Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2020

Nigel Farage FURIOUS as 'terrifying' BLM protests hit London in ‘Paramilitary style' - Express

Several hundred demonstrators marched through Brixton to demand reparations from the UK Government for the actions of the British Empire. The protest was supported by groups including the Afrikan Emancipation Day reparations march committee and Stop The Maangamizi: We Charge Genocide.

The procession was largely peaceful, though there were some scuffles with police after protestors blocked a road leading to three arrests.

Controversially the protestors included a couple of dozen men dressed all in black, complete with what appeared to be stab proof vests, who marched as a disciplined unit.

The group wore patches and carried flags identifying them as coming from the FF Force.

Several of the men wore balaclavas whilst others had face masks to protect from COVID-19.

Mr Farage, the Brexit Party leader, condemned their presence at the protest on Twitter.

He tweeted: “Terrifying scenes in Brixton today.

“A paramilitary-style force marching in the streets.

“This is what the BLM movement wanted from the start and it will divide our society like never before.”

READ MORE: Brexit activist targeted by Black Lives Matter protesters in London

“Hope is what people need right now and they are showing the pathway toward it.”

The three arrests were for suspicion of affray, suspicion of racially aggravated assault and suspicion of assault on an emergency worker.

Police accompanied the protest which they said had to conclude by 8pm.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Laurence Taylor, who managed the event, commented: “The gatherings today have been largely peaceful and we thank our communities for working with us to ensure the voices of the community could be heard safely and done so responsibly to ensure the safety of all.”

The Metropolitan Police added: “Officers have been present throughout the day working with the community organisers and speaking to those attending to allow for a successful day without anti-social behaviour or violence, resulting in just three arrests made.

“Conditions had been imposed on the demonstrations. These included for attendees to congregate in three specific areas within Brixton and for the demonstrations to conclude at 20:00hrs.

“These conditions were authorised following intelligence that some attendees had intended to block the A23 – the primary road running through Brixton.

“This would have caused significant disruption to those local residents and surrounding areas.”

Protests over racial justice exploded across America and beyond following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer in the US city of Minneapolis.

Derek Chauvin, the former officer involved, was charged with second and third-degree murder.

In Britain there were major protests in June both supporting and opposing the removal of statues of certain prominent historical figures.

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2020-08-02 02:12:23Z

New homes to get 'automatic' permission in England planning shake-up - BBC News

New homes and hospitals will be granted "automatic" permission to be built as part of sweeping planning reforms in England, the housing secretary says.

Robert Jenrick announced a "permission in principle" will be given to developments on land designated "for renewal" to speed-up building.

It comes after the PM pledged £5bn to "build, build, build".

Shelter has warned against any reforms that lead to small amounts of "bad-quality" housing.

The homeless charity has said 280,000 homes received permission in England between 2011 and 2016 but were never built.

Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, Mr Jenrick said that, under the new rules, land will be designated in one of three categories: for growth, for renewal and for protection.

And he insisted: "We are cutting red tape, but not standards."

The changes being brought forward this week are expected to only impact England, as national planning policy is devolved to administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Mr Jenrick said that the country's "outdated and cumbersome" planning system had contributed to a generational divide between those who are homeowners and those who are not.

There has been criticism in recent years of the amount of time it takes to get planning permission.

He said that, under the existing guidelines, it takes an average of five years for a standard housing development to go through the planning system.

"Land designated for growth will empower development - new homes, hospitals, schools, shops and offices will be allowed automatically," he added. "People can get going."

Areas of outstanding natural beauty and the green belt will be protected.

"For too long home ownership has remained out of reach for too many, as a complex and outdated planning system has failed to keep up with the needs of our country," Mr Jenrick added.

"I am completely overhauling the system so we can build more good quality, attractive and affordable homes faster - and more young families can finally have the key to their own home."

He said the new plans will focus on quality and design, drawing on inspiration from the idea of design codes and pattern books that built the picturesque city of Bath, model village of Bournville and wealthy district of Belgravia in London.

Eco-friendly homes with new spaces and parks nearby would be built, he added, saying local authorities will move away from placing notices on lampposts towards an interactive online system.

The Federation of Master Builders, which represents small traders, has previously said construction output fell to historic lows due to the coronavirus pandemic and that streamlining planning applications would bring forward new developments.

Mr Jenrick said the reforms would "create thousands of new jobs, from bricklayers to architects".

'Build, build, build'

In June, Boris Johnson vowed to "build, build, build" to help Britain bounce back from the pandemic, promising a £5bn package to build homes and infrastructure.

The PM promised the "most radical reforms" of the planning system since World War Two.

The Conservative Party has repeatedly pledged to "build and fund" 40 new or rebuilt NHS hospitals before 2029.

The UK's planning system was effectively established in 1947, two years after the end of the war, with the Town and Country Planning Act.

Mr Jenrick's announcement comes a few weeks after he came under fire for his decision to grant planning permission for a £1bn property scheme in east London just before changes to local planning rules and two weeks prior to the developer donating £12,000 to the Conservatives.

The secretary of state denied any link between the events, but accepted that his decision to approve the development was unlawful.

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2020-08-02 02:02:46Z

Homes, hospitals, schools and shops to get 'automatic planning permission' under government shake-up - Sky News

New homes, hospitals, schools, shops and offices will get "automatic" permission to be built, under a radical shake-up of planning laws.

After Boris Johnson promised to "build, build, build" in order to create more affordable homes, the government is unveiling what is billed as the biggest change to the planning system since it was created in 1947.

Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick says the "outdated and cumbersome" planning rules, in which it takes on average five years to approve a new housing development, are fuelling a "generational divide" between older homeowners and young people struggling to get on the property ladder.

Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick speaking in the House of Commons, London, he has faced accusations of "cash for favours" after it emerged the developer, ex-Daily Express owner Richard Desmond, had personally given the Conservative Party 12,000 two weeks after the scheme for 1,500 homes was approved.
Image: Robert Jenrick says it is a 'once in a generation' chance to build the homes and amenities families need

Under new rules, land will be designated into three categories.

Land for growth will allow new homes, schools and GP surgeries to be built automatically - if the council has judged there is a need for it.

Renewal areas, mostly existing urban areas, will see plans get "permission in principle", to make the process faster while allowing for appropriate checks, in order to regenerate high streets and allow new housing developments.

And protected land, such as the green belt and areas of outstanding national beauty, will be banned from new development.

More from Boris Johnson

Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, Mr Jenrick said: "Our country's outdated and cumbersome planning system has contributed to a generational divide between those who own property and those who don't. Half as many 16 to 34-year-olds own their own homes, compared to those aged between 35 and 64."

He added: "While house prices have soared since the Millennium, with England seeing an increase at one of the fastest rates in Europe, our complex and slow planning system has been a barrier to building homes which are affordable, where families want to raise children and build their lives.

Boris Johnson promised to 'build, build, build' in order to create more affordable homes
Image: Boris Johnson promised to 'build, build, build' in order to create more affordable homes

"It's resulted in delays to vital infrastructure projects that come with new housing. Communities are missing out on new hospitals, new schools and improved roads, and restrictions have left derelict buildings as eyesores and empty shops on our high streets, instead of helping them to adapt and evolve."

The government hopes relaxing planning laws will create millions of jobs in the construction sector, and give the economy a much-needed boost as the retail and hospitality sectors continue to struggle.

In their election manifesto, the Conservatives promised to build 300,000 new homes a year "in the areas that really need them", but to try and build public support for them by insisting on better designed and more appealing homes.

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Mr Jenrick claims that the reformed planning system would build on the "pattern book" architecture of the 19th century, in which home designs would have to be in keeping with the local area.

Local Government Association chairman Councillor James Jamieson said: "Any suggestion that planning is a barrier to house building is a myth. Nine in 10 planning applications are approved by councils, while more than a million homes given planning permission in the last decade have not yet been built.

"We all want great communities. The planning system needs to be able to ensure developments are of a high standard, are built in the right places, include affordable homes, and are supported by infrastructure that provides enough schools, promotes greener and more active travel, and tackles climate change.

"Only last week the government's own independent report warned of the worse quality of homes not delivered through the planning system.

"We urge the government to heed these warnings and not further side-line the planning process. We stand ready to work with government to ensure any reforms improve the system."

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2020-08-01 22:07:30Z

Conservative MP arrested on suspicion of rape - BBC News

A Conservative MP has been arrested on suspicion of rape.

According to the Sunday Times, the allegations were made by a former parliamentary employee.

The Met Police said the allegations relate to four separate incidents alleged to have taken place between July 2019 and January 2020. The MP has been released on bail.

The Conservative Party said it "takes all allegations of this nature extremely seriously".

The Sunday Times, which first reported the story, said the complainant, a woman in her 20s, alleges that the MP assaulted her, forced her to have sex and left her so traumatised that she had to go to hospital.

The Metropolitan Police said it had launched an investigation into the allegations.

"On Friday, 31 July, the Metropolitan Police Service received allegations relating to four separate incidents involving allegations of sexual offences and assault," the force said in a statement.

"These offences are alleged to have occurred at addresses in Westminster, Lambeth and Hackney between July 2019 and January 2020.

"A man in his 50s was arrested on Saturday, 1 August on suspicion of rape. He has been released on bail to return on a date in mid-August."

A Conservative Party spokesman said: "We take all allegations of this nature extremely seriously. As this matter is now in the hands of the police it would be inappropriate to comment further."

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2020-08-01 22:03:03Z

BREAKING NEWS: Former Tory minister arrested on suspicion of rape - Sky News

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

  1. BREAKING NEWS: Former Tory minister arrested on suspicion of rape  Sky News
  2. Tory MP 'arrested on suspicion of raping parliamentary worker'
  3. Tory ex-minister arrested over rape | News | The Sunday Times  The Times
  4. Former Tory minister arrested on suspicion of rape  Sky News
  5. Conservative MP arrested on suspicion of rape  BBC News
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

2020-08-01 21:16:38Z

Tory ex-minister arrested over rape | News - The Times

A former minister has been arrested after a woman in her twenties accused him of rape, sexual assault and coercive control.

The Conservative MP was taken into custody early on Saturday and was still in a police station in east London by late afternoon.

The complainant, a former parliamentary employee, accuses him of abuse during a relationship last year.

She alleges that the MP assaulted her, forced her to have sex and left her so traumatised that she had to go to hospital.

The Metropolitan police said they had launched an investigation.

They said: “On Friday, 31 July, the Metropolitan police service received allegations relating to four separate incidents involving allegations of sexual offences and assault.

“These offences are alleged to have occurred at addresses

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2020-08-01 20:00:00Z

Two teenagers arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after racially aggravated hit-and-run - Daily Mail

Two teenagers are arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after racially aggravated hit-and-run attack on an NHS worker

  • Police said the 18-year-olds were arrested on suspicion of attempted murder
  • They were arrested nine days after the attack and are currently in police custody
  • The NHS worker suffered serious injuries after he was struck in Horfield, Bristol

Two 18-year-old men have been arrested for their suspected involvement in the hit-and-run attack on a black NHS worker.  

Avon and Somerset Police said the pair were arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after the NHS victim was deliberately struck by a car in Monks Park Avenue in Horfield, Bristol. 

The police are treating it as a racially aggravated attack because the two occupants in the car yelled 'f***ing n*****'.

Pictured: K recovering from his injuries at home with his sister after being deliberately struck down by a car in Monks Park Avenue in Horfield, Bristol

Pictured: K recovering from his injuries at home with his sister after being deliberately struck down by a car in Monks Park Avenue in Horfield, Bristol

K suffered a broken leg, nose and cheekbone and was left unable to walk without crutches, only able to sleep sitting up in a chair and requiring regular hospital treatment for his injuries.

K suffered a broken leg, nose and cheekbone and was left unable to walk without crutches, only able to sleep sitting up in a chair and requiring regular hospital treatment for his injuries.

The suspects were arrested nine days after the attack on Saturday morning and are currently in police custody. 

The vehicle involved in the incident has been seized and police are awaiting the results of a forensic examination that was carried out on it, a force spokesman said.

The 21-year-old musician, who wishes only to be referred to as K or his stage name Kdogg, suffered serious injuries including a broken leg, nose and cheekbone.

He was taken to hospital immediately after the incident and was discharged the following day. 

Police are continuing to take witness statements, complete house-to-house inquiries and ensure any available CCTV has been fully reviewed.

Superintendent Andy Bennett, of Avon and Somerset Police, said: 'We appreciate this incident has caused a significant amount of concern but we'd like to stress there is no intelligence or information to indicate there's a further risk to the public.

'If anyone does have any concerns or worries then I would urge them to speak to officers within their local neighbourhood policing team who will be happy to answer any questions they can.' 

Pictured: Monks Park Avenue in Horfield, Bristol, where K was walking to a bus stop while listening to Stormzy on his headphones when a dark blue Honda Accord was deliberately driven at him

Pictured: Monks Park Avenue in Horfield, Bristol, where K was walking to a bus stop while listening to Stormzy on his headphones when a dark blue Honda Accord was deliberately driven at him

In a statement issued through the force, the victim, who works at Southmead Hospital, said he wanted people to 'be aware' of what had happened.

The keen musician and footballer has been left unable to walk without crutches, only able to sleep sitting up in a chair and requiring regular hospital treatment for his injuries.

Doctors have said it will take a minimum of six months before K is able to do 'most things' but it will take longer for him to be back to full fitness.

He has been left 'traumatised' by what happened. The charity Sari (Stand Against Racism & Inequality) is supporting K and his family.

Speaking last week K said: 'I have six months recovery ahead of me, minimum.

'I have a broken leg, nose and cheekbone, will need plastic surgery to my face and leg and am walking on crutches.

'I don't want this to happen to anyone else, I want people to be aware.' 

People have responded by raising more than £30,000 for the victim after his friend, Simeon Mccarthy, set up a fundraising page on GoFundMe. 

The fundraising page has received donations from more than 1,900 people including the band Massive Attack. 

On Sunday evening, donations had reached more than £31,000.         

Mr Mccarthy wrote on the GoFundMe page: 'Kdogg has a long road ahead of him to recover physically and even longer mentally.

'This money will be paid straight to Kdogg to support him in his recovery in which ever way he sees fit as he will be out of work for a long time and is going to need a lot of support to get through this horrific attack.' 

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2020-08-01 19:28:55Z