Minggu, 14 Mei 2023

Sex abuse victims 'must get specialist support' - BBC

KatieFamily handout

Encouraging abuse victims to come forward without a specialist support system in place is "totally irresponsible", campaigners have said.

Their open letter, with 150 signatories including Rape Crisis and Refuge, calls for fully-funded support to be included in the upcoming Victims Bill.

It was written by a woman whose friend helped convict their abusive running coach but then took her own life.

The government says it is improving support for victims at every stage.

The letter's author Charlie Webster and her friend Katie belonged to the same running group in Sheffield as teenagers. But the best friends never shared with each other that that their coach Paul North had sexually abused them over many years.

In 2002, North was jailed for 10 years after Katie and another victim reported him to police. Then aged 18, she had found the strength to give evidence against him in court.

But once North was convicted, Katie's mother Sue said her daughter was abandoned by a criminal justice system that seemed more interested in the offender than the victim.


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"In a way, she was sacrificed," she told the BBC. "She got let down by the police, by the running club, and she got left hung out to dry."

Katie was offered very little therapeutic support during the court process and nothing over the next 20 years.

"I can't see how she could have been expected to have got over that and just got on with life," Sue added.

While North served just half of his sentence, his victims were left to deal with their ongoing trauma. For Katie, this culminated with her taking her own life at her home in Australia in January this year aged 39. Her mum said she had never got over what had happened.

Charlie and Katie pictured together as teenagers
Family photo

The Victims and Prisoners Bill, which is aiming to offer improved, legally-defined support to crime victims in England and Wales, is to be debated by MPs in the Commons on Monday.

But campaigners are concerned that a key element is missing - guaranteed funding written into law to provide the specialist support services needed to help these victims recover from their trauma.

Ms Webster and charity Rape Crisis have sent the letter to the Justice Secretary Alex Chalk. Its signatories include other charities like Women's Aid, plus athletes Sebastian Coe and Paula Radcliffe.

In the open letter, Ms Webster shares Katie's story, explaining that her friend had done what society had asked of her.

"She spoke out, she stood tall despite victim blaming and because of her courage, others were saved," she writes. "Katie did her duty to society. But what about Katie? What did the system do to help her? She deserved better."

Ms Webster urges the justice secretary to ensure sufficient multi-year funding is allocated to ensure victims are given access to counselling and emotional support to help them rebuild their lives.

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A young, talented athlete who was abused by her coach then betrayed by the system.

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The letter says specialist support services are facing unprecedented demand, which it says, coupled with a chronic lack of underfunding, means survivors are waiting many months, even years, for support.

Rape Crisis England and Wales says it has 14,000 survivors on its waiting lists.

Ms Webster adds: "It is irresponsible and dangerous to raise awareness of victims' rights to then leave them unable to access any help or support due."

Jayne Butler, CEO of Rape Crisis, said demand for the charity's services has increased by 38% in the past year, "clearly demonstrating the pressures on specialist services which have been unable to meet demand for a long time".

"I want to see a Victims Bill that gives victims and survivors what Katie and Charlie never had. If the government truly wishes to make a difference with this bill it must provide the funding needed to support it," she added.

In its report about the draft bill, the cross-party Justice Committee said a recurring theme in its inquiry was that victim support services already faced unmanageable referral levels and caseloads.

"We caution that the bill risks raising victims' awareness of their rights only to leave them unable to access them due to the relevant services already working at full capacity," it said.

Labour is calling for the government to make a number of changes to the planned law, including ensuring rape survivors get free legal advice to help reduce the number dropping out of court action.

It also wants the Victims' Commissioner to have more powers to hold the government to account, including by producing an annual report to parliament, and for victims of anti-social behaviour to be covered by the Victims' Code.

The Ministry of Justice told us it commended the bravery of Katie's family and friends in sharing her story.

In a statement, a spokesman said: "Through our new Victims and Prisoners Bill we are improving support for victims at every stage, setting out a clear expectation of the support and information victims should receive from the police and courts.

"This is on top of our commitment to quadrupling funding for victim support services. Last year we awarded £4.5m to charities to fund vital support specifically for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse to help ensure victims of this horrific crime get the help they need."

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2023-05-15 00:40:13Z

Braverman: Britain needs to train up HGV drivers and fruit pickers to boost economy - The Independent

More Britons should be trained as HGV drivers, fruit pickers and butchers so the UK does not have to rely on foreign workers to fill jobs, Suella Braverman will tell a Conservative conference on Monday.

The home secretary will use a speech in London to say the UK “mustn’t forget how to do things for ourselves”, claiming there is no need to depend on “low-skilled foreign labour” to fill vacancies in sectors such as haulage, butchering or farming.

Ms Braverman will speak at the National Conservativism Conference on Monday, with the gathering of senior ministers, Tory MPs, right-wing commentators and others coming only days after Rishi Sunak’s party lost nearly 1,000 councillors at the local elections.

Her speech at the three-day event comes amid renewed unrest in the party, with Brexiteers angered by the decision to scale back post-Brexit plans to scrap EU laws.

A conference by the Conservative Democratic Organisation, held over the weekend and organised primarily by backers of former prime minister Boris Johnson, also heard criticism of Mr Sunak and the party leadership.

Some of Ms Braverman’s cabinet colleagues have called for post-Brexit visa rules to be relaxed in a bid to boost the economy.

She is expected to tell the conference: “I voted and campaigned for Brexit because I wanted Britain to control migration. So that we all have a say on what works for our country.

“High-skilled workers support economic growth. Fact.

“But we need to get overall immigration numbers down. And we mustn’t forget how to do things for ourselves.

“There is no good reason why we can’t train up enough HGV drivers, butchers or fruit pickers. Brexit enables us to build a high-skilled, high wage economy that is less dependent on low-skilled foreign labour.

“That was our 2019 manifesto pledge and what we must deliver.”

Her comments also come as ministers are reportedly braced for official figures released later in May to show net migration of between 650,000 and 997,000.

This would surpass the previous peak of 504,000 in the year to June 2022, with the numbers likely to place fresh pressure on Mr Sunak.

The home secretary will also hit back at critics of her language and rhetoric, with Ms Braverman expected to argue that it is “not racist” to want to control the UK’s borders.

She will also say that there is nothing wrong with someone from an ethnic minority background making such arguments.

Ms Braverman will say: “It’s not xenophobic to say that mass and rapid migration is unsustainable in terms of housing supply, service and community relations.

“Nor is it bigoted to say that too many people come here illegally and claim asylum, and we have insufficient accommodation for them.

“I’m not embarrassed to say that I love Britain. No true conservative is. It’s not racist for anyone, ethnic minority or otherwise, to want to control our borders.

“I reject the left’s argument that it is hypocritical for someone from an ethnic minority to know these facts; to speak these truths.

“My parents came here through legal and controlled migration. They spoke the language. They threw themselves into the community, embraced British values.

“When they arrived they signed up to be part of our shared project because the UK meant something to them. Integration was part of the quid pro quo.”

The government’s approach to “stop the boats” came under fresh criticism in recent days, after the Archbishop of Canterbury weighed in to label ministers’ plans “morally unacceptable and politically impractical”.

It came during a House of Lords debate on the Illegal Migration Bill, which aims to ensure that people arriving in the UK without permission will be detained and swiftly removed, either to their home country or a third nation such as Rwanda.

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2023-05-14 21:43:23Z

Suella Braverman accused of breaching barristers’ code over ‘racist’ language - The Guardian

Lawyers and faith organisations have lodged a complaint with the Bar Standards Board claiming the home secretary Suella Braverman, a qualified barrister, has breached the body’s code of conduct with “racist sentiments and discriminatory narratives”.

Although Braverman has not practised as a barrister since becoming an MP in 2015 she is still subject to certain professional rules governing conduct by the Bar Standards Board which regulates barristers in England and Wales.

The body has a remit to examine the conduct of barristers who are not currently practising but who remain members of the profession and are subject to conduct rules and are expected to “conduct themselves in an appropriate manner”.

Nine organisations including the Society of Asian Lawyers, the Association of Muslim Lawyers and the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants have written to the Bar Standards Board urging them to investigate and take action against what they claim is racist and inflammatory language used by the home secretary about British men of Pakistani heritage and asylum seekers.

The letter cites Braverman’s comment in April 2023 that grooming gang members were predominantly British-Pakistani men and “hold cultural values totally at odds with British values”.

The letter also raises Braverman’s warning that 100 million asylum seekers would come to the UK were it not for her planned immigration crackdown and that people crossing the channel have values at odds with the UK and ‘heightened levels of criminality’. She has described the arrival of asylum seekers in the UK as an ‘invasion’.

“These comments are not only highly inaccurate and offensive, but they also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and contribute to a climate of hate and prejudice,” the complaint letter states.

“As a member of the legal profession, Ms Braverman should be held to a high standard of professionalism and ethical conduct. Her statements not only undermine the integrity of the legal profession, but they also have the potential to damage the reputation of the UK as a tolerant and inclusive society,” it adds.

The letter cites three specific Bar Council Code of Conduct Rules it claims have been breached including behaving in a way which is likely to diminish trust and confidence, conduct which the public may reasonably perceive as undermining honesty, integrity or independence and a breach of the instruction not to discriminate against any other person on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origin or other grounds.

“It is crucial that members of the legal profession uphold the highest standards of integrity, impartiality, and professionalism. Ms Braverman’s comments are a clear violation of these standards and should not go unchallenged,” the letter concludes.

The signatories of the letter point out that in 2020 a Home Office-commissioned report found that the majority of child sexual offenders were white and that there was not enough evidence to suggest members of grooming gangs were more likely to be Asian.

The Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford has said it is not aware of any recent academic or official statistics examining criminality among refugees who had recently arrived in the UK and that ‘there is little evidence that migrants are any more or less likely to commit crimes than any other members of the population’.

The letter adds: “It is our view that Ms Braverman’s comments incite violence against the British Pakistani and Muslim community as well as refugee communities, fuelling racist sentiments and discriminatory narratives.”

Responding to earlier criticism of the home secretary’s comments from fellow Conservative Rehman Chishti, a Home Office spokesperson told the Observer: “As the home secretary has said, the vast majority of British-Pakistanis are law-abiding, upstanding citizens, but independent reviews were unequivocal that, in towns like Rochdale, Rotherham and Telford, cultural sensitivities have meant thousands of young girls were abused under the noses of councils and police.”

A spokesperson for the Bar Standards Board said they did not comment on individual complaints received.

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2023-05-14 08:54:00Z

The mansion where giant weeds had taken over set to reopen after £1m transformation - North Wales Live

After being left empty for nearly two years a mansion hotel became a "sorry state" with water damage on the inside and giant weeds crawling up the walls. The once grand Caer Rhun Hall in Conwy closed in January 2020 - months after former owner Northern Powerhouse Developments collapsed into administration.

But thanks to a former chef - who told his new employers about the Welsh mansion - the site was finally sold in 2021. The buyer was Tokyo Industries - a brand that owned city bars, clubs and sites in the UK and America.

They were looking for something different to meet the needs of clients who wanted to escape busy city life. In Caer Rhun they saw the potential of a property that could be brought back to its former glory.

More than £1m later, with the leaks sealed, the overgrown gardens tamed and transformed, they are on the home stretch to reopen the grand building, which was built for Major-General Gough in 1895.

Caer Rhun Hall Hotel in the Conwy Valley
Caer Rhun Hall Hotel in the Conwy valley

They aim to be open by the start of July - operating as a wedding and events venue and a hotel. There are further plans for expansion with more rooms and a spa.

This all dates back to a chat three years ago with one of the chefs at Tokyo Industries, which was started by Aaron Mellor in 1997 and now operates 47 bars, clubs, venues in the UK and seven International sites in Dubai, Palm Springs, LA, Croatia and Ibiza.

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Paul Gourlay, who is overseeing the transformation at Caer Rhun for Toyko, said: "A chef that was working in one of our other sites used to be the chef here and he told me the story so we started to enquire and realised it was available.

"It was during lockdown and we came down to have a look at it - we had to sneak up from the back fields and we passed the church (St. Mary's) and that set our minds racing about what a great location it was, looking down into the valley over the old Roman ruins. When we saw the building, it was such an impressive site and we saw a lot of potential.

"We then spent 18 months working through the legals. It took time and communication but we got there in the end.

"The deal was done in May 2021 and that's when we started investing in the property, we had to recover it as it had gotten into quite a bad state over the lockdown after last operating in late 2019 so it was just left for nearly two years with no heating or upkeep.

"We had to spent considerable amounts of money refitting the roof, treating the outside of the building, bringing the grounds back to their former glory. When we came the weeds were growing several feet up the walls.

Caer Rhun Hall hotel before work started on transforming the site
Caer Rhun Hall hotel before work started on transforming the site
Caer Rhun Hall Hotel in the Conwy Valley
Caer Rhun Hall Hotel in the Conwy Valley

"The roof damage had caused leaks so that meant new carpet and new plasterboard, and painting and decorating throughout. It was in a very sorry state.

"It has taken us 18 months of continuous investment to get it to where we are now, at the final stage of being ready to open. We have the last few issues and a new heating system to put in place with a biomass system arriving with a gas back up.

"We have spent a lot of time bringing the historical gardens back to where they should be, from what I've been told by the gardeners advising us they are now at a state at or better than they were when last operating. A lot of money has been invested into the grounds, we have six people working on them alone now.

Caer Rhun Hall hotel before work started on transforming the site
Caer Rhun Hall hotel before work started on transforming the site
Caer Rhun Hall Hotel in the Conwy Valley
Caer Rhun Hall Hotel in the Conwy Valley

"In total we will have invested close to £1m on the property and gardens by the time we open - to bring it back to how it was and improve it to our standards of operation."

There will be 23 rooms in the main house with another six in the villa, two in a lodge and three in an annex.

He said there is planning in place for another 40 rooms in the annex at the side of the mansion where there is now rundown former accommodation from the days when the site was also an accountancy school.

Former accommodation at Caer Rhun Hall Hotel that will be redeveloped into new rooms
Former accommodation at Caer Rhun Hall Hotel that will be redeveloped into new rooms

Paul added: "Once we get open and operating at the main house and villa it is our intention to keep investing into the property with another 40 rooms and also there are plans for a spa at the old squash court."

Former conference room and squash courts at Caer Rhun Hall Hotel that will be redeveloped into a new spa
Former conference room and squash courts at Caer Rhun Hall Hotel that will be redeveloped into a new spa

Talking about the business and opportunity in North Wales, Paul said: "We have hotels elsewhere - we have just opened Impossible hotel in York, a very cool, modern hotel which we redeveloped from scratch. We have bars, restaurants and nightclubs, that been our core focus over the initial years. As we develop as a company we are branching out more and more into hotels.

"This is our next one and we have more in the pipeline. We also have hotels in LA.

"This particular site is a perfect getaway retreat - we are Manchester based and we have a lot of high end clientele that go to our restaurants, bars and events in Manchester. It is ideal for us to migrate some of them here as a country retreat.

Caer Rhun Hall Hotel in the Conwy Valley
Caer Rhun Hall Hotel in the Conwy Valley

"After being here myself for the last 12 months, basically living here, I had never been to this area and I am absolutely blown away by the beauty and what it has to offer. I live in Leeds and didn't really venture this side of the UK, the more time I spend here the more I'm blown away with what the area has to offer, not just the natural beauty but the modern eco-friendly and wild adventures.

"I've been getting myself quite immersed in all of it over the last few months. The local businesses have all also been super supportive and we feel very much at home."

They will have a core team of 25 to 30 people and then that will be supported by extra staff during events. He said they had received a large number of applications, with the prominence of the site helping.

Paul said: "The main focus will be weddings and events and private hire. The rooms will be open to book as a hotel but the main focus will be weddings and events. The list of what we want to do is endless."

The now stunning main lawn at Caer Rhun Hall Hotel
The now stunning main lawn at Caer Rhun Hall Hotel

These range from food and drink festivals to murder mysteries to Halloween and Christmas events. There are lots of enquiries already coming in.

Paul said: "We are not that far away - there is a lot more planting - bringing in some cool furniture, giving a modern edge to an old building.

"We want to get it just right for when we open."

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2023-05-14 04:00:00Z

Nurses’ union head calls for double-digit pay rise in England ahead of strike ballot - The Guardian

The head of the Royal College of Nursing union has called for a double-digit pay rise for nurses in England, raising the stakes in the long-running dispute with the government.

Pat Cullen, the general secretary of the RCN, had previously told members to accept the government’s offer of 5% in March but it was rejected in a vote by 54% to 46%.

The union leader, who has been a nurse for 40 years, praised her members for their “selflessness” for refusing the 5% offer and losing pay on strike days to “stand up for the NHS”, which she believes is “sailing dangerously closely to the wind”.

Members of Unite and other unions voted to accept the government’s offer for 2023-24, which included a one-off payment worth between £1,655 and £3,789.

The RCN is preparing a ballot on whether to strike again on the eve of its annual congress in Brighton.

The deadline to be part of the union’s next ballot is midnight on Sunday and the RCN said the ballot will open for eligible members in England on 23 May.

Cullen has called on Stephen Barclay, the health secretary, to reopen negotiations and said the talks need to “start off in double figures”.

She told the Sunday Times: “Nurses believe it’s their duty and their responsibility because this government is not listening to them on how to bring it back from the brink and the message to the prime minister is that they are absolutely not going to blink first in these negotiations.”

Cullen added: “Looking back on this pay offer, I may personally have underestimated the members and their sheer determination.

“And I think what I would be saying to the prime minister, Rishi Sunak, is: ‘Don’t – don’t make that same mistake, don’t underestimate them.’”

The RCN had originally called for a 19% pay rise. It is understood that the negotiations covered two financial years and resulted in an offer of a consolidated increase of 9%.

Cullen called for fresh negotiations to “finish the job off” and prevent another six months of strikes leading up to Christmas.

“They [ministers] owe that to nursing staff not to push them to have to do another six months of industrial action right up to Christmas.

“It’s just not right for the profession. It’s not right for patients. But whose responsibility is it to resolve it? It is this government.”

Thousands of nurses walked out on the evening of 30 April in what was described by the RCN as the “biggest strike yet” because it included nursing staff from emergency departments, intensive care and cancer care for the first time.

The 28-hour action came after a high court judge ruled it would be unlawful for the industrial action to continue into 2 May as originally planned.

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2023-05-13 23:37:00Z

Ukraine Eurovision act Tvorchi's Ternopil hometown 'under fire from Russian missiles' - The Independent

Ukraine was under fire from Russian missiles on Saturday as the Eurovision Song Contest took place, including the university hometown of the Ukrainian act Tvorchi, the British ambassador said.

“Meanwhile, this Eurovision night Ukraine is under another Russian missile attack,” Dame Melinda Simmons tweeted.

“Reminder that the reason why (Ukraine) could not host this event is because (Russia) continues to invade and the people of (Ukraine) live in continuing danger.”

Ukrainian officials said missiles hitTernopil, a city in western Ukraine several hundred miles from the frontlines of the Russian invasion.

Ternopil Oblast governor Volodymyr Trush reported that warehouses belonging to commercial enterprises and a religious organisation caught fire. He said two civilians were in hospital with shrapnel injuries and burns as a result of the attack.

The governor wrote on Telegram: “I ask all residents of Ternopil Oblast not to be near the place of fire under any circumstances. I remind you - the curfew continues!”

Serhii Nadal, Mayor of Ternopil, asked residents to stay in a safe place until the air-raid alert ceases.

Praising Ukraine’s entrants in the song contest, Dame Melinda said: “Tvorchi (definitely) win the prize for graphics. The staging was brilliant.

“And poignant as their university home town of Ternopil was targeted by (Russian) missiles this eve.”

The electronic duo, made up of producer Andrii Hutsuliak and Nigeria-raised vocalist Jeffery Kenny, are hoping to defend the title after Kalush Orchestra swept to victory last year on a wave of public support.

Ukraine entrant Tvorchi entertain the crowd (Aaron Chown/PA)

Their song Heart Of Steel, inspired by the bravery of the Ukrainian people, drew cheers from the audience at the M&S Bank Arena in Liverpool after it featured lyrics in both English and Ukrainian.

At the end of their performance, the pair held their fists in the air as acts from other nations were also seen waving the blue and yellow flag of Ukraine.

Jeffrey Kenny and Andrii Hutsuliak, members of the Tvorchi duo, pose for a portrait in the central Ukrainian railway station on April 28, 2023 in Kyiv, Ukraine

Bookmakers have predicted Tvorchi will perform well with the voting public but they face stiff competition from runaway favourites Sweden and Finland.

This year’s competition marks the first time the UK has hosted a final in 25 years. It was decided that Liverpool would host after 2022’s winning country Ukraine said it would be unable to, due to the ongoing invasion by Russia.

Saturday saw several developments on the battlefield in Ukraine. After Russia admitted it had retreated from parts of Bakhmut, Ukraine said its troops were advancing on the key city from two directions.

Meanwhile, independent Russian news outlet Kommersant reported that four Russian military aircraft were shot down in home territory.

Kommersant said on its website that the Su-34 fighter-bomber, Su-35 fighter and two Mi-8 helicopters had made up a raiding party, and had been “shot down almost simultaneously” in an ambush in the Bryansk region, adjoining northeast Ukraine.

The Russian state news agency Tass said a Russian Su-34 warplane had crashed in that region but did not specify a cause.

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2023-05-14 06:49:11Z

Sabtu, 13 Mei 2023

Russian missiles strike home town of Ukraine’s Eurovision entry during contest - The Guardian

The home town of Ukraine’s Eurovision entry came under fire from Russian missiles during the song contest on Saturday.

Ternopil, the university home town of electronic music duo Tvorchi, was among the places targeted, according to Dame Melinda Simmons, the British ambassador to Ukraine.

Simmons wrote on Twitter: “Meanwhile, this #Eurovision night Ukraine is under another Russian missile attack.”

Praising Ukraine’s participants in the song contest, Simmons added: “Tvorchi (definitely) win the prize for graphics. The staging was brilliant.

“And poignant as their university home town of Ternopil was targeted by (Russian) missiles this eve.”

Local authorities, writing on Telegram, said the strike had hit warehouses owned by commercial enterprises and a religious organisation, injuring two people.

Tvorchi said this week they hoped to shine a spotlight on their country’s fight for freedom.

Earlier on Saturday, Ukrainian troops advanced in the eastern city of Bakhmut. Forces are advancing in two directions in Bakhmut but the situation in the city centre is more complicated, deputy defence minister Hanna Malyar said.

“The enemy is not able to take control of the city,” Malyar wrote on the Telegram messaging app.

Separately, Volodymyr Zelenskiy asked Pope Francis on Saturday to back Kyiv’s peace plan and the pope indicated the Vatican would help in the repatriation of Ukrainian children taken by Russians.

The Ukrainian president was in Rome for a one-day visit, also meeting Italy’s president, Sergio Mattarella, and the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni.

Zelenskiy, who was visiting Rome for the first time since the war began, spoke with the pope for 40 minutes and presented him with a bulletproof vest that had been used by a Ukrainian soldier and later painted with an image of the Madonna.

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A Vatican statement said that in their private talks, Zelenskiy and the pope discussed “humanitarian gestures”, which a Vatican source said was a reference to the Vatican’s willingness to help with the repatriation of Ukrainian children.

Kyiv estimates nearly 19,500 children have been taken to Russia or Russian-occupied Crimea since February 2022, in what it condemns as illegal deportations.

“We must make every effort to return them home,” Zelenskiy said in a tweet afterwards, saying he had discussed it with the pope.

The Ukrainian president also said he asked the pope to “join” Kyiv’s 10-point peace plan.

“I asked (the pope) to condemn Russian crimes in Ukraine. Because there can be no equality between the victim and the aggressor,” Zelenskiy said in his tweet.

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2023-05-13 23:28:00Z