Rabu, 20 November 2019

Simon Cheng: Former UK consulate worker says he was tortured in China - BBC News

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A former employee of the UK's Hong Kong consulate has told the BBC that he was tortured in China and accused of inciting political unrest in the city.

Simon Cheng, a Hong Kong citizen who worked for the UK government for almost two years, was detained for 15 days on a trip to mainland China in August.

"I was shackled, blindfolded and hooded," the 29-year-old tells me.

UK government sources say they believe his claims - of being beaten and forced to sign confessions - are credible.

Following our interview, the British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has now summoned the Chinese ambassador.

"We are outraged by the disgraceful mistreatment that Mr Cheng faced when he was in detention in mainland China... and we've made clear that we expect the Chinese authorities to review and hold to account those responsible," Mr Raab told the BBC.

The Chinese authorities have not responded to the BBC's request for comment, although state media have previously suggested that Mr Cheng was detained for soliciting a prostitute.

His account now challenges that version of events and raises questions for both the Chinese and the UK governments.

The claims he makes - including that he saw other Hongkongers in Chinese custody - are likely to fuel protesters' fears that their city's freedoms are being eroded under Chinese rule.

"They said they work for the secret service and that there are no human rights," he tells me. "Then they started the torture."

Who is Simon Cheng?

As a trade and investment officer at the UK consulate, Simon Cheng's particular brief was to drum up interest in investing in Scotland among the Chinese business community.

It required him to travel frequently to mainland China.

But in June, with Hong Kong engulfed in mass demonstrations, Mr Cheng volunteered for an additional role.

"The British Consulate instructed staff to collect information about the status of the protests," he says.

As a supporter of the pro-democracy movement he found it easy to blend in and, with the consent of the consulate, he signed up to some of the social media groups through which the protesters co-ordinated their actions.

Paid overtime for the information he gathered, he began reporting back what he saw to his colleagues.

His task, both Mr Cheng and UK government sources insist, was not to direct events in any way but to purely observe - the kind of civil society monitoring work many embassies do.

But China had already begun to accuse the UK of meddling in Hong Kong, with British politicians becoming increasing vocal in their support for the protesters.

On 8 August, with emails still on his phone linking him to that work observing the protests, he was sent by the consulate to a business conference in the Chinese city of Shenzhen.

He didn't know it, but his life was about to change forever.

How did he disappear?

Although China has ruled Hong Kong for more than 20 years, the border between the city and the mainland still looks and feels like an international boundary.

The "one country two systems" principle - that the protesters say they are fighting to preserve - is meant to ensure that Hong Kong retains control over most of its affairs, including its borders.

But Simon Cheng was about to discover for himself the blurred edges of that legal and political framework.

Since the opening of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen high-speed rail link last year, a new border post has been placed inside West Kowloon station, in the heart of Hong Kong.

It is deeply controversial: Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement views the presence of the Chinese police, manning the Chinese side, as an unwelcome extension of Chinese authority.

It was here they stopped Simon Cheng, returning from his business trip.

He was put on a train, transported back to Shenzhen and handed over, he says, to three plainclothes officers from China's National Security Police.

How does he describe his ordeal?

Raising his arms above his head Mr Cheng shows me how he was hung up from the chain linking the handcuffs on his wrists.

The questions focused on his involvement in the protests with the aim, he says, of forcing him to confess to fomenting unrest on behalf of the British state.

"They wanted to know what role the UK had in the Hong Kong protests - they asked what support, money and equipment we were giving to the protesters."

He says he was made to hold stress positions - squatting against a wall for example - for hours on end, and beaten if he moved.

"They would beat the bony parts, like my ankles... or any vulnerable part."

He claims he was subjected to sleep deprivation, with his interrogators forcing him to sing the Chinese national anthem to keep himself awake.

And, he believes, he was not the only Hongkonger undergoing such treatment.

"I saw a bunch of Hong Kong people getting arrested and interrogated. I heard someone speak in Cantonese saying: 'Raise your hands up - you raised the flags in the protest didn't you?'"

Background to the Hong Kong protests

From a large pile of more than 1,000 photographs of Hong Kong protesters, he says, he was told to jot down the names and political affiliations of anyone he recognised.

"The secret police clearly stated that batches after batches of Hong Kong protesters had been caught, delivered and detained in mainland China."

Strapped to a chair and held by his hair, he says they tried to force him to open his mobile phone using the facial recognition function.

Once they'd gained access, they printed off the emails detailing the information he'd passed to the UK consulate about the protests.

"I told them I want to make it 100% clear, the UK didn't assign resources or help with the protests," he tells me.

But it was no use. Eventually, they made him record two video confessions, he says, one for the "betrayal of the motherland" and another for "soliciting prostitution".

Why was he detained?

The detention of a local employee of a foreign embassy or consulate is a relatively rare event.

The last high-profile case involving the UK was the arrest in 2009 of a number of Iranian employees at the British embassy in Tehran. They were accused of playing a significant role in that year's violent demonstrations - an accusation that finds echoes in Simon Cheng's account.

As in his own case, locally-employed staff usually have no diplomatic protection, potentially making them soft targets for intelligence gathering.

But Mr Cheng may have been targeted for other reasons.

He tells me he had a mainland Chinese friend who'd been arrested for taking part in the Hong Kong protests and was now on bail there.

During his business trip to Shenzhen, without the knowledge of the UK consulate, Mr Cheng had met the relatives of this friend to collect money for his living expenses.

Any mainlander known to have joined the pro-democracy demonstrations would be at risk of being placed under Chinese surveillance.

Although collecting money for a friend in legal difficulty is unlikely to constitute a crime, even in China, it could well have placed Mr Cheng under suspicion too.

I ask him what he thinks is the most likely reason for his detention - his position at the UK consulate, or his friendship with this mainland Chinese protester?

"Until now I have no idea," he replies. "But I think both factors could be part of the reason."

Why was he released?

Alongside our interview, Mr Cheng has published his own detailed account of what happened to him.

In it, he says that on the 11th day of his detention his treatment suddenly improved, a date that he says coincides with the first international media reports about his disappearance.

UK government sources say that, behind the scenes, intense diplomatic activity was already under way to try to secure his release.

Of China's only public version of events - the allegation that he was placed in 15 days administrative detention for soliciting prostitution - Mr Cheng is dismissive.

"It was a tactic for secretly and arbitrarily incarcerating me for an even longer period, without interference from third parties."

In China, administrative detention is a penalty that can be imposed by the police, acting with no judicial oversight. And, he suggests, the circumstances of his arrest appear unusual.

Allegations of soliciting prostitution are normally dealt with in China as a routine matter by the local police. They are far less likely to be the concern of the Chinese border authorities in West Kowloon station.

Mr Cheng's written statement also mentions that, before his arrest, he stopped in Shenzhen for a massage.

I ask him directly if he paid for sex.

"I don't want to focus on the question of whether I solicited a prostitute, because that's exactly what they want," he replies.

"So, I just want to state clearly that I did nothing regrettable to the people I cherish and love."

Whatever the reasons behind the decision to release him, he says it came with a warning.

"They stated that if I receive media interviews and speak out [about] anything other than 'soliciting prostitution' publicly, I will be taken back to mainland China from Hong Kong."

The UK's Hong Kong consulate has since reviewed, and tightened up, its guidelines for local staff travelling on work trips to the Chinese mainland.

What will Simon Cheng do now?

Simon Cheng has told the BBC that he believes it is too dangerous for him to return to Hong Kong.

Initially, he was so concerned about his safety, he refused to allow the UK government to issue a statement condemning the way he'd been treated.

More personal stories from Hong Kong

And, as a result of his long interrogation at the hands of the Chinese secret police, the UK now sees him as a security risk.

He was asked to resign from his post, although UK sources say he was provided with support, including a two-year working visa for the UK.

"Our hearts are with Simon Cheng and his family," Dominic Raab, the British Foreign Secretary, told the BBC.

"From the outset my overriding concern has been to make sure that he's taken care of properly and he gets the support that he needs."

But Mr Cheng's written statement suggests he does not see the protection he's being offered as adequate and, he says, he's now seeking asylum anywhere he can feel safe.

While he faces an uncertain future, the political and diplomatic ramifications of his extraordinary testimony are likely to be significant.

The claims he makes will feed into the already frayed relations between the UK and China over the subject of Hong Kong.

China will face questions about the use of torture in its headlong search for proof of foreign interference.

The British government will face questions about whether it could have done more to protect Mr Cheng as well as its treatment of him since.

As for Hong Kong's protesters - who began their fight against an extradition bill that would have allowed suspects to be sent to China - Simon Cheng's story will confirm one thing above all else: that there is indeed much to fear from a justice system so at odds with their own.

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2019-11-20 06:01:28Z

Minggu, 17 November 2019

UK government and military accused of war crimes cover-up - BBC News

The UK government and armed forces have been accused of covering up the killing of civilians by British troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

An investigation by BBC Panorama and the Sunday Times has spoken to 11 British detectives who said they found credible evidence of war crimes.

Soldiers should have been prosecuted for the killings, say insiders.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said it rejected the unsubstantiated allegation of a pattern of cover-ups.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told the BBC "all of the allegations, that had evidence, have been looked at".

He said "the right balance" had been struck over decisions whether or not to investigate alleged war crimes.

The new evidence has come from inside the Iraq Historic Allegations Team (IHAT), which investigated alleged war crimes committed by British troops during the occupation of Iraq, and Operation Northmoor, which investigated alleged war crimes in Afghanistan.

The government decided to close IHAT and Operation Northmoor, after Phil Shiner, a lawyer who had taken more than 1,000 cases to IHAT, was struck off as a solicitor following allegations he had paid fixers in Iraq to find clients.

But former detectives from IHAT and Operation Northmoor said Phil Shiner's actions were used as an excuse to close down criminal investigations. None of the cases investigated by IHAT or Operation Northmoor resulted in a prosecution.

One IHAT detective told Panorama: "The Ministry of Defence had no intention of prosecuting any soldier of whatever rank he was unless it was absolutely necessary, and they couldn't wriggle their way out of it."

Another former detective said the victims of war crimes had been badly let down: "I use the word disgusting. And I feel for the families because... they're not getting justice. How can you hold your head up as a British person?"

Panorama has re-examined the evidence in a number of alleged war crimes cases. One such case investigated by IHAT was the shooting of an Iraqi policeman by a British soldier on patrol in Basra in 2003.

Raid al-Mosawi was shot in an alleyway as he left his family home, and later died from his wounds. The incident was investigated at the time by the British soldier's commanding officer, Maj Christopher Suss-Francksen.

Within 24 hours, Maj Suss-Francksen concluded the shooting was lawful because the Iraqi police officer had fired first and the soldier had acted in self-defence.

His report said another British soldier had seen the shooting and confirmed the Iraqi had fired first.

IHAT detectives spent two years investigating the case and interviewed 80 British soldiers, including the soldier who had supposedly witnessed the shooting. But he told detectives he was not in the alleyway.

In his statement to IHAT, this soldier directly contradicted Maj Suss-Francksen's report: "This report is inaccurate and gives the impression that I was an eyewitness. This is not true."

The soldier said he had only heard one shot, which suggested the policeman had not fired at all. This was confirmed by other witnesses interviewed by IHAT.

Detectives concluded the soldier who shot Raid should be prosecuted for killing the Iraqi police officer and Maj Suss-Francksen should be charged with covering up what happened. But military prosecutors have not taken anyone to court.

Maj Suss-Francksen's lawyer said: "My client has not seen the IHAT material and is unable to offer any comment on the quality or reliability of the evidence gathered by the IHAT investigators or why it was insufficient to satisfy a prosecution of any soldier under UK law."

Operation Northmoor was set up by the government in 2014 and looked into 52 alleged illegal killings.

Its closure was announced by the government before Royal Military Police detectives even had a chance to interview the key Afghan witnesses.

One Northmoor detective said: "I wouldn't write off a job until I have spoken to both parties. If you are writing off a job and the only thing you have got is the British account, how is that an investigation?

"My view is that every one of those deaths deserved to be examined and due process of law to take place."

The MoD said military operations are conducted in accordance with the law and there had been an extensive investigation of allegations.

"Investigations and decisions to prosecute are rightly independent from the MoD and have involved external oversight and legal advice," a spokesperson told the BBC.

"After careful consideration of referred cases, the independent Service Prosecuting Authority decided not to prosecute."

"The BBC's claims have been passed to the Service Police and the Service Prosecuting Authority who remain open to considering allegations."

Quizzed about the allegations on the Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, Mr Raab said the UK wanted "to have accountability where there's wrongdoing".

He said: "What we're quite rightly doing is making sure spurious claims or claims without evidence don't lead to the shadow of suspicion, the cloud of suspicion hanging over people who have served their country for years on end - and we've got the right balance."

Mr Raab refused to be drawn on whether these claims were new to him, and said that prosecuting authorities for the British armed forces are "some of the most rigorous in the world".

Meanwhile, a lawyer who has represented several soldiers investigated by IHAT, dismissed the claims of war crimes as "flawed, baseless and biased".

Hilary Meredith, chair of Hilary Meredith Solicitors, said the claims were a "witch hunt against our brave servicemen" which "had no credibility whatsoever".

She added: "Solicitor Phil Shiner, who masterminded countless false claims, was struck off the role of solicitors for good reason - he was found guilty of charges including dishonesty over false witness accounts about UK soldiers' actions."

Panorama, War Crimes Scandal Exposed is on BBC One at 21:00 GMT on Monday 18 November.

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2019-11-17 12:58:04Z

UK government and military accused of war crimes cover-up - BBC News

The UK government and armed forces have been accused of covering up the killing of civilians by British troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

An investigation by BBC Panorama and the Sunday Times has spoken to 11 British detectives who said they found credible evidence of war crimes.

Soldiers should have been prosecuted for the killings, say insiders.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said it rejected the unsubstantiated allegation of a pattern of cover-ups.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told the BBC "all of the allegations, that had evidence, have been looked at".

He said "the right balance" had been struck over decisions whether or not to investigate alleged war crimes.

The new evidence has come from inside the Iraq Historic Allegations Team (IHAT), which investigated alleged war crimes committed by British troops during the occupation of Iraq, and Operation Northmoor, which investigated alleged war crimes in Afghanistan.

The government decided to close IHAT and Operation Northmoor, after Phil Shiner, a lawyer who had taken more than 1,000 cases to IHAT, was struck off as a solicitor following allegations he had paid fixers in Iraq to find clients.

But former detectives from IHAT and Operation Northmoor said Phil Shiner's actions were used as an excuse to close down criminal investigations. None of the cases investigated by IHAT or Operation Northmoor resulted in a prosecution.

One IHAT detective told Panorama: "The Ministry of Defence had no intention of prosecuting any soldier of whatever rank he was unless it was absolutely necessary, and they couldn't wriggle their way out of it."

Another former detective said the victims of war crimes had been badly let down: "I use the word disgusting. And I feel for the families because... they're not getting justice. How can you hold your head up as a British person?"

Panorama has re-examined the evidence in a number of alleged war crimes cases. One such case investigated by IHAT was the shooting of an Iraqi policeman by a British soldier on patrol in Basra in 2003.

Raid al-Mosawi was shot in an alleyway as he left his family home, and later died from his wounds. The incident was investigated at the time by the British soldier's commanding officer, Maj Christopher Suss-Francksen.

Within 24 hours, Maj Suss-Francksen concluded the shooting was lawful because the Iraqi police officer had fired first and the soldier had acted in self-defence.

His report said another British soldier had seen the shooting and confirmed the Iraqi had fired first.

IHAT detectives spent two years investigating the case and interviewed 80 British soldiers, including the soldier who had supposedly witnessed the shooting. But he told detectives he was not in the alleyway.

In his statement to IHAT, this soldier directly contradicted Maj Suss-Francksen's report: "This report is inaccurate and gives the impression that I was an eyewitness. This is not true."

The soldier said he had only heard one shot, which suggested the policeman had not fired at all. This was confirmed by other witnesses interviewed by IHAT.

Detectives concluded the soldier who shot Raid should be prosecuted for killing the Iraqi police officer and Maj Suss-Francksen should be charged with covering up what happened. But military prosecutors have not taken anyone to court.

Maj Suss-Francksen's lawyer said: "My client has not seen the IHAT material and is unable to offer any comment on the quality or reliability of the evidence gathered by the IHAT investigators or why it was insufficient to satisfy a prosecution of any soldier under UK law."

Operation Northmoor was set up by the government in 2014 and looked into 52 alleged illegal killings.

Its closure was announced by the government before Royal Military Police detectives even had a chance to interview the key Afghan witnesses.

One Northmoor detective said: "I wouldn't write off a job until I have spoken to both parties. If you are writing off a job and the only thing you have got is the British account, how is that an investigation?

"My view is that every one of those deaths deserved to be examined and due process of law to take place."

The MoD said military operations are conducted in accordance with the law and there had been an extensive investigation of allegations.

"Investigations and decisions to prosecute are rightly independent from the MoD and have involved external oversight and legal advice," a spokesperson told the BBC.

"After careful consideration of referred cases, the independent Service Prosecuting Authority decided not to prosecute."

"The BBC's claims have been passed to the Service Police and the Service Prosecuting Authority who remain open to considering allegations."

Quizzed about the allegations on the Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, Mr Raab said the UK wanted "to have accountability where there's wrongdoing".

He said: "What we're quite rightly doing is making sure spurious claims or claims without evidence don't lead to the shadow of suspicion, the cloud of suspicion hanging over people who have served their country for years on end - and we've got the right balance."

Mr Raab refused to be drawn on whether these claims were new to him, and said that prosecuting authorities for the British armed forces are "some of the most rigorous in the world".

Meanwhile, a lawyer who has represented several soldiers investigated by IHAT, dismissed the claims of war crimes as "flawed, baseless and biased".

Hilary Meredith, chair of Hilary Meredith Solicitors, said the claims were a "witch hunt against our brave servicemen" which "had no credibility whatsoever".

She added: "Solicitor Phil Shiner, who masterminded countless false claims, was struck off the role of solicitors for good reason - he was found guilty of charges including dishonesty over false witness accounts about UK soldiers' actions."

Panorama, War Crimes Scandal Exposed is on BBC One at 21:00 GMT on Monday 18 November.

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2019-11-17 12:03:06Z

UK government and military accused of war crimes cover-up - BBC News

The UK government and armed forces have been accused of covering up the killing of civilians by British troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

An investigation by BBC Panorama and the Sunday Times has spoken to 11 British detectives who said they found credible evidence of war crimes.

Soldiers should have been prosecuted for the killings, say insiders.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said it rejected the unsubstantiated allegation of a pattern of cover-ups.

The new evidence has come from inside the Iraq Historic Allegations Team (IHAT), which investigated alleged war crimes committed by British troops during the occupation of Iraq, and Operation Northmoor, which investigated alleged war crimes in Afghanistan.

The government decided to close IHAT and Operation Northmoor, after Phil Shiner, a lawyer who had taken more than 1,000 cases to IHAT, was struck off as a solicitor following allegations he had paid fixers in Iraq to find clients.

But former detectives from IHAT and Operation Northmoor said Phil Shiner's actions were used as an excuse to close down criminal investigations. None of the cases investigated by IHAT or Operation Northmoor resulted in a prosecution.

One IHAT detective told Panorama: "The Ministry of Defence had no intention of prosecuting any soldier of whatever rank he was unless it was absolutely necessary, and they couldn't wriggle their way out of it."

Another former detective said the victims of war crimes had been badly let down: "I use the word disgusting. And I feel for the families because... they're not getting justice. How can you hold your head up as a British person?"

Panorama has re-examined the evidence in a number of alleged war crimes cases. One such case investigated by IHAT was the shooting of an Iraqi policeman by a British soldier on patrol in Basra in 2003.

Raid al-Mosawi was shot in an alleyway as he left his family home, and later died from his wounds. The incident was investigated at the time by the British soldier's commanding officer, Maj Christopher Suss-Francksen.

Within 24 hours, Maj Suss-Francksen concluded the shooting was lawful because the Iraqi police officer had fired first and the soldier had acted in self-defence.

His report said another British soldier had seen the shooting and confirmed the Iraqi had fired first.

IHAT detectives spent two years investigating the case and interviewed 80 British soldiers, including the soldier who had supposedly witnessed the shooting. But he told detectives he was not in the alleyway.

In his statement to IHAT, this soldier directly contradicted Maj Suss-Francksen's report: "This report is inaccurate and gives the impression that I was an eyewitness. This is not true."

The soldier said he had only heard one shot, which suggested the policeman had not fired at all. This was confirmed by other witnesses interviewed by IHAT.

Detectives concluded the soldier who shot Raid should be prosecuted for killing the Iraqi police officer and Maj Suss-Francksen should be charged with covering up what happened. But military prosecutors have not taken anyone to court.

Maj Suss-Francksen's lawyer said: "My client has not seen the IHAT material and is unable to offer any comment on the quality or reliability of the evidence gathered by the IHAT investigators or why it was insufficient to satisfy a prosecution of any soldier under UK law."

Operation Northmoor was set up by the government in 2014 and looked into 52 alleged illegal killings.

Its closure was announced by the government before Royal Military Police detectives even had a chance to interview the key Afghan witnesses.

One Northmoor detective said: "I wouldn't write off a job until I have spoken to both parties. If you are writing off a job and the only thing you have got is the British account, how is that an investigation?

"My view is that every one of those deaths deserved to be examined and due process of law to take place."

The MoD said military operations are conducted in accordance with the law and there had been an extensive investigation of allegations.

"Investigations and decisions to prosecute are rightly independent from the MoD and have involved external oversight and legal advice," a spokesperson told the BBC.

"After careful consideration of referred cases, the independent Service Prosecuting Authority decided not to prosecute."

"The BBC's claims have been passed to the Service Police and the Service Prosecuting Authority who remain open to considering allegations."

Panorama, War Crimes Scandal Exposed is on BBC One at 21:00 GMT on Monday 18 November.

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2019-11-17 01:52:24Z

Jumat, 15 November 2019

Hong Kong protests: China condemns 'appalling' attack on official in UK - BBC News

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China has condemned what it called an "appalling attack" by protesters on Hong Kong's justice secretary in London on Thursday evening.

Teresa Cheng fell and was treated for an arm injury in hospital after being jostled by about 30 supporters of Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement.

Chinese official Geng Shuang said some in the UK "supported violent acts... to create chaos" in its former colony.

Hong Kong has been racked by five months of anti-government protests.

The campaign started in opposition to a now-withdrawn plan to allow extradition to mainland China, but it has since morphed into wider demonstrations backing democracy and opposing the actions of the police.

The protests have continued unabated - Friday was the fifth consecutive day - and have often turned violent. On Thursday, a 70-year-old man died after being hit by a brick thrown during clashes. A murder inquiry has been opened.

Hong Kong meanwhile confirmed it had entered its first recession for a decade, with the economy shrinking 3.2% in July to September, compared with the previous quarter.

What happened to Teresa Cheng?

The justice secretary had been in Camden, north London, to promote Hong Kong as a dispute resolution and deal-making hub.

Video showed her walking towards a lecture at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators when she was surrounded by a group of protesters.

Some held signs and shouted "murderer" and in the melee, Ms Cheng fell to the ground.

London's Metropolitan Police said they were investigating an allegation of assault and no arrests had yet been made.

"A woman was taken to hospital by London Ambulance Service suffering an injury to her arm," a statement said.

How did China react?

Mr Geng, China's foreign ministry spokesman, said the attack was "directly related to certain British politicians confusing right from wrong on the Hong Kong issue and their support for violent acts, giving a platform to those who are anti-China and want to create chaos in Hong Kong".

He said if the UK did not alter its approach "and continues to add fuel to the fire, sow discord and instigate others" it would "bring calamity on itself".

He urged the UK to "bring the culprits to justice and... also protect the safety and integrity of all Chinese people in the nation".

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam also condemned the protesters in the UK, saying "the savage act breached the bottom line of any civilised society".

Ms Cheng's office said she "castigates the violent mob in London causing her serious bodily harm on her way to an event venue".

Protesters say Ms Cheng played a key role in pushing for the extradition bill.

What's the latest on the protests?

Protesters, including thousands of office workers, were on the streets again on Friday, many of them chanting "stand with Hong Kong".

A number of roads were blocked and there was more disruption on the underground rail system. Black-clad protesters also continued to occupy university campuses.

It comes a day after Chinese President Xi Jinping warned the protests were threatening the "one country, two systems" policy under which Hong Kong retains a high level of autonomy and personal freedom unseen in mainland China.

Police in Hong Kong are treating as murder the death of the 70-year-old hit by a brick during unrest in the border town of Sheung Shui on Wednesday.

The government said the cleaner was on a lunch break when he was struck by "hard objects hurled by masked rioters".

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Video purported to be of the incident shows two groups throwing bricks at each other before the man falls to the ground.

On Monday, a police officer shot an activist in the torso with a live bullet, and a man was set on fire while arguing with anti-government protesters.

A week ago, Alex Chow, a 22-year-old student, died after falling from a building during a police operation.

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2019-11-15 12:20:13Z

Kamis, 14 November 2019

Hillary Clinton warns U.K. headed for 'fascism' over lawmaker abuse - NBC News

LONDON — The U.K. is spiraling towards authoritarianism and fascism, according to former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Speaking at event at Kings College, London, on Wednesday, Clinton said the reluctance of high-profile women to run for Parliament, amid an increase in online and real-world abuse, showed how toxic British politics had become.

She said she had spoken to several current and former female members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the two layers of the British Parliament, who warned of "a growing anxiety among women members about the threats that they face."

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"If people are intimidated out of running for office in a democracy because of these hatemongers on the left or the right, motivated by whatever, that's the path of authoritarianism, that's the path of fascism — when you are told you are in danger or your family is," she said. "A number of women have said it's not just threats against themselves but threats against their children."

In conversation with former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Clinton said the departure of people from public life because of intimidation was "not just a threat to individuals [but] a threat to our democracies."

The U.K. is preparing for a general election on Dec. 12, the third in less than five years, as the Conservative-led government desperately seeks a resolution to the Brexit crisis that has paralyzed British political life. Polling day may come days before Christmas but the campaign has so far been lacking in festive cheer.

While it is normal for some members of Parliament to stand down before an election, several notable female politicians have called it a day, citing an almost constant stream of threats and abuse.

Nicky Morgan, 47, who resigned as culture secretary this month and campaigned for the U.K. to remain in the European Union, told the Times of London: “You turn on your emails in the morning and you get a stream of people telling you they’d like to see you dead or how useless they think you are.”

Clinton, who has made a number of public appearances this month to promote a new book, has also said she is "under enormous pressure from many, many, many people to think about" running for president in 2020 and hadn't ruled out a last-minute bid.

Speaking to the BBC on Tuesday, she said: "I think all the time about what kind of president I would have been and what I would have done differently and what I think it would have meant to our country and the world.

"So of course I think about it, I think about it all the time. Being able to do that, and look, whoever wins next time is going to have a big task trying to fix everything that's been broken."

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2019-11-14 11:46:00Z

Rabu, 13 November 2019

Elon Musk says he chose Berlin over U.K. for Tesla battery factory due to Brexit - MarketWatch

Tesla CEO Elon Musk

There are certainly good reasons for picking Germany, and Berlin in particular, as a site for a battery plant and a research-and-development center for Tesla Inc.

But in a quick interview with Auto Express, Tesla TSLA, +1.40%  co-founder and Chief Executive Elon Musk made clear why he didn’t consider the U.K.

“Brexit made it too risky to put a Gigafactory in the U.K.”
Elon Musk

Musk didn’t elaborate. A reporter for the BBC, Faisal Islam, tweeted that one issue Brexit raises for Tesla in particular is whether parts produced in the U.K. would qualify as E.U. content.

Related: Elon Musk says Tesla will build gigafactory near Berlin

The U.K. seems likely to pursue a path of Brexit, as election polls show the Conservatives with a sizeable lead over Labour. U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has reached an exit agreement with the European Union that has yet to be ratified by the U.K. Parliament.

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2019-11-13 10:19:00Z