Rabu, 10 Januari 2024

Greater Manchester Post Office victims WRONGLY convicted powerfully speak out - Manchester Evening News

Victims of the Post Office scandal from Greater Manchester have powerfully spoken out to reveal how false charges wrecked their lives.

They spoke defiantly in unison on breakfast television today as the Government faced increasing calls to immediately compensate all those forced to pay back money they didn't steal - and to quash all wrongful convictions.

The postal services minister, Kevin Hollinrake, said the use of emergency legislation to correct the decades-old wrong wasn't being ruled out, as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was expected to address the issue at Prime Minister's Questions in Parliament later on Wednesday.

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Some 130 people affected by the Horizon scandal have come forward since a new TV programme dramatising the miscarriage of justice aired. Ministers are under pressure to address the devastating hurt suffered by hundreds of subpostmasters, as public anger over the Horizon IT scandal saw former Post Office boss Paula Vennells hand back her CBE.

The spotlight has also turned on IT giant Fujitsu, after its faulty accounting software Horizon helped lead to the conviction of more than 700 Post Office branch managers and subpostmasters.

'Recluse': Mohammed Rasul

One wrongly convicted postmaster said he became a virtual 'recluse' after being shunned by his community following his wrongful conviction when a £12,000 shortfall in his Post Office's accounts was discovered.

Mohammed Rasul, from Salford, told BBC Breakfast that he worked for the Post Office for 27 years. He said: "I was convicted of false accounting and had to wear a tag for three months. I had a suspended sentence for 12 months. I have carried the shame ever since - I refuse to carry it any longer."

Mr Rasul went on to be cleared when his conviction was overturned in 2021, but has said that the electronic tag he had to wear meant he missed seeing his father before he died because he couldn't leave his home due to a curfew.

Speaking on BBC Breakfast, he said: "I had quite a full social life. People came to my house regularly, on a weekly basis, for various gatherings. And when this happened I had to cancel all these engagements. I was totally recluse.

"Even may parents didn't know about it. Although I knew I hadn't done it, it was just the stigma attached. You had to explain what had happened if anyone asked. I just couldn't explain that something had happened that was totally out of my control.

"My shortfall was £12,000 which I paid out of my savings, what little I had, and borrowed money. If I hadn't paid that money I would have gone to prison."

Former postmaster Scott Darlington ran Alderley Edge Post Office in Cheshire for four years from 2005. "I was suspended in 2009 and convicted in 2010," he said. "I couldn't get a job for three and a half years after that. I couldn't afford to pay for my daughter's school uniform. I suffered awful stigma, embarrassment and financial distress ever since.

Scott Darlington

"I am glad that things are coming to a head and we are able to speak about it now." Mr Darlington had his name cleared by Court of Appeal judges in 2021. He said: "I knew I hadn't done anything - it has taken all of these years to get to this point now."

The convictions of 93 people have been overturned, with around 700 more going through the process.

Solicitor Neil Hudgell said the extent of the 'victim pool' wasn't yet known and more people were coming forward in the wake of the ITV documentary Mr Bates vs The Post Office. He said people had 'lived in the shadows', but were now 'finding courage' to speak out.

Mr Hudgell said: "We have the convicted, the non-convicted, but there are equally other victims as well that aren't compensated.

"We have got wives that have miscarried children because of stress, we have got relatives that have killed themselves because they have not been able to cope, we've got children spat on in school with behavioural issues. The whole scandal cuts across thousands of thousands of people." He went on to suggest the process of reviewing cases could be taken away from the Post Office.

Post Office minister Kevin Hollinrake

Postal services minister Mr Hollinrake said an announcement on the Horizon scandal could “possibly” be made on Wednesday.

“Possibly, I can’t speculate on that because there are still some issues we’ve got to resolve,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. He said since the ITV programme dramatising the scandal some people had come forward “directly to (him)”.

“The key thing is finding a mechanism so we can rapidly overturn convictions,” he said.

Mr Hollinrake said there has always been a “sense of urgency” over redress for victims of the Horizon scandal but stressed the “complexities” surrounding full and final settlements.

Asked by Times Radio whether a Government announcement was likely to be made on Wednesday about the issue, he said: “There has always been a sense of urgency and it has been my number one priority since being appointed Post Office minister in October 2022, also a big priority for me as a backbencher.” He added: “There are some complexities around (making full and final payments), not least the ones you described because of the 980 postmasters that were convicted. So far 93 have managed to get their convictions overturned.

“So there’s a problem there both in terms of the overturning of convictions when people do come forward, but also lots of people just don’t want to come forward or are not coming forward.”

He said he thought part of this may be down to an understandable “nervousness” and a reluctance to deal with the Post Office again.

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2024-01-10 10:02:00Z

Post Office Horizon scandal: Woman returns MBE - BBC

Sarah Griffith with her MBEGriffith Family

A woman who was appointed an MBE has sent her medal back "in solidarity" with sub-postmasters affected by the Post Office Horizon scandal.

Sarah Griffith, who received her honour while in Guernsey, has returned her medal to 10 Downing Street.

The scandal led to more than 700 people being prosecuted after faulty software made it appear money was missing.

Ms Griffith said the honours system was "broken" when a former Post Office boss had been awarded a CBE.

Paula Vennells, who served as CEO between 2012 and 2019, received the honour for services to the Post Office and to charity in the 2019 New Year's Honours - despite ongoing legal action against Post Office having been launched by 555 sub-postmasters in 2017.

The former Post Office boss confirmed on Tuesday that she was handing back her CBE after facing mounting pressure over the Horizon IT scandal.


More on the Post Office scandal


'Uncomfortable feeling'

Ms Griffith said not stripping Ms Vennells of her CBE was "insulting and pays a massive disservice to sub-postmasters and mistresses whose lives have been destroyed".

But she added Ms Vennells' decision to hand the award back did not detract from her own message that the honours system was broken.

"It's a serious thing to do, but I have been questioning the honours system for quite some time now," she said.

"I've just had a very uncomfortable feeling.

"It just became clear to me that I needed to send it back because owning it somehow feels very hollow now."

She said there were many people who "thoroughly and richly deserve these awards" but the system was "devalued" by others.

"The fact is the honours is broken and needs a complete overhaul by No 10 and onwards to the monarch who rubber stamps what happens," she said.

"I completely respect people have been given awards for the wonderful work they do [but] this is a personal decision."

Sarah Griffith

She had received her honour in 2014 for services to charity.

Ms Griffith posted the medal back along with a separate letter to King Charles III.

"There are these sub-posters all around the country whose lives are completely and utterly broken," she said.

"I'm a tiny voice in all of this but I just wanted to stand in solidarity with these people who I can't even begin to comprehend what they've been through."


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2024-01-10 11:23:37Z

Plans to clear names of Horizon scandal victims to be announced ‘imminently’ - The Guardian

Plans to clear the names of hundreds of post office operators wrongly convicted in the Horizon IT scandal will be announced “imminently”, a government minister has said.

The postal services minister, Kevin Hollinrake, said ministers were “definitely not ruling out” emergency legislation to quash all the convictions that arose from the Horizon scandal.

Rishi Sunak could seize the opportunity and use the first prime minister’s questions of the year to set out his plan for how the government will exonerate hundreds of post office operators who were accused of swindling money as a result of the flawed computer system.

Hollinrake said an announcement on the scandal could “possibly” be made today, telling the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: “I can’t speculate on that because there are still some issues we’ve got to resolve,” but he had said earlier that a plan was “imminent” as the government believed it had a solution.

“We’re very, very close,” he said, refusing to “speculate” as to whether an announcement would come as soon as Wednesday afternoon.

The minister claimed the government had always been operating with a “sense of urgency” over compensation for victims of the Horizon scandal before the ITV show dramatising the scandal had aired.

He admitted that since the drama had been broadcast at least 130 people affected by the Horizon scandal had come forward directly to him or via solicitors.

When asked if there was evidence that the government had been working to quash convictions before the ITV drama, Hollinrake said: “It’s not something we’d put in public, the kind of deliberations we have in government about different options, and clearly this is not an option where the postal affairs minister can make a decision on his own.”

He added that if legislation was brought forward to overturn convictions “en bloc” it could be seen to be “interfering with the independent courts process”.

Bob Neill, the Conservative chair of the Commons justice committee, said on Tuesday that if the government were to publish a bill to quash all the Post Office convictions, the justice secretary should check with senior judges to ensure they agreed that the normal means for speeding up and grouping appeals could not deliver justice within an “acceptable timeframe”.

Hollinrake noted on Wednesday that 980 people had been convicted after a fault in the Fujitsu-made IT system.

David Jones, a Tory former cabinet minister, called on ministers to review their decision to continue awarding contracts to the company. “I have no idea why the government is continuing to give Fujitsu contracts – very, very big contracts,” he said. “I can’t understand why the government wants to continue to deal with them.”

Paula Vennells, who was chief executive of the Post Office during the crisis, said on Tuesday she would return her CBE over the scandal.

Vennells is just one of the high-profile figures who have been caught up in the scandal since the TV drama first aired on 1 January. The Lib Dem leader, Ed Davey, and other former postal affairs ministers have come under scrutiny and, increasingly, senior figures at the technology company Fujitsu, which has been called to testify next week in front of the Commons business committee.

Tories were attacking Davey over the Horizon scandal because of the “advances he is making in the blue wall”, his party’s leader in Scotland said.

Davey served as postal affairs minister while in the coalition government between 2010 and 2012 and has been accused of having “fobbed off” post office operators affected by the Horizon scandal.

The Scottish Lib Dem leader, Alex Cole-Hamilton, said Davey should not stand down, despite increasing pressure from politicians and some of those affected by the scandal.

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2024-01-10 08:53:00Z

Selasa, 09 Januari 2024

Paula Vennells: Ex-Post Office boss handing back CBE over IT scandal - BBC

Paula VennellsParliament TV

Former Post Office boss Paula Vennells is handing back her CBE with immediate effect after facing mounting pressure over the Horizon IT scandal.

More than 700 sub-postmasters were prosecuted based on data from faulty Horizon software between 1999 and 2015.

Some people went to prison for false accounting and theft, while many were financially ruined.

More than a million people signed a petition calling for Ms Vennells to be stripped of her CBE.

Government ministers have promised a plan as soon as later this week to help hundreds of sub-postmasters clear their names.

One idea being explored is passing a new law that would exonerate hundreds wrongfully convicted.

In a statement, Ms Vennells, who was Post Office chief executive between 2012 and 2019, said she had "listened" to the sub-postmasters and others calling for her to return her CBE.

"I am truly sorry for the devastation caused to the sub-postmasters and their families, whose lives were torn apart by being wrongly accused and wrongly prosecuted as a result of the Horizon system."

Ms Vennells has long faced questions over her role in the scandal, which has been described as one of the most widespread miscarriages of justice the UK has seen.

While the scandal has been public knowledge for some time with a public inquiry ongoing, an ITV drama - Mr Bates vs The Post Office - which aired last week thrust the issue back into the spotlight.

A public inquiry into the scandal has been under way since February 2021, and will resume on Thursday following a break over Christmas.

Fujitsu - the Japanese technology company that manufactured the Horizon system - has been invited to answer questions from MPs next week.

The Business and Trade Select Committee says Post Office minister Kevin Hollinrake has confirmed he will attend the evidence session on 16 January.

Ms Vennells was appointed as CBE for services to the Post Office and to charity in the 2019 New Year's Honours - despite ongoing legal action against Post Office, which was launched by 555 sub-postmasters in 2017.

During her tenure, the Post Office repeatedly denied there were problems with the Horizon system.

The Post Office said the honour was given for her work on "diversity and inclusion", and her "commitment to the social purpose at the heart of the business and her dedication in putting the customer first".

However, despite the offer by Ms Vennells, the only person who can strip someone of an honour is King Charles.

People can indicate they would like to renounce their honour, as Ms Vennells has now done - but doing so has no formal effect. Until the King is advised by the Forfeiture Committee and acts on its advice, Ms Vennells will continue to hold her CBE.

The Communication Workers Union (CWU), which represents 110,000 employees of Royal Mail (which Post Office used to be part of)said Ms Vennells' decision was "a token gesture".

CWU's national officer Andy Furey also called for her to return performance-related bonuses she received during her role at Post Office.

He said: "Since she received these bonuses while overseeing the most widespread miscarriage of justice in British history, it would only be right to return this money."

Many victims of the scandal are still fighting to have their convictions overturned or to secure full compensation after being forced to pay out thousands of pounds of their own money for shortfalls that were caused by Horizon accounting software.

Jo Hamilton, a former subpostmistress who was wrongly convicted in 2008 of stealing thousands of pounds from a village shop in Hampshire, said she was glad Ms Vennells had agreed to return the honour.

"It's a shame it took just a million people to cripple her conscience," she said.

Downing Street has said it is "obviously the right decision" for Ms Vennells to return her CBE.

Former sub-postmaster Michael Rudkin, whose wife Susan was wrongly accused of stealing £44,000, said he was pleased that Ms Vennells had chosen to return her CBE.

He said he had written personally to Ms Vennells after his wife's prosecution to ask for a further investigation into her case, and received no help.

Michael Rudkin

Mr Rudkin, who lost his job and union position due to the Horizon scandal, said his family had also lost friends due to the allegations.

A CBE (Commander of the British Empire) is awarded to someone who has gone "above and beyond for the community or country".

After a damehood or knighthood, it is the highest level of Order of the British Empire, and is followed by the OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire), then the MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire).

Number 10 also said it would support "further recognition" of the work of sub-postmaster Alan Bates and others to expose the Horizon scandal.

Will Mellor as Lee and Amy Nuttall as Lisa in Mr Bates vs the Post Office TV Show
ITV / Shutterstock

Until 2012, the Post Office was part of Royal Mail before they were split into two. Between 2003 and 2010, the chief executive of Royal Mail was Adam Crozier who went on to lead ITV and is now chairman of BT.

He was replaced by Dame Moya Greene who ran Royal Mail for eight years, during which time the company was privatised and listed on the London Stock Exchange in 2013.

The government has been considering options to speed up justice for wrongfully convicted sub-postmasters.

Former minister Nadhim Zahawi has called for a "simple bill" to quash all the remaining convictions based on "bad data".

However, others have disagreed, including former attorney general Dominic Grieve who told the BBC that it would amount to "parliamentary interference in the judicial process".

Instead, he said each case "ought to be considered on its own merits", and sent to the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC), which investigates alleged miscarriages of justice.

The scandal has been described as the most widespread miscarriage of justice in British history, but to date only 93 convictions have been overturned and of them, just 30 people have agreed "full and final" compensation settlements, meaning many victims are still fighting to clear their names.

Some 54 cases have resulted in either a conviction being upheld, people being refused permission to appeal, or the person appealing having withdrawn from the process.

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2024-01-09 17:51:55Z

Writer of Post Office scandal TV drama ‘astounded’ by reaction - The Guardian

The writer of the ITV drama about a scandal that ruined hundreds of Post Office workers’ lives has said she is “completely astounded” by the response over the past week.

Gwyneth Hughes, who spent three years working on the four-part drama Mr Bates vs the Post Office, said the team behind it were gratified and amazed, and “the postmasters are ecstatic”.

The response has included a statement in parliament on Monday and more than 1 million members of the public signing a petition demanding the former Post Office boss Paula Vennells be stripped of her CBE.

Hughes said: “None of us expected this. I thought it was quite a niche story which would get respectable viewing figures but I was completely wrong.”

But, she added, it was not a personal triumph. “I’m thrilled about it on every level, but it’s been a massive team effort, a team that includes hundreds of postmasters.”

Between 1999 and 2015, the Post Office accused about 3,500 operators of theft, fraud and false accounting based on information from its Horizon IT system installed in the late 1990s. More than 700 were prosecuted, despite the Post Office knowing from 2010 that there were faults in the software.

The Skipton-based writer was aware of news stories about the Horizon computer system when ITV asked her to write a drama about it.

“It was really up my street – ordinary people outside London. My early conversations with postmasters were on Zoom because we were still in the pandemic, but as soon as it was possible to get on the road I went trailing all round the country, all sort of out of the way places, to meet these really lovely people, not a single one of whom deserves what’s happened to them.”

She concentrated on the stories of eight operators of 555 who eventually joined civil litigation against the Post Office. As well as powerful human stories, Hughes “crashed into massive complexities of the financial, technical, legal issues”.

She said she was determined to tell a fact-based story. “It says at the beginning [of each episode], this is a true story. And if you make that promise to the audience, you better tell them a true story.”

Making a complex drama spanning more than 20 years accessible and watchable was a challenge, said Hughes. “Luckily I’m an old lady [69] and I’ve been doing this for a long time. If I’d been less experienced, it would have defeated me.

“I had to bring everything I’ve learned as a journalist and documentary film-maker, and for the last 25 years as a dramatist, every single aspect of everything I’ve learned into play to make it work.”

She has become friends with the post office operators whose stories she told. “Alan [Bates, the man who started the campaign] has a tiny house, not like the one in the drama … full of files and boxes and he can find anything. You ask him a question and he doggedly goes off and spends all afternoon looking for the letter or whatever. He was very involved all the way through.

“Jo [Hamilton, who was falsely accused of stealing £36,000], less so – but I bothered her constantly, rang her a lot and went to see her a lot.”

If a decision was made in the coming months to allow all appeals against convictions, it would be “fabulous – but that’s a small number of people. There were 555 in the civil litigation, and the big thing is to get financial redress. That’s not even under discussion at the moment.”

Vennells, who left the Post Office in 2019, declined to meet Hughes when she was writing the drama. Hughes said: “We don’t know who in the Post Office were the individual bad guys but what we do know is that as a result of groupthink and confirmation bias, the institution as a whole is guilty of appalling cruelty and lying.” And the scandal was a “massive collective failure” by all political parties.

Drama had the power of “direct visceral appeal” to audiences, Hughes added. “It’s for reaching out across the stage or through the screen, grabbing you by the throat and saying: care about me. And when it works, it’s incredibly powerful. In this case, it’s been put to the service of this terrible event in our country’s history. If you want to really get people’s attention, tell them a story. And in this case, a true story.”

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2024-01-09 12:15:00Z

UK weather: England remains on flood alert as temperatures dip - The Guardian

More than 100 flood warnings remain in place after last week’s Storm Henk deluge as large parts of the UK endured a cold, frosty morning.

The Environment Agency (EA) said there were 126 flood warnings in England where flooding is expected, including a flood warning on the River Thames south-west of London in Wraysbury.

Most of the warnings are in the south of England and the Midlands, particularly through Reading, Slough, Oxford, Salisbury and further north in Cheltenham and Peterborough.

There are also 136 flood alerts in place throughout the same areas where flooding is possible.

Temperatures dropped as low as -1C in Birmingham, 0C in Glasgow and 1C in London overnight. An amber cold health alert for north-west, south-west and south-east England as well as the Midlands remains in place until noon on Friday.

The amber alert, issued by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), means “cold weather impacts are likely to be felt across the whole health service for an extended period of time”.

A Met Office yellow warning for ice in southern England expired at 3am.

The Met Office said there were snow flurries throughout Monday evening in the south of England into the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The Met Office meteorologist Tom Morgan said that not much of the snow appeared to have settled, with some areas seeing a “dusting of maybe one centimetre or two of snow”.

He said Tuesday would be drier with limited snowfall, apart from some wintry showers in Cornwall. “We’re not expecting much in the way of further snowfall on Tuesday,” he said. “In actual fact, it will be much sunnier than today, particularly in the south compared with Monday.”

Morgan said a blast of cold air coming down from the north, mostly affecting Scotland, was likely to bring further cold conditions over the weekend with some snow showers.

Train services warned customers to be careful when using their services due to icy conditions but there were no reports of major disruptions.

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2024-01-09 08:08:00Z

Post Office scandal: Options considered speed up justice for victims - BBC

A stock image shows a 'Post Office' sign on the exterior wall of a branchReuters

Plans to fast-track appeals of hundreds of sub-postmasters affected by the Post Office IT scandal will be announced "very shortly", a minister said.

Post Office minister Kevin Hollinrake told MPs it was investigating ways to overturn convictions, which could include possible legislation.

More than 700 people got criminal convictions because of faulty software but only 93 have had them overturned.

He indicated more information should be given by the end of the week.

Mr Hollinrake also suggested that Fujitsu - the technology company behind the software that caused the scandal - and anyone else found to be responsible should be "held accountable including making any payments" towards victims' compensation.

On Monday, Mr Hollinrake met Justice Secretary Alex Chalk to discuss what he called "one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in our history".

"We have devised some options for resolving the outstanding criminal convictions with much more pace," the minister said.

But he added, Mr Chalk would "need to speak to senior figures in the judiciary about these options before we put them forward".

He said the pair had discussed "at length" the possibility of changing the law in order to deal with those who are still waiting to clear their names.

Between 1999 and 2015, the Post Office prosecuted 736 sub-postmasters and sub-postmistresses - an average of one a week - based on information from a computer system called Horizon.

Many maintained their innocence and said they had repeatedly raised issues with Horizon.

But some went to prison for false accounting and theft. Many were financially ruined.

The scandal was the subject of an ITV drama broadcast last week that has catapulted it back into public consciousness.

The Metropolitan Police has said it is investigating the Post Office over possible fraud offences arising from the prosecutions.

The government is also looking at changing the rules around private prosecutions, after the Post Office pursued its former employees through the courts.

Campaigners called for the Post Office to be prevented from taking part in appeals against the convictions of former sub-postmasters.

Sir Keir Starmer has called for the Post Office to be stripped of its prosecution powers and for previous convictions looked at again.

"I think that the prosecution should be taken out of the hands of the Post Office and given to the Crown Prosecution Service," he said.

"And these convictions, the remaining convictions, need to be looked at en masse."

The government also announced retired judge Sir Gary Hickinbottom would chair an independent panel overseeing compensation payments to those whose convictions have been overturned.

Mr Bates vs The Post Office cast

Two former justice secretaries have called for legislation to be brought in as soon as possible.

Lord Falconer of Thoroton, the justice secretary under Tony Blair, said the government could introduce new laws "tomorrow and there would be no resistance in parliament".

"It's an absolutely shocking scandal that's been there for years and years, and now it's at the top of the political agenda.

"Everyone agrees it will take years to get rid of those other convictions unless there is a change in procedure."

In a letter to The Times, Sir Robert Buckland, Mr Chalk's predecessor, said: "Too many sub-postmasters have already died without seeing justice being done, so there is no more time to be lost."

Speaking in the House of Commons, Sir Robert said he would support a new law to "create a presumption of innocence" for those convicted due to the faulty software.

However, former attorney general Dominic Grieve said new legislation would be a form of "parliamentary interference in the judicial process".

"It's a short cut, which may leave some people dissatisfied that they haven't really been fully exonerated," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

Some have called for the Criminal Cases Review Commission - which investigates alleged miscarriages of justice - to look at the cases, a process that would take longer than introducing new legislation.

Prof Graham Zellick, former chair of the CCRC, said he believed the body would be able to deal with cases quickly, because of the "common feature" in them - that the prosecution case depended on evidence obtained from the computer system.

"Once you identify that the conviction is clearly, manifestly unsafe, and has to be quashed, and that's why the court of appeal can deal with these cases very quickly," he told the Today programme.

'Keep the momentum '

Alan Bates, a former sub-postmaster who has led efforts for justice, told the BBC he believed a "resolution" was "closer".

Mr Bates, played by Toby Jones in the ITV drama, said the years it had taken to get to this point had been "frustrating", but added the ITV show had enabled a "broader audience" to understand what happened.

"The most important thing is for government to make sure that this financial redress goes through at speed to get it there as soon as possible, not wait, not spend money with lawyers time and time again," he said.

"We still have to keep the pressure on and we have got to push people and we've got to get the whole thing moving and keep the momentum.

"The group has lost 60 or 70 people since we started all this. People need to get on with lives, they need to be able to draw a line under it - they will never forget it, but they have got to be able to get on and unfortunately they do need money to keep them going.

"This money is only what they are owed. This is money to put them back in a position what they would have been had Post Office not done what they did to them."

Stripping titles

There has also been a campaign to strip former Post Office boss Paula Vennells of her CBE over the scandal.

Ms Vennells, who was Post Office chief executive between 2012 and 2019, has been urged to forfeit her honour.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's official spokesman said: "The prime minister shares the public's feeling of outrage on this issue. He would strongly support the Forfeiture Committee if it chose to review the case."

The Forfeiture Committee can recommend honours are stripped if a person has brought the system into disrepute.

Ms Vennells has said previously that she remained "truly sorry for the suffering caused to wrongly prosecuted sub-postmasters and their families".

She also said she continued to fully support and focus on co-operating with the ongoing public inquiry into the scandal.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey has also faced fresh scrutiny over his role as postal affairs minister during the coalition government.

His predecessor Sir Vince Cable, who was business secretary during that period, told BBC Radio 4's World At One programme Sir Ed was being made a "scapegoat".

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2024-01-09 07:56:11Z