Jumat, 03 September 2021

Man arrested after 'suspicious' death of woman who fell from Arthur's Seat - Sky News

A 27-year-old man has been arrested after a woman fell to her death from Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh.

Police Scotland said they received a report that a woman had fallen from the hill at about 9pm on Thursday.

Emergency services, including fire and ambulance crews, arrived at the scene and the 31-year-old died a short time later.

Officers said her death is being treated as suspicious.

Arthur's Seat is an ancient volcano, and sits 251m above sea level.

It is also the site of a large and well-preserved fort.

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2021-09-03 19:29:38Z

Tragic final weeks of 'Maggie millions' who died ALONE in her bungalow - Daily Mail

Tragic final weeks of 'Maggie millions' who died ALONE in her bungalow: £27m EuroMillions winner moved out of her dream home and back into £125k bungalow after cutting herself off from family and refusing to seek help for 'serious illness'

  • EXCLUSIVE: Margaret Loughery's brother Paul spoke of his sister's last weeks
  • He says he is awaiting to hear the cause of death but insists it was not suicide
  • Paul told how her life had been blighted by mental illness leaving her vulnerable

EuroMillions lottery winner Margaret Loughrey died alone in her bungalow after refusing to seek medical help for a serious illness over the last two weeks, her brother revealed today.

Paul Loughrey said he was awaiting to hear the cause of death of his kind-hearted sister, who won nearly £27million in November 2013, but he insisted that she had not taken her own life.

He told how her life had been blighted by mental illness, leaving her potentially vulnerable to people taking advantage of her.

Paul also disclosed that she had largely cut herself off from her family for the last six years after giving £1million each to her four brothers and her sister.

Margaret Loughrey (pictured), 56, scooped the EuroMillions top prize eight years ago but famously said it had 'destroyed her'

Margaret Loughrey (pictured), 56, scooped the EuroMillions top prize eight years ago but famously said it had 'destroyed her' 

She recently had a Grand Designs-style dream home worth around £1million, built next door to her bungalow, complete with a glass-fronted showroom for her collection of classic cars.

But after moving into the house — built in the style of a Victorian warehouse with a curved metal roof — she decided it was too big for her and returned to her bungalow next door.

She spent her last days locked away with her two beloved black Scottish Terrier dogs before she was found dead on Thursday at her modest, but immaculately maintained home in Strabane, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.

In an exclusive interview with MailOnline, Paul revealed that his sister had struggled to cope with her massive win and had ‘never managed to find happiness’.

Margaret Loughrey had given relatives £1million each and just completed building her dream home (pictured) when she was found dead

Margaret Loughrey had given relatives £1million each and just completed building her dream home (pictured) when she was found dead

Photographs show the brand-new conversion overlooking surrounding bungalows, including the one Ms Loughrey lived in (pictured), on the border town

Photographs show the brand-new conversion overlooking surrounding bungalows, including the one Ms Loughrey lived in (pictured), on the border town

He said: ‘The lottery win done none of us any good, let me tell you. The day that she won it, I said, “Life is never going to be the same, this is going to destroy some of us here”.

‘It was too much for Margaret to deal with. It was a lot of money. I couldn’t have dealt with it. Personally I wouldn’t have wanted it.

‘We don’t know what the cause of death is yet, but she didn’t take her own life. We definitely know that.

‘She was very sick for a couple of weeks, but she refused to go to the doctor and refused to go to the hospital. She was very frail.

When she won the lottery she had been at the Job Centre living on benefits of just £58-a-week and got ticket on a whim

When she won the lottery she had been at the Job Centre living on benefits of just £58-a-week and got ticket on a whim

‘Margaret was always like a knitting needle. Even when she was a wain (a child), she was always light framed.

‘She didn’t leave home much because she wasn’t well. It’s just so sad.’

Paul disclosed that his sister had drawn up detailed plans with her solicitor for her own funeral which would not involve any form of religious service.

He said that she had made a ‘beautiful’ last wish to be cremated and have her ashes turned into a ‘pebble’ to be scattered on idyllic Marble Hill beach in County Donegal in the Republic of Ireland where she spent happy childhood holidays.

Speaking from his home in Strabane, Paul added: ‘Everything is with her solicitor, even the arrangements for her funeral. The family is not organising anything.

‘I don’t think there is even going to be a proper funeral. She didn’t want one. She just wanted to be cremated with no fuss.

‘Her family will be there, but that’s it. She wasn't religious at all, so there will be no religious service.

‘I think it is beautiful what she is doing. She is going to be cremated on Monday or Tuesday and she wants her ashes turned into a pebble, like a stone.

‘This pebble is to be left on Marble Hill beach because Margaret was always so happy when she was there with our Dad.

After the windfall, Ms Loughrey was dubbed 'Maggie Millions' and bought a property empire including a £125,000 bungalow (pictured), a pub and a former mill turned leisure centre

After the windfall, Ms Loughrey was dubbed 'Maggie Millions' and bought a property empire including a £125,000 bungalow (pictured), a pub and a former mill turned leisure centre

‘When we were children, my mother and father took us there a lot. I think it was when Margaret was always at her happiest.’

Relatives and friends of Ms Loughlan are having to find a new home for her Scottish terriers which are still at her home.

A family member was seen arriving care for the dogs this morning as they ran around the back garden.

Paul said: ‘Her dogs are beautiful. They were crying away yesterday. I think they can sense that something has happened. They need to be taken away.’

Lottery win was celebrated by locals

Shop assistant, Nadine O'Kane, handed Ms Loughrey the slip with the numbers 19, 23, 27, 42 and 44 with Lucky Stars 3 and 5.

Miss O'Kane told the Irish Daily Mailin 2013: 'Its nice to see it happen to her. I didn't know her.

'I only found out on Sunday after I was told to come into work to get my picture taken.'

Local SuperValu store manager Colm Gallagher also said at the time: 'I don't know what Margaret's going to do with the money but I wish her all the best with it.'

He told how his sister had built her dream home on a vacant plot containing outbuildings next to her bungalow.

The house behind a high wall and imposing gates stood empty today, with her modern black Jaguar parked in the drive.

Her glass fronted garage still contained several classic vehicles including a VW Beetle, a yellow Mini, a VW camper van and Land Rover, and a white-painted vintage motorcycle.

Paul said: ‘She moved in for a wee while, but left and went back to the bungalow again. It was just too big for her I think. She was on her own so moving to the big house was not a good idea.

‘It’s a bit sad. Nobody knows what she was going to do with the big house, but she did keep a few classic cars there. God knows what will happen to all that now. To be honest, I don’t really care what happens to it.’

Ms Loughrey was unemployed and living on benefits when she bought her winning EuroMillions ticket in November 2013 on her way home from getting an application form for a job with a charity

She scooped her jackpot of £26,863,588 after she correctly marked five numbers and two lucky stars.

Ms Loughrey vowed to continue living in her hometown of Strabane, and insisted that her money was ‘going to be spread around’ to help others.

She was true to her word and bought her bungalow worth around £125,000, and gifted money to her family and local good causes.

Ms Loughrey also ended up buying the derelict Herdmans former linen mill near her home, and had high hopes of renovating the site, but her plans never materialised.

She was briefly sectioned four months after her win, but she insisted in an interview with a local newspaper that she was not mentally ill.

Ms Loughrey spent a reported three weeks in a mental health unit before being allowed home after engaging solicitors to appeal against the decision to detain her. 

She claimed in an interview in 2019 that people had ‘stolen millions’ from her, and that her lottery win had ‘sent her to hell and back’.

She added: ‘Money has brought me nothing but grief. It has destroyed my life.

‘I have had six years of this. I don’t believe in religion, but if there is a hell, I have been in it. It has been that bad. I went down to five-and-a-half stone.’

Speaking of his love for his sister, Paul added: ‘We all tried to help Margaret over the years, but she just didn’t want to know, that’s the bottom line

‘She had a mental illness. She was sectioned for a time and they should have kept her inside.

‘They wanted to keep her in for six months which would have really helped her, but Margaret got a solicitor on her case to be allowed out, and the next day she was out. 

The lottery winner had stayed living in her £125,000 bungalow, despite her fortune

The lottery winner had stayed living in her £125,000 bungalow, despite her fortune

Paul Gallagher, a neighbour and local councillor, told the Belfast Telegraph Ms Loughrey had just transformed a derelict house nicknamed 'the barn' into her dream home with a 'round tin roof' (pictured left next door to her bungalow)

Paul Gallagher, a neighbour and local councillor, told the Belfast Telegraph Ms Loughrey had just transformed a derelict house nicknamed 'the barn' into her dream home with a 'round tin roof' (pictured left next door to her bungalow)

‘I felt it was a disgrace. It was just because she had money.

‘She has had a sad life. I don’t think she ever really got over her father’s death when she was only 15 or 16. She should have been counselled. If it happened today, she would have been.

‘Margaret hasn’t spoken to me in six years. She gave us all a few pounds and she made sure we were comfortable for the rest of our days, but she cut all ties with us.

‘Before she won, I would visit her every morning, but once she won, she didn’t want to see any of us. It was her mental health that was the problem. I didn’t take it personally. It was an illness she had.’

Asked about claims that she had money stolen, Paul said: ‘I heard that, but I don’t know anything about it. There is a lot of rumours.

Ms Loughrey landed the huge win after matching five numbers and two lucky stars but had years of troubles. Pictured outside court after being convicted of assaulting a taxi driver

Ms Loughrey landed the huge win after matching five numbers and two lucky stars but had years of troubles. Pictured outside court after being convicted of assaulting a taxi driver

‘I did hear that some people wrote a cheque and cashed it, and Margaret didn’t OK it. She didn’t know about it, and they took the money.

‘Margaret never told me personally about it, so it might have been a rumour and not true.

‘It’s just sad. It should have made everybody happy, having no money worries, but it made Margaret worse to be honest.

‘People would try and take advantage of her, but Margaret was very intelligent, You would get nothing by her. She was nobody’s fool.

‘She was very generous. I heard that she paid for things like somebody’s wedding and even somebody’s funeral because she knew the family did not have much.

‘I think she also helped a few wains that were sick. She was generous. She wasn’t a miser. I know that she helped charities as well, but I don’t know which ones.

‘She tried to help people and also to create jobs. She wanted to do good with her money.’

Paul said he had faced the ordeal of having to tell his 83-year-old mother of Ms Loughrey’s death.

He said: ‘My mum has got dementia and is in a care home and it was tough telling her there. Then I had to tell her again after she forgot, so she is reliving it. She brought up us up on her own after Dad died.’

A Police Service Northern Ireland spokesman said: 'Police received a report of the sudden death of a woman at the Ballycolman Lane area of Strabane on Thursday September 2.

'A post-mortem is due to take place but at this stage, the death is not being treated as suspicious.'

The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service confirmed they also attended the house on Thursday morning.

A NIAS spokesman said: 'We were called to an emergency in the Ballycolman area of Strabane at 10.30am this morning. No patients were taken from the scene.'

From blowouts to benefits: Three British teenagers who won millions of pounds on the lottery then blew it

Callie Rogers

Callie Rogers is pictured after her £1.87million lottery win in 2013

Callie Rogers is pictured after her £1.87million lottery win in 2013

Callie Rogers was just 16 when she won a £1.87million lottery jackpot while working as a shop assistant on £3.60 an hour in 2003.

But the mother-of-four from Flimby in Cumbria has suffered a spectacular fall from grace since and is now on benefits after blowing the whole amount.

Miss Rogers spent thousands on wild parties, three breast enhancements and designer clothing, while also giving away large amounts to her family and friends.

But she was also targeted by people who took cash off her, suffered a string of failed relationships and was attacked by two women on a night out.

Then in March it emerged Miss Rogers had been pepper-sprayed by police following a car crash when her 4x4 veered off the road late at night.

She then failed a drugs test and was given a 22-month driving ban following the incident near her boyfriend Jason Fearon's home in Crosby, Merseyside.

Callie Rogers, pictured in recent years
Callie Rogers has suffered a fall from grace since her win

Callie Rogers, pictured in recent years, has suffered a fall from grace since her win and is now on benefits after blowing her winnings

Jane Park

Jane Park was 17 when she won big on the Euromillions in 2013

Jane Park was 17 when she won big on the Euromillions in 2013

Jane Park was just 17 when she won £1million after getting lucky with her first-ever Euromillions ticket in 2013.

She has repeatedly stated winning the Euromillions prize ruined her life and even threatened to sue lottery operators Camelot for negligence, claiming someone her age shouldn't have been allowed to win.

She has confessed that it was only the advice of family members which stopped her going bust after she went on a spending spree.

The jackpot winner paid for a breast enlargement, Brazilian bottom lift and splashed out on a string of luxury holidays and fashion accessories.

In 2019, she revealed she was making money by selling racy topless pictures of herself on subscription site OnlyFans.

In January she said she had moved to Dubai for 'business' reasons and this would be a permanent move, but she returned to Scotland in April. 

Also this year, she has had a second Brazilian bottom lift in Turkey after her original surgery in 2017 was botched and left her in hospital with suspected sepsis. 

Jane Park pictured in more recent years
Jane Park has sold topless pictures of herself

Jane Park pictured in more recent years. In 2019, she revealed she was making money by selling racy topless pictures on OnlyFans

Michael Carroll

Michael Carroll scooped the jackpot in 2002 from a £1 ticket

Michael Carroll scooped the jackpot in 2002 from a £1 ticket

'Lotto lout' Michael Carroll blew his £9.7million jackpot on drink, drugs and brothels in a decade – describing it as 'the best ten years of my life for a pound'.

But he now works seven days a week as a £10-an-hour coalman in Moray, Scotland, after having to start again.

Mr Carroll bought the £1 ticket when he was aged 19 and was working as a binman in Norfolk, but before long he was doing cocaine and drinking huge amounts of vodka before he had even got out of bed.

He gave £4million to friends and family, including his aunt and uncle who raised him following his father's death when he was aged only 10, but spent the rest on an extreme lifestyle, including three homes and racing cars.

His marriage to wife Sandra Aitken ended after she accused him of sleeping with vice girls – and Mr Carroll has claimed to have bedded some 4,000 women.

He appeared in court more than 30 times, but was handed an ASBO for terrorising his neighbours and jailed for five months in 2004 after failing to comply with a drug treatment order imposed as part of a sentence for cocaine possession.

His accountant warned him in 2005 that he was down to his last million, and in February 2006 he was jailed for nine months for affray.

By 2013, he was declared bankrupt and found himself back on Jobseeker's Allowance – and he even moved into a hotel for homeless people for three months.

He then worked at the Walkers biscuit factory in Aberlour, before getting a licence to work in an abattoir, but now works as a coal miner and lives in a modest rented flat.

Speaking to the Mirror in 2019, he said: 'I don't look back with any regrets, that's for sure. It was ten years of fun for a pound, you can't go wrong with that.

'I wouldn't want to turn the clock back. But I live a good, free lifestyle now and I'm happier because I've got my life back.'

Carroll previously described how he was a 'full-blown alcoholic' and drank two bottles of vodka a day

Carroll previously described how he was a 'full-blown alcoholic' and drank two bottles of vodka a day

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2021-09-03 15:49:49Z

COVID-19: UK records 121 more coronavirus-related deaths and 42,076 new cases - Sky News

The UK has reported 121 more coronavirus-related deaths and 42,076 cases in the latest 24-hour period, according to government data.

It compares with 178 deaths and 38,154 infections yesterday, while last Friday 100 fatalities and 38,046 cases were announced.

Today's cases figure is the highest since 21 July, when there were 44,104 reported.

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The latest seven-day average for deaths is 114, far below the peak of the second wave in January when it reached more than 1,200.

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Since the pandemic began, total deaths in the UK within 28 days of a positive test stand at 133,041.

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An alternative count - recording deaths with COVID-19 mentioned anywhere on the death certificate - is 156,119.

Meanwhile, another 40,002 people had a first dose of a vaccine on Thursday, taking the total to 48,171,998 (88.6% of over-16s).

There were 119,375 second jabs, meaning 43,142,747 are fully inoculated (79.4% of over-16s).

It comes as the UK's vaccine advisory body said healthy children between 12 and 15 should not get a vaccine. However, the UK's four chief medical officers are to review the matter before a final decision.

Daily figures also show the number of people in hospital with coronavirus is 7,541 (1,038 of those on mechanical ventilation).

It's a significant rise from the middle of June, when it was around 1,200, and cases began to rise. However, once again, it's well down on the 38,000 or so in hospital towards the end of January.

Today's figures come as England's R number range was estimated to have fallen from 1.0-1.1 to 0.9 and 1.1.

It indicates the average number of people each COVID-positive person goes on to infect.

An R number between 0.9 and 1.1 means every 10 infected people will, on average, pass the virus on to between nine and 11 other people.

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2021-09-03 15:18:01Z

Afghanistan: Dominic Raab says the UK has shared interest in a stable country - BBC News

Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Dominic Raab

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab says the UK and Pakistan have a "shared interest" in securing a "stable and peaceful future for Afghanistan".

Mr Raab has met his Pakistani counterpart and other senior leaders on the latest leg of his regional tour.

The foreign secretary's visit is part of efforts to secure safe passage for Britons and others trying to leave Afghanistan.

It comes as the UK announced £30m in aid to bordering countries.

The funding will help provide shelter and sanitation for the tens of thousands of refugees expected to flee the Taliban regime.

Meanwhile, the Foreign Affairs Select Committee - which questioned Mr Raab earlier this week - has announced it will hold an inquiry on UK policy towards Afghanistan.

Its chair, Tory MP Tom Tugendhat, said "big questions remain" over the UK's withdrawal from the country and its future approach to the region.

He added: "The true extent of the damage done will only become clear in the coming months and years. However, it is already clear that the world has become more dangerous and unstable."

In his first visit to Pakistan as foreign secretary, Mr Raab met the country's foreign minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, and will later hold talks with Prime Minister Imran Khan.

In a joint press conference, the foreign secretary said the UK would be "supporting those countries who face greatest demands from those who may be displaced in the weeks ahead".

Pakistan, which shares a border with Afghanistan, is a key player in the crisis and already hosts about three million Afghan refugees.

Mr Raab said "no-one wants to see the economic and social fabric of Afghanistan collapse", but the UK wanted to work with humanitarian agencies to help, rather than the Taliban itself.

The two-days of discussions are also expected to focus on how to encourage the Taliban to allow safe passage for refugees and prevent Afghanistan becoming a hub for terrorist groups.

The Foreign Office has already sent officials to help process those crossing the border.

But Mr Raab has been criticised by MPs for not focusing more on the country.

This week, he has been visiting the region to build a coalition with neighbouring countries to "exert the maximum moderating influence" on the Taliban.

The Afghan capital's airport is out of action following the withdrawal of US troops last week.

And on Thursday evening he said he had spoken to Tajikistan foreign minister Sirojiddin Muhriddin about "how our countries can help maintain stability in the region, and tackle the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan".

Dominic Raab in Qatar
Downing Street

Of the £30m in aid offered to neighbouring countries, Mr Raab said £10m would be made available immediately to humanitarian organisations in order to get supplies to Afghanistan's borders.

Countries predicted to experience a significant increase in refugees will also receive £20m to help with processing new arrivals and to provide essential services and supplies.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has estimated a worst-case scenario of more than 500,000 refugees fleeing Afghanistan to Pakistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan in the coming months.

Mr Raab said: "It is vital that we help those fleeing Afghanistan and do not allow the crisis there to undermine regional stability."

He added that the aid showed the UK's "commitment to shoulder our humanitarian responsibility".

Families arriving at the Pakistan-Afghanistan border

More than 15,000 people have been evacuated by the UK from Afghanistan so far, including more than 5,000 British nationals,.

The last British plane flying people out of Kabul took off on Saturday, as the remaining foreign troops withdrew from the country.

It is feared thousands of people eligible for relocation, including Afghans who worked for the British and their families, have been left behind.

Mr Raab has estimated the number of UK nationals still in the country is in the "low hundreds" but he was unable to give a precise figure of the number of eligible Afghans who were unable to get on evacuation flights.

Last month, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced an increase in aid to Afghanistan to £286m, amid a policy to cut spending on overseas assistance.

The UK sent £290m of aid to Afghanistan in 2019, according to a briefing from the House of Commons Library, and the government pledged £155m in aid for 2021 at the Afghanistan Conference in November 2020.

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2021-09-03 10:12:39Z

Australia strikes deal to ‘swap’ 4m vaccine doses with UK - Financial Times

The UK will send 4m Covid-19 vaccine doses to Australia in a swap deal aimed at accelerating Canberra’s stuttering rollout and bolstering British supplies later in the year when ministers are pushing for a booster campaign. 

The first batch of 292,000 BioNTech/Pfizer doses will arrive in Australia in the coming days, with the remainder due by the end of the month, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Friday. 

Australia will return an equivalent 4m doses before the end of the year, according to the UK health department.

The deal is designed to speed up Australia’s vaccination rollout, which has been one of the slowest in the world, and Morrison said it would allow the government to bring forward its prospective reopening date.

It reflects the UK’s calculation that it does not currently need all its stockpiled doses, which expire in a matter of months if not used, while allowing London to boost supplies later this year in anticipation of a broad booster campaign and the vaccination of 12 to 15-year-olds.

“There are 4m reasons to be hopeful today,” said Morrison. “From Downing Street to Down Under, we are doubling down on what the Pfizer doses are here in Australia this month.”

About 37 per cent of Australian adults have received two doses of a vaccine, the country’s health department said. In the UK, 79 per cent of over-16s are fully-vaccinated, according to official figures.

Sajid Javid, the UK health secretary, said: “Our agreement with Australia will share doses at the optimum time to bolster both our countries’ vaccination programmes.”

On Wednesday, the UK took the first tentative step towards a booster campaign by green-lighting third doses for around 500,000 people with severely weakened immune systems. The NHS is planning for a booster drive encompassing all over-50s.

Pressure is also growing on the UK government’s vaccine advisory group, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, to sign off on vaccination for younger teenagers amid concerns that the September school reopening will prompt a fresh wave of infections.

Morrison defended Australia’s national reopening plan, which is to go ahead with removing restrictions when the country reaches 70 and 80 per cent vaccination rates, despite pushback from state premiers who are reluctant to ease restrictions. Australia reported more than 1,600 new coronavirus infections on Friday.

Rasmus Bech Hansen, chief executive of life sciences analytics company Airfinity, told the FT the deal was part of a growing trend of “bilateral diplomacy-driven dealmaking” over vaccines.

He added that it underlined the contrasting vaccine rollouts in the two countries.

“In the UK, supply is outpacing demand, while in Australia, it’s the other way around,” he said. “These doses are likely expiring and there is confidence in Pfizer supply coming down the line, so there is really no reason to sit on large piles of vaccines.”

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2021-09-03 10:35:41Z

Dominic Raab arrives in Pakistan to announce £30m aid - Daily Mail

Dominic Raab arrives in Pakistan to announce £30m aid and push for safe passage for Britons and friendly Afghans still stuck in Afghanistan

  • Dominic Raab arrived in Pakistan to announce a £30million aid package
  • The Foreign Secretary expected to hold talks with his Pakistani counterpart
  • Arrives in Pakistan after Boris Johnson insisted UK needs to 'level' with Taliban
  • Thousands of Afghans who helped British efforts in the nation were left behind

Dominic Raab has arrived in Pakistan to announce a £30million aid package as he continues the push to secure safe passage for Britons and Afghans stuck in Afghanistan.

The Foreign Secretary will hold talks with his Pakistani counterpart, Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, during a two-day visit and the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Mr Raab is scheduled to have 'interaction at the leadership level'.

Mr Raab arrived in Pakistan after Boris Johnson insisted the UK needs to 'level' with the Taliban and make the group understand the need to allow people to leave Afghanistan.

The Prime Minister signalled further engagement between the West and the Taliban could be dependent on whether Britons and Afghans are allowed to leave the country.

The Foreign Secretary will hold talks with his Pakistani counterpart, Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, during a two-day visit. Pictured, Mr Raab talks to staff at a resettlement programme for Afghanistan refugees in Doha Qatar

The Foreign Secretary will hold talks with his Pakistani counterpart, Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, during a two-day visit. Pictured, Mr Raab talks to staff at a resettlement programme for Afghanistan refugees in Doha Qatar

Mr Johnson also claimed it had been 'clear for many months' that the situation in Afghanistan could change 'very fast', but insisted the UK Government's response to the Taliban surge to power was not 'spur of the moment'.

More than 8,000 former Afghan staff and their family members eligible under the Afghan relocations and assistance policy (Arap) were among the 15,000-plus people evacuated by the UK since August 13.

But thousands of Afghans who helped British efforts in the nation and their relatives, as well as other vulnerable civilians, are feared to have been left behind.

During a visit to Qatar on Thursday, Mr Raab said evacuations may be able to resume from Kabul airport 'in the near future' as he expressed a need for direct engagement with the Taliban.

During a visit to Qatar on Thursday, Mr Raab said evacuations may be able to resume from Kabul airport 'in the near future'. Pictured, Mr Raab with his Qatari counterpart heikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani on Thursday

During a visit to Qatar on Thursday, Mr Raab said evacuations may be able to resume from Kabul airport 'in the near future'. Pictured, Mr Raab with his Qatari counterpart heikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani on Thursday

He was using a visit to the region to build a coalition with nearby nations to 'exert the maximum moderating influence' on the Taliban as they 'adjust to the new reality' of the group being in power.

On Thursday evening, Mr Raab tweeted that he spoke to Tajikistan foreign minister Sirojiddin Muhriddin about 'how our countries can help maintain stability in the region, and tackle the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan'.

Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Mr Raab was visiting on Thursday and Friday.

In a statement, the ministry said: 'Foreign minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi will hold official talks with Secretary of State Dominic Raab.

'The talks will cover the evolving situation in Afghanistan and bilateral matters. Foreign Secretary Raab is also scheduled to have interaction at the leadership level.'

It added: 'The visit will reinforce the current momentum in high-level exchanges between the two countries and help strengthen bilateral co-operation on a range of issues.'

While Mr Raab sought to make progress in the region, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office confirmed details of how a £30 million UK aid package will be used.

It is expected £10million will be made available immediately to humanitarian organisations, such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), to despatch supplies to the Afghan borders.

Countries predicted to experience a significant increase in refugees will also receive £20million to help with processing new arrivals and to provide essential services and supplies.

Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani and Mr Raab hold a joint news conference in Doha, Qatar, September 2

Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani and Mr Raab hold a joint news conference in Doha, Qatar, September 2

Mr Raab said: 'They will provide Afghans who have left everything behind with essential kit offering shelter and basic sanitation as they seek to pick up the pieces of their lives.'

Pakistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are among the countries where Afghans are expected to flee in their tens of thousands following the Taliban takeover. 

Mr Raab, who is visiting the region, said: 'It is vital that we help those fleeing Afghanistan and do not allow the crisis there to undermine regional stability.

'That's why these life-saving supplies are so important. They will provide Afghans who have left everything behind with essential kit offering shelter and basic sanitation as they seek to pick up the pieces of their lives.

'This aid demonstrates the UK's commitment to shoulder our humanitarian responsibility and support those countries who will face the greatest demands for those displaced.'

Prime Minister Boris Johnson last month announced an increase in aid to Afghanistan to £286 million, amid a policy to cut spending on overseas assistance.

A briefing from the House of Commons Library showed the UK sent £290 million of aid to Afghanistan in 2019, and at the Afghanistan Conference, held in Geneva in November 2020, the UK Government pledged £155 million in aid for 2021.

Mr Johnson last month announced an increase in aid to Afghanistan to £286million, amid a policy to cut spending on overseas assistance.

A briefing from the House of Commons Library showed the UK sent £290 million of aid to Afghanistan in 2019, and at the Afghanistan Conference, held in Geneva in November 2020, the UK Government pledged £155 million in aid for 2021.

It comes after Mr Raab was criticised for holidaying in Crete as the Taliban surged to power last month.

On Wednesday, Mr Raab told MPs the 'most likely' outcome foreseen by the Joint Intelligence Committee 'and the military' after the withdrawal of foreign troops was 'a steady deterioration from that point and it was unlikely Kabul would fall this year'.

On Thursday, Mr Johnson told reporters: 'I think it's been clear for many months that the situation could go very fast and that's been part of the intelligence briefing.

'There have also been suggestions that the Afghan national defence force might hold on for longer. But logically you can see what happened.

'Once people felt in Afghanistan, once people in the Afghan army felt that they were no longer going to be getting that American air cover, then I think the logic for them became really to end their resistance and so things did go faster, but you can see to the extent of the planning that's been put into Op Pitting.'

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2021-09-03 05:47:01Z

National Insurance: Minister says social care must be properly funded amid tax hike claims - BBC News

Stock image of a nurse with a patient at home
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Social care must be adequately funded, Justice Secretary Robert Buckland has said, amid reports ministers plan to raise national insurance.

Downing Street did not deny reports of an increase of at least 1% to improve social care and tackle the NHS backlog.

The justice secretary said he would not "speculate" but said there should be a "grown-up conversation" about how to pay for rising social care costs.

The move would break a Tory manifesto commitment at the last election.

"The British public are sensible enough to know that when it comes to the issue of social care we have to find some way in which it will be adequately funded," Mr Buckland told BBC Breakfast.

He said that the Conservative Party had also promised at the 2019 election that it would bring forward sustainable proposals to fund social care.

The Daily Telegraph reports that Downing Street favours a 1% rise in the national insurance rate, affecting about 25 million workers and self-employed people, as well as employers. But it says the Treasury is pushing for a 1.25% increase.

But a source close to Mr Javid said that 2% figure was incorrect and the BBC understands the health secretary is pushing for a lower figure.

For someone on average earnings of £29,536 a year, a 1% increase in national insurance would cost them £199.68 annually.

The Telegraph says the funds will be used to put a cap on the amount an individual has to spend on social care costs over their lifetime.

In their manifesto, the Conservatives said: "The prerequisite of any solution will be a guarantee that no one needing care has to sell their home to pay for it."

The government said it was "committed to bringing forward a long-term plan to reform the social care system".

In a statement, it said proposals would be set out this year.

Labour said the NHS and social care needed proper investment but it was wrong to raise national insurance., which would disproportionately hit low-earners, young people and businesses.

"Boris Johnson still hasn't come forward with the plan for social care he promised over two years ago, and instead they're proposing a manifesto-breaking tax rise that would hit working people and businesses hard," said shadow chief secretary to the Treasury Bridget Phillipson.

It comes as former health secretary Jeremy Hunt wrote in the Daily Telegraph that there should be a new "health and care premium" added to tax instead, as he warned against raising national insurance or income tax.

Mr Hunt, who now chairs the Commons health committee, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that the government must "bite the bullet" and find some way to increase taxes.

"The sums are eye-watering, far bigger than a chancellor can find down the back of a Treasury sofa," he said.

But he said a national insurance increase was the wrong approach because it would not be paid by working pensioners.

"Since older people are the biggest beneficiaries I think it's only fair that they should make a contribution," Mr Hunt said.

Jeremy Hunt
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Boris Johnson has been under increasing pressure to set out his plan for social care reform.

Speaking on the steps of Downing Street on his first day as prime minister in 2019, he pledged to "fix the crisis in social care once and for all with a clear plan we have prepared".

But that plan has yet to be published.

On top of long-term funding challenges, the social care sector has also faced extra costs because of the pandemic.

Councils, which provide social care, have seen their budgets cut over the last decade.

The squeeze on council funding in England means that people who pay for themselves are often propping up the care system.

In England, social care is generally not provided for free. Typically, only those with savings and assets worth less than £23,250 can get help from their council.

There is no overall limit on costs, meaning thousands every year end up selling their homes to pay.

Personal care, such as help with washing and dressing, is free in Scotland for those assessed by their local authority as needing it. Those in a home still have to contribute towards accommodation costs.

Some care costs are capped in Wales, and home care is free for the over-75s in Northern Ireland.

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2021-09-03 08:39:54Z