Sabtu, 10 Februari 2024

Abdul Ezedi: Police search River Thames for body of Clapham chemical attack suspect - Sky News

Police have started searching the Thames for the body of chemical attack suspect Abdul Ezedi.

A boat was seen circling near Vauxhall and Chelsea bridges this morning during low tide on the river.

Detectives now believe Ezedi is dead after CCTV showed him leaning over railings at Chelsea Bridge on the night of the attack.

Ezedi, who went on the run 10 days ago, is believed to have "gone in the water" a few hours after the attack in Clapham.

He's accused of throwing a strong alkali on his ex-partner and injuring her daughters, aged three and eight, in an attack that left 12 people wounded.

A manhunt had been ongoing after a badly injured Ezedi was caught on CCTV in various locations in London.

Police had warned the public not to approach him - but a behavioural psychologist viewed the footage and it's now thought Ezedi took his own life.

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CCTV shows last sighting of Clapham suspect
Ezedi was seen looking over the railings at Chelsea Bridge. Pic: PA
Image: Ezedi was seen looking over the railings at Chelsea Bridge. Pic: PA

The last sighting of the 35-year-old was on Chelsea Bridge just before 11.30pm on the night of the attack.

Commander Jon Savell said Ezedi's body may never be found due to the strong current.

"At this time of year, the Thames is very fast flowing, very wide and full of lots of snags," he said.

"It is quite likely that if he has gone in the water, he won't appear for maybe up to a month and it's not beyond possibility that he may never actually surface."

Abdul Ezedi's last known movements on day of attack
Image: Abdul Ezedi's last known movements on day of attack
(L-R) Previous photo of Abdul Shokoor Ezedi, and an image of the suspect on Wednesday. Pics: Met Police
Image: Pics: Met Police

The injuries suffered by Ezedi's ex-partner's are thought to be "life-changing" and she may lose the sight in one eye.

She remains sedated in hospital but her children have been discharged.

The Met said the breakdown of their relationship could have been the motive for the assault, which happened on a quiet residential street.

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What happened in the Clapham attack?

Read more:
Timeline of hunt for Ezedi
Clapham attack victim just wanted safe home for her children

Ezedi was an asylum seeker who arrived in the UK in 2016 and claimed his life would be in danger if he returned to Afghanistan.

He was convicted of two sexual offences in 2018 but was allowed to remain because his crimes were not serious enough to meet the deportation threshold.

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2024-02-10 11:15:00Z

Rishi Sunak paid effective tax rate of 23% on £2.2m income last year - The Guardian

Rishi Sunak paid more than half a million pounds in tax in 2023 after making a £1.8m profit on his holding in a US investment fund, a summary of his tax affairs shows.

The prime minister published the document on Friday, showing he paid a tax bill of £508,308 in the financial year 2022-23 on overall earnings and gains of £2.23m.

This means he paid an effective tax rate of 23% in the UK – much lower than the top rate of 45% – because some income was taxed at source in the US and the rate of capital gains tax is lower at 20%.

Sunak has in effect been raising income taxes because of the freeze on the tax thresholds and the temporary rise in national insurance, but headline rates on capital gains have remained unchanged during his time as chancellor and then prime minister.

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) tweeted after the release: “It really is a mystery why Rishi Sunak raised income tax but not capital gains tax.”

His £139,477 salary as prime minister represents just 7% of his total income that year. In addition to the £1.8m gain, he received a £276,218 dividend, and £17,189 of interest on savings and an investment fund in the US.

The tax return will raise questions about why Sunak appears to hold much of his wealth in the US rather than the UK.

According to the summary provided by Sunak’s accountants, those investments were held under a “blind management arrangement”, which meant he did not receive the gains as income but had to pay tax on them nevertheless.

Jeremy Hunt, the chancellor, published his tax return at the same time. It showed he paid tax of £117,418 on income of £208,547 plus a capital gain of £208,058.

Within his earnings, Hunt made £27,370 from a rental property and £35,997 in dividend income.

Sunak first published his tax return in 2023, showing he had made nearly £5m over the previous three years due mostly to his US investment fund income.

Sunak’s personal wealth and his links to the US have been a sensitive issue for the prime minister. A former Goldman Sachs banker and hedge fund manager, he joined one of India’s richest families when he married Akshata Murty, the daughter of Narayana, the billionaire founder of Infosys.

Sunak was criticised in April 2022 after it emerged he had held a US green card while in office – meaning he had declared himself a “permanent US resident” for tax purposes for 19 months while he was chancellor and for six years as an MP. Murty was also criticised when it emerged she was a non-dom, and she subsequently pledged to pay tax on all worldwide income in future.

The prime minister and his family own several properties, including the home in his constituency of Richmond, in North Yorkshire, a Grade II-listed manor with a private lake and a new heated swimming pool. The pool will make such a large demand for energy that Sunak had to pay for the local electricity network to be upgraded.

Robert Palmer, the executive director at Tax Justice UK, said: “People will be shocked to learn the prime minister has such a low tax rate despite bringing in millions. But this is a feature of our broken tax system. At the moment someone who earns most of their money from their wealth – like the prime minister – pays a much lower tax rate than someone who relies on going out to work for their living. We need to fix this to make sure that income from wealth is taxed at the same rate as income from work.”

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2024-02-10 02:30:00Z

Clapham attack: Police to search Thames for suspect Abdul Shokoor Ezedi - BBC

Abdul Shokoor Ezedi at King's Cross Underground Station 2.Metropolitan Police

Police are to search the River Thames for the body of Abdul Shokoor Ezedi, the Clapham chemical attack suspect.

Detectives believe the 35-year-old went into the water near Chelsea Bridge in west London on the night of the attack, after walking "with purpose" for hours.

CCTV footage shows him pacing and leaning over the bridge before he disappears from view, police said.

Ezedi is suspected of dousing a mother and her daughters with an alkaline substance on the night of 31 January.

He was last seen at 23:27 GMT, on Chelsea Bridge, about four hours after the attack in Clapham, south London. He was never seen leaving the bridge area.

At a briefing on Friday, Metropolitan Police officers said the search of the Thames would involve boats from the Marine Policing Unit - and would take place at low tide.

They warned that at this time of year the Thames was very fast flowing and full of snags, and that it was possible Ezedi's body may never surface.

Speaking at Scotland Yard, Cmdr Jon Savell said officers had spent the last 24 hours "meticulously" following CCTV and their "main working hypothesis" was that Ezedi had gone into the water.

"We have looked at all of the available cameras and angles, and with the assistance of Transport for London and CCTV from buses that were travelling over the bridge at the relevant time, and there is no sighting of him coming off the bridge," he said.

Cmdr Savell said that a marine support unit would be "carrying out some searches of the Thames" in the area he was last seen.

He told reporters that it may take "some time... for a person to surface and sadly, they may never actually be found".

Cmdr Savell added that police were in contact with a member of Ezedi's family to "break that news".

Det Supt Rick Sewart, also at the briefing, said death was the "most probable outcome" if Ezedi had gone into the water.

This development came days after police said they believed Ezedi was "being helped by others" to evade capture, and that their inquiries were targeting "more of Ezedi's associates" following the arrest of one man on suspicion of assisting an offender. He was later bailed.

Searches have been ongoing for more than a week, with police raids carried out in the Newcastle area at properties linked to Ezedi on Thursday.

Originally from Afghanistan, Ezedi is believed to have arrived in the UK by lorry in 2016 - the same year he made his first unsuccessful asylum application. He settled in north-east England and is thought to have been living in Newcastle at the time of the attack.

He is wanted on suspicion of attempted murder over the attack, which took place in Lesser Avenue at about 19:25 GMT.

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The injured woman remains sedated in hospital and there are concerns she may lose sight in one eye. She and Ezedi had been in a relationship that broke down, police have said, and they arranged to meet before the attack took place.

Both her children, aged eight and three, have been discharged from hospital.

The suspect, who is not the father of the children, suffered serious facial injuries in the attack. Police have repeatedly encouraged him to seek medical attention.

He had his asylum claim rejected twice before he successfully appealed against the Home Office by claiming he had converted to Christianity.

Ezedi was convicted of two sexual offences in 2018 but was allowed to remain in the UK because his crimes did not meet the threshold for deportation.

Timeline of Izadi sightings

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2024-02-10 07:23:37Z

Jumat, 09 Februari 2024

Clapham attack: Suspect Abdul Ezedi likely dead after fall from Chelsea Bridge - The Independent

Clapham attack suspect may have ‘gone into’ River Thames

The man suspected of carrying out the Clapham chemical attack is believed to have died after jumping or falling into the River Thames, detectives say.

Abdul Ezedi, 35, was last seen on Chelsea Bridge just before 11:30pm on 31 January, but the Metropolitan Police say that after studying CCTV and bus footage of the area, no cameras captured him leaving, so their main hypothesis is that he went into the water.

While no body has been found, detectives say his death is the “most probable outcome”. The Afghan national was seen pacing up and down the bridge - the last known sighting of him - before leaning over the railings.

Marine search units will monitor the Thames, but officers warned it may take months for a body to be recovered – or it may never be found.

“If he has gone into the water, he might not come up for months and it is a possibility that he may never actually surface,” said Det Supt Sewart.

In a briefing at Scotland Yard, Commander Jon Savell said: “We have spent the last 24 hours meticulously following the CCTV, and it’s our main working hypothesis that he’s now gone into the water.”


Suspect went into river after being spotted leaning over railings: police hypothesis

Detectives are working on the hypothesis that Abdul Ezedi entered the River Thames at Chelsea Bridge after he was seen leaning over railings, they have revealed.

<p>Ezedi was captured on CCTV at Battersea, and is seen at the bottom right of the photo </p>

Ezedi was captured on CCTV at Battersea, and is seen at the bottom right of the photo

Jane Dalton9 February 2024 16:37

Moment armed police raid pizza takeaway where chemical attack suspect Abdul Ezedi worked

Moment police raid pizza takeaway where chemical attack suspect Abdul Ezedi worked

This is the moment armed police raid a Newcastle takeaway where Clapham chemical attack suspect Abdul Ezedi worked. The Metropolitan Police said the warrants, including one at Ezedi’s place of work, were carried out in the early hours of Thursday (8 February). No arrests were made and inquiries and searches continue, police said. It came as the Clapham chemical attack victim was revealed to be a “devoted mother” who just wanted a safe home for her two girls. The 31-year-old, who is still sedated and unable to speak to detectives may lose the sight in her right eye eight days on from the attack.

Alexander Butler10 February 2024 02:30

Pictured: Newcastle pizza takeaway raided by police

<p>A view of the Best Bite pizza and grill house in the Forest Hall area of Newcastle upon Tyne, one of two addresses raided by armed police as part of their search for Clapham alkali attack suspect Abdul Ezedi</p>

A view of the Best Bite pizza and grill house in the Forest Hall area of Newcastle upon Tyne, one of two addresses raided by armed police as part of their search for Clapham alkali attack suspect Abdul Ezedi

Alexander Butler10 February 2024 01:30

Clapham chemical attack suspect likely ‘plunged from Chelsea bridge into the Thames’, say police

Alexander Butler10 February 2024 00:30

Watch: Clapham attack suspect Abdul Ezedi filmed walking through Tesco on CCTV

Watch: Clapham attack suspect Abdul Ezedi filmed walking through Tesco on CCTV

Newly-released CCTV shows Clapham attack suspect Abdul Ezedi in a Tesco shop on Caledonian Road, London, on Wednesday (31 January). Metropolitan Police officers have been searching for the 35-year-old from Newcastle since Wednesday after a 31-year-old mother, believed to be known to Ezedi, was attacked with a “very strong concentrated corrosive.” She sustained injuries thought to be “life-changing”. Her daughters were also hurt but their injuries are “not likely to be life-changing”. Authorities have offered a reward of up to £20,000 for information leading to the arrest of the suspect.

Alexander Butler9 February 2024 23:30

Watch: CCTV footage shows Clapham chemical attack suspect walking towards Victoria Embankment

New CCTV shows Clapham chemical attack suspect walking towards Victoria Embankment

The Metropolitan Police have released new CCTV images of Abdul Ezedi, including footage of the Clapham chemical attack suspect walking towards Victoria Embankment on Wednesday evening. The footage, released on Tuesday, 6 February, is the last known sighting of Ezedi, in which he passes the Unilever building and heads towards Victoria Embankment at 10:04pm. “Our teams have been working tirelessly through the night and into today to pinpoint Ezedi’s latest movements and we are now able to release the latest images and footage of him,” Commander Jon Savell said. The Met warned that anyone hiding or assisting Ezedi is a criminal action, as a 22-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender on Monday.

Alexander Butler9 February 2024 22:30

Clapham chemical attack suspect Abdul Ezedi’s sex assault victim says fugitive is ‘danger to women’

Alexander Butler9 February 2024 21:30

Clapham chemical attack suspect may have ‘gone into’ River Thames

Clapham chemical attack suspect may have ‘gone into’ River Thames

The Met Police issued an update on their search for Abdul Shokoor Ezedi, revealing their theory that the suspect has “gone into” the River Thames. The police’s main working hypothesis is that the 35-year-old has gone into the water. “We have spent the last 24 hours meticulously following the CCTV, and it’s our main working hypothesis that he’s now gone into the water,” Met Police Commander Jon Savell said in a briefing at Scotland Yard. Ezedi, from the Newcastle area, is accused of attacking his ex-partner and injuring her two young children, aged three and eight, with an alkali substance on Wednesday, 31 January in Clapham, south London.

Alexander Butler9 February 2024 20:30

Mapped: Ezedi’s movements

Alexander Butler9 February 2024 19:30

Ezedi’s demeanour changed on bridge

Commander Jon Savell said: “When he gets to Chelsea Bridge, his demeanour appears to change.

“I would describe him previously as walking sort of purposefully, as if he knew where he was going and he was walking at a reasonable pace.

“As he gets onto Chelsea Bridge, he does cross the bridge more than once.

“And then when he gets back to the centre, he appears to be moving from the railings back to the pavement and looking over the edge of the railings.

“So a distinct change in how he’s been moving about.”

Jane Dalton9 February 2024 19:10

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2024-02-10 00:30:00Z

Clapham chemical attack: Police believe suspect may have died in Thames - BBC

CCTV footage released by the Met Police showing Abdul EzediMet Police

Clapham chemical attack suspect Abdul Shokoor Ezedi may be dead after going into the River Thames, police say.

The 35-year-old has not been seen since the night of the attack on 31 January, when an alkali substance was thrown over a mother and her two children.

At a press conference on Friday police said their working hypothesis was that he had gone into the water after last being seen at Chelsea Bridge.

No body has been found and officers said one may never be recovered.

At the briefing Metropolitan Police officers said Ezedi could be seen on CCTV "walking with purpose" for four miles to the Thames and said his behaviour changed at Chelsea Bridge.

They said he could be seen to "lean over the railings" of the bridge before CCTV sightings ceased.

Speaking at Scotland Yard, Cmdr Jon Savell said officers had spent the last 24 hours "meticulously" following CCTV and their "main working hypothesis" was that he had gone into the water.

"We have looked at all of the available cameras and angles, and with the assistance of Transport for London and CCTV from buses that were travelling over the bridge at the relevant time and there is no sighting of him coming off the bridge," he said.

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Detective Superintendent Rick Sewart said death was the "most probable outcome" if Ezedi had gone into the water.

From the hundreds of hours of CCTV officers have combed through, it does not look as though Ezedi has been in contact with anyone else, the force said.

BBC iPlayer

The search for Abdul Shakoor Ezedi, wanted over a chemical attack in Clapham.

BBC iPlayer

The most recent sighting of him remains an image captured on CCTV at about 23:27 GMT on 31 January, crossing Chelsea Bridge.

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Cmdr Savell said the forces' marine support unit would be searching the river but said experts had warned that if someone had gone into the river it might take some time for them to surface.

He added that police had spoken to a member of Ezedi's family to "break that news".

A manhunt had been ongoing for more than a week, with police raids carried out in the Newcastle area at properties linked to Ezedi on Thursday.

He is wanted on suspicion of attempted murder over the attack, which took place in Lesser Avenue at about 19:25.

The woman, who police revealed had been in a relationship with the suspect, remains sedated in hospital and there are concerns she may lose sight in one eye. Both children, aged eight and three, have been discharged.

Police said their thoughts remained with the mother, who was still "very poorly and unable to speak to police".

The suspect, who is not the father of the children, suffered serious facial injuries in the incident which police had said could be fatal.

Ezedi is an Afghan refugee who came to the UK in a lorry in 2016.

He had his asylum claim rejected twice before he successfully appealed against the Home Office by claiming he had converted to Christianity.

Ezedi was also convicted of two sexual offences in 2018 but was allowed to stay because his crimes did not meet the threshold for deportation.

Timeline of Izadi sightings

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2024-02-09 17:52:14Z

Queen Camilla gives health update on King Charles as Harry jokes with US crowd - The Independent

King doing ‘extremely well’ under circumstances, says Queen

The Queen has given a health update on the King as Prince Harry has been joking with a crowd in the US, just hours after his dash to the UK to reunite with his father.

Camilla was asked about Charles as she celebrated the work of charities at Salisbury Cathedral on Thursday evening in her first public engagement since her husband’s shock cancer diagnosis announcement. She replied: “He’s doing extremely well under the circumstances.”

The Duke of Sussex, meanwhile, made no mention of his father during his speech made in a surprise appearance at an NFL awards ceremony in Las Vegas.

Harry, 39, flew from Los Angeles to London on Monday evening after his father personally called him to share the health news. He was pictured on Tuesday arriving at Clarence House, where he reportedly spent under an hour with the 75-year-old monarch before returning home to California on Wednesday, having had no contact with his estranged brother Prince William.

It comes after the Prince of Wales spoke about his father’s diagnosis for the first time on Wednesday, expressing gratitude to the public for their support during a fundraising gala dinner.


Queen says King doing ‘extremely well’

The Queen has said the King is doing “extremely well under the circumstances” after his cancer diagnosis, as she celebrated the work of charities at Salisbury Cathedral.

Camilla left Charles at Sandringham to fulfil her royal engagement tonight and among the first people she met were medical staff from Wiltshire Air Ambulance.

Ben Abbott, 40, a critical care paramedic, said: “I do hope His Majesty is doing well Ma’am, we’re all really sad to hear the news.”

Camilla replied: “Well he’s doing extremely well under the circumstances.

“He’s very touched by all the letters and the messages the public have been sending from everywhere – that’s very cheering.”

<p>Queen Camilla attends a musical evening at Salisbury Cathedral in Wiltshire</p>

Queen Camilla attends a musical evening at Salisbury Cathedral in Wiltshire

Matt Mathers8 February 2024 19:09

King Charles issues first public statement since cancer diagnosis

On Wednesday night, he broke his public silence to issue a statement to mark the 50th anniversary of independence of the former British colony Grenada.

Alex Ross reports:

Tara Cobham9 February 2024 10:00

Harry jokes with crowd at Las Vegas awards ceremony hours after flying back from visiting Charles

Harry, 39, made no mention of his father and his cancer diagnosis during his speech, which saw him hand out the Walter Payton Man of the Year award to Pittsburgh Steelers defnder Cameron Heyward.

Holly Evans reports:

Tara Cobham9 February 2024 09:30

Watch: King doing ‘extremely well’ under circumstances, says Queen

King doing ‘extremely well’ under circumstances, says Queen Camilla
Tara Cobham9 February 2024 09:00

Latest ruling in Mirror phone-hacking claims due at High Court

The latest stage of phone-hacking claims featuring the publisher of the Daily Mirror and the Duke of Sussex is set to take place at the High Court.

In December, a judge ruled that phone hacking became “widespread and habitual” at Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN) titles in the late 1990s and was practised “even to some extent” during the Leveson Inquiry into press standards in 2011.

Mr Justice Fancourt also concluded that Harry’s phone was hacked “to a modest extent” by MGN, awarding him £140,600 in damages.

Jess Glass reports:

Tara Cobham9 February 2024 08:30

Harry in Las Vegas to present NFL award

The Duke of Sussex has appeared at the NFL Honours in Las Vegas to present an award, just days after the King revealed his cancer diagnosis.

Harry appeared at the event to present Pittsburgh Steelers defensive lineman Cam Heyward with the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award.

It comes after Harry flew thousands of miles from his Californian home to be at the King’s side on Tuesday, meeting with his father for around 45 minutes at Clarence House.

Cormac Pearson reports:

Tara Cobham9 February 2024 08:00

King Charles’ health history in full as he begins cancer treatment

Buckingham Palace officials have announced that King Charles, 75, has been diagnosed with a “form of cancer” and is currently undergoing treatment.

In the 5 February announcement, the palace said that the King “is grateful to his medical team for their swift intervention, which was made possible thanks to his recent hospital procedure”.

Full report:

Matt Mathers9 February 2024 07:00

ICYMI: Prince Edward set to return to royal duties as brother King Charles fights cancer

Prince Edward will be returning to royal duties this week, as his brother Charles battles cancer.

The Prince of Wales, the Queen and other working royals are expected to step up their royal duties while the King undergoes treatment, following the shock announcement of his illness on Monday.

Full report:

Matt Mathers9 February 2024 06:00

ICYMI: Tens of thousands diagnosed with cancer while being tested for another condition - like King Charles

Tens of thousands of patients are diagnosed with cancer while they are being tested for another condition, just like King Charles.

Latest figures show more than 27,000 people were being treated for cancer on the NHS after having what’s known as an incidental diagnosis – when the condition is found during testing or treatment for something else.

Full report:

Matt Mathers9 February 2024 05:00

‘Charlie’s angels’: Three women the King can count on in a crisis

After His Majesty’s cancer diagnosis, it falls to three doughty royals – Queen Camilla, Princess Anne and Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh – to keep the royal show on the road, writes Clair Woodward

Read Clair’s piece in full here:

Matt Mathers9 February 2024 04:00

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2024-02-09 09:41:16Z

Keir Starmer defends Labour U-turn on £28bn green spending -

By Paul Seddon

Keir Starmer confirms Labour is dropping its £28bn spending commitment.

Sir Keir Starmer has insisted he had no choice but to ditch Labour's £28bn a year green investment pledge.

He defended the U-turn by claiming it was no longer affordable because the Tories had crashed the economy.

And he told the BBC Labour would still spend more than the Tories on green projects if it wins the election, and was committed to "clean power by 2030".

But Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said Labour's signature economic policy was "in tatters".

"That's what happens when you don't have a plan, and if you don't have a plan you can't deliver any change for the country."

He added that the Labour leader had "a proven track record of U-turning on major issues".

Labour's announcement represents a major scaling back of its plans to invest in green industries if it wins power, adding up around £4.7bn extra per year.

It follows weeks of confusion about the policy, which has come under growing Tory attacks ahead of the election, with Mr Sunak saying the borrowing required would force Labour to put up taxes.

The Labour leader said all the green plans announced so far by the party - including money for battery factories and "clean steel" production - would remain in place.

But grants and loans to help families to better insulate their homes will now be scaled back.

And the investment package will be part-funded by taxes on energy firms' profits, rather than entirely by more government borrowing.

The £28bn spending pledge, first announced in 2021, had already been significantly watered down by Labour.

Last June, shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves announced the spending target would only be met after 2027, instead of from the first year of a Labour government.

The party then included around £10bn a year of planned government spending in its figure, making the extra spending commitment compared to the Conservatives more like £18bn per year.

Now the party has confirmed that total extra investment compared to government plans will now be around £4.7bn per year.

It has also said it will be part-funded by keeping its higher proposed "windfall" tax on the profits of energy companies in place throughout its first term in office, if it wins power.

The party now says it hopes this will raise £10.8bn over five years to fund the plans, reducing the reliance on borrowing.

Speaking to the BBC, Sir Keir said changing the spending plans was "perfectly sensible," adding it would be "irresponsible" to ignore the economic situation.

"I can't ignore the fact the Conservatives have done huge damage to the economy," he added.

Labour has insisted the roll-back is necessary to allow the party to meet its spending rules, which say debt has to be falling as a share of the size of the economy in five years.

Speaking to the BBC, shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves said the Conservatives would be leaving a "bleak inheritance" and that she would not "make any apologies" for ensuring Labour's plans were " fully funded".

However the move to ditch the spending promise was criticised by left-wing campaign group Momentum and Unite, Labour's biggest union backer.

"This latest Starmer U-turn represents yet another capitulation to right-wing interests," a Momentum spokesperson said.

Unite leader Sharon Graham said: "The Labour movement has to stand up to the Conservatives' false accusations of fiscal irresponsibility."

Carla Denyer, co-leader of the Green Party, said: "This is a massive backward step - for the climate, for the economy and for good quality jobs."


Where does this leave Labour's plans?

Getty Images A man placing insulation material into the roof section of a modular houseGetty Images

The consequences of Labour scaling back its green spending are hard to assess, as the party had never set out in detail where all the money would go.

It has confirmed its plan to fund grants for families to improve home insulation will now only cover five million homes over five years, instead of 19 million homes over a decade.

The funding allocated for this will be £13.2bn over five years, around double the amount currently committed by the government, but less than Labour had planned.

Pledges that remain unchanged include £1.8bn for nine "renewable-ready" ports.

Also staying is a pledge to spend £2bn on eight battery factories and £3bn on "clean" steel, figures that include assumed government spending.

A pledge to spend £500m a year on grants for companies bringing green jobs also remains - but the party has specified it won't start until 2026.

The party had never specified how much it would spend on GB Energy, the publicly-owned clean generation company it wants to set up.

It has now confirmed this will be an "initial" £8.3bn over five years, including £3.3bn for councils and community groups to become "owners of local power".

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2024-02-09 09:15:18Z