Senin, 06 April 2020

Miss England, Bhasha Mukherjee, returns to UK to work as NHS doctor - CNN

Bhasha Mukherjee took a career break as a junior doctor after competing in the Miss World pageant in December 2019. Mukherjee represented England at the pageant after winning Miss England.
Miss Jamaica crowned 2019 Miss World
Invited to be an ambassador for several charities, Mukherjee had planned to hang up her stethoscope and focus on humanitarian work until August this year.
"I was invited to Africa, to Turkey, then to India, Pakistan and several other Asian countries to be an ambassador for various charity work," she told CNN.
At the beginning of March, the 24-year-old had been in India for four weeks on behalf of Coventry Mercia Lions Club, a development and community charity for which she was ambassador. They visited schools with donations of stationery, and also gave money to a home for abandoned girls.
But as the coronavirus situation worsened back home in the UK, Mukherjee was getting messages from former colleagues at her old hospital, the Pilgrim Hospital in Boston, eastern England, telling her how hard the situation was for them.
She then contacted the hospital's management team to let them know that she wanted to return to work.
Bhasha Mukherjee was crowned Miss England in August 2019.
She told CNN that it felt wrong to be wearing her Miss England crown, even for humanitarian work, while people around the world were dying from coronavirus and her colleagues were working so hard.
"When you are doing all this humanitarian work abroad, you're still expected to put the crown on, get ready... look pretty."
But, she added: "I wanted to come back home. I wanted to come and go straight to work."
Mukherjee, who moved to the English city of Derby from Kolkata at the age of 9, said: "I felt a sense of this is what I'd got this degree for and what better time to be part of this particular sector than now."
A model was disqualified from Miss World for being a mother. Now she's pushing back
"It was incredible the way the whole world was celebrating all key workers, and I wanted to be one of those, and I knew I could help," she said.
And so Mukherjee returned to the UK on Wednesday after working with the British High Commission in Kolkata to find a flight from India to Frankfurt, and then Frankfurt to London.
"There's no better time for me to be Miss England and helping England at a time of need," she said.
Mukherjee is self-isolating for one to two weeks until she can return to work as a doctor at the Pilgrim Hospital. She specializes in respiratory medicine but said doctors are currently being rotated to wherever they are needed.
As of Monday, the UK had recorded more than 48,000 cases of the novel coronavirus and nearly 5,000 deaths, according to figures from John's Hopkins University.
CNN has reached out to the Pilgrim Hospital for comment.

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2020-04-06 16:04:21Z

As U.K. Battles to Contain Coronavirus, Boris Johnson Remains in Hospital - The Wall Street Journal

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson participating in a national "clap for carers" on April 2, after he had tested positive for coronavirus and was in self isolation.

Photo: pippa fowles/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

LONDON—British Prime Minister Boris Johnson remained under observation in a London hospital after undergoing tests as he struggled to recover from symptoms of the new coronavirus.

Mr. Johnson had a “comfortable night” and “is in good spirits” after being admitted to hospital on Sunday night, a government spokesman said. Despite the illness, which left him in isolation for over 10 days, Mr. Johnson continues to work from his bed at St Thomas’ hospital in central London, the spokesman said, receiving briefings and contacting members of his team.

Downing Street officials denied a Russian report that he was on a ventilator, underlining that his admission wasn’t an emergency measure.


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The timing of Mr. Johnson’s illness couldn’t be worse, with the virus expected to peak in the U.K. as soon as this weekend and questions being asked over the government’s belated decision to lockdown the country and how it could eventually be eased.

Britain doesn’t have the equivalent to a vice president who automatically takes over if the prime minister falls gravely ill or dies. Instead, it is up to the members of the U.K. cabinet to decide among themselves who should lead the country. “It really depends on everyone just accepting that person has the same authority,” said Catherine Haddon, a constitutional expert at the Institute for Government.

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Officials in the U.K., Brazil, Iran and several other countries have tested positive for coronavirus, raising questions about world leaders' exposure to the pandemic. Here are some of the challenges governments face as they ponder contingency plans. Photo: Karen Ducey/Getty Images

Mr. Johnson has smoothed some potential difficulties by designating Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to lead the cabinet in his stead. Should Mr. Raab in turn fall ill, the prime minister could pick another member of his cabinet to replace him.

Mr. Raab held Monday morning’s government virus-response meeting and will also lead the daily press conference. A government spokesman said Mr. Johnson was still making key decisions on the government’s coronavirus strategy.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab will lead Britain’s cabinet while Mr. Johnson is in hospital.

Photo: Dominic Lipinski/Zuma Press

The British government initially took a laissez-faire approach to the illness eschewing some of the more stringent clampdowns that were being imposed across Europe in an effort to minimize disruption.

The government’s pandemic plan, which was crafted by scientists over the last two decades, played down the need to rush to shut schools and ban mass gatherings, arguing they did little to stop a virus’s spread.

Meanwhile, British epidemiologists initially underestimated how many people could require intensive care if they got ill, according to officials. Worried that the British public wouldn’t isolate for weeks on end, the government reasoned it was better to wait until the virus’s spread was accelerating to impose a lockdown.

Even as evidence mounted about the seriousness of the virus’s spread, Britain’s crowded parliament and the warren of buildings around Downing Street where Mr. Johnson both lives and works were humming with people.

“I am shaking hands continuously,” Mr. Johnson said at the start of March. “I was at a hospital the other night where there were actually a few coronavirus patients and I shook hands with everybody.”

Downing Street continued to operate much as normal with briefings in the state room and meetings convened around crowded tables in the building’s drawing rooms.

On March 16 scientists advising the government concluded that the clampdown needed to be accelerated following a series of reports by modelers showing the National Health Service would quickly be swamped.

Even after Mr. Johnson locked down the country on March 23, he continued to attend cabinet in person. The same week he fell ill Mr. Johnson attended a “virtual” cabinet meeting sitting with both the health secretary and the country’s most senior civil servant.

Police outside St.Thomas's Hospital in London, where the prime minister is being treated for coronavirus.

Photo: andy rain/Shutterstock

The virus then spread through his top team. Mr. Johnson’s chief of staff Dominic Cummings and the country’s chief medical officer Chris Whitty isolated with symptoms. The health secretary Matt Hancock subsequently fell ill.

Mr. Johnson’s pregnant fiancée Carrie Symonds said she has also suffered symptoms of the virus. Most of Mr. Johnson’s team is back at work and Ms. Symonds tweeted at the weekend that she was now feeling stronger. Mr. Cummings isn’t back in Downing Street yet but is working.

Mr. Johnson put on a brave face once in isolation. He published a series of videos in which he said he had mild symptoms.

However, people who were in contact with him mid-last week were expressing concern about his well-being. Mr. Johnson continued to lead cabinet meetings via video link in his study.

He also appeared outside his door in Downing Street on Thursday to join a nationwide applause of National Health Service workers. The government insisted that his symptoms were still mild but admitted his condition wasn’t improving.

By Friday a pale-looking Mr. Johnson told the nation via a self-filmed video that he would continue to isolate because of a persistent fever. At 8 p.m. on Sunday, as Queen Elizabeth addressed the nation imploring people to follow social-distancing guidelines, Mr. Johnson was driven to hospital for tests.

Mr. Johnson’s government is currently working to ramp up tests for the virus, after failing to stockpile the necessary equipment before the virus struck.

On Monday it confirmed that millions of antibody tests it had ordered, which would check if people had gained immunity to Covid-19, didn’t function properly. It is in discussion with manufacturers to refine them, an official said.

The last prime minister to have to sound out his cabinet for a successor while ill was Harold MacMillan in 1963. He resigned shortly after.

Any replacement to Mr. Johnson would need to be named by the Queen, necessitating the cabinet to agree among themselves who can best command support of the country. That leader would likely be an interim prime minister until the ruling Conservative Party can choose a new head.

Write to Max Colchester at

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2020-04-06 14:04:12Z

UK's Johnson gives update from hospital room after experiencing more coronavirus symptoms: ‘I’m in good spi... - Fox News

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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says he is in “good spirits” Monday after being admitted into a hospital for treatment following his positive test for the coronavirus.

“I’d like to say thank you to all the brilliant NHS staff taking care of me and others in this difficult time,” he said in a tweet. “You are the best of Britain.”

Johnson was sent to a hospital Sunday as “a precautionary step, as the prime minister continues to have persistent symptoms of coronavirus 10 days after testing positive,” his office announced.


His symptoms are believed to include a high temperature, Sky News reports.

“Last night, on the advice of my doctor, I went into hospital for some routine tests as I’m still experiencing coronavirus symptoms,” Johnson tweeted Monday. “I’m in good spirits and keeping in touch with my team, as we work together to fight this virus and keep everyone safe.”

Housing and Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick told the BBC that Johnson is awaiting the results of medical tests after spending the night at the undisclosed hospital.

“I’m sure this is very frustrating for him, for somebody like Boris who wants to be hands-(on) running the government from the front, but nonetheless he’s still very much in charge of the government," he said.


Jenrick did not rule out a more prolonged stay, but noted that Johnson had been working “phenomenally hard’’ in this “uniquely intense period."

The 55-year-old leader had been quarantined in his 10 Downing Street residence since being diagnosed with COVID-19 on March 26 — the first known head of government to fall ill with the virus.

He has continued to preside at daily meetings on the outbreak and has released several video messages during his isolation.

“This isn’t an emergency admission, and so I certainly expect that he will be back at Number 10 shortly," Jenrick said about Johnson's ongoing hospital stay.


As of Monday, the United Kingdom has 47,806 confirmed coronavirus cases, with 4,934 deaths, according to statistics from Johns Hopkins University.

Queen Elizabeth II addressed the U.K. on the crisis Sunday, saying that “together we are tackling this disease and I want to reassure you that if we remain united in resolute then we will overcome it.”

Fox News’ Frank Miles and The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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2020-04-06 12:53:47Z

Coronavirus: Queen tells UK 'we will succeed' in fight - BBC News

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The Queen has said the UK "will succeed" in its fight against the coronavirus pandemic, in a rallying message to the nation.

In a rare speech, the monarch thanked people for following government rules to stay at home and praised those "coming together to help others".

She also thanked key workers, saying "every hour" of work "brings us closer to a return to more normal times".

It comes as the number of people to die with the virus in the UK reached 4,934.

'We will meet again'

Speaking from Windsor Castle, the Queen said: "While we have faced challenges before, this one is different."

"This time we join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavour, using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal. We will succeed - and that success will belong to every one of us.

"We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return: we will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again."

The Queen, 93, also said the "painful sense of separation from their loved ones" that social distancing was causing for people reminded her of the experience child evacuees had during the Second World War.

"Now, as then, we know, deep down, that it is the right thing to do," she said.

An hour after the Queen's broadcast, Downing Street announced that Prime Minister Boris Johnson had been taken to hospital following his coronavirus diagnosis.

Mr Johnson has been self-isolating since he tested positive for the virus on 27 March.

In her address, the Queen said everyone who was following guidance to stay at home was "helping to protect the vulnerable and sparing many families the pain already felt by those who have lost loved ones".

"Together we are tackling this disease, and I want to reassure you that if we remain united and resolute, then we will overcome it," she added.

She also stressed the value of self-discipline and resolve - and said she hopes that, in the future, everyone would "be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge".

'Ambitious message' to inspire nation

There have been difficult royal speeches and addresses in the past - times when the wrong word or the wrong phrase could have undermined the message or let slip a critical opportunity.

The broadcast after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997 for example, or the speech the Queen gave on her visit to Ireland in 2011.

The Palace could have played it safe, stressed unity and given thanks. It would have served.

This was a different and much more ambitious broadcast, designed to reassure and to inspire.

But most of all to recast this crisis as a defining moment in a nation which will forever remember its collective effort to save the lives of its vulnerable.

Read more here.

The pre-recorded message, written by the Queen with her private secretary Sir Edward Young, was filmed by a single cameraman wearing protective equipment. All other technical staff were in another room.

It was broadcast on TV, radio and social media channels.

The decision to deliver the address was made "in close consultation with Downing Street", BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell said.

Nightingale Hospital - the first temporary field hospital to open to treat coronavirus patients - shared photos on Twitter of staff listening to the speech, and thanked the monarch for recognising the hard work of frontline NHS staff.

The UK government's Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the Queen's address was "striking and important".

The new Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the monarch spoke for the whole country "and our determination to defeat the coronavirus".

The Queen's address came less than a week after her son, the Prince of Wales, came out of self-isolation, following his coronavirus diagnosis.

Prince Charles, 71, spent seven days self-isolating in Scotland after testing positive and displaying mild symptoms.

The Queen's four other special addresses

It is only the fifth time the monarch has given such a speech in her 68-year reign.

While her Christmas Day message is an annual event, only rarely has the Queen made rallying speeches at key moments in the life of the nation:

  • A televised speech to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee in June 2012
  • A special address to the nation on the eve of her mother's funeral in April 2002
  • A live broadcast on the eve of the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, in September 1997
  • And a statement at the beginning of the land war in Iraq on 24 February 1991

Read more here.

On Sunday Mr Hancock urged the public to follow social distancing rules over a sunny weekend to protect the NHS and slow the spread of the virus.

The Department of Health said on Sunday there had been 621 more coronavirus-related deaths in the UK in the past day.

The latest deaths include 12 more in Wales, seven in Northern Ireland and two in Scotland.

As of 09:00 BST on Sunday, 47,806 people had tested positive for the virus, the Department of Health said.

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2020-04-06 09:58:59Z

UK cell towers torched amid bogus conspiracy theories that link 5G with coronavirus - CNBC

A mobile phone mast on January 8, 2020 in Cardiff, United Kingdom.

Matthew Horwood | Getty Images

Several cell towers in the U.K. have been set on fire and engineers harassed amid the spread of online conspiracy theories that link 5G technology with the coronavirus pandemic.

Four of Vodafone's mobile phone masts were attacked in the last 24 hours, a spokesperson for the British carrier told CNBC Sunday. It's unclear whether the sites affected were used for 5G.

Video footage circulated online last week showing a mast torched in the English city of Birmingham. EE said its engineers were assessing the cause of the fire, adding it was "likely" arson and that, if so, the firm would work with local police to identify a culprit. The tower was not a 5G mast. 

"This site served thousands of people in the Birmingham area, providing vital 2G, 3G and 4G connectivity as it has done for many years," an EE spokesperson told CNBC. "We will try to restore full coverage as quickly as possible, but the damage caused by the fire is significant."

Meanwhile, a clip also surfaced on Twitter showing a woman harassing telecoms engineers laying 5G fiber-optic cables. The woman questions why the engineers are working and claims the technology "kills people."

There are floods of posts on Facebook claiming the coronavirus outbreak was caused by 5G, the fifth generation of mobile internet. Many of the claims center on the idea that the virus originated in Wuhan because the Chinese city had deployed 5G networks last year.

Celebrities have drawn criticism for promoting such claims. U.K. talent show judge Amanda Holden shared a petition calling for 5G to be banned in a since-deleted tweet, while U.S. actor Woody Harrelson posted about the conspiracy theory on Instagram, claiming a "lot of my friends have been talking about the negative effects of 5G."

But there is no evidence to support those views. British fact-checking charity Full Fact points out that there are many places affected by the disease where 5G infrastructure hasn't yet been deployed. Iran, for instance, has not rolled out 5G, but is among the hardest-hit countries.

Social networks under fire

On Saturday, British minister Michael Gove labeled the 5G conspiracy theories "dangerous nonsense." Stephen Powis, national medical director for England, said they were "the worst kind of fake news."

"I'm absolutely outraged, absolutely disgusted, that people would be taking action against the very infrastructure that we need to respond to this health emergency," said Powis. "It is absolute and utter rubbish."

Britain's culture secretary, Oliver Dowden, will meet with social media companies this week to discuss the spread of disinformation about 5G and COVID-19, a government spokesperson told CNBC.

"We have received several reports of criminal damage to phone masts and abuse of telecoms engineers apparently inspired by crackpot conspiracy theories circulating online. Those responsible for criminal acts will face the full force of the law," the spokesperson said.

"We must also see social media companies acting responsibly and taking much swifter action to stop nonsense spreading on their platforms which encourages such acts. The Culture Secretary is meeting with companies this week to discuss this."

Vodafone's U.K. boss, Nick Jeffery, slammed the attacks on telecoms infrastructure and staff, calling online stories linking coronavirus to 5G "utterly baseless."

"This is now a matter of national security," he said. "Police and counter terrorism authorities are investigating."

"But rest assured that our mobile and broadband networks remain resilient, and that you, your families and businesses, will stay connected," Jeffery added.

Like previous cellular networks, 5G relies on signals carried out by radio waves, which are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. There have been fears that this electromagnetic radiation could result in health risks.

But the radio waves used for mobile networks are non-ionizing, meaning they don't have enough energy to remove electrons from atoms or molecules. The fifth standard of mobile networks was deemed safe by the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection earlier this year.

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2020-04-06 06:56:00Z

Coronavirus: Queen tells UK 'we will succeed' in fight - BBC News

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The Queen has said the UK "will succeed" in its fight against the coronavirus pandemic, in a rallying message to the nation.

In a rare speech, the monarch thanked people for following government rules to stay at home and praised those "coming together to help others".

She also thanked key workers, saying "every hour" of work "brings us closer to a return to more normal times".

It comes as the number of people to die with the virus in the UK reached 4,934.

'We will meet again'

Speaking from Windsor Castle, the Queen said: "While we have faced challenges before, this one is different."

"This time we join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavour, using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal. We will succeed - and that success will belong to every one of us.

"We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return: we will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again."

The Queen, 93, also said the "painful sense of separation from their loved ones" that social distancing was causing for people reminded her of the experience child evacuees had during the Second World War.

"Now, as then, we know, deep down, that it is the right thing to do," she said.

An hour after the Queen's broadcast, Downing Street announced that Prime Minister Boris Johnson had been taken to hospital following his coronavirus diagnosis.

Mr Johnson has been self-isolating since he tested positive for the virus on 27 March.

In her address, the Queen said everyone who was following guidance to stay at home was "helping to protect the vulnerable and sparing many families the pain already felt by those who have lost loved ones".

"Together we are tackling this disease, and I want to reassure you that if we remain united and resolute, then we will overcome it," she added.

She also stressed the value of self-discipline and resolve - and said she hopes that, in the future, everyone would "be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge".

'Ambitious message' to inspire nation

There have been difficult royal speeches and addresses in the past - times when the wrong word or the wrong phrase could have undermined the message or let slip a critical opportunity.

The broadcast after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997 for example, or the speech the Queen gave on her visit to Ireland in 2011.

The Palace could have played it safe, stressed unity and given thanks. It would have served.

This was a different and much more ambitious broadcast, designed to reassure and to inspire.

But most of all to recast this crisis as a defining moment in a nation which will forever remember its collective effort to save the lives of its vulnerable.

Read more here.

The pre-recorded message, written by the Queen with her private secretary Sir Edward Young, was filmed by a single cameraman wearing protective equipment. All other technical staff were in another room.

It was broadcast on TV, radio and social media channels.

The decision to deliver the address was made "in close consultation with Downing Street", BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell said.

Nightingale Hospital - the first temporary field hospital to open to treat coronavirus patients - shared photos on Twitter of staff listening to the speech, and thanked the monarch for recognising the hard work of frontline NHS staff.

The UK government's Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the Queen's address was "striking and important".

The new Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the monarch spoke for the whole country "and our determination to defeat the coronavirus".

The Queen's address came less than a week after her son, the Prince of Wales, came out of self-isolation, following his coronavirus diagnosis.

Prince Charles, 71, spent seven days self-isolating in Scotland after testing positive and displaying mild symptoms.

The Queen's four other special addresses

It is only the fifth time the monarch has given such a speech in her 68-year reign.

While her Christmas Day message is an annual event, only rarely has the Queen made rallying speeches at key moments in the life of the nation:

  • A televised speech to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee in June 2012
  • A special address to the nation on the eve of her mother's funeral in April 2002
  • A live broadcast on the eve of the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, in September 1997
  • And a statement at the beginning of the land war in Iraq on 24 February 1991

Read more here.

On Sunday Mr Hancock urged the public to follow social distancing rules over a sunny weekend to protect the NHS and slow the spread of the virus.

The Department of Health said on Sunday there had been 621 more coronavirus-related deaths in the UK in the past day.

The latest deaths include 12 more in Wales, seven in Northern Ireland and two in Scotland.

As of 09:00 BST on Sunday, 47,806 people had tested positive for the virus, the Department of Health said.

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2020-04-06 07:49:07Z

Coronavirus: Queen tells UK 'we will succeed' in fight - BBC News

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The Queen has said the UK "will succeed" in its fight against the coronavirus pandemic, in a rallying message to the nation.

In a rare speech, the monarch thanked people for following government rules to stay at home and praised those "coming together to help others".

She also thanked key workers, saying "every hour" of work "brings us closer to a return to more normal times".

It comes as the number of people to die with the virus in the UK reached 4,934.

'We will meet again'

Speaking from Windsor Castle, the Queen said: "While we have faced challenges before, this one is different."

"This time we join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavour, using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal. We will succeed - and that success will belong to every one of us.

"We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return: we will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again."

The Queen, 93, also said the "painful sense of separation from their loved ones" that social distancing was causing for people reminded her of the experience child evacuees had during the Second World War.

"Now, as then, we know, deep down, that it is the right thing to do," she said.

An hour after the Queen's broadcast, Downing Street announced that Prime Minister Boris Johnson had been taken to hospital following his coronavirus diagnosis.

Mr Johnson has been self-isolating since he tested positive for the virus on 27 March.

In her address, the Queen said everyone who was following guidance to stay at home was "helping to protect the vulnerable and sparing many families the pain already felt by those who have lost loved ones".

"Together we are tackling this disease, and I want to reassure you that if we remain united and resolute, then we will overcome it," she added.

She also stressed the value of self-discipline and resolve - and said she hopes that, in the future, everyone would "be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge".

'Ambitious message' to inspire nation

There have been difficult royal speeches and addresses in the past - times when the wrong word or the wrong phrase could have undermined the message or let slip a critical opportunity.

The broadcast after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997 for example, or the speech the Queen gave on her visit to Ireland in 2011.

The Palace could have played it safe, stressed unity and given thanks. It would have served.

This was a different and much more ambitious broadcast, designed to reassure and to inspire.

But most of all to recast this crisis as a defining moment in a nation which will forever remember its collective effort to save the lives of its vulnerable.

Read more here.

The pre-recorded message, written by the Queen with her private secretary Sir Edward Young, was filmed by a single cameraman wearing protective equipment. All other technical staff were in another room.

It was broadcast on TV, radio and social media channels.

The decision to deliver the address was made "in close consultation with Downing Street", BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell said.

Nightingale Hospital - the first temporary field hospital to open to treat coronavirus patients - shared photos on Twitter of staff listening to the speech, and thanked the monarch for recognising the hard work of frontline NHS staff.

The UK government's Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the Queen's address was "striking and important".

The new Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the monarch spoke for the whole country "and our determination to defeat the coronavirus".

The Queen's address came less than a week after her son, the Prince of Wales, came out of self-isolation, following his coronavirus diagnosis.

Prince Charles, 71, spent seven days self-isolating in Scotland after testing positive and displaying mild symptoms.

The Queen's four other special addresses

It is only the fifth time the monarch has given such a speech in her 68-year reign.

While her Christmas Day message is an annual event, only rarely has the Queen made rallying speeches at key moments in the life of the nation:

  • A televised speech to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee in June 2012
  • A special address to the nation on the eve of her mother's funeral in April 2002
  • A live broadcast on the eve of the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, in September 1997
  • And a statement at the beginning of the land war in Iraq on 24 February 1991

Read more here.

On Sunday Mr Hancock urged the public to follow social distancing rules over a sunny weekend to protect the NHS and slow the spread of the virus.

The Department of Health said on Sunday there had been 621 more coronavirus-related deaths in the UK in the past day.

The latest deaths include 12 more in Wales, seven in Northern Ireland and two in Scotland.

As of 09:00 BST on Sunday, 47,806 people had tested positive for the virus, the Department of Health said.

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2020-04-06 05:06:04Z