Rabu, 03 April 2019

UK Brexit chief says May not offering a blank check in talks - go.com

Prime Minister Theresa May and the leader of Britain's main opposition party were meeting Wednesday for talks on ending the impasse over the country's departure from the European Union — a surprise about-face that left pro-Brexit members of May's Conservative Party howling with outrage.

After failing three times to win Parliament's backing for her Brexit blueprint, May dramatically changed gear Tuesday, saying she would seek to delay Brexit — again — and hold talks with Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn to seek a compromise.

"The country needs a solution, the country deserves a solution, and that's what I'm working to find," May told lawmakers on Wednesday.

Corbyn said he welcomed May's "willingness to compromise to resolve the Brexit deadlock" and looked forward to talks with her.

May's bid for cross-party talks — after almost three years of seeking to push through her own version of Brexit — came amid EU warnings that a damaging no-deal Brexit is growing more likely by the day.

After British lawmakers three times rejected an agreement struck between the bloc and May late last year, the leaders of the EU's 27 remaining countries postponed the original March 29 Brexit date and gave the U.K. until April 12 approve the divorce deal or come up with a new plan.

So far the House of Commons has failed to find a majority for any alternative plan.

"A no deal on 12 April at midnight looks more and more likely," European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said Wednesday, adding that would bring disruption for EU citizens and businesses, but much worse damage economic for Britain.

EU Economy Commissioner Pierre Moscovici said a no-deal Brexit would mean long lines at borders and paperwork headaches for customs checks as Britain became separate from the EU overnight.

"I prefer strict controls at the price of a few lines of trucks to a health crisis or illegal trafficking," he said. "The security of Europeans will be our top priority."

Juncker said if Britain approved the Brexit divorce deal by April 12, Britain could have a short extension until May 22 to prepare for an orderly departure. After that, he said, a short delay to Brexit would no longer be possible.

May's pivot toward Labour points Britain toward a softer Brexit than the one she has championed since British voters decided in June 2016 to leave the EU. Labour wants the U.K. to remain in a customs union with the bloc to ensure frictionless trade. May has always ruled that out, saying it would limit Britain's ability to forge an independent trade policy.

Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay said the "remorseless logic" of Parliament's failure to back the prime minister's deal was that the country was heading toward a softer form of Brexit.

May's decision to negotiate with Corbyn is risky for both the Conservatives and Labour, and could widen divisions over Brexit that run through both parties.

Labour is formally committed to enacting voters' decision to leave the EU, but many of the party's lawmakers want a new referendum on Brexit that could keep Britain in the bloc. They will be angry if the party actively helps bring about Brexit.

The Conservatives are even more bitterly split between those who want to keep close economic ties with the EU and Brexiteers who say Britain must make a clean break in order to take control of its laws and trade policy.

The Brexit-backers condemned May's shift. Former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said Brexit "is becoming soft to the point of disintegration." Ex-Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith said he was "absolutely appalled" by May's talks with Corbyn.

Junior Wales Minister Nigel Adams of the Conservative party quit his post, sending the prime minister a letter criticizing her for seeking a deal with "a Marxist who has never once in his political life out British interests first" — a reference to the left-wing Corbyn.

"It is clear we will now end up in the customs union. That is not the Brexit my constituents were promised," Adams wrote.

Meanwhile, pro-EU lawmakers are not banking on talks between May and Corbyn succeeding. A group of legislators intent on avoiding a no-deal Brexit are trying to ensure that Britain cannot crash out of the EU, either by accident or by design.

A bill scheduled for debate Wednesday would compel May to seek to extend the Brexit process beyond April 12 in order to prevent a no-deal departure. Its backers hope to push the bill through into law before May attends an April 10 summit in Brussels where EU leaders expect to hear details of Britain's new Brexit plan.

EU leaders have given a cautious welcome to May's attempt at rapprochement.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said "there is no Plan B" with a majority in Britain's Parliament.

"Let's keep our fingers crossed for Theresa May in her efforts," he said in Vienna.

Britain's televised political melodrama over Brexit — with its weeks of passionate debates, narrow votes and seemingly endless crises — has left EU leaders exasperated, but also fascinated.

The European Union's Brexit coordinator, Guy Verhofstadt, joked that "the sessions in the House of Commons have become more popular than the matches in the Premier League."

"The trouble is that it is always a draw in the House of Commons," he said.


Raf Casert in Brussels and Geir Moulson in Berlin contributed to this story.


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2019-04-03 11:48:45Z

Brexit: Theresa May to meet Jeremy Corbyn to tackle deadlock - BBC News

All MPs have a responsibility to deliver Brexit, Theresa May has said, responding to criticism from her own MPs over talks with Jeremy Corbyn.

The PM said the public "expect us to reach across this house to find a way through this".

Mr Corbyn said he welcomed the PM's "willingness to compromise to resolve the Brexit deadlock".

The PM's move to hold talks has angered some Brexiteers, with Wales Minister Nigel Adams resigning his role.

In his resignation letter, Mr Adams said the government was at risk of failing to deliver "the Brexit people voted for".

The PM is also due to meet Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford.

Ms Sturgeon has called for a long extension to work out the way forward - and a public vote on any deal - and Mr Drakeford has said he wants to argue for a closer long-term economic relationship with the EU.

At Prime Minister's Questions, Mrs May drew criticism from some Tory MPs over her planned talks with the Labour leader.

She said "every member of this house is involved in Brexit", adding: "I want to deliver Brexit, I want to deliver it in an orderly way, I want to do it as soon as possible... to do that have to get an agreement through the house."

Mrs May stressed that MPs had "rejected every proposal so far".

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She said there were a "number of areas" she agreed with Mr Corbyn on in relation to Brexit, including ending free movement.

Mr Corbyn said he welcomed the prime minister's "willingness to compromise to resolve the Brexit deadlock" and was looking forward to meeting her later on Wednesday.

But he added: "Let's work to resolve Brexit deadlock, but unless this government tackles insecure work, low pay… this government will be marked down for what it is - a failure in the eyes of the people in the country."

The BBC's Laura Kuenssberg said she has seen a motion that would censure the prime minister and other government ministers for their handling of Brexit, saying this is a "taster of the anger around".

Following the PM's announcement on Tuesday, prominent Brexiteer Boris Johnson accused Mrs May of "entrusting the final handling of Brexit to Labour".

Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith also criticised the move.

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But Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay blamed hard Brexiteers in the ERG who refused to back the PM's deal.

He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the alternative to the PM's deal was to seek votes from the opposition benches "because 35 of my own colleagues would not support the prime minister's deal".

He said the consequence of MPs not passing the PM's deal was either a "soft Brexit or no Brexit at all".

Mr Barclay said the EU has said the withdrawal agreement is the only deal available, adding that Labour had expressed more concern about the future relationship - which is contained within the separate political declaration.

The withdrawal agreement includes how much money the UK must pay to the EU as a settlement, details of the transition period, and citizens' rights - as well as the controversial Irish backstop that aims to avoid a hard border on the island of Ireland.

The political declaration sets out proposals for how the UK's long term future relationship with the EU will work after Brexit.

The BBC's Laura Kuenssberg said there was not much difference between the government's version of Brexit and Labour's version - but there did not seem to be "an enormous amount of confidence" a political consensus could be reached from either party.

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Ms Sturgeon has urged Mr Corbyn to be "very, very wary" over reaching a Brexit agreement with the prime minister, warning that anything agreed could by unpicked by Mrs May's successor.

She told the BBC: "We all have to be cautious that we are not falling into a trap by a prime minister who is desperate to get her withdrawal agreement almost at any cost."

It comes after Mrs May had more than seven hours of talks with her cabinet on Tuesday.

Laura Kuenssberg said there was "rage and dispute" in the cabinet meeting, with "wildly varying accounts" of how many people were for and against different versions of Brexit extensions.

Labour has previously said it has five tests for judging any final Brexit deal, including protecting workers' rights, establishing a permanent customs union with the EU and securing the same benefits of being in the single market the UK has currently.

Later in Parliament

Meanwhile, a cross-party group of MPs will attempt to push through legislation to stop a no-deal Brexit.

If passed into law, the bill - presented by Labour MP Yvette Cooper - would require the PM to ask for an extension of Article 50.

House of Commons: Wednesday's approx timings for cross-party bill

14:00 BST - Debate on a bill designed to ensure the government seeks a delay to Article 50 and stop no deal in law due to begin

19:00 - A second reading vote on the bill

22:00 - Committee stage starts (this stage usually starts within a couple of weeks of a bill's second reading) and finally third reading vote

Thursday - Bill is expected to be considered by the House of Lords

The UK has until 12 April to propose a plan to the EU - which must be accepted by the bloc - or it will leave without a deal on that date.

Mrs May said she wanted to agree a new plan with Mr Corbyn and put it to a vote in the Commons before 10 April - when the EU will hold an emergency summit on Brexit.

She insisted her withdrawal agreement - which was voted down last week - would remain part of the deal.

If there is no agreement, Mrs May said a number of options would be put to MPs "to determine which course to pursue".

In either event, Mrs May said she would ask the EU for a further short extension to hopefully get an agreement passed by Parliament before 22 May, so the UK does not have to take part in European elections.

What has been the reaction to the PM's offer?

  • European Parliament Brexit co-ordinator Guy Verhofstadt tweeted: "Good that PM Theresa May is looking for a cross-party compromise. Better late than never."
  • President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, called for patience.
  • The DUP's chief whip Sir Jeffrey Donaldson told BBC Radio Ulster that regardless of what emerges in the coming days, the party's stance on the union was "un-persuadable".

She was for budging. The prime minister has made her priority leaving the EU with a deal, rather than the happy contentment of the Brexiteers in the Tory party.

For so long, Theresa May has been derided by her rivals, inside and outside, for cleaving to the idea that she can get the country and her party through this process intact.

But after her deal was defeated at the hands of Eurosceptics, in the words of one cabinet minister in the room during Tuesday's marathon session, she tried delivering Brexit with Tory votes - Tory Brexiteers said "No".

Now she's going to try to deliver Brexit with Labour votes. In a way, it is as simple as that.

Read Laura's full blog here

  • Wednesday 3 April: Theresa May likely to begin talks with Jeremy Corbyn; cross-party group attempts to rule out no-deal in law
  • Wednesday 10 April: Emergency summit of EU leaders to consider any UK request for further extension
  • Friday 12 April: Brexit day, if UK does not seek / EU does not grant further delay
  • 23-26 May: European Parliamentary elections

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2019-04-03 11:37:44Z

Brexit: May expected to meet Corbyn to tackle deadlock - BBC News

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Theresa May is expected to meet Jeremy Corbyn later after she said she wanted to work with the Labour leader to break the Brexit deadlock.

The prime minister hopes the two of them can come up with a modified version of her deal with the EU that can secure the backing of MPs.

Mr Corbyn says he wants a customs union and workers' rights to be priorities.

But Tory Brexiteer Boris Johnson has accused Mrs May of "entrusting the final handling of Brexit to Labour".

Jacob Rees-Mogg, another prominent Brexiteer, described the offer as "deeply unsatisfactory" and accused Mrs May of planning to collaborate with "a known Marxist".

Mrs May announced her plan to meet Mr Corbyn - as well as her intention to ask the EU for an extension to the Brexit deadline - after more than seven hours of talks with her cabinet on Tuesday.

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg says the latest move means the prime minister is likely to adopt a closer relationship with the EU - a softer Brexit - than she has agreed so far.

Mr Corbyn said he was "very happy" to meet Mrs May and recognised his own "responsibility" to try to break the deadlock.

But the meeting is not expected to take place before this afternoon, at the earliest, says our political editor, who was told by Mr Corbyn's team that he was not available on Wednesday morning for talks with the PM.

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Meanwhile, a cross-party group of MPs will attempt to push through legislation to stop a no-deal Brexit.

If passed into law, the bill - presented by Labour MP Yvette Cooper - would require the PM to ask for an extension of Article 50 beyond that deadline.

The UK was supposed to leave the EU on 29 March, but Mrs May agreed a short extension after MPs refused to endorse her withdrawal deal.

Attempts by MPs to find an alternative way out of the impasse also failed for the second time this week.

The UK now has until 12 April to propose a plan to the EU - which must be accepted by the bloc - or it will leave without a deal on that date.

Mrs May said she wanted to agree a new plan with Mr Corbyn on the future relationship with the EU and put it to a vote in the Commons before 10 April - when the EU will hold an emergency summit on Brexit.

She insisted her withdrawal agreement - which was voted down last week - would remain part of the deal.

If the two leaders do not agree a single way forward, Mrs May said a number of options would be put to MPs "to determine which course to pursue".

In either event, she said she would ask the EU for a further short extension to the Brexit date to hopefully get an agreement passed by Parliament before 22 May so the UK does not have to take part in European elections.

The final decision on a delay rests with the EU. The BBC's Europe editor Katya Adler said that its demands had not changed and it was "likely to put strict conditions on any further extension".

European Parliament Brexit co-ordinator Guy Verhofstadt, who has previously said he thought a no-deal Brexit was "nearly inevitable", welcomed Mrs May's offer of talks with Mr Corbyn.

"Good that PM Theresa may is looking for a cross-party compromise. Better late than never," he tweeted.

She was for budging. The prime minister has made her priority leaving the EU with a deal, rather than the happy contentment of the Brexiteers in the Tory party.

For so long, Theresa May has been derided by her rivals, inside and outside, for cleaving to the idea that she can get the country and her party through this process intact.

But after her deal was defeated at the hands of Eurosceptics, in the words of one cabinet minister in the room during Tuesday's marathon session, she tried delivering Brexit with Tory votes - Tory Brexiteers said "No".

Now she's going to try to deliver Brexit with Labour votes. In a way, it is as simple as that.

Read Laura's full blog here

Labour has previously said it has six tests for judging any final Brexit deal, including protecting workers' rights, establishing a permanent customs union with the EU and securing the same benefits of being in the single market the UK has currently.

Shadow business secretary Rebecca Long-Bailey told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the two leaders must find common ground quickly.

She did not rule out a confirmatory public vote on any agreed deal, saying only that Labour was approaching the conversations with "an open mind".

Pressed on whether Labour would be looking to make changes to the Withdrawal Agreement, which the EU has said it was not willing to renegotiate, she said: "We need to examine all Parliamentary machinery."

Andrea Jenkyns, a member of the pro-Brexit European Research Group, said she did not believe Mr Corbyn would work with the prime minister on a revised deal.

"He just wants chaos and wants to get into Number 10," she told the Today programme.

Asked what she would do in the event of a vote of no confidence in Mrs May's leadership, Ms Jenkyns said: "That takes a lot of thinking about."

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Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party - which helps prop up Mrs May's government but has repeatedly voted against her deal - said: "It remains to be seen if sub-contracting out the future of Brexit to Jeremy Corbyn, someone whom the Conservatives have demonised for four years, will end happily."

However, Environment Secretary Michael Gove, himself a leading Brexiteer, said he backed the talks with Labour because he "wanted to ensure that minds are concentrated so that we do leave".

After Mrs May's statement, the president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, called for patience.

European leaders have been intensifying plans to cope with a possible no-deal, particularly surrounding the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

  • Wednesday 3 April: Theresa May likely to begin talks with Jeremy Corbyn; cross-party group attempts to rule out no-deal in law
  • Wednesday 10 April: Emergency summit of EU leaders to consider any UK request for further extension
  • Friday 12 April: Brexit day, if UK does not seek / EU does not grant further delay
  • 23-26 May: European Parliamentary elections

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2019-04-03 08:02:01Z

Selasa, 02 April 2019

Brexit leaves Ford at crossroads on long-term British plans - Reuters

HALFWEG, Netherlands (Reuters) - Ford is spending tens of millions of euros preparing for a possible British exit from the European Union without a trade deal and has yet to decide on its longer-term plans for Britain, Ford Europe chairman Steven Armstrong said on Tuesday.

FILE PHOTO: The Ford logo is seen at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan, U.S., January 15, 2019. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid/File Photo

“We love being in Britain, but it has to be competitive and if it’s not competitive then we’ll have to take whatever actions we’ll need to take to protect the business,” Armstrong told Reuters at an event in the Netherlands.

Ford, which makes 1.3 million engines at two British locations, Bridgend and Dagenham, and cars in Germany, has warned it could face $1 billion in tariff costs in case of a so-called hard Brexit.

While the company has announced 5,000 job cuts in Germany, its second-biggest European market, it has yet to make major decisions in Britain, which is its biggest.

Armstrong said Ford was already spending tens of millions on euros on measures such as currency hedges and shifting inventory between countries. He said the best case scenario was that money spent preparing for Brexit would be “wasted”.

Britain’s departure from the EU has been pushed back from March 29 until at least April 12 or potentially much later, ruining some of the contingency plans of certain carmakers.

BMW’s Mini plant in Britain is closing for four weeks and Peugeot’s Vauxhall car factory for two weeks in moves planned months ago to help deal with any disruption from Brexit.

“We’ve been clear with the government in the UK and also in Brussels, we have to maintain frictionless trade at the borders and tariff-free trade,” said Armstrong.


Britain’s largely foreign-owned car industry has become increasingly incredulous as a stable and attractive investment environment descends into deep political crisis.

Ford’s British-built engines, which are shipped for fitting in vehicles in Germany, Turkey, the United States and elsewhere, could face delays and extra costs from a no-deal Brexit.

“We’ve spent the last 40 years putting a business together that relies on cross-border trading,” said Armstrong, who is overseeing an overhaul of Ford in Europe to refocus on its strong position in commercial vehicles and on popular European lines such as Fiesta, Britain’s top-selling passenger car.

“We can’t radically reshape on day one so you’d have to live with (tariffs) for a period of time,” he said.

Armstrong said Ford has hedged against the possibility of a sharp fall in the value of the pound through the end of 2019, while stockpiling inventory would help bridge a one or two month period of potential chaos around Brexit.

“But it’s impossible really to mitigate the financial impact in the longer term of no-deal,” he said. Ford could try to pass on higher tariff costs, but that would be difficult in Britain, where a recession would mean falling sales, he added.

“We haven’t really factored in completely the negative shock. There are a number of things that we would try to do but the reality is ... it would impact the whole of industry, not just Ford,” Armstrong said.

Reporting by Toby Sterling. Editing by Jane Merriman and Alexander Smith

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2019-04-02 17:32:27Z

Protesters Bare Almost All to U.K. Parliament, Which Can’t Look Away - The New York Times

LONDON — British lawmakers endure a lot of distractions when they speak in the unruly Parliament, where their colleagues jeer, wave papers and stop them to pose questions. But one lawmaker faced a very different, harder-to-ignore sort of interruption on Monday.

Protesters stripped nearly naked in the public gallery, proclaiming that climate change, not the stalemate over Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, was the real emergency facing the country.

“I encourage everybody to look in this direction rather than another direction,” said Peter Kyle, the Labour lawmaker who was trying in vain to hold the room’s attention as he presented a motion for a second referendum on Britain’s departure, the process known as Brexit.

[Read more about Monday’s debate.]

To his disappointment, most of the people in the elegant, wood-paneled chamber gazed upward, at the spectacle in the visitors’ gallery. There, a dozen men and women, all with messages scrawled on their bodies, stood in a row, turning their backsides to the protective glass barrier separating the public from the House of Commons, in full sight of sitting lawmakers.

Some lawmakers took out phones and snapped pictures. Others sighed or gasped in dismay.

One lawmaker, Nick Boles, said: “Mr. Speaker it has long been a thoroughly British trait to be able to ignore pointless nakedness, and I trust that the House will now be able to return to the issue that we are discussing.”

On Twitter, Extinction Rebellion, the protest group that organized the demonstration, posted images from the gallery, and several members of Parliament posted photographs of scene taken from their vantage points.

Many on Twitter and in the news media highlighted the reaction of Ed Miliband, a former Labour leader, whose eyes appeared to pop at the sight of the protest.

Protesters stripped down in Britain’s Parliament on Monday to divert attention from the Brexit debate to climate change. Lawmakers continued on, including some double entendres in their speeches.CreditCreditDan Kitwood/Getty Images

In the chamber, Mr. Kyle soldiered on, apparently struggling to keep his composure. With classic British understatement, the closest he got to acknowledging what was happening above was a reference to “the peripheral vision that was tempting my eyes elsewhere.”

“I congratulate him on speaking in the way that he is, notwithstanding some other stuff that may be going on,” Anna Soubry, a proponent of a second referendum, said when she took the floor. She added with a smile that it was important that everyone support Mr. Kyle’s motion, “and doesn’t get distracted by anything else.”

In a nation where “bottom” is a semi-naughty word and a staple of juvenile humor, Mr. Kyle said, “the bottom line is,” drawing laughter and cheers.

For most of its history, the chamber had no physical barrier between lawmakers and observers. In 1978, a visitor threw horse manure over the railing.

Parliament installed the bulletproof glass in 2004, citing the threat of terrorism, but the change divided the house, with some members seeing it as an unnecessary barrier between Parliament and the public. Soon after, protesters still managed to hurl purple flour at Prime Minister Tony Blair from a side gallery.

The incident on Monday will not help the reputations of Britain’s Parliament and democracy, which have been battered by the fighting over Brexit — not only between the major parties but within them — and lawmakers’ inability to agree on any way forward, despite a looming deadline.

The police struggled to clear the gallery, where at least one protester had been glued to the glass. They arrested 12 people on accusations of outraging public decency.

On the house floor, the debate — and the double-entendre — continued.

That was not enough for Extinction Rebellion, which organized the protest.

“It seems like that some of the MPs in the UK are more interested in making lewd innuendos than acting on global heating and ecological collapse,” the group wrote on Twitter.

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2019-04-02 13:04:09Z

Protesters Bare Almost All to U.K. Parliament, Which Can’t Look Away - The New York Times

LONDON — British lawmakers endure a lot of distractions when they speak in the unruly Parliament, where their colleagues jeer, wave papers and stop them to pose questions. But one lawmaker faced a very different, harder-to-ignore sort of interruption on Monday.

Protesters stripped nearly naked in the public gallery, proclaiming that climate change, not the stalemate over Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, was the real emergency facing the country.

“I encourage everybody to look in this direction rather than another direction,” said Peter Kyle, the Labour lawmaker who was trying in vain to hold the room’s attention as he presented a motion for a second referendum on Britain’s departure, the process known as Brexit.

[Read more about Monday’s debate.]

To his disappointment, most of the people in the elegant, wood-paneled chamber gazed upward, at the spectacle in the visitors’ gallery. There, a dozen men and women, all with messages scrawled on their bodies, stood in a row, turning their backsides to the protective glass barrier separating the public from the House of Commons, in full sight of sitting lawmakers.

Some lawmakers took out phones and snapped pictures. Others sighed or gasped in dismay.

One lawmaker, Nick Boles, said: “Mr. Speaker it has long been a thoroughly British trait to be able to ignore pointless nakedness, and I trust that the House will now be able to return to the issue that we are discussing.”

On Twitter, Extinction Rebellion, the protest group that organized the demonstration, posted images from the gallery, and several members of Parliament posted photographs of scene taken from their vantage points.

Many on Twitter and in the news media highlighted the reaction of Ed Miliband, a former Labour leader, whose eyes appeared to pop at the sight of the protest.

Protesters stripped down in Britain’s Parliament on Monday to divert attention from the Brexit debate to climate change. Lawmakers continued on, including some double entendres in their speeches.CreditCreditDan Kitwood/Getty Images

In the chamber, Mr. Kyle soldiered on, apparently struggling to keep his composure. With classic British understatement, the closest he got to acknowledging what was happening above was a reference to “the peripheral vision that was tempting my eyes elsewhere.”

“I congratulate him on speaking in the way that he is, notwithstanding some other stuff that may be going on,” Anna Soubry, a proponent of a second referendum, said when she took the floor. She added with a smile that it was important that everyone support Mr. Kyle’s motion, “and doesn’t get distracted by anything else.”

In a nation where “bottom” is a semi-naughty word and a staple of juvenile humor, Mr. Kyle said, “the bottom line is,” drawing laughter and cheers.

For most of its history, the chamber had no physical barrier between lawmakers and observers. In 1978, a visitor threw horse manure over the railing.

Parliament installed the bulletproof glass in 2004, citing the threat of terrorism, but the change divided the house, with some members seeing it as an unnecessary barrier between Parliament and the public. Soon after, protesters still managed to hurl purple flour at Prime Minister Tony Blair from a side gallery.

The incident on Monday will not help the reputations of Britain’s Parliament and democracy, which have been battered by the fighting over Brexit — not only between the major parties but within them — and lawmakers’ inability to agree on any way forward, despite a looming deadline.

The police struggled to clear the gallery, where at least one protester had been glued to the glass. They arrested 12 people on accusations of outraging public decency.

On the house floor, the debate — and the double-entendre — continued.

That was not enough for Extinction Rebellion, which organized the protest.

“It seems like that some of the MPs in the UK are more interested in making lewd innuendos than acting on global heating and ecological collapse,” the group wrote on Twitter.

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2019-04-02 13:03:48Z

Brexit: MPs push to prevent no-deal in law - BBC News

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A cross-party group of MPs has put forward a bill to prevent a no-deal Brexit in 10 days' time.

If passed into law, the bill would require the PM to ask for an extension of Article 50 - which mandates the UK's exit date from the EU - beyond the current 12 April deadline.

Labour MP Yvette Cooper presented the bill for debate on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the EU's chief negotiator has said a no-deal Brexit is now more likely but can still be avoided.

Michel Barnier said a long extension to the UK's 12 April exit date had "significant risks for the EU" and a "strong justification would be needed".

Tory MP Sir Oliver Letwin, who supports Ms Cooper's bill, said: "This is a last-ditch attempt to prevent our country being exposed to the risks inherent in a no-deal exit.

"We realise this is difficult. But it is definitely worth trying."

Ms Cooper said the UK was "in a very dangerous situation" and MPs "have a responsibility to make sure we don't end up with a catastrophic no deal".

Speaking to BBC Radio 4's World At One, she added: "We have been attempting to squeeze into just a couple of days a process that really should have been happening for the last two years - a process of trying to build a consensus around the best way forward.

"It is what the prime minister should be doing. It is the prime minister's responsibility to ensure we don't leave the country less safe."

In March, MPs voted against leaving the EU without a deal, but it was not legally-binding.

Why is this bill unusual?

Normally the government chooses which bills to present to Parliament in order for them to become law.

But - much to the government's disapproval - MPs voted to allow backbenchers to take charge of business in the Commons on Wednesday.

This gives backbenchers the opportunity to set aside more time on Thursday to pass the bill into law, as they will be in charge.

The bill would need to go through the usual process on Thursday before it becomes law - including being agreed by the House of Lords and receiving Royal Assent.

Brexiteer Tory Sir Bill Cash said trying to go through these stages in one day made it a "reprehensible procedure".

But Speaker John Bercow said that, while it was "an unusual state of affairs", it was "not as unprecedented as he supposes" - citing recent bills on Northern Ireland that have been passed at the same speed.

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said a third set of so-called indicative votes could still take place alongside this process, but the focus of the cross-party group was now approving the bill - with the hope that it will pass on Thursday.

Elsewhere, the BBC's John Pienaar said Theresa May's cabinet has considered plans to "ramp up" no-deal Brexit preparations. A snap general election was also discussed.

In the latest round of indicative votes on Monday, MPs voted on four alternatives to the PM's withdrawal deal, but none gained a majority.

MPs rejected a customs union with the EU by three votes. A motion for another referendum got the most votes in favour, but still lost.

The votes were not legally binding, but they had been billed as the moment when Parliament might finally compromise.

Earlier, Mr Barnier said: "No deal was never our desire or intended scenario but the EU 27 is now prepared. It becomes day after day more likely."

He told the European Parliament's foreign affairs committee that "things are somewhat hanging on the decisions of the House of Commons", and that the deal was negotiated with the UK "not against the UK".

"If we are to avoid a no-deal Brexit, there is only one way forward - they have got to vote on a deal.

"There is only one treaty available - this one," he said, waving the withdrawal agreement.

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Mrs May's plan for the UK's departure has been rejected by MPs three times.

Last week, Parliament took control of the process away from the government in order to hold a series of votes designed to find an alternative way forward.

Eight options were put to MPs, but none was able to command a majority, and on Monday night, a whittled-down four were rejected too.

What next?

  • Tuesday 2 April: A five-hour cabinet meeting
  • Wednesday 3 April: Potentially another round of indicative votes, and Yvette Cooper's bill to be debated
  • Thursday 4 April: Theresa May could bring her withdrawal deal back to Parliament for a fourth vote, while MPs could also vote on Ms Cooper's bill
  • Wednesday 10 April: Emergency summit of EU leaders to consider any UK request for further extension
  • Friday 12 April: Brexit day, if UK does not seek / EU does not grant further delay
  • 23-26 May: European Parliamentary elections

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