Sabtu, 20 April 2024

Rishi Sunak’s plan to cut sickness benefits bill prompts charity fury - The Independent

Rishi Sunak’s plans to slash the spiralling costs of “sick note” benefits have been met with a barrage of criticism from mental health experts and others.

The prime minister said it was a “moral mission” to reform the welfare system, as he warned the number of young economically inactive people in Britain was a “tragedy”.

But he was forced to deny his proposals – which include removing benefits entirely from fit people who refuse to work after 12 months – were about cost-cutting and lacked compassion as he faced accusations of “hostile rhetoric” and a “full-on assault on disabled people”.

Since Covid the number of people out of work due to long-term sickness has risen significantly, reaching 2.8 million people in February.

At £69bn, Britain is now spending more on benefits for people of working age with a disability or health condition than “our entire schools budget”, Mr Sunak warned in a speech.

Setting out his reform plans he announced that benefit payments could be withdrawn from some people with mental health problems, who would be offered treatment instead.

Charities slammed the proposal pointing out that 1.8 million people are already waiting for mental health treatment on the NHS.

The prime minister also unveiled plans that could strip GPs of the right to issue “fit notes”, handing them over to other professionals.

Benefits fraud would also be treated like tax fraud, with new powers to make seizures and arrests and a new civil penalty.

Meanwhile, those who are fit and able to work will have their employment claim closed and their benefits taken away if they do not accept available work, under plans to be brought in after the general election.

Making the announcement the PM said: “Anyone who doesn't comply with the conditions set by the work coach, such as accepting an available job will, after 12 months, have their claim closed and their benefits removed entirely.”

Downing Street said a quarter of a million people have been out of work for more than a year, at a time when there are 900,000 vacancies in the economy.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer hit out at the plans, saying the “biggest problem here frankly is that the government has broken the NHS, and waiting lists are up at 7.6 million”.

The charity Scope said calls were “pouring into” their helpline from concerned disabled people following the speech, which it said felt “like a full-on assault”.

Rishi Sunak has made a speech on major proposals for welfare

Mr Sunak insisted he was not downplaying or dismissing illness, but instead calling for a “more ambitious” approach to helping people back to work.

But he said he would not let “down many of the people our welfare system was designed to help” for “fear of causing offence”.

Warning that “something has gone wrong”, Mr Sunak warned that 850,000 more people had been signed off work due to long-term sickness since the pandemic. The change had “wiped out a decade’s worth of progress in which the rate had fallen every single year”, while the biggest proportional increase was among young people.

He added: “There is nothing compassionate about leaving a generation of young people to sit alone in the dark before a flickering screen watching as their dreams slip further from reach every passing day.”

His review of the fit-note system could see specialist work and health professionals charged with responsibility for issuing them instead of GPs.

Recent NHS data showed almost 11 million fit notes were issued last year, of which 94 per cent declared the recipient “not fit to work”.

The PM visits a branch of Timpson after giving his speech on welfare reform in London on Friday (Yui Mok/PA)

Under the reforms, more medical evidence could be needed before someone is eligible for personal independence payments (PIP), which are designed to help claimants deal with the extra costs of living with a long-term disability.

Of those out of work because of long-term sickness, a large proportion report suffering from depression or anxiety, although most of those are secondary conditions.

Doctors’ leaders accused the PM of "hostile rhetoric on sicknote culture" and criticised long NHS waiting lists, saying Mr Sunak should “focus on removing what is stopping patients from receiving the physical and mental healthcare they need, which in turn prevents them from going back to work”.

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy also warned waiting times have seen “too many people.. forced out of work”.

Mental health charity Mind said the PM’s rhetoric was “insulting to the 1.9 million people on a waiting list to get mental health support, and to the GPs whose expert judgement is being called into question”.

While the MS Society for multiple sclerosis warned the reforms “risk pushing even more disabled people into poverty”.

That was echoed by the poverty charity Joseph Rowntree Foundation which warned of an “irresponsible war of words on people who already aren’t getting enough support”.

Labour accused the government of lacking “concrete answers” to the problem, while Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey described Mr Sunak’s speech as “desperate” at a time when millions are unable to access NHS hospitals, GPs or mental health support.

Richard Kramer, chief executive at charity Sense, said: “The government’s ongoing onslaught on disabled people is hard to watch... This rhetoric is unbelievably damaging and unhelpful, presenting disabled people as ‘shirkers’ who don’t want to work. But this isn’t the case – while employment isn’t right for everyone, many disabled people do want to work.”

He added: “We’d urge the government to tackle these issues and offer better support as a priority, instead of focusing their time on scapegoating disabled and sick people.”

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2024-04-20 06:26:40Z

Woman who tried to cure her cancer with holistic diet drink almost died after she refused chemotherapy - with - Daily Mail

  • Irena Stoynova sough alternatives to chemotherapy online when diagnosed

A woman who almost died trying to cure her cancer with a juice diet has warned others against 'cutting out' traditional medical advice and trying to source alternative information online.

Medics tried to get Irena Stoynova to use conventional cancer treatments after she was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in June 2021, but she 'shut them out'.

The former model said instead of chemotherapy, she sought alternatives online and took the advice of a man, who has hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, and claims the human body can 'heal itself' with help of a radical lifestyle and diet changes.

Ms Stoynova, from Crondall in Hampshire, followed various diets and holistic therapies for two-and-a-half years, which left her emaciated with fluid on her lungs.

Doctors said she was on the verge of death when she was taken to Frimley Park Hospital by ambulance in May last year.

Irena Stoynova (pictured) sought alternatives online and took the advice of a man, who has hundreds of thousands of followers on social media
She was told by Dr Clare Rees that she would likely die without treatment for her cancer
The 39-year-old, who now works in sales, said she did a juice diet for two-and-a-half years.  Pictured, Irena's feet swollen and her covered in rashes

She was told by Dr Clare Rees that she would likely die without treatment for her cancer – which was stage three – but Ms Stoynova continued to refuse for a number of days before finally agreeing to receive chemotherapy.

Ms Stoynova spent 50 days in the hospital's acute dependency unit.

She said when she was first diagnosed that she decided against traditional treatments after 'reading about and watching many doctors and professors talk about the success rate of alternative therapies online'.

The 39-year-old, who now works in sales, said she did a juice diet for two-and-a-half years, but also tried a raw diet, intermittent fasting, boiling herbs and special teas.

Speaking about her diagnosis, she said: 'I was devastated, the whole world just closed around me and I felt really alone.'

She said that she was advised to start chemotherapy, but she turned to the internet to find alternative advice and 'everything started from there'.

She said when she was first diagnosed that she decided against traditional treatments. Irena Stoynova in intensive care unit at Frimley Park Hospital
Photograph showing Irena Stoynova's neck from lymphoma, one week after diagnosis

'I found an American guy who has millions of followers who promoted holistic treatment,' she said.

'He had a podcast where he interviewed very knowledgeable doctors and professors who are talking about holistic treatment and they called standard treatment 'outrageous'.

'They said that people who had chemotherapy are 'lazy' and don't want to put in hard work of holistic treatment.'

Ms Stoynova continued: 'The guy has three or four books on how to heal cancer holistically – how to make salads, use different herbs, juicing, intermittent fasting – there were so many testimonials, so many people that did it.

'I spent £2,000 on juicers – one for smoothies, one for carrots, one for citrus and one for everything else. I spent two to three hours a day making juice for the next day.

'I was fanatic. It was like tunnel vision.'

She added: 'I didn't stop (when I should have), I was just so weak, I had sleep deprivation and hallucinations. I didn't even have the strength to open the door for the delivery man.

'I couldn't breathe because there was fluid on my lungs, I lost about 20 kilograms because of the dieting.'

She was admitted to hospital in May 2023, but even an emergency hospital admission was not enough to stop trying to treat her cancer holistically
Ms Stoynova has warned others against cutting out´ traditional medical advice and said the effects of chemotherapy were a 'piece of cake' compared to her other treatment

She was admitted to hospital in May 2023, but even an emergency hospital admission was not enough to stop trying to treat her cancer holistically.

Medics described 'frustrating' conversations with her, but eventually after 10 days in hospital she agreed to start chemotherapy.

Dr Rees, consultant haematologist at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, said: 'It took about 10 days since Irena's admission until she started chemo and there was some very, what I found, very frustrating conversations during that time.

'About five days into Iran's admission, I genuinely thought that, despite what we were saying, she was going to say 'no' and as a result die in the very near future, which I found quite devastating actually.'

Ms Stoynova, who is now in remission, added: 'I now say to people that the side effects from chemotherapy are a piece of cake compared to the side effects that I got from trying the holistic treatment.

'When you have Instagram, Facebook, or even Google there are going to be millions of people who are going to say that they healed cancer holistically with organic carrots and parsley and celery.

'What I would say is it's great to have beliefs, it's great if they're backed by science, and please don't cut off your consultants.

She said: 'If you have cancer, you need something much harder than organic carrot juice and celery'
Irena Stoynova shows off the reaction to herbal medicine she took. She was told the body could 'heal itself'
Another photograph showing hives all over the former model's arms after trying herbal medicine

'I cut off consultants and everything connected with standard medicine and I almost lost my life.'

She added: 'If you have cancer, you need something much harder than organic carrot juice and celery.'

Dr Rees continued: 'This is an extreme scenario and genuinely in the first 24 hours of Irena's admission, I was unclear whether she would survive this or not.

'But the problem is that misinformation often spreads faster than the truth and obviously, if someone's given the option of juice versus tablets or chemotherapy and injecting drugs into their bodies, you can see why they they would prefer to do some it if it will give them the same outcome – but the problem is that is not evidence-based practice.

'We always encourage people to go to Lymphoma Action or Macmillan Cancer Support for genuine information.'

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2024-04-19 23:05:38Z

Met Police apologises twice after using phrase 'openly Jewish' as campaigner accuses force of 'victim-blaming' - Sky News

Scotland Yard has has had to apologise twice after an officer prevented an antisemitism campaigner from crossing a road near a pro-Palestinian march because they were "openly Jewish".

A video showed an officer using the term while speaking to Gideon Falter, chief executive of the Campaign Against Antisemitism, who was wearing a kippah skull cap near the demonstration in the Aldwych area of London on the afternoon of Saturday 13 April.

Issuing an initial apology on behalf of the Metropolitan Police, assistant commissioner Matt Twist said the officer's use of the phrase was "hugely regrettable", but suggested Mr Falter's presence had been "provocative" and the release of the footage would "further dent the confidence of many Jewish Londoners".

But the response prompted further criticism, with Mr Falter accusing the force of "victim-blaming" and arguing it was "the right of every Jew" to walk freely around London.

In the face of a backlash, the Met subsequently deleted the statement and issued a further apology for the offence caused.

It stated: "The use of the term 'openly Jewish' by one of our officers is hugely regrettable.

"We know it will have caused offence to many. We reiterate our apology."

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The force added: "We have reflected on the strength of the response to our previous statement.

"In an effort to make a point about the policing of protest we have caused further offence.

"This was never our intention.

"We have removed that statement and we apologise.

"Being Jewish is not a provocation. Jewish Londoners must be able to feel safe in this city.

"Our commitment to protecting the public extends to all communities across London.

"It's important that our public statements reflect that more clearly than they did today."

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Mr Falter said he had been walking in the capital after attending a synagogue and was not there to counter-protest as he walked past the demonstration last Saturday.

The video clip showed one police officer saying to him: "You are quite openly Jewish, this is a pro-Palestinian march, I'm not accusing you of anything, but I'm worried about the reaction to your presence."

In the clip, another officer said to him: "There's a unit of people here now.

"You will be escorted out of this area so you can go about your business, go where you want freely or if you choose to remain here, because you are causing a breach of peace with all these other people, you will be arrested."

The officer said Mr Falter's presence was "antagonising".

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The antisemitism campaigner said after the incident: "Despite being told repeatedly that London is safe for Jews when these marches are taking place, my interactions with police officers last Saturday show that the Met believes that being openly Jewish will antagonise the anti-Israel marchers and that Jews need protection, which the police cannot guarantee.

"Instead of addressing that threat of antisemitic violence, the Met's policy instead seems to be that law-abiding Jewish Londoners should not be in the parts of London where these marches are taking place. In other words, that they are no-go zones for Jews."

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A government source said: "These reports are concerning and unacceptable.

"British Jews should be free to walk about their lives freely without intimidation or restriction, and the police have a vital role in making sure that is a reality.

"As we have shown with the largest ever funding package for security, we won't hesitate to take action to support and protect our Jewish communities."

Tens of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters had gathered in London last Saturday to call for a ceasefire and urge the government to stop all arms sales to Israel.

Crowds waved Palestinian flags, chanted "free Palestine" and held signs calling for a "ceasefire now".

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2024-04-19 23:20:08Z

Jumat, 19 April 2024

Nicola Sturgeon breaks silence after husband Peter Murrell charged over SNP finances - The Independent

Former Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon has broken her silence hours after her husband was charged in connection with embezzlement of SNP funds.

Police Scotland confirmed on Thursday evening that Peter Murrell, the party’s former chief executive for 22 years, had been arrested and charged over the investigation.

The 59-year-old was previously arrested as a suspect last year, before being released without charge. On Thursday, he resigned his membership of the SNP, which has been urged to cooperate with the police investigation.

Mr Murrell’s charge is part of a probe, known as Operation Branchform, into the spending of more than £600,000 in donations for campaigning for Scottish independence.

On Friday, Ms Sturgeon spoke to reporters outside her home in Uddingston near Glasgow. Asked about the situation as she got into her car, she said: “It is incredibly difficult, but that is not the main issue here.

“I can’t say any more, I’m not going to say any more.”

Nicola Sturgeon speaks to reporters outside her home near Glasgow after her husband was charged by police (Getty Images)

She also asked reporters to leave her neighbours in peace. She said: “I’m now going to go out for a walk if that’s alright with you? I know you’ve got jobs to do but I ask you, maybe, to give me neighbours some peace. There’s nothing going to be happening here.”

After being charged by police, Mr Murrell returned home on Thursday night.

Ms Sturgeon was arrested two months after her husband was first arrested in April last year, while former party treasurer Colin Beattie was also arrested last year. Both were released without charge, pending further investigation.

Ms Sturgeon stood down as Scotland’s first minister and SNP leader last February, saying that the pressures of the job had become “very difficult”.

Peter Murrell, pictured with his wife Nicola Sturgeon, has been charged in an investigation into the SNP’s finances (PA)

Mr Murrell stepped down as SNP chief executive during last year’s leadership campaign, won by Humza Yousaf.

On Thursday evening, Police Scotland said in a statement: “A 59-year-old man has today been charged in connection with the embezzlement of funds from the Scottish National Party.

“The man, who was arrested at 9.13am today and had previously been arrested as a suspect on 5 April 2023, was charged at 6.35pm after further questioning by Police Scotland detectives investigating the funding and finances of the party.

“A report will be sent to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service in due course. The man is no longer in police custody.

“As this investigation is ongoing we are unable to comment further.”

Scottish Conservatives chairman Craig Hoy urged the SNP to “fully-cooperate” as the investigation continues.

An SNP spokesperson said: “While this development will come as a shock, the police investigation remains ongoing and it would, therefore, be inappropriate to make any comment.”

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2024-04-19 17:14:24Z

Police 'reviewing information' about Tory MP Mark Menzies after alleged misuse of funds - Sky News

Police say they are reviewing "information" about Conservative MP Mark Menzies after Labour asked for an investigation into claims he misused party funds.

Labour Party chair Anneliese Dodds wrote to Lancashire Police asking for an inquiry after The Times reported he had made a late-night phone call to an aide asking for funds to pay off "bad people".

Mr Menzies told the paper he contests the allegations against him.

Politics latest: Nicola Sturgeon speaks after husband charged

Mark Menzies, the MP for Fylde. Pic: UK Parliament
Image: Mark Menzies, the MP for Fylde. Pic: UK Parliament

In a statement, Lancashire Police said: "We can confirm that we have now received a letter detailing concerns around this matter and we are in the process of reviewing the available information in more detail."

Mr Menzies lost the Conservative Party whip in Westminster following the reports on Wednesday evening, while the party investigates the claims.

In the letter to Lancashire Police, the Labour Party chair is understood to have said Tory chief whip, party whip's office, and headquarters may have information that could assist with an investigation.

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The letter also argues there is a clear public interest in the matter being investigated by officers to ensure public confidence in politicians.

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Activist who reported Menzies disappointed by party response
All the Tory MPs suspended since Rishi Sunak became PM

Mel Stride, the government's work and pensions secretary, told Sky News this morning the matter was being "thoroughly investigated".

"Conservative HQ is looking now very closely into the circumstances around the various reports that have been made, and the whip has been removed from Mark Menzies in the meantime," he added.

Labour shadow minister Matthew Pennycook told Sky News: "There are a series of questions about whether an offence has been committed in relation to fraud by false representation or misconduct in public office.

"They're quite serious allegations. It's right that the police investigate."

Asked about the matter this morning, Rishi Sunak said: "It's right that Mark Menzies has resigned the Conservative whip. He's been suspended from his position as a trade envoy whilst the investigations into those allegations continue.

"For our part, I can't comment on our ongoing investigation while it's happening, and he's no longer a Conservative MP."

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Speaking to the Electoral Dysfunction podcast, Tory peer Ruth Davidson reckoned Mr Menzies would not last the week as a MP.

In a statement to The Times, Mr Menzies said: "I strongly dispute the allegations put to me. I have fully complied with all the rules for declarations. As there is an investigation ongoing I will not be commenting further."

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2024-04-19 17:48:45Z

Peter Murrell police charge 'incredibly difficult' - Nicola Sturgeon - BBC

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Former first minister Nicola Sturgeon has described allegations that her husband embezzled funds from the SNP as "incredibly difficult".

Peter Murrell, a former chief executive of the party, was arrested and charged by police on Thursday.

Current first minister Humza Yousaf described the case as "very serious" and confirmed that Mr Murrell had resigned his membership of the SNP.

Mr Murrell had spent 22 years as the party's chief executive.

Ms Sturgeon spoke briefly to the media as she left the home she shares with her husband in Glasgow.

She said: "It is incredibly difficult, but that is not the main issue here.

"I can't say any more, I'm not going to say any more."

Ms Sturgeon later posted an image of trees on Instagram, writing "#nature" and #walking" alongside the picture.

Mr Murrell was previously arrested as a suspect on 5 April 2023 before being released without charge.

He was arrested again then charged on Thursday after further questioning by officers investigating SNP funding and finances as part of Operation Branchform.

What is embezzlement?

Embezzlement is broadly defined in the criminal law as the dishonest appropriation of entrusted property.

It is sometimes hard to tell the difference between embezzlement and theft - but lawyers say the key difference is that with embezzlement, the accused was trusted to deal with and account for the money or property in question.

It usually involves an allegation of exceeding your authority.

No details of what what Mr Murrell is actually accused of embezzling have been made public.

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'Serious development'

First Minister Humza Yousaf said it was a "serious, serious development".

He said: "Many people in the SNP and right across Scottish politics will be shocked by the news. This is an ongoing investigation and the police and the crown have a job to do, just as I have a job to do as first minister."

Mr Yousaf said the first he knew of Mr Murrell's re-arrest was when the news broke on Thursday .

He added that Ms Sturgeon and Colin Beattie, the party's former treasurer, who were both also previously arrested, remain members of the SNP.

Police Scotland stated that neither Ms Sturgeon or Mr Beattie have been re-arrested charged, but remain under investigation.

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The force launched an investigation into SNP finances in July 2021 after receiving complaints about how donations were used.

Questions had been raised over more than £660,000 in donations given to the party for use in a fresh independence referendum campaign.

When Mr Murrell was arrested last year, police searched SNP headquarters in Edinburgh and the house he shares with Ms Sturgeon in Glasgow.

The couple married in 2010.

Ms Sturgeon was arrested on 11 June when she voluntarily arranged with Police Scotland to be questioned as part of the investigation. She was released without charge.

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2024-04-19 13:48:01Z

Rishi Sunak sets out plans to tackle 'sick note culture' -

Rishi Sunak wants to strip GPs of their power to sign people off work as part of a plan to tackle what he calls the UK's "sick note culture".

The prime minister claims benefits have become a "lifestyle choice" for some, causing a "spiralling" welfare bill.

If the Tories win the general election, Mr Sunak wants to make it harder for some patients to obtain a sick note.

Disability charities reacted with anger, with Scope branding the plans "a full-on assault on disabled people".

They suggested the planned reforms were "driven by bringing costs down rather than how we support disabled people".

Labour says the government has "run out of ideas".

In his speech, Mr Sunak said a "worrying" proportion of younger potential workers were among a record high of 2.8m people out of work as of February 2024.

"There's nothing compassionate about leaving a generation of young people to sit alone in the dark before a flickering screen watching as their dreams slip further from reach every single day," he said.

Mr Sunak also said, if the Conservatives win the general election, those who were still out of work after 12 months after support from a work coach will have "their benefits removed entirely".

He denied claims his plans lacked compassion, arguing that there would still be a "safety net" for "those who genuinely need it".

But he added: "We don't just need to change the sick note, we need to change the sick note culture so the default becomes what work you can do - not what you can't."

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What is a sick note?

Sick notes are officially know as fitness to work notes. They are written evidence that your ill health is affecting your fitness for work. A "fit note" certifies a patient is sick, confirming a valid reason for staying off work and eligibility for sick pay.

Why would somebody need a sick note?

Employees can self-certify absence due to illness for seven days and in most cases, qualify for sick pay. But if their illness means they need to be absent for longer, they need a fit note to continue to receive sick pay and also to qualify for some welfare payments.

Who can sign-off a sick note?

GPs used to be the only healthcare professionals able to sign a sick note. In 2022, this was widened to include nurses, occupational therapists, pharmacists, and physiotherapists.

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Mr Sunak said not acting would be "irresponsible" when he claimed the current £17.6bn personal independence payments (PIP) bill is forecast to rise by more than 50% over the next four years.

Part of that change would be more "objective assessment" by unspecified "specialist work and health professionals" rather than GPs, Mr Sunak said, claiming the system is currently being "undermined" by "subjective and unverifiable claims" about capability.

The government will launch a consultation on toughening up the eligibility criteria for PIP by demanding "greater medical evidence" about the type and severity of mental health conditions.

'Ongoing onslaught'

"All of which will make the system fairer and harder to exploit," said Mr Sunak, adding PIP bank transfers could be replaced by "access to treatment like talking therapies or respite care".

However, Mr Sunak was unable to provide any details about which "specialist professionals" would be given the job of issuing fit notes and whether they would have to be recruited.

Richard Kramer, chief executive at disability charity Sense, said the speech was "unbelievably damaging and unhelpful" and falsely portrayed disabled people "as shirkers" when many want to work but are prevented from doing so by negative attitudes, unfair recruiting practices and a lack of support and equipment.

"The government's ongoing onslaught on disabled people is hard to watch, with the prime minister today taking aim at people who are long-term sick in a cruel speech demonising people with 'sick notes'," he added.

Dan Scorer, of learning disability charity Mencap, flagged that many people with a learning disability are already struggling to get by on the current benefit rates, resulting in them taking extreme actions including skipping meals, and not turning on lights or the heating.

"The government needs to stop demonising disabled people when it is the system that is failing, and ensure that those who need financial support get the right amount," he said.

NHS data showed almost 11m fit notes were issued last year in England, with 94% of those signed "not fit for work".

A call for evidence will be published on Friday seeking responses from healthcare professionals, employers, and those with lived experiences asking how the current process works and how it can be improved.

'Blaming people who are ill'

The British Medical Association (BMA) said people were struggling to get the treatment they need to be able to return to work because of delays and waiting lists in the NHS.

Dr Katie Bramall-Stainer, chairwoman of the BMA's GP committee, said: "Rather than pushing a hostile rhetoric on "sicknote culture", perhaps the Prime Minister should focus on removing what is stopping patients from receiving the physical and mental healthcare they need, which in turn prevents them from going back to work."

Labour leader Keir Starmer said the PM's announcement was a "reheated version" of something the government announced seven years ago, a reference to a policy announced by then-PM Theresa May in 2017.

This was in contrast to Labour's "laser-like focus" to deal with "the problem of people getting back into work," he added.

"The big problem here, frankly, is that the government has broken the NHS and waiting lists are up... so that's where the focus needs to be," he said, adding "It's no good talking about the problem - what we need is action".

Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey said the speech was "desperate" when millions are unable to access NHS hospitals, GPs and mental health support.

He said: "Rishi Sunak is attempting to blame the British people for his own government's failures on the economy and the NHS and it simply won't wash."

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said the prime minister "should be fixing the NHS... not blaming people who are ill."

She added: "We would invest in mending the health and social care system, not denying people the right to see a GP when they need it."

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2024-04-19 15:46:37Z