Sabtu, 18 Mei 2019

One of Britain's Most Prolific Terror Cells Is Regrouping - The New York Times

LONDON — Even as fellow European countries worry about hardened Islamic State fighters returning from Syria and Iraq, Britain has another problem: the re-emergence of a homegrown militant cell, Al Muhajiroun, one of Europe’s most prolific extremist networks, which was implicated in the London bombings of 2005.

After those attacks, the British government passed a raft of counterterrorism laws and embarked on a crackdown against Islamist extremists. Many were sentenced to prison or restricted to halfway houses for 10 years and sometimes more.

But on Monday, a co-founder of Al Muhajiroun, Anjem Choudary, was photographed near his East London home wearing a long white robe and a black electronic ankle tag. Government officials confirmed that Mr. Choudary, one of the country’s most notorious radical Islamist preachers, had been released from a probation hotel after serving more than half of a lengthy prison term for inciting support of the Islamic State.

He remains under close monitoring, but he has begun the gradual process of becoming a free man. And he is not the only one.

Having served their time, many members of Mr. Choudary’s old network are being released from detention. Far from chastened, they have begun to remobilize, vowing to take on far-right extremists and renew their decades-long campaign to eliminate democracy in Britain and establish a caliphate ruled by Shariah law, according to interviews with a handful of former members.

Founded in 1996, Al Muhajiroun, which has used various names over the years, has spent years effectively taunting the British security forces through its ability to continue operating despite being banned in 2006 for its links to terrorism. After a period of dormancy, the group is now remobilizing by continuing to change its name, adopting lower-profile tactics, using encrypted apps and meeting in secret locations.

According to former members, areas where the network is regrouping include East London; Luton, a town north of the British capital; and the surrounding county of Bedfordshire.

The wreckage of a bus that was destroyed in a series of deadly explosions that targeted London’s transport network in 2005.CreditStephen Munday/Getty Images

“Muslims are being attacked all over the world,” said Laith, a former member of Al Muhajiroun who would only give his middle name for fear of prosecution. “Our mission is much more urgent now, and with Anjem and the other brothers out of jail, it’s time to regroup and come out harder than before.”

For the British authorities, the possibility of the group’s re-emergence is a deep concern. Last week, Andrew Parker, the director general of MI5, Britain’s domestic counterintelligence and security agency, issued a rare public warning about the continued risks of extremist networks and emphasized the threat posed by groups sympathetic to the Islamic State.

“In the U.K., there remain individuals who are inspired” by Islamic State propaganda, he wrote in the newspaper The Evening Standard, “despite having shown no interest in traveling to Syria.”

The security services have expressed particular alarm at the prospect of a newly energized Al Muhajiroun network trying to recruit members as some ISIS fighters and sympathizers attempt to return to Britain after the fall of the Islamic State’s so-called caliphate in Iraq and Syria. Britain has taken a tough line against potential returnees, canceling the passports of more than 150 people.

David Videcette, a British former counterterrorism detective, said British citizens who had joined the Islamic State would pose a clear risk if they got back home.

“Suddenly, we are going to have trained fighters who perhaps have the motivation to carry out martyrdom attacks, exposed to a historical network of radicals,” he said.

For now, Mr. Choudary is prohibited from speaking in public or from connecting with his old network. But several former members said that his release from prison, along with that of other figures, had emboldened the group, which was linked to 25 percent of all Islamist terrorism-related convictions in Britain between 1998 and 2015.

A rally for Al Muhajiroun in Trafalgar Square, London, in 2002.CreditOdd Andersen/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

“Some activists have started to meet again and are testing the waters as they re-engage with their activism,” said Michael Kenney, an associate professor of international affairs at the University of Pittsburgh, who spent years embedded with the group as part of the research for his book, “The Islamic State in Britain.”

It is hard to overstate the role Mr. Choudary has played in motivating Islamic extremists. Just last week, for instance, the BBC reported that one of the attackers behind the Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka, Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed, was radicalized by Mr. Choudary after attending his sermons during a one-year study abroad program in 2006.

“No other British citizen has had so much influence over so many terrorists as Choudary,” said Nick Lowles, the chief executive of a British anti-racist watchdog group, Hope Not Hate, which he says has identified 120 Islamist militants with links to the imam.

A representative of the British Home Office, which has responsibility for monitoring extremist groups, said that the government was aware of the potential threat posed by Mr. Choudary and Al Muhajiroun, and had rigorous procedures in place to handle it.

“When any terrorist offender is released from prison, we know about it and have robust covert and overt powers to investigate and manage any threat they may pose,” the government representative said. “Those released on license remain subject to close monitoring and strict conditions, which if breached can see them go back to prison.”

Most of those who were senior members of Al Muhajiroun said that they remained under strict surveillance, with their electronic communications monitored, which was confirmed by the Home Office. As a result, they say they carry out their activities discreetly, and avoid any mention of or association with the group’s former name.

The activists say they have shifted their recruitment tactics from provocative public preaching and demonstrations to secret internet forums and smaller group meetings in inconspicuous locations. If the group uses a name that has not been identified as that of a terrorist outfit, then the gatherings are legal.

A memorial for the victims of the London bombings on the steps of a church in the city in 2005.CreditYannis Kontos for The New York Times

Most members of the group abide by what they call a “covenant of security” that prohibits attacks on non-Muslims in their country of residence. But it is a matter of individual choice.

In recent years, group members have become increasingly influenced by foreign radical groups like Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, inspiring them to carry out the attacks on and near London Bridge in 2017 and the murder of a British soldier, Lee Rigby, in the capital in 2013.

For many years, Mr. Choudary, a former lawyer whose preaching emphasized a jihadist ideology in which the West was accused of victimizing Muslims, managed to stay out of prison even as the authorities shut down many members of his broader network.

“Decrease and destruct, that was their tactic, and I have to admit it worked,” said Mohammed Shamsuddin, who was recruited to Al Muhajiroun by Mr. Choudary more than 20 years ago.

Sipping on a latte at a juice bar in a town in northwestern England, Mr. Shamsuddin said that the authorities could no longer crack down in the same way.

“Now, all the guys you arrested 10 years ago are being released into the open,” he said, “and they are healthier and stronger than before, and it’s come at a time when the police are stretched and Brexit is destroying the country.”

Many of the senior activists of the network who are now regrouping were monitored under the government’s Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Act of 2011. That legislation provides the framework for a program that restricts the movements of individuals suspected of involvement in terrorism-related activities, through the use of electronic tags and overnight house arrest.

A neighborhood in Luton, north of London. According to former members of Al Muhajiroun, the town is one of the areas in which the network co-founded by Mr. Choudary is regrouping.CreditAndrew Testa for The New York Times

Some, however, said that being placed under the program’s restrictions had been more like a long vacation.

“It was amazing,” said a man who was subjected to the restrictions, flashing a picture of a brick property with a garden. “I was placed in a four-bedroom house by myself in the nicest part of Ipswich,” a town in eastern England.

“If anything, I got a good rest after years of hard work, got my energy back,” he said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was not legally allowed to talk about the program. “They spent all that money to achieve what in the end? I’m back on Twitter, back on Facebook, back with my brothers. I’m back in society, doing my thing.”

Some activists in the network denied that Mr. Choudary had encouraged acts of terrorism, claiming that he had directed their energy into an ideological struggle, not a violent one.

“The British government made a big mistake by putting Anjem in jail,” said Abdulla Muhid, a 42-year-old former member of Al Muhajiroun. “He believes in the covenant of security and was able to control the youth as they were getting their education from a learned person. Now, everyone is freelancing, getting radicalized through the internet.”

It is not clear how many activists belong to the network formerly known as Al Muhajiroun. Even during the group’s peak years in the late 1990s to early 2000s, it never had more than 200 dedicated members, according to Mr. Kenney of the University of Pittsburgh.

It is also unclear whether Mr. Choudary will reassert his leadership when his license conditions end in 2021. There have been group members who have challenged his leadership in the past, and some of those who are still active in the network suggested that he had been replaced. Still, many said that they were eagerly awaiting his return.

“People are waiting for Anjem to come out; they are waiting for that spark,” the activist who recently emerged from the restriction program said.

“These monitoring programs will do one of two things to you,” he added. “Either they will break you or make you hard-core. For me, I’m now rested and feeling more hard-core. I’m ready.”

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2019-05-18 07:35:28Z

Jumat, 17 Mei 2019

UK Brexit compromise talks break down | TheHill - The Hill

Talks between the United Kingdom's Conservative and Labour parties have ended with no deal for the country to amicably leave the European Union after weeks of negotiations, party leaders announced Friday.

The Associated Press reported that Prime Minister Theresa MayTheresa Mary MayTrump takes flak for not joining anti-extremism pact British daytime talk show canceled after guest death Trump's global economic miscalculation may cost him in 2020 MORE blamed Labour's internal divisions over the issue as a key reason for the talks' failure, pointing to members of the party who would prefer the party seek a second referendum on whether to leave the EU over a deal to successfully do so.


“In particular, we have not been able to overcome the fact that there isn’t a common position in Labour about whether they want to deliver Brexit or hold a second referendum, which could reverse it,” she said.

But Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn pointed to May's own coalition, which has been battered by the resignation of top advisers in recent months and reports indicating that May herself might step down within weeks, as the culprit behind the inability of the government and the opposition to reach an agreement.

The talks with May, Corbyn said, have “gone as far as they can.”

“We have been unable to bridge important policy gaps between us,” he wrote in a letter to May that the party later released, according to the AP.

In a statement Friday, May said that lawmakers in the U.K. now faced a choice: Deliver her plan for Brexit or deliver uncertainty and economic hardship for British citizens.

Lawmakers “will be faced with a stark choice: that is to vote to ... deliver Brexit, or to shy away again from delivering Brexit with all the uncertainty that that would leave,” she said, according to the AP.

The British Parliament voted earlier this year to extend the country's deadline for leaving the EU without a deal to October after it looked unlikely for a deal to be reached by the original March 5 deadline.

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2019-05-17 14:17:18Z

UK to scrap passenger landing cards - BBC News

All landing cards for international passengers arriving in the UK will be scrapped from Monday.

Landing cards are currently filled in by passengers arriving by air or sea from outside the European Economic Area.

Border Force director general Paul Lincoln, in a letter to staff, said it would "help meet the challenge of growing passenger numbers".

But unions warned it risked weakening immigration controls.

Around 16 million landing cards are issued every year and they are used to record what is said to border staff on arrival, as well as the reasons for travel and conditions of entry.

The Home Office had agreed to scrap them for seven countries, including the US and Australia, from June, but has now decided to go further.

'Only record'

A document from officials to Border Force staff, seen by the BBC, says much of the data collected by paper landing cards will soon be available digitally.

It adds that the withdrawal of the cards will enable staff to "focus more on your interaction with passengers".

But Immigration Service Union general secretary, Lucy Moreton, accused the Home Office of "ignoring" warnings from experienced staff as to the longer-term impact of getting rid of landing cards.

She said that the union had been assured that scrapping them would not happen until new technology was in place to record international arrivals.

"Although in most cases landing cards are retained for purely statistical reasons they do contain the only record of what was said to an officer on arrival," she said.

In his letter, Mr Lincoln said he recognised concerns about the scheme.

But he added: "These changes will enable frontline officers to focus their skills and time on border security issues and on cohorts who present the greatest risk of immigration abuse."

The decision to scrap landing cards comes after the government announced it was extending the use of e-gates at UK borders to citizens of the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Singapore and South Korea.

Currently the gates, which scan e-passports, are reserved for European Economic Area citizens.

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2019-05-17 11:07:49Z

UK to scrap passenger landing cards - BBC News

All landing cards for international passengers arriving in the UK will be scrapped from Monday.

Landing cards are currently filled in by passengers arriving by air or sea from outside the European Economic Area.

Border Force director general Paul Lincoln, in a letter to staff, said it would "help meet the challenge of growing passenger numbers".

But unions warned it risked weakening immigration controls.

Around 16 million landing cards are issued every year and they are used to record what is said to border staff on arrival, as well as the reasons for travel and conditions of entry.

The Home Office had agreed to scrap them for seven countries, including the US and Australia, from June, but has now decided to go further.

'Only record'

A document from officials to Border Force staff, seen by the BBC, says much of the data collected by paper landing cards will soon be available digitally.

It adds that the withdrawal of the cards will enable staff to "focus more on your interaction with passengers".

But Immigration Service Union general secretary, Lucy Moreton, accused the Home Office of "ignoring" warnings from experienced staff as to the longer-term impact of getting rid of landing cards.

She said that the union had been assured that scrapping them would not happen until new technology was in place to record international arrivals.

"Although in most cases landing cards are retained for purely statistical reasons they do contain the only record of what was said to an officer on arrival," she said.

In his letter, Mr Lincoln said he recognised concerns about the scheme.

But he added: "These changes will enable frontline officers to focus their skills and time on border security issues and on cohorts who present the greatest risk of immigration abuse."

The decision to scrap landing cards comes after the government announced it was extending the use of e-gates at UK borders to citizens of the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Singapore and South Korea.

Currently the gates, which scan e-passports, are reserved for European Economic Area citizens.

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2019-05-17 10:36:59Z

UK to scrap passenger landing cards - BBC News

All landing cards for international passengers arriving in the UK will be scrapped from Monday.

Landing cards are currently filled in by passengers arriving by air or sea from outside the European Economic Area.

Border Force director general Paul Lincoln, in a letter to staff, said it would "help meet the challenge of growing passenger numbers".

But unions warned it risked weakening immigration controls.

Around 16 million landing cards are issued every year and they are used to record what is said to border staff on arrival, as well as the reasons for travel and conditions of entry.

The Home Office had agreed to scrap them for seven countries, including the US and Australia, from June, but has now decided to go further.

'Only record'

A document from officials to Border Force staff, seen by the BBC, says much of the data collected by paper landing cards will soon be available digitally.

It adds that the withdrawal of the cards will enable staff to "focus more on your interaction with passengers".

But Immigration Service Union general secretary, Lucy Moreton, accused the Home Office of "ignoring" warnings from experienced staff as to the longer-term impact of getting rid of landing cards.

She said that the union had been assured that scrapping them would not happen until new technology was in place to record international arrivals.

"Although in most cases landing cards are retained for purely statistical reasons they do contain the only record of what was said to an officer on arrival," she said.

In his letter, Mr Lincoln said he recognised concerns about the scheme.

But he added: "These changes will enable frontline officers to focus their skills and time on border security issues and on cohorts who present the greatest risk of immigration abuse."

The decision to scrap landing cards comes after the government announced it was extending the use of e-gates at UK borders to citizens of the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Singapore and South Korea.

Currently the gates, which scan e-passports, are reserved for European Economic Area citizens.

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2019-05-17 10:15:32Z

Sterling falls as Brexit talks between the UK's two main parties collapse - CNBC

Prime Minister Theresa May and opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn during the State Opening of Parliament on June 21, 2017 in London, United Kingdom.

Stefan Wermuth | WPA Pool | Getty Image

Hopes that the U.K.'s two largest political parties can hash out a Brexit agreement have ended.

Six weeks of talks between the most senior lawmakers from the ruling Conservative Party and main opposition Labour party have ended with no deal. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn wrote in a letter to Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday that talks had "gone as far as they can go" and his party will now oppose her Brexit proposal.

Corbyn added that the lack of support behind May and the likelihood that she will soon be replaced as prime minister had undermined talks.

"The increasing weakness and instability of your government means there cannot be confidence in securing whatever might be agreed between us," he said.

As skepticism grew over a cross-party deal, the pound has embarked on nine straight sessions of losses versus the euro, marking the longest unbroken run of losses this century. Versus the dollar it dipped to $1.2760 on Friday, marking a four-month low. This after almost reaching $1.34 as recently as March.

It is now expected that the U.K. government will put various options, known as indicative votes, to Parliament instead. The last time lawmakers in the lower house of Parliament — the House of Commons — held such a series of votes on Brexit there was no majority preference for any outcome.

According to ITV's political editor, a document shows that Prime Minister Theresa May will hold these indicative votes next week, before the EU parliamentary elections.

One of the motions that the government would reportedly like to put to a vote would ask members to agree that any deal should not be subject to a second Brexit referendum.

Speaking on BBC Radio Friday, the chair of a cross-party committee designed to probe the Brexit process said a failure of talks meant a second vote would be more likely.

"There are only two ways out of the Brexit crisis that we've got: Either parliament agrees a deal, or we go back to the British people and ask them to make the choice," Hilary Benn said.

"This brings the prospect of a confirmatory referendum closer, although there's not yet a majority for that in parliament," he added.

May's attempts to agree a deal with Labour appears to have been the final straw for lawmakers within her own party who are demanding that she spell out her resignation date.

On Thursday, May met with a powerful committee of MPs (Member of Parliament) within her own party, with reports suggesting that she has been told to depart by June 30 at the latest.

May must have passed her withdrawal deal before this date in order avoid British members of the European Parliament  taking up their seats.So far she has failed on three attempts to get a majority of lawmakers to back her deal.

A large number of Conservative candidates are in the race to be the next U.K. leader but bookmakers put the former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson as favorite. Johnson confirmed his candidacy on Thursday.

Johnson, a supporter of Brexit, has been hugely critical of May's attempts to agree a deal and has said that Britain has "nothing to fear" from leaving the trading bloc.

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2019-05-17 09:47:42Z

UK to scrap passenger landing cards - BBC News

All landing cards for international passengers arriving in the UK will be scrapped from Monday.

Landing cards are currently filled in by passengers arriving by air or sea from outside the European Economic Area.

Border Force director general Paul Lincoln, in a letter to staff, said it would "help meet the challenge of growing passenger numbers".

But unions warned it risked weakening immigration controls.

Around 16 million landing cards are issued every year and they are used to record what is said to border staff on arrival, as well as the reasons for travel and conditions of entry.

The Home Office had agreed to scrap them for seven countries, including the US and Australia, from June, but has now decided to go further.

'Only record'

A document from officials to Border Force staff, seen by the BBC, says much of the data collected by paper landing cards will soon be available digitally.

It adds that the withdrawal of the cards will enable staff to "focus more on your interaction with passengers".

But Immigration Service Union general secretary, Lucy Moreton, accused the Home Office of "ignoring" warnings from experienced staff as to the longer-term impact of getting rid of landing cards.

She said that the union had been assured that scrapping them would not happen until new technology was in place to record international arrivals.

"Although in most cases landing cards are retained for purely statistical reasons they do contain the only record of what was said to an officer on arrival," she said.

In his letter, Mr Lincoln said he recognised concerns about the scheme.

But he added: "These changes will enable frontline officers to focus their skills and time on border security issues and on cohorts who present the greatest risk of immigration abuse."

The decision to scrap landing cards comes after the government announced it was extending the use of e-gates at UK borders to citizens of the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Singapore and South Korea.

Currently the gates, which scan e-passports, are reserved for European Economic Area citizens.

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2019-05-17 08:29:03Z