Rabu, 01 April 2020

Nightingale Hospital: UK converts convention hall into coronavirus ICU - CNN

As the number of Covid-19 cases in the UK began to rise, the National Health Service (NHS) realized it might be short of many thousands of ICU beds.
Coronavirus cases top 860,000 globally
It hopes the solution lies in a massive convention space in London's East End, the ExCel Center -- a venue more accustomed to showcasing the latest ventilator technology than actually using it.
The coronavirus field hospital will be called NHS Nightingale, after the pioneering nurse Florence Nightingale.
"Oh my goodness, there is no comparison," said Natalie Forrest, when asked about the hospital's scale.
Normally an executive at London's Royal Free Hospital, Forrest is the operational guru responsible for transforming the empty halls into a functioning hospital in less than a week.
When fully running, it will have 4,000 beds. Just a few dozen were ready at the time a CNN crew visited. Electricians were still running cables, plumbers installing sinks, and vast halls were still stacked with plastic-wrapped machinery.
"Obviously we don't want to use those beds," Forrest said. "If we have to use this facility, which again I really hope we don't... we will need thousands of doctors and nurses and volunteers to run this facility."
Members of the military and private contractors, seen Monday, help to prepare the ExCel centre in London to become a field hospital to be known as the NHS Nightingale Hospital.
Medical director Dr. Alan McGlennan said he was most concerned about staffing, rather than equipment.
"Critical care nurses are in very short supply," he said.
NHS Nightingale won't be a hospital in a traditional sense. There will be no front door, no waiting rooms. But the site will provide vital extra critical-care capacity for London's hospitals as pressure grows.
"We will be receiving patients from ICUs across London," Forrest said. "So not all types of patients -- just patients who are sedated and ventilated, and need to be cared for in an ICU."
Britain has more than 25,400 coronavirus cases, with nearly 1,800 deaths, according to figures compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

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2020-04-01 11:43:18Z

UK coronavirus: Boy, 13, dies at King's College Hospital - CNN

King's College Hospital in Camberwell, south London, said in a statement Tuesday that the teenager, who tested positive for Covid-19, had died. It said that its "thoughts and condolences" were with the boy's family.
"Sadly, a 13-year old boy who tested positive for COVID-19 has passed away, and our thoughts and condolences are with the family at this time," the statement read. "The death has been referred to the Coroner and no further comment will be made."
According to a breakdown of victims of COVID-10 published by Britain's office of National Statistics, the boy is thought to be the youngest known victim of the novel Coronavirus in the UK.
A fundraiser to cover the costs of his funeral has been set up on the crowdfunding website Go Fund Me by Madinah College, where one of his siblings works. "It is with great sadness to announce that the younger brother of one of our teachers at Madinah College has sadly passed away," the page read, adding that the boy apparently had no pre-existing health conditions and "died without any family members close by due to the highly infectious nature of Covid 19".
Coronavirus symptoms: A list and when to seek help
The news came as a director at the UK's National Health Service (NHS) said there had "been a bit of a plateau" in British coronavirus cases but that despite these "green shoots... we must not take our foot off the pedal," at the daily Downing Street news conference on Tuesday.
A sign points to a coronavirus testing pod, as an ambulance arrives at King's College Hospital in Camberwell, south London, on March 11.
Stephen Powis, National Medical Director of NHS England, added: "This is not a short haul, this is going to take time. It's important that we all stick with it."
The UK recorded a 14% daily increase in coronavirus cases on Tuesday, compared to a 13% increase on Monday. It has now had 25,474 cases and 1,793 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.
A 12-year-old girl died from Covid-19 in Belgium on Monday, a spokeswoman for the Belgian Health ministry told CNN.
A woman got to say goodbye to her mother over FaceTime before she died thanks to a nurse at this Washington hospital
The Belgian government spokesperson for the fight against coronavirus, Emmanuel Andre, said "it was obviously a very difficult moment emotionally because it concerns a child, it touches the scientific and medical community.
He added that it "is an occurrence that is very rare but that upsets us."
The coronavirus can infect anyone, but it's older adults — ages 60 and up — who are thought more likely to get seriously sick from it.
Research by CNN and Global Health 50/50 last week using the available data found that men were 50% more likely than women to die after being diagnosed with Covid-19.
Initial reports of people with severe Covid-19 disease have found that they were likely to have underlying health conditions such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease and chronic lung disease, according to Global Health 50/50.

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2020-04-01 11:12:53Z

Selasa, 31 Maret 2020

UK coronavirus response criticized as people are filmed by drones and stopped while shopping - CNN

The coronavirus crisis has upended norms in almost every Western society, giving rise to ways of life that would have seemed unimaginably Orwellian just a month ago.
But in the United Kingdom, there is a unique growing concern around draconian tactics and overreach by police forces since Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced lockdown measures on March 23.
Police in the town of Warrington in northern England were criticized last weekend for issuing a citation to six people for a variety of apparently minor acts. One recipient was "out for a drive due to boredom," the force said on Twitter Sunday, while a group of people from the same household were stopped by officers for "going to the shops for non-essential items."
Several other forces have publicized details of their own similarly eager responses; which include the conventional, like spot road checks on drivers, and the bizarre, like staining areas of natural beauty with black dye to deter visitors.
UK coronavirus outbreak shows early signs of slowing, expert says, but restrictions may last for six months
Meanwhile, a trade body for convenience store workers said "heavy-handed" officers were telling shopkeepers they couldn't stock non-essential items like Easter eggs, lashing out at "overzealous enforcement and a misreading of the rules."
The approach has led figures from across the political spectrum to raise concerns, with some warning that British policing risks slipping into territory usually occupied by authoritarian regimes and dictatorships.
"This is what a police state is like," Jonathan Sumption, a former UK Supreme Court justice, told BBC Radio on Monday. "It is a state in which a government can issue orders or express preferences with no legal authority, and the police will enforce ministers' wishes."
Legislation speedily introduced last week allows officers to fine people gathering in groups of more than two or leaving their homes without a good reason, and the measures are less severe than in several other countries.
But those increased powers have nonetheless created an awkward dynamic in a country where police do not carry arms, and where the friendly caricature of a "bobby on the beat" still resonates.
The confusion is only heightened by the fact that Britain's lockdown is looser than those in countries such as Italy or Spain. People are permitted to leave their homes to shop for basic necessities, exercise, providing medical services, or going to work if it is absolutely vital.
Futher uncertainty has arisen because the rules are being interpreted differently -- including by the UK government. When he announced the restrictions, Johnson said that people would be permitted to leave their homes to take one form of exercise a day. That guidance is repeated on the government's website.
But the regulations themselves do not specify a number or type of exercise, saying only that people are permitted to leave "to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household."
The Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, told BBC Radio on Tuesday that people should not drive to a rural location to to take their dog for a walk -- but that's not banned in the regulations, either.
It's led to an unclear situation in the United Kingdom where individual police forces are filling in the blanks -- and, in many cases, attracting criticism.

Police urged to maintain public trust

Widespread debate about police coronavirus tactics first emerged last week, when Derbyshire's force posted a video of drone footage showing unwitting people walking through the area's Peak District National Park.
The clip highlighted a number of vehicles at a roadside stop, before featuring a couple walking their dog, and another man going for a walk by himself.
It did not appear obvious that either party was flouting the government's guidelines on outdoor exercise. But the guidelines also warn against traveling, leading Derbyshire Police's video to label the trips "not essential," sparking a backlash online.
"We understand that people will have differing views about this post, however, we will not be apologetic for using any legal and appropriate methods to keep people safe," the force responded on Twitter.
Since then, numerous examples of strict crackdowns have been highlighted -- usually by police forces themselves, which have publicized their methods on social media, including spot checks on road users.
In North Yorkshire, police published a photo showing a group of officers stopping a car. "This driver was making an essential journey, unfortunately others are not," they wrote.
Sensing the mounting concern over officers' approach, one of the UK's most senior police officers urged colleagues on Monday to maintain "the trust and confidence of the public."
"How we police this pandemic will be remembered for many years to come," assistant commissioner Neil Basu wrote in an opinion piece in The Telegraph newspaper.
Criticism of police methods has been far from universal, and those ignoring social distancing rules by gathering in parks or holding parties have equally been the targets of public anger.
Shapps, the Transport Secretary, told Sky News on Tuesday that "the police are doing a difficult job and they are doing it well," though he added: "I am sure there are individual examples where perhaps you look at it and think that is perhaps a bit further than they should have gone."
And in defense of her London officers, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick said on radio station LBC on Monday that her workforce was "adopting a very collaborative approach with the public."
"I would also ask all citizens, where they feel it safe and appropriate, to encourage members of their family and people they know to learn about the restrictions and to comply with them," Dick added, a recommendation that does little to dispel confusion about the restrictions themselves.

Calls for clarity

Media reports on Tuesday suggested that the UK's National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) was issuing new guidelines to forces in the wake of mounting complaints, although a spokesperson for the NPCC disputed those suggestions in an email to CNN.
"We are not rewriting our guidance. It remains the same as it was. Engage, explain, encourage and finally enforce," the spokesperson said. "This is a fast changing situation and we, along with the public, are adapting as we go forward."
Police officers from North Yorkshire Police stop motorists on Monday to check that their travel is essential.
Nonetheless, some legal experts have pointed to widespread confusion and an overly harsh interpretation of the government's lockdown measures as the cause of alleged overreach.
"Some police think that their job is to enforce the government's guidance, when in fact their job is to enforce the law," Raphael Hogarth, an associate at the Institute for Government think tank, said on Twitter. "The law is that you may not leave home without a reasonable excuse. The legislation gives non-exhaustive examples of such excuses."
"Some police forces seem to be using their powers without any regard to the purpose for which these powers were conferred," he added. "The purpose of the legislation is to stop the virus spreading, by stopping unnecessary inter-household contact."
How can Boris Johnson run the UK while suffering from coronavirus?
Indeed, confusion about what is and is not enforceable in the government's hastily-prepared lockdown legislation has been apparent even among lawmakers.
Labour MP Stephen Kinnock fell foul of his local police force after posting a picture showing him celebrating the birthday of his father -- the now-retired former leader of the opposition Labour Party, Neil Kinnock.
"We know celebrating your Dad's birthday is a lovely thing to do, however this is not essential travel," South Wales police told him over Twitter. Although Kinnock was sitting a sizable distance from his parents, the government's restrictions specify that people should not visit relatives unless it is essential.
"We need to be really careful here," Liberal Democrat lawmaker Layla Moran said on Twitter, responding to complaints that convenience stores were being told they could not stock "non-essential" Easter eggs.
"Making a trip only for an Easter egg is clearly against the rules. But picking one up with the bigger shop for the kids? The Government needs to give sharper guidance for (local authorities) and Police on the application of the new laws," she added.

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2020-03-31 17:25:16Z

UK coronavirus response criticized as people are filmed by drones and stopped while shopping - CNN

The coronavirus crisis has upended norms in almost every Western society, giving rise to ways of life that would have seemed unimaginably Orwellian just a month ago.
But in the United Kingdom, there is a unique growing concern around draconian tactics and overreach by police forces since Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced lockdown measures on March 23.
Police in the town of Warrington in northern England were criticized last weekend for issuing a citation to six people for a variety of apparently minor acts. One recipient was "out for a drive due to boredom," the force said on Twitter Sunday, while a group of people from the same household were stopped by officers for "going to the shops for non-essential items."
Several other forces have publicized details of their own similarly eager responses; which include the conventional, like spot road checks on drivers, and the bizarre, like staining areas of natural beauty with black dye to deter visitors.
UK coronavirus outbreak shows early signs of slowing, expert says, but restrictions may last for six months
Meanwhile, a trade body for convenience store workers said "heavy-handed" officers were telling shopkeepers they couldn't stock non-essential items like Easter eggs, lashing out at "overzealous enforcement and a misreading of the rules."
The approach has led figures from across the political spectrum to raise concerns, with some warning that British policing risks slipping into territory usually occupied by authoritarian regimes and dictatorships.
"This is what a police state is like," Jonathan Sumption, a former UK Supreme Court justice, told BBC Radio on Monday. "It is a state in which a government can issue orders or express preferences with no legal authority, and the police will enforce ministers' wishes."
Legislation speedily introduced last week allows officers to fine people gathering in groups of more than two or leaving their homes without a good reason, and the measures are less severe than in several other countries.
But those increased powers have nonetheless created an awkward dynamic in a country where police do not carry arms, and where the friendly caricature of a "bobby on the beat" still resonates.
The confusion is only heightened by the fact that Britain's lockdown is looser than those in countries such as Italy or Spain. People are permitted to leave their homes to shop for basic necessities, exercise, providing medical services, or going to work if it is absolutely vital.
Futher uncertainty has arisen because the rules are being interpreted differently -- including by the UK government. When he announced the restrictions, Johnson said that people would be permitted to leave their homes to take one form of exercise a day. That guidance is repeated on the government's website.
But the regulations themselves do not specify a number or type of exercise, saying only that people are permitted to leave "to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household."
The Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, told BBC Radio on Tuesday that people should not drive to a rural location to to take their dog for a walk -- but that's not banned in the regulations, either.
It's led to an unclear situation in the United Kingdom where individual police forces are filling in the blanks -- and, in many cases, attracting criticism.

Police urged to maintain public trust

Widespread debate about police coronavirus tactics first emerged last week, when Derbyshire's force posted a video of drone footage showing unwitting people walking through the area's Peak District National Park.
The clip highlighted a number of vehicles at a roadside stop, before featuring a couple walking their dog, and another man going for a walk by himself.
It did not appear obvious that either party was flouting the government's guidelines on outdoor exercise. But the guidelines also warn against traveling, leading Derbyshire Police's video to label the trips "not essential," sparking a backlash online.
"We understand that people will have differing views about this post, however, we will not be apologetic for using any legal and appropriate methods to keep people safe," the force responded on Twitter.
Since then, numerous examples of strict crackdowns have been highlighted -- usually by police forces themselves, which have publicized their methods on social media, including spot checks on road users.
In North Yorkshire, police published a photo showing a group of officers stopping a car. "This driver was making an essential journey, unfortunately others are not," they wrote.
Sensing the mounting concern over officers' approach, one of the UK's most senior police officers urged colleagues on Monday to maintain "the trust and confidence of the public."
"How we police this pandemic will be remembered for many years to come," assistant commissioner Neil Basu wrote in an opinion piece in The Telegraph newspaper.
Criticism of police methods has been far from universal, and those ignoring social distancing rules by gathering in parks or holding parties have equally been the targets of public anger.
Shapps, the Transport Secretary, told Sky News on Tuesday that "the police are doing a difficult job and they are doing it well," though he added: "I am sure there are individual examples where perhaps you look at it and think that is perhaps a bit further than they should have gone."
And in defense of her London officers, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick said on radio station LBC on Monday that her workforce was "adopting a very collaborative approach with the public."
"I would also ask all citizens, where they feel it safe and appropriate, to encourage members of their family and people they know to learn about the restrictions and to comply with them," Dick added, a recommendation that does little to dispel confusion about the restrictions themselves.

Calls for clarity

Media reports on Tuesday suggested that the UK's National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) was issuing new guidelines to forces in the wake of mounting complaints, although a spokesperson for the NPCC disputed those suggestions in an email to CNN.
"We are not rewriting our guidance. It remains the same as it was. Engage, explain, encourage and finally enforce," the spokesperson said. "This is a fast changing situation and we, along with the public, are adapting as we go forward."
Police officers from North Yorkshire Police stop motorists on Monday to check that their travel is essential.
Nonetheless, some legal experts have pointed to widespread confusion and an overly harsh interpretation of the government's lockdown measures as the cause of alleged overreach.
"Some police think that their job is to enforce the government's guidance, when in fact their job is to enforce the law," Raphael Hogarth, an associate at the Institute for Government think tank, said on Twitter. "The law is that you may not leave home without a reasonable excuse. The legislation gives non-exhaustive examples of such excuses."
"Some police forces seem to be using their powers without any regard to the purpose for which these powers were conferred," he added. "The purpose of the legislation is to stop the virus spreading, by stopping unnecessary inter-household contact."
How can Boris Johnson run the UK while suffering from coronavirus?
Indeed, confusion about what is and is not enforceable in the government's hastily-prepared lockdown legislation has been apparent even among lawmakers.
Labour MP Stephen Kinnock fell foul of his local police force after posting a picture showing him celebrating the birthday of his father -- the now-retired former leader of the opposition Labour Party, Neil Kinnock.
"We know celebrating your Dad's birthday is a lovely thing to do, however this is not essential travel," South Wales police told him over Twitter. Although Kinnock was sitting a sizable distance from his parents, the government's restrictions specify that people should not visit relatives unless it is essential.
"We need to be really careful here," Liberal Democrat lawmaker Layla Moran said on Twitter, responding to complaints that convenience stores were being told they could not stock "non-essential" Easter eggs.
"Making a trip only for an Easter egg is clearly against the rules. But picking one up with the bigger shop for the kids? The Government needs to give sharper guidance for (local authorities) and Police on the application of the new laws," she added.

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2020-03-31 16:34:03Z

UK coronavirus response criticized as people are filmed by drones and stopped while shopping - CNN

The coronavirus crisis has upended norms in almost every Western society, giving rise to ways of life that would have seemed unimaginably Orwellian just a month ago.
But in the United Kingdom, there is a unique growing concern around draconian tactics and overreach by police forces since Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced lockdown measures on March 23.
Police in the town of Warrington in northern England were criticized last weekend for issuing a citation to six people for a variety of apparently minor acts. One recipient was "out for a drive due to boredom," the force said on Twitter Sunday, while a group of people from the same household were stopped by officers for "going to the shops for non-essential items."
Several other forces have publicized details of their own similarly eager responses; which include the conventional, like spot road checks on drivers, and the bizarre, like staining areas of natural beauty with black dye to deter visitors.
UK coronavirus outbreak shows early signs of slowing, expert says, but restrictions may last for six months
Meanwhile, a trade body for convenience store workers said "heavy-handed" officers were telling shopkeepers they couldn't stock non-essential items like Easter eggs, lashing out at "overzealous enforcement and a misreading of the rules."
The approach has led figures from across the political spectrum to raise concerns, with some warning that British policing risks slipping into territory usually occupied by authoritarian regimes and dictatorships.
"This is what a police state is like," Johnathan Sumption, a former UK Supreme Court Justice, told BBC Radio on Monday. "It is a state in which a government can issue orders or express preferences with no legal authority, and the police will enforce ministers' wishes."
Legislation speedily introduced last week allows officers to fine people gathering in groups of more than two or leaving their homes without a good reason, and the measures are less severe than in several other countries.
But those increased powers have nonetheless created an awkward dynamic in a country where police do not carry arms, and where the friendly caricature of a "bobby on the beat" still resonates.
The confusion is only heightened by the fact that Britain's lockdown is looser than those in countries such as Italy or Spain. People are permitted to leave their homes to shop for basic necessities, exercise, providing medical services, or going to work if it is absolutely vital.
Futher uncertainty has arisen because the rules are being interpreted differently -- including by the UK government. When he announced the restrictions, Johnson said that people would be permitted to leave their homes to take one form of exercise a day. That guidance is repeated on the government's website.
But the regulations themselves do not specify a number or type of exercise, saying only that people are permitted to leave "to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household."
The Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, told BBC Radio on Tuesday that people should not drive to a rural location to to take their dog for a walk -- but that's not banned in the regulations, either.
It's led to an unclear situation in the United Kingdom where individual police forces are filling in the blanks -- and, in many cases, attracting criticism.

Police urged to maintain public trust

Widespread debate about police coronavirus tactics first emerged last week, when Derbyshire's force posted a video of drone footage showing unwitting people walking through the area's Peak District National Park.
The clip highlighted a number of vehicles at a roadside stop, before featuring a couple walking their dog, and another man going for a walk by himself.
It did not appear obvious that either party was flouting the government's guidelines on outdoor exercise. But the guidelines also warn against traveling, leading Derbyshire Police's video to label the trips "not essential," sparking a backlash online.
"We understand that people will have differing views about this post, however, we will not be apologetic for using any legal and appropriate methods to keep people safe," the force responded on Twitter.
Since then, numerous examples of strict crackdowns have been highlighted -- usually by police forces themselves, which have publicized their methods on social media, including spot checks on road users.
In North Yorkshire, police published a photo showing a group of officers stopping a car. "This driver was making an essential journey, unfortunately others are not," they wrote.
Sensing the mounting concern over officers' approach, one of the UK's most senior police officers urged colleagues on Monday to maintain "the trust and confidence of the public."
"How we police this pandemic will be remembered for many years to come," assistant commissioner Neil Basu wrote in an opinion piece in The Telegraph newspaper.
Criticism of police methods has been far from universal, and those ignoring social distancing rules by gathering in parks or holding parties have equally been the targets of public anger.
Shapps, the Transport Secretary, told Sky News on Tuesday that "the police are doing a difficult job and they are doing it well," though he added: "I am sure there are individual examples where perhaps you look at it and think that is perhaps a bit further than they should have gone."
And in defense of her London officers, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick said on radio station LBC on Monday that her workforce was "adopting a very collaborative approach with the public."
"I would also ask all citizens, where they feel it safe and appropriate, to encourage members of their family and people they know to learn about the restrictions and to comply with them," Dick added, a recommendation that does little to dispel confusion about the restrictions themselves.

Calls for clarity

Media reports on Tuesday suggested that the UK's National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) was issuing new guidelines to forces in the wake of mounting complaints, although a spokesperson for the NPCC disputed those suggestions in an email to CNN.
"We are not rewriting our guidance. It remains the same as it was. Engage, explain, encourage and finally enforce," the spokesperson said. "This is a fast changing situation and we, along with the public, are adapting as we go forward."
Police officers from North Yorkshire Police stop motorists on Monday to check that their travel is essential.
Nonetheless, some legal experts have pointed to widespread confusion and an overly harsh interpretation of the government's lockdown measures as the cause of alleged overreach.
"Some police think that their job is to enforce the government's guidance, when in fact their job is to enforce the law," Raphael Hogarth, an associate at the Institute for Government think tank, said on Twitter. "The law is that you may not leave home without a reasonable excuse. The legislation gives non-exhaustive examples of such excuses."
"Some police forces seem to be using their powers without any regard to the purpose for which these powers were conferred," he added. "The purpose of the legislation is to stop the virus spreading, by stopping unnecessary inter-household contact."
How can Boris Johnson run the UK while suffering from coronavirus?
Indeed, confusion about what is and is not enforceable in the government's hastily-prepared lockdown legislation has been apparent even among lawmakers.
Labour MP Stephen Kinnock fell foul of his local police force after posting a picture showing him celebrating the birthday of his father -- the now-retired former leader of the opposition Labour Party, Neil Kinnock.
"We know celebrating your Dad's birthday is a lovely thing to do, however this is not essential travel," South Wales police told him over Twitter. Although Kinnock was sitting a sizable distance from his parents, the government's restrictions specify that people should not visit relatives unless it is essential.
"We need to be really careful here," Liberal Democrat lawmaker Layla Moran said on Twitter, responding to complaints that convenience stores were being told they could not stock "non-essential" Easter eggs.
"Making a trip only for an Easter egg is clearly against the rules. But picking one up with the bigger shop for the kids? The Government needs to give sharper guidance for (local authorities) and Police on the application of the new laws," she added.

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2020-03-31 15:56:34Z

UK coronavirus response criticized as people are filmed by drones and stopped while shopping - CNN

The coronavirus crisis has upended norms in almost every Western society, giving rise to ways of life that would have seemed unimaginably Orwellian just a month ago.
But in the United Kingdom, there is a unique growing concern around draconian tactics and overreach by police forces since Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced lockdown measures on March 23.
UK coronavirus outbreak shows early signs of slowing, expert says, but restrictions may last for six months
Police in the town of Warrington in northern England were criticized last weekend for issuing a citation to six people for a variety of apparently minor acts. One recipient was "out for a drive due to boredom," the force said on Twitter Sunday, while a group of people from the same household were stopped by officers for "going to the shops for non-essential items."
Several other forces have publicized details of their own similar responses, which include spot road checks on anyone seen driving. Meanwhile, a trade body for convenience store workers said "heavy-handed" officers were telling shopkeepers they couldn't stock Easter eggs, lashing out at "overzealous enforcement and a misreading of the rules."
Figures from across the political spectrum have raised concerns.
A former UK Supreme Court Justice, Johnathan Sumption, warned British policing risks slipping into territory usually occupied by authoritarian regimes and dictatorships.
"This is what a police state is like," Sumption told BBC Radio on Monday. "It is a state in which a government can issue orders or express preferences with no legal authority, and the police will enforce ministers' wishes."
Legislation speedily introduced last week allows officers to fine people gathering in groups of more than two or leaving their homes without a good reason, and the measures are less severe than in several other countries.
But those increased powers have nonetheless created an awkward dynamic in a country where police do not carry arms, and where the friendly caricature of a "bobby on the beat" still resonates.
The confusion is only heightened by the fact that Britain's lockdown is looser than those in countries such as Italy or Spain. People are permitted to leave their homes to shop for basic necessities, exercise, providing medical services, or going to work if it is absolutely vital.
Futher confusion has arisen because the rules are being interpreted differently -- including by the UK government. When he announced the restrictions, Johnson said that people would be permitted to leave their homes to take one form of exercise a day. That guidance is repeated on the government's website.
But the regulations themselves do not specify a number or type of exercise, saying only that people are permitted to leave "to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household."
The Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, told BBC Radio on Tuesday that people should not drive to a rural location to to take their dog for a walk -- yet that's not banned in the regulations, either.

Police urged to maintain public trust

Widespread debate about police coronavirus tactics first emerged last week, when Derbyshire's force posted a video of drone footage showing unwitting people walking through the area's Peak District National Park.
The clip highlighted a number of vehicles at a roadside stop, before featuring a couple walking their dog, and another man going for a walk by himself.
It did not appear obvious that either party was flouting the government's guidelines on outdoor exercise. But the guidelines also warn against traveling, leading Derbyshire Police's video to label the trips "not essential," sparking a backlash online.
"We understand that people will have differing views about this post, however, we will not be apologetic for using any legal and appropriate methods to keep people safe," the force responded on Twitter.
Since then, numerous examples of strict crackdowns have been highlighted -- usually by police forces themselves, which have publicized their methods on social media, including spot checks on road users.
In North Yorkshire, police published a photo showing a group of officers stopping a car. "This driver was making an essential journey, unfortunately others are not," they wrote.
Criticism of police methods has been far from universal, and those ignoring social distancing rules by gathering in parks or holding parties have equally been the targets of public anger.
Shapps, the Transport Secretary, told Sky News on Tuesday that "the police are doing a difficult job and they are doing it well," though he added: "I am sure there are individual examples where perhaps you look at it and think that is perhaps a bit further than they should have gone."
But sensing the mounting concern over officers' approach, one of the UK's most senior police officers urged colleagues on Monday to maintain "the trust and confidence of the public."
"How we police this pandemic will be remembered for many years to come," assistant commissioner Neil Basu wrote in an opinion piece in The Telegraph newspaper.

Calls for clarity

Media reports on Tuesday suggested that the UK's National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) was issuing new guidelines to forces in the wake of mounting complaints, although a spokesperson for the NPCC disputed those suggestions in an email to CNN.
"We are not rewriting our guidance. It remains the same as it was. Engage, explain, encourage and finally enforce," the spokesperson said. "This is a fast changing situation and we, along with the public, are adapting as we go forward."
Police officers from North Yorkshire Police stop motorists on Monday to check that their travel is essential.
Nonetheless, some legal experts have pointed to widespread confusion and an overly harsh interpretation of the government's lockdown measures as the cause of alleged overreach.
"Some police think that their job is to enforce the government's guidance, when in fact their job is to enforce the law," Raphael Hogarth, an associate at the Institute for Government think tank, said on Twitter. "The law is that you may not leave home without a reasonable excuse. The legislation gives non-exhaustive examples of such excuses."
"Some police forces seem to be using their powers without any regard to the purpose for which these powers were conferred," he added. "The purpose of the legislation is to stop the virus spreading, by stopping unnecessary inter-household contact."
Indeed, confusion about what is and is not enforceable in the government's hastily-prepared lockdown legislation has been apparent even among lawmakers.
UK coronavirus outbreak shows early signs of slowing, expert says, but restrictions may last for six months
Labour MP Stephen Kinnock fell foul of his local police force after posting a picture showing him celebrating the birthday of his father -- the now-retired former leader of the opposition Labour Party, Neil Kinnock.
"We know celebrating your Dad's birthday is a lovely thing to do, however this is not essential travel," South Wales police told him over Twitter. Although Kinnock was sitting a sizable distance from his parents, the government's restrictions specify that people should not visit relatives unless it is essential.
"We need to be really careful here," Liberal Democrat lawmaker Layla Moran said on Twitter, responding to complaints that convenience stores were being told they could not stock "non-essential" Easter eggs.
"Making a trip only for an Easter egg is clearly against the rules. But picking one up with the bigger shop for the kids? The Government needs to give sharper guidance for (local authorities) and Police on the application of the new laws," she added.

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2020-03-31 14:12:51Z

Prince Charles is one of the UK's most successful living artists. Here are 15 of his works. - Insider - INSIDER

  • Though he describes himself as an "enthusiastic amateur," Prince Charles is said to be one of the most successful living artists in the United Kingdom.
  • His paintings were first exhibited in Windsor Castle in 1977, next to the work of his other artistic relatives, Queen Victoria and the Duke of Edinburgh.
  • The prince favors outdoor scenes and only paints in watercolor. One of his favorite places to paint is the Queen's estate at Balmoral.
  • The Daily Telegraph reported that from 1997 to 2016, copies of his watercolors had earned an estimated £2 million, and the proceeds were donated to his charity, The Prince of Wales's Charitable Fund.

Prince Charles started painting in the 1970s after he was inspired by Robert Waddell, his art master at Gordonstoun School in Scotland.

He works exclusively in watercolor, and his paintings were first exhibited in Windsor Castle in 1977. They were displayed alongside works from Queen Victoria, herself an avid watercolorist, and the Duke of Edinburgh, a painter and designer, whose sketches helped create the stained-glass windows in the Private Chapel of Windsor Castle.

Following his first exhibition, Prince Charles continued to show his work, which became hugely popular in the UK and abroad. Though he modestly refers to himself as an "enthusiastic amateur," he made an estimated £2 million from the sales of copies of his watercolors from 1997 to 2016, making him one of the country's best-selling living artists, The Daily Telegraph reported in 2016.

The prince, who has donated all profits from his artwork to The Prince of Wales's Charitable Fund, prefers to paint outdoor scenes, favoring mountains, streams, and the surrounding areas of the Queen's estate at Balmoral. His works have been featured on stamps in the UK and even on a Swiss ski pass.

Take a look at some of the prince's paintings.

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2020-03-31 14:06:16Z