Senin, 22 Februari 2021

Lockdown: Boris Johnson unveils plan to end England restrictions by 21 June - BBC News

A new four-step plan to ease England's lockdown could see all legal limits on social contact lifted by 21 June, if strict conditions are met.

Shops, hairdressers, gyms and outdoor hospitality could reopen on 12 April in England under plans set out by the PM.

From 17 May, two households might be allowed to mix in homes, while the rule of six could apply in places like pubs.

It requires four tests on vaccines, infection rates and new coronavirus variants to be met at each stage.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson told MPs the plan aimed to be "cautious but irreversible" and at every stage decisions would be led by "data not dates".

There was "no credible route to a zero-Covid Britain nor indeed a zero-Covid world", he said.

Mr Johnson later told a Downing Street news conference the coming spring and summer would be "seasons of hope, looking and feeling incomparably better for us all".

He described the plan as a "one-way road to freedom" but said he could not guarantee it would be irreversible "but the intention is that it should be".

It comes as the first data on the UK's coronavirus vaccine rollout suggested it was having a "spectacular" impact on stopping serious illness.


As part of the first step of the plan for easing lockdown in England:

  • From 8 March - All schools will open with outdoor after-school sports and activities allowed. Recreation in an outdoor public spaces - such as a park - will be allowed between two people, meaning they would be allowed to sit down for a coffee, drink or picnic
  • From 29 March - Outdoor gatherings of either six people or two households will be allowed. It is understood this will include gatherings in private gardens. Outdoor sports facilities such as tennis or basketball courts will reopen and organised adult and children's sport, such as grassroots football, will also return

Secondary school pupils can access tests and will be required to wear face coverings in classrooms and shared spaces like corridors.

There will be a gap of at least five weeks between each of the plan's subsequent steps to allow for the impact of changes on infection rates and hospital admissions to be assessed.

The second step from 12 April would see major parts of the economy permitted to reopen:

  • Non-essential retail opens, hairdressers and some public buildings like libraries
  • Outdoor settings like alcohol takeaways, beer gardens, zoos and theme parks
  • Indoor leisure like swimming pools and gyms
  • Self-contained holiday accommodation, such as self-catering lets and camp sites

But wider social contact rules will continue to apply in all settings - meaning no indoor mixing between different households will be allowed.

Mr Johnson confirmed the end of hospitality curfews - and requirements to eat a substantial meal alongside alcohol.

He said a review of international leisure travel restrictions would be announced by 12 April at the earliest.

Lockdown easing - key dates
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Funerals continue with up to 30 people, and weddings with up to 15 guests.

The third step will come from 17 May - if the data allows - and will see the "rule of six" abolished for outdoor gatherings, replaced with a limit of 30 people:

  • Two households can mix indoors - with the rule of six applied in hospitality settings like pubs
  • Cinemas, museums, hotels, performances and sporting events reopen - though social distancing remains
  • Up to 10,000 spectators can attend the very largest outdoor seated venues like football stadiums

Up to 30 people will be able to attend weddings, receptions, funerals and wakes.

Mr Johnson said this step would also "consider the potential role of Covid status certification" - which could refer to so-called "vaccine passports" - in helping indoor venues to reopen safely.

Before the fourth step, ministers will carry out a review into social distancing and other "long-term measures" designed to reduce transmission, including the "one metre plus" rule and the wearing of face coverings.

They will also consider whether to lift the "work from home" guidance, which the government says people should continue to follow until the review has been completed.

The fourth step from 21 June will potentially see all legal limits on social contact removed, with the final closed sectors of the economy reopened - such as nightclubs.

The government hopes that - from this date - restrictions on weddings and funerals will also be abolished.

Music and events leaders called for more financial support for the sector, with the boss of one live music trade body saying his industry is "at the back of the queue to re-open" once restrictions are lifted.

The four conditions for easing England's lockdown measures
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Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer welcomed the plan but said certainty was needed over the future of the government furlough scheme for both businesses and workers.

Prof Neil Ferguson, of Imperial College London, said he thought the roadmap struck the "right balance" - but warned reopening schools risks increasing the number of cases reported each day.

Speaking later at the Downing Street briefing, UK chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance said it was "very important" to leave a gap of five weeks between the changes in the roadmap to avoid "flying blind".

Sir Patrick also said "baseline" measures - such as face coverings in certain situations, hand washing, and self-isolation - may be necessary next winter.

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Why the caution?

Analysis box by Nick Triggle, health correspondent

The vaccines are working well and infection levels have fallen five-fold since the start of the year.

So why, many may ask, is there such caution?

The answer lies in the mountain of data published by the government as it unveiled its roadmap.

Among the documents was modelling done by Imperial College London.

It showed a rapid easing of restrictions could lead to surge in deaths over the summer and a total of 80,000 deaths by the middle of 2022.

There is much uncertainty about scenarios like this - for one thing it did not take into account any seasonal impact that the warmer weather could bring by reducing spread of the virus.

The gradual lifting could, by comparison, may reduce that to around 30,000. That would bring it in line with the sort of deaths we could see during a bad flu winter.

UK chief medical adviser Prof Chris Whitty says that should be the context in which we judge Covid now.

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The devolved nations have the power to set their own restrictions but have largely moved in the same direction, though at different speeds, during the pandemic.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said Scotland would return to a tiered system of restrictions when lockdown measures are eased.

It means different parts of the country could be under different rules. Ms Sturgeon added that she would set out the likely phases for a gradual lifting of restrictions on Tuesday.

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In Wales, First Minister Mark Drakeford has said he hopes the "stay-at-home" requirement could end within three weeks, with some non-essential shops and hairdressers possibly reopening at the same time.

Northern Ireland's health minister has played down the prospect of restrictions being eased in time for Easter. A review of current measures will take place on 18 March.

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An idea of what's next

Analysis box by Nick Eardley, political correspondent

Across England people have a better idea now of what the next few months look like if the virus is kept under control.

Remember all the caveats. Remember Boris Johnson has set out the tests that have to be met for this to go ahead. Remember decisions have been reversed before.

Boris Johnson thinks this plan is cautious and the government is determined that it will only move when it feels it is safe. But some Tory MPs will be disappointed it does not go further, and are likely to hold the PM's feet to the fire when it comes to meeting these dates.

One question which has been raised by the PM's statement is whether the government has just opened the door to domestic vaccine passports in all but name, something ministers have previously ruled out.

There is going to be a review on whether a vaccine certificate could allow more social contact. This decision has not been taken - but some may now be wondering if it is on the agenda now.

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It came as a further 10,641 coronavirus cases were reported on Monday, alongside another 178 deaths within 28 days of a positive test.

More than 17.7 million people across the UK have now received at least one vaccine dose, according to latest government figures.

Monday's latest coronavirus data
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2021-02-22 21:17:28Z

Schools back 8 March in England with Covid tests taken at home - BBC News

pupils at Bobby Moore Academy, Stratford

All schools in England are going back from 8 March, the prime minister has confirmed, with schools able to decide a phased return during that week.

There will be mass Covid testing in secondary schools - with parents expected to carry out the testing at home, after three tests in school.

Home testing for secondary pupils will be twice weekly - but with no testing so far planned for primary pupils.

Face masks will also be required in some secondary school classrooms.

Attendance will be compulsory when schools go back, with penalty fines able to be imposed.

Back to school
Jane Barlow

"All the evidence shows that schools are safe and the risk posed to children by Covid is vanishingly small," the Prime Minister Boris Johnson told a press conference on Monday evening.

"But to offer even greater reassurance we're introducing twice weekly testing of secondary school and college pupils and asking them to wear face coverings for the rest of this term."

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said "the priority must be for all children to be back in school as quickly as possible and to stay in school".

But Geoff Barton, leader of the ASCL head teachers' union, warned getting all pupils back at the same time "runs the risk of increasing the rate of infection and prolonging the damaging cycle of stop-start schooling".

Individual schools can decide on testing arrangements and how year groups go back during the week, but Mr Barton suggested it could need to be staggered over two weeks.

UK chief medical adviser Chris Whitty emphasised his support for the return to school - and that the benefits outweighed any "very small residual risk".

"Everything is strongly in favour of children, whether primary or secondary, going to school - and the data on that I think are unambiguous," he said.

Prof Whitty said there were extra safety measures in place for this reopening - with testing, the greater use of masks and an early "natural fire break" of the Easter holidays.

Testing and masks

After three Covid tests in secondary school and one home test, there will be twice-weekly tests carried out by parents and carers at home.

The tests are voluntary and will operate "based on trust", officials said.

Covid testing in a school

But it remains uncertain how parents will feel about carrying out the lateral flow tests, which are usually swab tests, taking a sample from the back of the throat or from the nose.

Schools will continue to provide some testing facilities for those children whose parents might not be able to carry out testing.

When schools return, face masks will be required in some secondary and further education classrooms, at least for the rest of this term.

The Department for Education said there would be a requirement to "wear face coverings indoors, including classrooms" where social distancing of two metres cannot be maintained.

But the National Deaf Children's Society warned that face masks in the classroom will have a "devastating effect" on deaf children's ability to take part in lessons.

Staff in primary school will be expected to wear face masks in corridors and communal areas "where social distancing between adults is not possible".

Starting date

The return for all schools and colleges will be from the week starting 8 March.

Schools will be able to decide how the return will be organised, with discretion over a phased return for the first week, such as the whether some year groups are brought back earlier.

Back to school in Scotland
Jane Barlow

But an alliance of teachers' and head teachers' unions warned that sending back 10 million children and school staff at the same time was "reckless" and risked triggering a fresh wave of infections.

A Sage scientific advisory group meeting from 28 January, with minutes published on Monday, cautioned with "medium confidence" that the "opening of primary and secondary schools is likely to increase effective R by a factor of 1.1 to 1.5 (10% to 50%)".

The National Education Union said the reopening plan showed the prime minister, "despite all his words of caution, failed to learn the lessons of his previous mistakes".

Mary Bousted, joint leader of the biggest teachers' union said: "It remains the case, unfortunately, that cases are three times higher now than when schools re-opened last September."

Catch-up classes

Another £300m has been added to the £1bn catch-up funding announced last year, in recognition of the amount of time pupils will have missed in school.

There will be future announcements on how this is likely to be spent, such as on summer clubs, tutoring, after-school lessons, activities and sports.

A school catch-up tsar, Sir Kevan Collins, has been appointed to lead on this recovery, with particular concerns about the biggest negative impact falling on the most disadvantaged.


Cancelled GCSEs and A-levels are going to be replaced by teachers' grades, with more details expected on Thursday.

There will be "mini-exams" which are intended to "inform" the judgements made by teachers, rather than be used to decide results.

The mini-exams will be marked by teachers within schools and are likely to be options for schools to use to assess pupils, rather than being compulsory.

Results could be published earlier than usual, allowing more time for appeals ahead of university admissions.

Vocational exams are also expected to use teachers' grades, but with different arrangements for qualifications requiring practical skills.

Schools back in Scotland and Wales

  • In Scotland, younger primary pupils have gone back to school, along with some exam year students in secondary school. A wider reopening has yet to be decided.
  • In Wales, younger primary years have also returned on Monday - with older primary pupils set to go back on 15 March if Covid levels continue to fall.
  • In Northern Ireland, younger primary pupils will return to classrooms on 8 March.


Face-to-face teaching remained open for university students taking hands-on subjects, such as medicine, while other courses have switched online.

A wider range of these practical subjects will return from March 8. But no date has been decided for when most other courses will return to face-to-face teaching.

The prime minister said a decision would be announced by the end of the Easter holidays, which would be in late April, with students promised at least a week's notice of any return to in-person teaching on campus.

This could hold out the prospect of a return in the summer term. But a number of universities have already announced they will stay online for most courses for the rest of the academic year.

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2021-02-22 19:59:28Z

Covid-19: Boris Johnson plans to reopen shops and gyms in England on 12 April - BBC News

Shops, hairdressers, gyms and outdoor hospitality will reopen on 12 April in England if strict conditions are met, under plans being set out by the PM.

Up to six people from separate households could be able to meet in beer gardens from that date.

The new four-step plan to ease lockdown could see all legal limits on social contact lifted by 21 June.

It requires four tests on vaccines, infection rates and new coronavirus variants to be met at each stage.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson told MPs the plan aimed to be "cautious but irreversible" and at every stage decisions would be led by "data not dates".

But he warned there was "no credible route to a zero-Covid Britain nor indeed a zero-Covid world".

It comes as the first data on the UK's coronavirus vaccine rollout suggests it is having a "spectacular" impact on stopping serious illness.

Mr Johnson is holding a Downing Street news conference with UK government chief medical adviser Prof Chris Whitty and chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance.


As part of the first step of the plan for easing lockdown in England:

  • From 8 March - All schools will open with outdoor after-school sports and activities allowed. Recreation in an outdoor public spaces - such as a park - will be allowed between two people, meaning they would be allowed to sit down for a coffee, drink or picnic
  • From 29 March - Outdoor gatherings of either six people or two households will be allowed. It is understood this will include gatherings in private gardens. Outdoor sports facilities such as tennis or basketball courts will reopen and organised adult and children's sport, such as grassroots football, will also return

Secondary school pupils can access tests and will be required to wear face coverings in classrooms and shared spaces like corridors.

The second step from 12 April would see major parts of the economy permitted to reopen:

  • Non-essential retail opens, hairdressers and some public buildings like libraries
  • Outdoor settings like alcohol takeaways, beer gardens, zoos and theme parks
  • Indoor leisure like swimming pools and gyms
  • Self-contained holiday accommodation, such as self-catering lets and camp sites

But wider social contact rules will continue to apply in all settings - meaning no indoor mixing between different households will be allowed.

Mr Johnson confirmed the end of hospitality curfews - and requirements to eat a substantial meal alongside alcohol.

He said a review of international leisure travel restrictions would be announced by 12 April at the earliest.

Lockdown easing - key dates
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Funerals continue with up to 30 people, and weddings with up to 15 guests.

The third step will come from 17 May - if the data allows - and will see the "rule of six" abolished for outdoor gatherings, replaced with a limit of 30 people:

  • Two households can mix indoors - with the rule of six applied in hospitality settings like pubs
  • Cinemas, museums, hotels, performances and sporting events reopen - though social distancing remains
  • Up to 10,000 spectators can attend the very largest outdoor seated venues like football stadiums

Up to 30 people will be able to attend weddings, receptions, funerals and wakes.

Mr Johnson said this step would also "consider the potential role of Covid status certification" - which could refer to so-called "vaccine passports" - in helping indoor venues to reopen safely.

Before the fourth step, ministers will carry out a review into social distancing and other "long-term measures" designed to reduce transmission, including the "one metre plus" rule and the wearing of face coverings.

They will also consider whether to lift the "work from home" guidance, which the government says people should continue to follow until the review has been completed.

The fourth step from 21 June will potentially see all legal limits on social contact removed, with the final closed sectors of the economy reopened - such as nightclubs.

The government hopes that - from this date - restrictions on weddings and funerals will also be abolished.

Music and events leaders called for more financial support for the sector, with the boss of one live music trade body saying his industry is "at the back of the queue to re-open" once restrictions are lifted.

The four conditions for easing England's lockdown measures
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Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer welcomed the plan but said certainty was needed over the future of the government furlough scheme for both businesses and workers.

Former Prime Minister Theresa May urged Mr Johnson to bring forward the international leisure travel review "so people can plan for the summer", saying the aviation industry required at least three month's notice.

Ex-Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said Mr Johnson's "caution is absolutely right in the face of these new variants when we're potentially so close to the finishing line".

Prof Neil Ferguson, of Imperial College London, said he thought the roadmap struck the "right balance" - but warned reopening schools risks increasing the number of cases reported each day.

"I think it is the right balance of giving people hope that we are not in this situation forever and yet being relatively cautious about the pace of relaxing measures," he told BBC Radio 4's PM programme.

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Why the caution?

Analysis box by Nick Triggle, health correspondent

The vaccines are working well and infection levels have fallen five-fold since the start of the year.

So why, many may ask, is there such caution?

There are still many people who are not protected - half of hospital admissions are in the under-70s. What is more, some people will choose not to take the vaccine, while it will not work for everyone.

Modelling produced for the government suggests a rapid easing of restrictions by the end of April could result in a rapid surge of deaths in the coming months.

By next June another 80,000 Covid fatalities could have been seen, it suggests.

Even with a slow lifting the "optimistic scenario" came up with 30,000 deaths.

That has certainly influenced ministers.

But how realistic is it?

One flaw is that the modelling has not factored in any seasonal impact.

Would there really be a surge in the summer when people are outdoors and respiratory viruses tend not to thrive?

It is a risk ministers are simply not prepared to take.

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The devolved nations have the power to set their own restrictions but have largely moved in the same direction, though at different speeds, during the pandemic.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said Scotland would return to a tiered system of restrictions when lockdown measures are eased.

It means different parts of the country could be under different rules. Ms Sturgeon added that she would set out the likely phases for a gradual lifting of restrictions on Tuesday.

Banner image reading 'more about coronavirus'

In Wales, First Minister Mark Drakeford has said he hopes the "stay-at-home" requirement could end within three weeks, with some non-essential shops and hairdressers possibly reopening at the same time.

Northern Ireland's health minister has played down the prospect of restrictions being eased in time for Easter. A review of current measures will take place on 18 March.

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An idea of what's next

Analysis box by Nick Eardley, political correspondent

Across England people have a better idea now of what the next few months look like if the virus is kept under control.

Remember all the caveats. Remember Boris Johnson has set out the tests that have to be met for this to go ahead. Remember decisions have been reversed before.

Boris Johnson thinks this plan is cautious and the government is determined that it will only move when it feels it is safe. But some Tory MPs will be disappointed it does not go further, and are likely to hold the PM's feet to the fire when it comes to meeting these dates.

One question which has been raised by the PM's statement is whether the government has just opened the door to domestic vaccine passports in all but name, something ministers have previously ruled out.

There is going to be a review on whether a vaccine certificate could allow more social contact. This decision has not been taken - but some may now be wondering if it is on the agenda now.

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It came as a further 10,641 coronavirus cases were reported on Monday, alongside another 178 deaths within 28 days of a positive test.

More than 17.7 million people across the UK have now received at least one vaccine dose, according to latest government figures.

Monday's latest coronavirus data
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2021-02-22 19:06:21Z