all Palestinian”. 

Student protesters at UCL
Student protesters at UCL Credit: Paul Grover for the Telegraph

A 20-year-old first-year student protestor told the Telegraph: “We are following in the footsteps of students around the world in asking for our university to divest the millions of pounds it has in companies that supply arms to Israel.

“It’s disgraceful that the university is invested in these companies.

“We have three demands of our university. The first is that we are asking the university not to pick sides. They shouldn’t pick sides and shouldn’t be investing in Israel.

“Secondly, we are asking the university to condemn the active genocide taking place just like it has condemned all previous genocides including the apartheid in South Africa.

“And thirdly we are asking the university to re-establish the educational system in Gaza. That’s it. These are our demands.”

‘We’re inspired by action in America’

Another 20-year-old third-year student, speaking under conditions of anonymity, said: “We are a coalition of students taking inspiration from the action in America.

“We are taking a stand to say enough is enough.”

He added: “We are calling for the university to divest completely from companies complicit in genocide.

“So far we have heard nothing from the university but we will continue our protest for as long as it takes for them to meet our demands.”

The protestor said ten students had slept in the tents currently pitched on campus on Thursday night.

He said there were 30 activists present during the day.

“We are expecting more people to show up today,” he added.

University College London was contacted for comment.

Students across the country have set up encampments occupying public spaces on campus with tents and gazebos in protest over the situation in Gaza.

Among the campuses where tent protests are taking place include Leeds, Newcastle, Manchester, Sheffield, Warwick, Swansea, Bristol and Goldsmiths, University of London.

Students have set up tents on the grounds of Manchester University
Students have set up tents on the grounds of Manchester University Credit: Anadolu

Many students have refused to move, saying that they will only leave after universities “meet their demands”, including that institutions end ties with a number of Israeli organisations.

They are also demanding donations of food and hygiene products so that they are able to continue camping out.

The protests come after large demonstrations across US campuses, most notably at Columbia University in New York and UCLA in Los Angeles. More than 1,000 people have been arrested in recent days at student-organised protests of Israel’s war effort in Gaza on university campuses across the country. The protests have resulted in violent clashes and police firing rubber bullets.

President Joe Biden commented on the escalating tensions, warning students: “There is a right to protest, but not a right to cause chaos,” in remarks at the White House earlier this week.

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2024-05-03 08:34:29Z

Local election results: Labour takes Blackpool South as Tories set for losses - live - The Independent

Sadiq Khan casts his vote in the London Mayoral election

Labour has hailed a “seismic” by-election win in Blackpool South, with Rishi Sunak facing a brutal series of local election losses overnight.

Sir Keir Starmer said Labour’s win, in the contest to replace ousted Tory MP Scott Benton, was “truly historic” and the “most important result” nationally.

Britain’s top polling guru Professor Sir John Curtice said the election “could be one of the worst, if not the worst, Conservative performances in local government elections of the last forty years.

Asked if the results were “catastrophic” for the Tories, Sir John said: “Not far from it”.

He added: “So far they are actually losing half of the seats they are trying to defend. If this continues, they could end up losing about 500 seats, which is exactly what they needed to avoid.”

With the results of key mayoral contests yet to be declared, one Tory MP told The Independent that a move against Mr Sunak is “likely” if either West Midlands mayor Andy Street or Tees Valley mayor Ben Houchen lose their jobs.


Key results so far

Counting is under way in the 107 councils in England that held elections on Thursday, with the first results declared overnight and more to come later on Friday.

Early results for the police & crime commissioner elections across England and Wales have also been declared, while results are due on Friday afternoon for the mayors in the East Midlands, North East, Tees Valley and York & North Yorkshire.

There was also a byelection in Blackpool South - which saw Labour take the seat from the Conservatives with 58.9 per cent of the vote share.

Labour’s candidate Chris Webb received 10,825 votes, with the Tories trailing far behind with just 3,218 and Reform behind with just 3,218.

Here are some of the key results so far:


The Labour Party won control of the council for the first time since 2019 thanks to a net gain of seven seats, while the Tories lost six.

While Labour did make progress in Harlow in Thursday’s council elections, it fell short of an overall majority by the narrowest of margins, ending up with 16 seats, just one behind the Tories on 17.

The party gained seven seats and a majority on Rushmoor council, an area that includes the army town of Aldershot, while the Tories lost eight seats and overall control.

Labour will be pleased with its performance in the Worcestershire council of Redditch - another important battleground at the general election - where the party picked up nine seats and overall control, while the Conservatives saw their tally drop by 11.

South Tyneside

It was a less cheery picture for Labour in South Tyneside, where the party suffered a net loss of 10 seats. Independent candidates gained nine seats and the Greens gained two, while the Tories lost their only councillor.

Labour still has a majority here, but only just: the new council will have 28 Labour councillors, 15 Independents and 11 Greens.


The Reform Party had a full or near-full slate of candidates in only a handful of councils holding elections this year and Sunderland was one of a few places where it fought every seat.

While the party did not win any of them, it did beat the Conservatives into third place in 16 of the 25 seats up for grabs while Labour made a net gain of six to increase its comfortable majority.

This Essex council was another one of Labour’s top targets in a key Conservative-Labour election battleground.

The party needed to gain six seats to take control of Thurrock, which has been run by the Tories for the past few years during a period of turbulence that saw the council declared effectively bankrupt in December 2022.

Labour ended up making a net gain of eight seats, enough for a clear majority, with Independents picking up two and the Tories suffering a net loss of 10.

Alexander Butler3 May 2024 06:28

‘No major problems’ with voter ID rules , Electoral Commission chief says

There were “no major problems” with new voter ID rules during yesterday’s elections, the chief of the Electoral Commission said.

Chief executive Vijay Rangarajan said it didn’t seem like there were “very many” people who made forgot identification on the day.

He told the BBC’s Today programme that campaigns to raise awareness of voter ID rules were largely successful, and that any issues people experienced were just “teething problems”.

Asked about veterans whose Veteran Cards weren’t accepted - since they’re not on the list of accepted IDs - Rangarajan says the government should look to expand the list of ID cards accepted for elections.

“We’ve not seen any major problems so far,” he said, adding the Electoral Commission will now do “quite a lot of analysis” to learn lessons for future elections.

Alexander Butler3 May 2024 08:39

‘We’re here to stay’ - Reform MP Lee Anderson says

Former Tory MP Lee Anderson has said Reform are “here to stay” following his defection to the party and it vote share in Blackpool.

“We’re here to stay. We’re making in-roads,” he says. “Our trajectory is going up and up and up and the Tory party is going down and down and down.”

Asked if Reform standing may have harmed the Conservatives’ result, he says Labour is winning “50-60% of the vote” in a lot of areas, meaning Labour still would have won even if Reform didn’t stand.

Alexander Butler3 May 2024 08:21

Former Conservative chair blasts ‘gutter politics’ of Tory London mayoral candidate Susan Hall

Alexander Butler3 May 2024 08:17

Gaza partly to blame for Oldham losses, Labour says

Pat McFadden has admitted the crisis in Gaza has been an “issue” and “does get raised” when asked about Labour’s loss of control in Oldham.

The party’s national campaign coordinator told BBC Breakfast: “I do think that’s been a factor in some places, I don’t think there’s any point in denying that. It does get raised, and I understand why people have strong feelings about that.”

He said that with “so many innocent people being killed I’m not surprised people have strong feelings about that”.

Alexander Butler3 May 2024 07:44

Tories on course for worst local election results in 40 years, polling guru John Curtice says

Alexander Butler3 May 2024 07:09

Local election results: Ask John Rentoul anything as public opinion is tested ahead of general election

Alexander Butler3 May 2024 07:02

Labour holds Southampton

Labour has held Southampton City Council.

Alexander Butler3 May 2024 06:56

How many councils won and lost?

Good morning. So far, 35 out of 107 councils have declared results.

Labour has won 3 councils, with an increase of 52 councillors overall.

The Conservatives have lost 3 councils and 121 councillors across the country.

Alexander Butler3 May 2024 06:47

Worst Tory performance in 40 years, professor says

A leading politics professor has said this year’s local elections could be the worst Conservative performance in nearly 40 years.

Professor John Curtice, of the University of Strathclyde, told the BBC: “I think we’re probably looking at one of the worst if not the worst Conservative performances in local government elections in the last 40 years.

“There’s much more to come, but I think we have to conclude that the message from the polls is the Conservative party has not been making significant progress.”

Alexander Butler3 May 2024 06:41

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2024-05-03 07:31:14Z

Hainault sword attack: Daniel Anjorin fundraiser hits target - The Independent

Marcus Monzo arrives at court charged with murder of schoolboy Daniel Anjori in Hainault

More than £75,000 has so far been raised for the family of Daniel Anjorin after the 14-year-old was killed in a samurai sword attack on a suburban east London street while on his way to school.

In less than two days, almost 5,000 people have already donated to the fundraiser, which was set up by a close friend of the schoolboy’s brother on Tuesday, the day of the horrific incident in Hainault.

The GoFundMe page pays tribute to Daniel in its message, describing him as “a very loved boy in the local community who was always full of happiness and joy and very much loved by everybody he came across”.

It is among the many tributes that have been flooding in since Daniel’s death, with the teenager’s family praising him as “a wonderful child” who was well-loved and hard-working. “No family should have to go through what we are experiencing today,” they told Sky News.

On Thursday, Marcus Monzo, 36, of Newham, appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court charged with Daniel’s murder.


Police call for witnesses as investigation into killing of Daniel Anjorin continues

Detective Chief Inspector Larry Smith, who is leading the investigation into the killing of 14-year-old Daniel Anjorin in Hainault, said previously: “This is an incredibly tragic incident that has resulted in a young boy losing his life and his family devastated. On behalf of the family, I would ask that their privacy is respected.

“This is a complex investigation due to the number of crime scenes, forensic evidence, hours of CCTV footage and witnesses we need to speak to. I know that many people will want answers and we are working to provide them as soon as we can. I would also echo previous calls for patience as my officers carry out a painstaking investigation to deliver justice for Daniel, his family, those injured and the wider community.

“We are starting to build a picture of what happened on Tuesday and I want to thank everyone who has come forward to share dashcam, doorbell and mobile phone footage with us.

“Likewise, thank you to witnesses, who were no doubt terrified by what they saw, and who have made vital contributions to our investigation. Anyone who has not yet spoken to police and has any information should contact us as soon as possible.”

Tara Cobham3 May 2024 08:20

Tributes flood in for schoolboy killed in Hainault sword attack as tens of thousands raised for family

Tens of thousands of pounds have already been raised for the family of Daniel Anjorin, 14, who was on his way to school on Tuesday when he was killed with a sword in Hainault.

A close friend of Daniel’s family said the teenager was “very much loved by everybody he came across... meant so much to a lot of people and will be dearly missed”.

Tom Watling3 May 2024 07:00

Daniel Anjorin fundraiser surpasses £45,000

A fundraiser set up by a friend of the late Daniel Anjorin’s family has surpassed £45,000 just a day after it was created.

The fund was created as a means of sending money to Daniel’s family after he died on Tuesday.

The goal of the fund is to raise £60,000. You can view the GoFundMe page here.

Tom Watling3 May 2024 06:00

Local groups pay tribute to Daniel Anjorin

A group called Nigerians in the UK have paid tribute to 14-year-old Daniel Anjorin, who died on Tuesday.

Tom Watling3 May 2024 05:00

Hainault stabbing suspect appears in court charged with murder of schoolboy Daniel Anjorin

Marcus Monzo, 36, appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, having also been charged with two counts of attempted murder, two counts of grievous bodily harm, aggravated burglary and possession of a bladed article.

Wearing a grey tracksuit, he appeared with four prison officers and spoke to confirm his name.

Tom Watling3 May 2024 03:00

Daniel Anjorin fundraiser surpasses £45,000

A fundraiser set up by a friend of the late Daniel Anjorin’s family has surpassed £45,000 just a day after it was created.

The fund was created as a means of sending money to Daniel’s family after he died on Tuesday.

The goal of the fund is to raise £60,000. You can view the GoFundMe page here.

Tom Watling3 May 2024 01:00

Hainault stabbing suspect appears in court charged with murder of schoolboy Daniel Anjorin

Marcus Monzo, 36, appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, having also been charged with two counts of attempted murder, two counts of grievous bodily harm, aggravated burglary and possession of a bladed article.

Wearing a grey tracksuit, he appeared with four prison officers and spoke to confirm his name.

Tom Watling3 May 2024 00:00

All On The Board pays tribute to Daniel Anjorin

Tom Watling2 May 2024 23:00

Tributes flood in for schoolboy killed in Hainault sword attack as tens of thousands raised for family

Tens of thousands of pounds have already been raised for the family of Daniel Anjorin, 14, who was on his way to school on Tuesday when he was killed with a sword in Hainault.

A close friend of Daniel’s family said the teenager was “very much loved by everybody he came across... meant so much to a lot of people and will be dearly missed”.

Tom Watling2 May 2024 22:00

Daniel Anjorin fundraiser surpasses £45,000

A fundraiser set up by a friend of the late Daniel Anjorin’s family has surpassed £45,000 just a day after it was created.

The fund was created as a means of sending money to Daniel’s family after he died on Tuesday.

The goal of the fund is to raise £60,000. You can view the GoFundMe page here.

Tom Watling2 May 2024 20:45

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2024-05-03 07:20:28Z

Labour overturns 24 years of Tory control as it wins home of the British Army - The Telegraph

Labour has won a key breakthrough in the home of the British Army for the first time, suggesting it is on course for a seismic general election win.

In a landmark result, Sir Keir Starmer’s party clinched Rushmoor council, overturning a quarter of a century of Tory control to secure its first-ever majority.

The district includes Aldershot Garrison, a military town which has been considered the home of the British Army since it was built in 1854.

Labour said its historic victory proved the party has moved on since its days under Jeremy Corbyn and was now trusted by voters on defence.

But the result will prompt alarm in No 10 as it suggests even the safest of Conservative seats will be under threat at the general election.

A Labour spokesman said: “This is a truly historic result. Rushmoor - the home of the British Army - has never had a majority Labour council before, and has been run by the Tories for the last 24 years.

“This result demonstrates just how much the Labour Party has changed and people in Rushmoor know that only Labour can deliver the change they want to see.

“A Labour gain for Rushmoor is a result Rishi Sunak cannot ignore. It’s time for a general election.”

Labour won nine of the 13 seats being contested on Rushmoor Borough Council, with the Tories winning just three and the Liberal Democrats taking the other.

The result suggests the parliamentary constituency of Aldershot, which has been Tory ever since its creation in 1918, could be in play at the election.

Leo Docherty, the Europe minister, is the current MP and won a near 17,000 majority over his Labour rival in 2019.

Aldershot is number 216 on the list of Labour target seats, requiring a 17 per cent swing, and winning it would suggest Sir Keir was on course for a landslide.

Reform UK could also play a defining role in the future of a constituency where the UK Independence Party came narrowly in third at the 2015 election.

The result in Rushmoor came on yet another dire night for the Tories, who also lost the Blackpool South by-election to Labour by a massive 22 per cent swing.

Labour also clinched Hartlepool council from the Tories in a symbolic result which represented the latter’s changing fortunes in the Red Wall.

It was three years ago that a massive Boris Johnson balloon was floated in the town as the Tories took the parliamentary seat from Labour in a by-election.

The former prime minister’s success in the North East even forced Sir Keir into thoughts of resigning and appeared to cement a new Conservative dominance.

But the tables have now turned with the Tories struggling to hold onto the coalition of new voters across the North and Midlands that they won in 2019.

Labour chalked up another council win in Thurrock, Essex, in a further sign that it is on track to secure a 1997-style landslide at the next election.

The parliamentary seat in Thurrock, held by Tory MP Dame Jackie Doyle-Price, has been blue since 2010 and was last red during the New Labour years.

Labour's Chris Webb celebrates with his wife and daughter after defeating the Tories in Blackpool South
Labour's Chris Webb celebrates with his wife and daughter after defeating the Tories in Blackpool South Credit: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Thurrock was one of the most heavily Leave-supporting areas in the country, with the result suggesting Sir Keir has put his party’s Brexit woes behind it.

A Labour Party spokesperson said: “This is exactly the kind of place we need to be winning to gain a majority in a general election.

“The people of Thurrock have sent the Conservatives a message that they want change.”

Andrew Jefferies, the outgoing Tory leader of Thurrock council, said that Rishi Sunak needed to “give people a reason to vote Conservative”. 

He told the BBC: “We’re very disappointed in the result that we’ve had this evening. It was to be expected, all the polls were telling us that that was going to happen.

“The Conservative Party, the Government, need to give people a reason to vote Conservative. At the moment people feel disheartened and disappointed.

“We need a reason to vote and I believe the Prime Minister will set out and give people that reason again.”

Pat McFadden MP, Labour’s National Campaign Coordinator, said: “These results show that Labour is making progress in the places needed that will decide the general election.

“The Tories needed to be making gains in an election year. Instead, their vote has collapsed in a key by-election and they are suffering losses of council seats. Responsibility for this sits firmly with Rishi Sunak who is being punished by voters for the Tories’ failure.

“These results are sending a clear message that people across the country are demanding change, and only the Labour Party will deliver that. It’s time for a general election now.”

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2024-05-03 06:38:00Z

Kamis, 02 Mei 2024

Local election 2024 results LIVE: Councils across Greater Manchester and England count votes - Manchester Evening News

Local elections have taken place across England with thousands of council seats to be decided by voters.

A total of 107 councils held elections in England including all 10 in Greater Manchester. A further 11 mayoral contests and 37 police and crime commissioner elections also took place across England and Wales.

Among those are mayoral elections in Greater Manchester, Salford and London. Londoners also decided on will represent them in the London Assembly election.

READ MORE: What time every local council election 2024 result is due - full list

The results of Thursday's elections are being declared over several days, starting on the night of May 2 and ending on May 5. Around a third of councils are expected to declare in the early hours of Friday morning - with nearly two-thirds of authorities announcing their results later in the day.

Three councils are due to return results on Saturday, with Salford the last on Sunday afternoon.

In Greater Manchester we can expect overnight results from Bolton (2am), Wigan (2am), Oldham (2.30am), Tameside (3am) and Stockport (3.30am). Manchester (1pm), Rochdale (2.30pm), Trafford (3.30pm) and Bury are due to delcare results later on Friday.

The Greater Manchester and Salford mayoral election results are expected on Saturday evening. A Parliamentary by-election has also being held in Blackpool South with results due overnight.

Thursday's elections are the last big electoral test for all the political parties before the general election, which is expected to take place later this year.

You can follow all the latest results, news, updates and local and national reaction from the counts in our live blog below...

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2024-05-03 03:00:00Z