Kamis, 01 Oktober 2020

Boris backed to drag UK out of EU without Brexit trade deal - 'Leave them behind forever!' - Daily Express

UK and European Union negotiators are meeting in Brussels this week for the ninth and final round of talks as both sides desperately try to find a crucial breakthrough and thrash out an agreement that can be rubber-stamped later this month. Michael Gove issued a huge warning to Brussels claiming the UK would happily walk away without a Free Trade Agreement if Brussels fails to compromise on a number of red lines that have continually held up talks. Now Express.co.uk readers have overwhelmingly backed the UK to leave the EU without a post-Brexit Free Trade Agreement in place.

The latest poll, which ran from 11am until 10pm on Thursday October 1, asked: “Would you be happy with Britain leaving EU without a trade deal?”

A huge 91 percent of the 23,690 people who voted - backed the move, with the remaining nine percent disagreeing. Less than one percent were undecided.

Responding to the poll, one Express.co.uk reader said: "Walk away Boris. We don't want any deal with the EU and we never have.

"Can't you understand that that is why you are Prime Minister? We want to be totally free. Leave the EU behind forever."

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A second person commented: "A deal is impossible. The UK has to protect its rights as a sovereign country. The EU doesn't accept that the UK can regain those rights.

"They will never be able to bridge that gap. Yet trade will still continue with the EU, businesses will find a way of doing business, probably just on a sector-by-sector basis.

"In the short term, the EU will have to get used to less fish and the UK will have to get used to less wine.”

Another Express.co.uk reader wrote: "The benefits to the EU from having the UK outside the bloc cannot be greater than the benefits from having the UK as a member.

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Speaking during the Blue Collar Conservatism/Daily Express virtual conference this week, he said: “In the past, with some of the negotiations we have had with the EU we bent over backwards to be accommodating and we didn’t get the benefit of the doubt as a result.

“So now we are going to be absolutely crystal clear with the EU as we have been over the course of the last few weeks.

“Look if you are not going to talk turkey with us that’s fine. We can leave, we can say that’s it, no negotiated outcome we are ready come what may."

The Cabinet Office minister also dismissed reports Britain is conceding to the EU in a number of areas, adding: “The EU has this sort of 'kidology' approach.

“They try to use tactics to make voters in Britain and British politicians worried.

“I think one of the reasons they are coming out with this now is that they know in these negotiations we have stood firm throughout.”

Mr Johnson triggered the fury of EU leaders last month by pressing ahead with the Internal Market Bill, which would override key elements of the Withdrawal Agreement with the EU and consequently, risks breaking international law.

Downing Street insists the legislation is needed to protect the Northern Ireland peace process if Britain is unable to secure a deal with the EU.

But the European Commission has opened legal proceedings against the UK, with President Ursula von der Leyen confirming a "letter of formal notification" would be sent after ministers rejected a demand to withdraw the provisions from the Bill by Wednesday.

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2020-10-01 21:57:00Z

Land speed record attempt: Driver dies at Elvington airfield - BBC News

Fields near Elvington Airfield
image copyrightGetty Images

A driver has died during a British land speed record attempt.

The fatal accident occurred at Elvington Airfield, a former RAF base near York, governing body Motorsport UK said.

It said the driver's family had been informed and an investigation into the circumstances had begun.

North Yorkshire Police said it was called to reports of a "serious collision" at the scene shortly after 16:30 BST.

Elvington was an RAF station until 1992, and has become a popular motorsports venue since entering private ownership.

It has hosted dozens of world record attempts, and is also used as a filming location.

On Sunday, Jason Liversidge, who has motor neurone disease, set a world speed record in his custom-made electric wheelchair.

In 2003, Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond was involved in a near-fatal crash at Elvington.

He suffered serious brain injuries when his jet-powered car crashed at almost 300mph, but made a full recovery.

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2020-10-01 21:42:00Z

BREAKING: MP suspended for taking train despite knowing she had COVID-19 - Sky News

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. BREAKING: MP suspended for taking train despite knowing she had COVID-19  Sky News
  2. MP Margaret Ferrier's Covid Parliament trip 'indefensible'  BBC News
  3. SNP MP Margaret Ferrier suspended after travelling between Westminster and Scotland with coronavirus  Evening Standard
  4. SNP MP stripped of whip for attending parliament with coronavirus  The Independent
  5. SNP MP Margaret Ferrier suspended for taking train after positive Covid test  The Guardian
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


2020-10-01 20:00:46Z

MP Margaret Ferrier's Covid Parliament trip 'indefensible' - BBC News

Scotland's first minister says the actions of an SNP MP who travelled to Westminster despite experiencing Covid symptoms are "utterly indefensible".

Margaret Ferrier said she made the journey because she was feeling "much better" - but also travelled home after getting a positive test result.

The MP, who has been suspended by her party, said there was "no excuse for my actions".

Nicola Sturgeon tweeted her support for the decision to suspend the MP.

She said: "This is utterly indefensible. It's hard to express just how angry I feel on behalf of people across the country making hard sacrifices every day to help beat Covid.

"The rules apply to everyone and they're in place to keep people safe. @Ianblackford_MP is right to suspend the whip."

Ms Ferrier said she took a test on Saturday - but travelled to London on Monday as she was feeling better.

The MP for Rutherglen and Hamilton West received a positive test result that same day, then took a train back to Scotland on Tuesday.

She said she had informed the police and that she deeply regretted her actions.

The SNP's Westminster leader Ian Blackford said on Thursday that he had spoken to Ms Ferrier, who accepted that what she had done was wrong.

He said: "Margaret will be referring herself to the parliamentary standards commissioner as well as the police. I am tonight suspending the whip from Margaret."

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Ms Ferrier said she took the weekend test after experiencing "mild symptoms", but travelled to London by train at the start of the working week.

She spoke in the coronavirus debate in the House of Commons on Monday, and said she received her positive test result that evening.

"I travelled home by train on Tuesday morning without seeking advice. This was also wrong and I am sorry," she said.

"I have been self-isolating at home ever since."

When someone tests positive for coronavirus they normally attract sympathy and concern.

But that's in extremely short supply for Margaret Ferrier after she admitted breaking Covid self-isolation rules.

She may have apologised for attending parliament and making lengthy journeys by public transport with coronavirus but she has not offered an explanation.

Her behaviour is far more serious than the lockdown travel breach that cost Catherine Calderwood her job as Scotland's chief medical officer.

It is also more serious than the lockdown travels of the prime minister's advisor, Dominic Cummings, who Mrs Ferrier called on to resign.

It is no surprise then that the Conservatives are demanding the MP for Rutherglen and Hamilton West stands down from Parliament.

She has already been suspended by the SNP and the party leader, Nicola Sturgeon, has described her behaviour as "utterly indefensible".

Labour MP Ian Murray said Ms Ferrier had shown "astonishing recklessness".

"She has put passengers, rail staff, fellow MPs, Commons staff and many others at unacceptable risk," he said.

"To breach the rules twice is simply unforgivable, and has undermined all the sacrifices made by her constituents."

Train drivers union Aslef described her actions as "both dangerous and disgraceful".

The Scottish Conservatives' Holyrood leader, Ruth Davidson, said knowingly taking public transport after testing positive for Covid-19 put lives at risk.

A House of Commons spokesperson said the House's priority was to ensure the safety of those working on the estate.

The statement added: "We have closely followed public health guidance on the action to take following a confirmed case of Covid on site.

"Parliament has a dedicated team to support the test and trace teams across the UK, acting as a central point of contact in the event of any suspected or confirmed cases, where an individual has been working on the estate."

Ms Ferrier was one of the MPs who called on the prime minister's advisor Dominic Cummings to resign in the wake of the controversy over his visit to the north east of England during lockdown.

At the time, she said his actions had "undermined the sacrifices that we have all been making" and described his position as "untenable".

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2020-10-01 19:18:45Z

COVID-19 UK: Mayor rejects tougher lockdown rules in northern England - Sky News

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. COVID-19 UK: Mayor rejects tougher lockdown rules in northern England  Sky News
  2. Stricter Covid rules in Liverpool, Warrington, Hartlepool and Middlesbrough  BBC News
  3. Covid-19 lockdown rules rejected by Middlesbrough Mayor saying 'we will defy government'  The Sun
  4. Coronavirus map LIVE: Boris faces lockdown REVOLT - Middlesbrough vows to 'defy' new rules  Express
  5. Coronavirus: Another 6,914 cases and 59 deaths recorded in UK  Sky News
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


2020-10-01 18:27:51Z

Covid-positive MP Margaret Ferrier suspended over Parliament visit - BBC News

An SNP MP has been suspended by her party after travelling to Westminster despite experiencing Covid symptoms - then going home by train after getting a positive test result.

Margaret Ferrier said there was "no excuse for my actions".

She said she took a test on Saturday - but travelled to London on Monday because she was feeling "much better".

Ms Ferrier received a positive test result that same day, then took a train back to Scotland on Tuesday.

The MP for Rutherglen and Hamilton West said she had informed the police and that she deeply regretted her actions.

The SNP's Westminster leader Ian Blackford said on Thursday that he had spoken to Ms Ferrier, who accepted that what she had done was wrong.

He said: "Margaret will be referring herself to the parliamentary standards commissioner as well as the police. I am tonight suspending the whip from Margaret."

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Ms Ferrier said she took the weekend test after experiencing "mild symptoms", but travelled to London by train at the start of the working week.

She spoke in the coronavirus debate in the House of Commons on Monday, and said she received her positive test result that evening.

"I travelled home by train on Tuesday morning without seeking advice. This was also wrong and I am sorry," she said.

"I have been self-isolating at home ever since."

'Dangerous and disgraceful'

Labour MP Ian Murray said Ms Ferrier had shown "astonishing recklessness".

"She has put passengers, rail staff, fellow MPs, Commons staff and many others at unacceptable risk," he said.

"To breach the rules twice is simply unforgivable, and has undermined all the sacrifices made by her constituents."

Train drivers union Aslef described her actions as "both dangerous and disgraceful".

The Scottish Conservatives' Holyrood leader, Ruth Davidson, said knowingly taking public transport after testing positive for Covid-19 put lives at risk.

Ms Ferrier was one of the MPs who called on the prime minister's advisor Dominic Cummings to resign in the wake of the controversy over his visit to the north east of England during lockdown.

At the time, she said his actions had "undermined the sacrifices that we have all been making" and described his position as "untenable".

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2020-10-01 18:17:03Z

Covid-positive MP Margaret Ferrier suspended over Parliament visit - BBC News

An SNP MP has been suspended by her party after travelling to Westminster despite experiencing Covid symptoms - then going home by train after getting a positive test result.

Margaret Ferrier said there was "no excuse for my actions".

She said she took a test on Saturday - but travelled to London on Monday because she was feeling "much better".

Ms Ferrier received a positive test result that same day, then took a train back to Scotland on Tuesday.

The MP for Rutherglen and Hamilton West said she had informed the police and that she deeply regretted her actions.

The SNP's Westminster leader Ian Blackford said on Thursday that he had spoken to Ms Ferrier, who accepted that what she had done was wrong.

He said: "Margaret will be referring herself to the parliamentary standards commissioner as well as the police. I am tonight suspending the whip from Margaret."

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Ms Ferrier said she took the weekend test after experiencing "mild symptoms", but travelled to London by train at the start of the working week.

She spoke in the coronavirus debate in the House of Commons on Monday, and said she received her positive test result that evening.

"I travelled home by train on Tuesday morning without seeking advice. This was also wrong and I am sorry," she said.

"I have been self-isolating at home ever since."

'Dangerous and disgraceful'

Labour MP Ian Murray said Ms Ferrier had shown "astonishing recklessness".

"She has put passengers, rail staff, fellow MPs, Commons staff and many others at unacceptable risk," he said.

"To breach the rules twice is simply unforgivable, and has undermined all the sacrifices made by her constituents."

Train drivers union Aslef described her actions as "both dangerous and disgraceful".

The Scottish Conservatives' Holyrood leader, Ruth Davidson, said knowingly taking public transport after testing positive for Covid-19 put lives at risk.

Ms Ferrier was one of the MPs who called on the prime minister's advisor Dominic Cummings to resign in the wake of the controversy over his visit to the north east of England during lockdown.

At the time, she said his actions had "undermined the sacrifices that we have all been making" and described his position as "untenable".

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2020-10-01 17:48:45Z