Selasa, 11 Agustus 2020

UK border police intercept four more boats off Kent coast today - Daily Mail

Priti Patel sends Border Force ship HMC Seeker to intercept Channel migrant boats as French blame 'British hypocrisy' and 'black jobs market' for growing crisis ahead of crunch talks in Paris today

  • At least four boats carrying more than 30 migrants were intercepted off the coast of Dover by officials today
  • So far this year, 4,301 migrants have reached the UK in total, after making the perilous crossing from Calais
  • Later today, immigration minister Chris Philp will head to Paris for crunch talks with French officials on crisis 
  • French officials today blamed 'British hypocrisy' and the country's 'black economy' for the UK migrant crisis 

Four more migrant boats have been intercepted off the Kent coast today, as immigration minister Chris Philp heads to Paris for crunch talks on the crisis amid growing UK government anger. 

The HMC Seeker was deployed to intercept the boats this morning, the Border Force vessel cutting through the water to pick up migrants.

At least one of the boats were seen being taken into Dover with more than 30 migrants involved in total, though exact figures are not yet known. 

Around 13 Sudanese migrants are thought to have been in a single boat, with reports of at least 10 and 15 on others amid ideal weather conditions for the 21-mile crossing.

Yesterday, 18 Syrian migrants, including women, landed in one boat on Monday and, so far this year, 4,301 migrants have reached the UK in total. That includes 751 this month alone - rapidly approaching the record 1,118 who arrived in July.

Border Force customs cutter Seeker has been active in the Channel in recent days as migrants continue to cross to Britain and has been joined by HMC Protector and patrol boat Hunter. 

The Seeker has previously been used to patrol the waters around Gibraltar, tackling drug smuggling, but has been called upon several times over the past two years to deal with migrant crossings.  

Meanwhile, French officials today blamed 'British hypocrisy' and the country's 'black economy' for the growing migrant small boat crisis.

The furious words came as the two countries prepared for a crisis meeting in Paris at which France is expected to demand £30 million to strengthen security in the English Channel. 

Migrants arrive in Dover this morning, the latest group to make the perilous crossing from Calais to the UK despite growing anger

Migrants arrive in Dover this morning, the latest group to make the perilous crossing from Calais to the UK despite growing anger

A Border Force ship is dispatched to rescue a migrant boat caught in the Channel this morning, before being brought into harbour

A Border Force ship is dispatched to rescue a migrant boat caught in the Channel this morning, before being brought into harbour

At least four migrant boats were spotted in the Channel today, although the exact number making the crossing has yet to be confirmed

At least four migrant boats were spotted in the Channel today, although the exact number making the crossing has yet to be confirmed

Migrants seen arriving in Dover
Immigration minister Chris Philp

Migrants were seen arriving in Dover this morning as immigration minister Chris Philp (right) prepares for crunch talks with French officials in Paris

Migrants, including women, are brought into Dover harbour by the Border Patrol this morning. It is unclear how many made the journey today

Migrants, including women, are brought into Dover harbour by the Border Patrol this morning. It is unclear how many made the journey today

It is unclear how many arrived in Dover this morning, following days of UK government anger at the numbers crossings

It is unclear how many arrived in Dover this morning, following days of UK government anger at the numbers crossings

Migrants disembark after arriving at Dover harbour this morning, the latest to arrive after days of constant crossings from Calais to the UK

Migrants disembark after arriving at Dover harbour this morning, the latest to arrive after days of constant crossings from Calais to the UK

Migrants give a thumbs up as they arrive in Dover this morning amid reports of another four boats making the crossing

Migrants give a thumbs up as they arrive in Dover this morning amid reports of another four boats making the crossing

While the British government has continually accused the French of not doing enough to intercept small boats packed with migrants, the French claim that the real problems are in the UK.

Philippe Mignonet, the deputy mayor of Calais, said: 'Yes, I fear a tragedy one day at sea, but the British blame us for their own hypocrisy.

'The migrants go to Great Britain because they can work in the black economy when they want, because there is no control, not on the street or in the workplace.'

Mr Mignonet's words to the Voix du Nord newspaper were backed up by Bernard Barron, president of the SNSM sea rescue service in Calais.

Mr Barron said: 'The British criticise migrants for wanting to come but they do not criticise themselves, questioning the reasons that make their country so attractive.

'The SNSM now observes that the candidates for exile have mastered the sea and, with GPS support, wait until they are in British waters to send out an SOS call'.

Chris Philp, Britain's immigration minister, can expect a frosty welcome in Paris on Tuesday as he takes part in bilateral talks with French officials.

They are particularly angry at 'fantasy claims' by British Home Secretary Priti Patel that they are reluctant to stop small crafts in the Channel.

'This is simply not true,' said a senior government official in Paris, pointing to daily operations by Navy, gendarmerie and other coastal units.

On Saturday alone, some 37 African and Iranian nationals were towed back to Calais in their inflatable dinghies by the French.

Migrants look towards the waiting media and a small group of protesters after crossing the English Channel from France today

Migrants look towards the waiting media and a small group of protesters after crossing the English Channel from France today

A Border Force boat carrying migrants arrives at Dover harbour this morning, after another day of multiple crossings from France to the UK

A Border Force boat carrying migrants arrives at Dover harbour this morning, after another day of multiple crossings from France to the UK

Migrants arrive in port aboard a Border Force vessel after being intercepted while crossing the English Channel from France in small boats

Migrants arrive in port aboard a Border Force vessel after being intercepted while crossing the English Channel from France in small boats

Women were seen among the migrants arriving today, include around 13 who said they had originally fled from Sudan before crossing the Channel

Women were seen among the migrants arriving today, include around 13 who said they had originally fled from Sudan before crossing the Channel

A French Interior Ministry spokesman said: 'For the month of July 2020, we prevented ten times more crossings than in July 2019.'

He said 'four times as many boats and other equipment' were also discovered in the sand dunes around Calais and confiscated.

In all, there is a sea crossing failure rate of 47 per cent in 2020, compared to 40 per cent in 2019, according to the French.

France claims that this shows the country is 'fully mobilised' in stopping the migrants getting to Britain, but more money and resources are needed.

Mr Philp has argued that France is a safe country and he shares 'the anger and frustration of the public' that migrants do not claim asylum there.

He said flights were being planned to send new arrivals back to France, and that more work would be done to tackle people smugglers who charge up to £1000 for a Channel crossing.

Britain has already paid more than £100million to help French authorities stop migrants in over the past decade.

But more than 500 people have been intercepted crossing the Channel over the past week.

They are were all taking advantage of calm seas and good weather to make the journey across one of the world's busiest shipping lanes.

It comes after it was revealed that people smugglers are offering migrants 'kids go free deals' while dropping their prices for small-boat Channel crossings. 

Dozens of migrants made it to the UK today with observers noting the calm seas and good weather making crossing conditions ideal

Dozens of migrants made it to the UK today with observers noting the calm seas and good weather making crossing conditions ideal

An inflatable boat used by migrants is brought by Border Forces crew at Dover harbour this morning after the migrants were already brought ashore

An inflatable boat used by migrants is brought by Border Forces crew at Dover harbour this morning after the migrants were already brought ashore

Yesterday, 18 Syrian migrants, including women, landed in one boat on Monday and, so far this year, 4,301 migrants have reached the UK in total

Yesterday, 18 Syrian migrants, including women, landed in one boat on Monday and, so far this year, 4,301 migrants have reached the UK in total

It is unclear how many migrants made the crossing today, though Sky News and other observers noted at least four boats

It is unclear how many migrants made the crossing today, though Sky News and other observers noted at least four boats

Desperate parents are being told they don't have to pay to carry babies and toddlers as the ruthless smugglers lure them into completing the perilous crossings. 

In some cases, the gangs have even dropped their prices from £5,000 to £500 in an attempt to encourage more families to cross to Britain from Calais.  

News of the cut price deals is sure to raise alarms as the British government pledges to tackle the crossings. 

A law enforcement official commented on the 'special offers', adding that the smugglers will do anything to 'make their profit from misery'.

British officials have also been briefed on intelligence showing how the gangs are cutting their prices.

A charity worker in northern France told The Sun: 'We've spoken to people intercepted en route to the UK who have told us how babies and infants are getting into dinghies for free. Younger children and teenagers are being allowed on for just a few hundred pounds a time.'

A source added: 'The prices these gangmasters charge has dropped a hell of a lot recently.

Chris Philp, Britain's immigration minister, can expect a frosty welcome in Paris on Tuesday as he takes part in bilateral talks with French officials to tackle the influx of migrants

Chris Philp, Britain's immigration minister, can expect a frosty welcome in Paris on Tuesday as he takes part in bilateral talks with French officials to tackle the influx of migrants

Priti Patel will today demand French co-operation in a massive new 'blockade' of the Channel to crack down on the migrant crisis

Priti Patel will today demand French co-operation in a massive new 'blockade' of the Channel to crack down on the migrant crisis

Boris Johnson yesterday branded the Channel crossings a 'very bad and stupid and dangerous and criminal thing to do'

Boris Johnson yesterday branded the Channel crossings a 'very bad and stupid and dangerous and criminal thing to do'

'They are also tempting people by saying if you get stopped you can try again and again until you do cross.'

The latest revelations also highlight the horrifying lengths migrants are going to in an attempt to avoid deportation. 

A source said that some are arriving with burnt or shaved off fingerprints, while carrying no ID, which make it impossible to determine who they are or where they come from.   

It comes amid a crackdown on the migrant crossings from the British government. 

Priti Patel will today demand French co-operation in a massive new 'blockade' of the Channel to crack down on the migrant crisis.

The Home Secretary will refuse to hand over any more taxpayers' money to fund operations on French soil unless Emmanuel Macron's government steps up action on illegal crossings.

The French will also be expected to accept deportations of larger numbers of migrants who cross illegally, as well as failed asylum seekers, as part of a potential £30million deal.

Boris Johnson branded the Channel crossings a 'very bad and stupid and dangerous and criminal thing to do' as he hinted at changing laws to tackle the deepening crisis.

A tiny baby was spotted arriving in Dover with its family last week after crossing the Channel in a dinghy - carried in what appears to be a gym bag

A tiny baby was spotted arriving in Dover with its family last week after crossing the Channel in a dinghy - carried in what appears to be a gym bag

A Border Force official brings a child to land after vessels crossed from Calais to the UK yesterday

A Border Force official brings a child to land after vessels crossed from Calais to the UK yesterday

Home Secretary Priti Patel headed to Dover yesterday, and was seen disembarking from a police boat that had been out in the Channel earlier that morning

Home Secretary Priti Patel headed to Dover yesterday, and was seen disembarking from a police boat that had been out in the Channel earlier that morning

The PM said the UK needed to 'look at the legal framework' for migrants who have arrived in the UK illegally, adding it was 'very, very difficult to then send them away again.'

In proposals being outlined at a summit in Paris with Home Office minister Chris Philp this morning, it is understood the UK will set out how it hopes migrant boats can be barred from crossing the strait.

Royal Navy vessels and Border Force patrol boats will be used to block their path, even deploying nets to entangle propellers and floating 'booms', it is understood.

French patrol boats, which currently 'escort' migrant boats across the Channel, will be expected to take part in the operation to return the small ships to French beaches, officials said. 

In a further demand, more migrants who reach British shores should be sent straight back to France.

However, it is understood the proposed deal will not set a target for the number of deportations.

The UK will also urge the French to fingerprint migrants in the Calais camps. 

Migrants' 'biometrics' will then be uploaded to an existing EU database, known as EURODAC, so that anyone who later claims asylum in the UK can be returned under EU rules.

In the last five years the UK has given France £114million to fund operations against illegal migrants and people traffickers. But numbers are spiralling, with more than 4,300 arriving so far this year compared to 1,850 in all of 2019.

Yesterday British military assets were deployed for the first time to tackle the flow of small boats, with an RAF aircraft carrying out a surveillance flight. Miss Patel also boarded a police launch from Dover to witness operations.

'The number of illegal small boat crossings we have seen recently is totally unacceptable,' she said.

'Our operational partners are dealing with complex challenges associated with them and collectively with the French we need to make this route unviable.

'Across Government we are absolutely committed to shutting down this route and we will bring down the criminal gangs that facilitate these illegal crossings.' 

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2020-08-11 09:52:37Z

Migrants cheer 'UK' as several boats cross English Channel in one morning - Sky News

Sky News has witnessed several boats of migrants crossing the English Channel in one morning, with a group cheering "UK" as they headed towards Britain.

In what she described as "quite an extraordinary morning" on the English Channel, Sky News correspondent Ali Fortescue encountered four boats of migrants attempting a crossing.

In one encounter, a group of about 10 migrants near the White Cliffs of Dover told Sky News they were from Iran.

Sky News has seen several boats attempting to carry migrants across the English Channel
Image: Sky News has seen several boats attempting to carry migrants across the English Channel

The boat from which Sky News was filming had contacted the coastguard and was due to follow the migrants' boat to ensure it was safe as it headed to shore.

An earlier group of 13 migrants, who were travelling on a dinghy without life jackets, told Sky News they were from Sudan.

"It really has been quite an extraordinary morning out on the English Channel," Ali Fortescue said.

"Of course we know this is now a very familiar scene, that doesn't make it any less unsettling to see."

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She revealed how another boat making a crossing this morning was "cheering 'UK' as we came past", adding: "They were clearly very excited about the prospect of building a life here in the UK.

"Obviously these are migrants that are absolutely determined to take what is a very, very dangerous journey across the English Channel.

"We know that, even on a calm day like today, this is the busiest shipping lane in the world. It is a dangerous journey."

Sky News has filmed migrants attempting to cross the English Channel from France
Seventy to a boat as migrants try to reach UK

The number of people who have reached UK shores in small boats this year is estimated to have surpassed 4,000.

Nearly 600 are thought to have arrived in the country in a surge of crossings between Thursday and Sunday.

The government's immigration minister Chris Philp was due to hold talks with his French counterparts in Paris on Tuesday in an attempt to stem the number of crossings.

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson has condemned the activities of "cruel" criminal gangs who are risking the lives of people by taking them across the Channel in potentially unseaworthy vessels.

Mr Johnson has vowed to work with the French authorities to stop the crossings and "make sure that they understand that this isn't a good idea, this is a very bad and stupid and dangerous and criminal thing to do".

Campaigners have accused Mr Johnson of using "inflammatory language".

Lisa Doyle, the Refugee Council's director of advocacy, said: "It's incredibly disappointing to hear the prime minister using such inaccurate and inflammatory language to describe men, women and children who are desperate enough to make perilous journeys across the busiest shipping channel in the world.

"Seeking asylum is not a crime, and it is legitimate that people have to cross borders to do so."

The Home Office has formally requested the help of the Royal Navy to deal with the crossings, with Home Secretary Priti Patel having vowed to make the English Channel an "unviable" route for migrants.

Border Force officers assist 20 Syrian migrants aboard HMC Hunter after they were stopped as they crossed The Channel in an inflatable dinghy headed in the direction of England.
Image: Border Force officers assisted 20 Syrian migrants on Monday after they were stopped in the Channel

Government officials are also considering stronger enforcement measures such as adopting interceptions at sea and the direct return of boats.

Meanwhile, an RAF surveillance aircraft has been deployed over the Channel to support the UK's Border Force.

But Minnie Rahman, from the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, said the government's plans "will only serve to put people's lives at ever graver risk and they make a mockery of protections for refugees".

She added: "If the government were serious about tackling trafficking, and resolving this situation once and for all, it would open up safe and legal routes of entry to the UK.

"There are many ways to do so - for example, establishing a claims centre in France and introducing humanitarian visas for people seeking asylum."

Downing Street has suggested leaving the EU would allow the UK to draw up a new framework for dealing with migrants, ending the "inflexible and rigid" requirements of the current Dublin Regulations.

Health minister Edward Argar told Sky News the prime minister wants "greater flexibility in returning people who have come here illegally, who have been through due process and need to be returned back to France".

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2020-08-11 09:45:00Z

Migrants cheer 'UK' as several boats cross English Channel in one morning - Sky News

Sky News has witnessed several boats of migrants crossing the English Channel in one morning, with a group cheering "UK" as they headed towards Britain.

In what she described as "quite an extraordinary morning" on the English Channel, Sky News correspondent Ali Fortescue encountered four boats of migrants attempting a crossing.

In one encounter, a group of about 10 migrants near the White Cliffs of Dover told Sky News they were from Iran.

Sky News has seen several boats attempting to carry migrants across the English Channel
Image: Sky News has seen several boats attempting to carry migrants across the English Channel

The boat from which Sky News was filming had contacted the coastguard and was due to follow the migrants' boat to ensure it was safe as it headed to shore.

An earlier group of 13 migrants, who were travelling on a dinghy without life jackets, told Sky News they were from Sudan.

"It really has been quite an extraordinary morning out on the English Channel," Ali Fortescue said.

"Of course we know this is now a very familiar scene, that doesn't make it any less unsettling to see."

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She revealed how another boat making a crossing this morning was "cheering 'UK' as we came past", adding: "They were clearly very excited about the prospect of building a life here in the UK.

"Obviously these are migrants that are absolutely determined to take what is a very, very dangerous journey across the English Channel.

"We know that, even on a calm day like today, this is the busiest shipping lane in the world. It is a dangerous journey."

Sky News has filmed migrants attempting to cross the English Channel from France
Seventy to a boat as migrants try to reach UK

The number of people who have reached UK shores in small boats this year is estimated to have surpassed 4,000.

Nearly 600 are thought to have arrived in the country in a surge of crossings between Thursday and Sunday.

The government's immigration minister Chris Philp was due to hold talks with his French counterparts in Paris on Tuesday in an attempt to stem the number of crossings.

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson has condemned the activities of "cruel" criminal gangs who are risking the lives of people by taking them across the Channel in potentially unseaworthy vessels.

Mr Johnson has vowed to work with the French authorities to stop the crossings and "make sure that they understand that this isn't a good idea, this is a very bad and stupid and dangerous and criminal thing to do".

Campaigners have accused Mr Johnson of using "inflammatory language".

Lisa Doyle, the Refugee Council's director of advocacy, said: "It's incredibly disappointing to hear the prime minister using such inaccurate and inflammatory language to describe men, women and children who are desperate enough to make perilous journeys across the busiest shipping channel in the world.

"Seeking asylum is not a crime, and it is legitimate that people have to cross borders to do so."

The Home Office has formally requested the help of the Royal Navy to deal with the crossings, with Home Secretary Priti Patel having vowed to make the English Channel an "unviable" route for migrants.

Border Force officers assist 20 Syrian migrants aboard HMC Hunter after they were stopped as they crossed The Channel in an inflatable dinghy headed in the direction of England.
Image: Border Force officers assisted 20 Syrian migrants on Monday after they were stopped in the Channel

Government officials are also considering stronger enforcement measures such as adopting interceptions at sea and the direct return of boats.

Meanwhile, an RAF surveillance aircraft has been deployed over the Channel to support the UK's Border Force.

But Minnie Rahman, from the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, said the government's plans "will only serve to put people's lives at ever graver risk and they make a mockery of protections for refugees".

She added: "If the government were serious about tackling trafficking, and resolving this situation once and for all, it would open up safe and legal routes of entry to the UK.

"There are many ways to do so - for example, establishing a claims centre in France and introducing humanitarian visas for people seeking asylum."

Downing Street has suggested leaving the EU would allow the UK to draw up a new framework for dealing with migrants, ending the "inflexible and rigid" requirements of the current Dublin Regulations.

Health minister Edward Argar told Sky News the prime minister wants "greater flexibility in returning people who have come here illegally, who have been through due process and need to be returned back to France".

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2020-08-11 09:22:30Z

Lightning across UK captured on camera after 50,000 strikes in 24 hours – before MORE thunderstorms today - The Sun

More thunderstorms are set to hit today as lightning across UK was captured on camera after there were 50,000 strikes in 24 hours.

Huge thunder and lightning storms have battered the UK overnight, reaching from North Wales to Scotland, following the scorching weekend heatwave.

There were 50,000 lightning strikes in the UK in the last 24 hours


There were 50,000 lightning strikes in the UK in the last 24 hoursCredit: Bav Media
A lightning storm on the North Wales coast


A lightning storm on the North Wales coastCredit: 2020 Freelance Photos North Wales Images are supplied for Single usage only
Lightning striking a purple sky in Llannefydd, Wales


Lightning striking a purple sky in Llannefydd, Wales Credit: Twitter / @TheSarahLloyd_
Another lightning strike in Morecambe, Lancashire yesterday night


Another lightning strike in Morecambe, Lancashire yesterday nightCredit: Alamy Live News
Thunder and lightning storms lit up the skies across the west of the UK last night


Thunder and lightning storms lit up the skies across the west of the UK last nightCredit: 2020 Freelance Photos North Wales Images are

Last night's downpours, stretching from Birmingham to Cumbria, will be followed by more storms today, continuing until late Thursday.

BBC Weather Watchers said that there were a staggering 50,000 lightning strikes in 24 hours across the UK following the weekend heatwave.

The lightning strikes lit up the skies across the UK - causing mesmerising purple and blue hues.

Met Office forecaster Bonnie Diamond said: “There are risks of severe thunderstorms across most of Britain. 

“We are concerned that there may be flash flooding in low-lying areas. 

“But it will be sudden torrential downpours, not long sustained periods of rain.”

Electric purple skies over Flintshire, North Wales


Electric purple skies over Flintshire, North WalesCredit: Alamy Live News
A mesmerising lightning strike on the Welsh coastline


A mesmerising lightning strike on the Welsh coastlineCredit: 2020 Freelance Photos North Wales Images are
Blackpool also experienced the lightning strikes - and more are expected today


Blackpool also experienced the lightning strikes - and more are expected today
A lightning map showing the frequency around Wales last night


A lightning map showing the frequency around Wales last nightCredit: 2020 Freelance Photos North Wales Images are

The Met Office has issued yellow thunderstorm warnings across the UK between today and Thursday.

The warnings apply to the whole of the UK between today and Wednesday, while England and Wales are also thought to be at risk on Thursday.

The warning states: "Some places are likely to see severe thunderstorms early next week - but there is significant uncertainty in location and timing."

According to the Met Office, the warnings mean: "There is a small chance that homes and businesses could be flooded quickly, with damage to some buildings from floodwater, lightning strikes and large hail.

"There is a slight chance that power cuts could occur and other services to some homes and businesses could be lost

"There is a small chance of fast flowing or deep floodwater causing danger to life."

One of the first places to suffer from the sudden change of weather yesterday was Aberystwyth in Wales.

The town in west Wales was hit with torrential rain as a deluge of water flooded the town at 3 pm yesterday.

The west coast market town was badly hit with the downpour blocking roads.

About 250 homes were left without power in the area because of the storms. 

Lightning behind the Blackpool Tower this morning


Lightning behind the Blackpool Tower this morningCredit: Bav Media
There were 50,000 lightning strikes last night following the weekend's heatwave


There were 50,000 lightning strikes last night following the weekend's heatwaveCredit: 2020 Freelance Photos North Wales Images are
Lightning causing the sky to turn blue on the North Welsh coast early this morning


Lightning causing the sky to turn blue on the North Welsh coast early this morning Credit: 2020 Freelance Photos North Wales Images are
Storms brewed over Blackpool yesterday


Storms brewed over Blackpool yesterday

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2020-08-11 06:58:00Z

Senin, 10 Agustus 2020

Coronavirus: Scottish schools start re-opening - but the classroom will look different - Sky News

Children in Scotland have started returning to school full-time as lockdown measures are eased slightly.

Schools in the Scottish Borders are the first to open today, while other areas will gradually open ahead of all pupils returning by 18 August, the Scottish government said.

Most will start to return on 12 August.

Scotland's first minister Nicola Sturgeon visited West Calder High School in West Lothian to see how staff were preparing to welcome students back
Image: Scotland's first minister Nicola Sturgeon visited West Calder High School in West Lothian to see how staff were preparing to welcome students back

Children in Scotland have been out of school since 20 March ahead of the country going into full lockdown on 23 March, along with the rest of the UK.

Pupils in the Borders are returning a week before they would usually start the school year after the summer holidays.

But the school day will look quite different, with staggered start and finish times, staggered lunch hours and shorter classes, while assemblies will be cancelled and PE will only happen outdoors.

Primary school children will not have to social distance but secondary school pupils will have to avoid close contact and not sit face to face at shared desks, while teachers will have to stay two metres from pupils.

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No pupils will be required to wear face coverings but teachers in close proximity to another adult for longer than 15 minutes will have to.

There will be one-way corridors, hand-washing stations and temporary classrooms in libraries, gym halls and dining rooms to help reduce class sizes where schools can.

The Scottish government said pupils and staff can wear face coverings if they want and will be encouraged to if an outbreak emerges in the community.

There are concerns over schools in Aberdeen reopening after the city was placed back under a stricter lockdown following a spike in cases, including two Aberdeen football players, linked to several bars.

Scotland's national clinical director Jason Leitch said parents should be "cautious" but not "overly worried".

However, he added that schools will be in the "equation" if tougher measures are necessary.

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In England, the government is making the reopening of schools in September a "national priority" as Education Secretary Gavin Williamson suggested an upcoming study found little evidence COVID-19 can be spread widely in schools.

Wales is also planning to reopen all its schools full-time in September.

Some Northern Ireland pupils are set to start returning to school from 24 August, with all children back in the classroom from the 31 August.

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2020-08-11 02:11:04Z